Passover Lamb

Passover Lamb

Orthodoxy. Dictionary-reference book. 2014.

  • Lamb of God
  • Agraphs

See what “Easter Lamb” is in other dictionaries:

PASCHAL LAMB - the sacrificial animal of the Old Testament holiday of Passover (Exodus 12.3-28), for which a “sinless” one-year-old lamb (or kid) was chosen. Prepared a. n. completely, without crushing bones, on an open fire and before the coming of dawn, it was eaten “with ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

Passover Lamb - The Jewish Passover ritual consisted of the slaughter and eating of the Passover lamb. This sacred celebration was performed according to a special commandment of God on the eve of the final departure of the Jews from Egypt. By order of Moses, each family sacrificed the Passover... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Lamb - in Orthodox worship, bread prepared for consecration, or holy Bread, already consecrated at the liturgy. The comparison of Christ with a lamb (see Lamb of God), especially evident during the offering of the Eucharistic sacrifice, is found in the texts ... ... Orthodoxy. Dictionary-reference book

Lamb - (young lamb, young sheep) - one of the most common objects of sacrifice to God in the Old Testament. Abel was the first to sacrifice a lamb, and his sacrifice was pleasing to God (Gen. 4:4). Moses indicated a whole series of victims, for which... ... Complete Orthodox Theological Encyclopedic Dictionary

Lamb of God is a symbolic name given to our Lord Jesus Christ by Holy Scripture and Tradition. The Prophet Isaiah, predicting the redemptive torment of the Savior, says this about Him: like a sheep He was led to the slaughter, and like a lamb before its shearers, He is silent... ... Orthodoxy. Dictionary-reference book

LAMB - Proskomedia. Lambs prepared for the Proskomedia liturgy. Lambs prepared for the Orthodox liturgy. during divine services, bread prepared for consecration, or St. Bread already consecrated at the liturgy. Comparison of Christ with A. (see Lamb of God), ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

lamb - (Latin agnus - lamb), a common plot and symbolic motif in medieval and Renaissance art. In the Old Testament, a sacrifice to God is more often mentioned. Of particular importance was the Passover lamb, which, in memory of the finale of the Jews ... Art Encyclopedia

Lamb - Animal lamb (lamb, kid (Ex... Wikipedia

Easter Bunny - The Easter Bunny is a sign of fertility, and the Easter egg is a sign of life. The Easter Bunny (bunny) is an Easter sign in the culture of certain countries of Western Europe and ... Wikipedia

Passover lamb - ♦ (ENG Passover lamb) a lamb sacrificed during the Jewish Passover festivals (see Jewish Passover), and then eaten by believers as a solemn meal (Ex. 12:21; 2 Chron. 30:15,17; cf. Mark 14:12; Luke 22:7). In New... ...Westminster Dictionary of Theological Definitions

The sign of Easter is the Lamb, and at the same time there is a bunny here?!

The first week of Great Lent has passed, and Easter is just around the corner! Almost everyone prepares for this bright holiday in advance, so we would like to remind everyone who is going to celebrate it about the main signs of Easter and where the “Easter” bunny came from.

Easter is not just one of the Christian holidays, not a “celebration of spring,” but the very heart of all Christian dogma and faith - “holidays of holidays and the triumph of celebrations.” Therefore, it is separated from all other celebrations and its date is constantly different and is calculated according to the lunisolar calendar. Christianity, as the so-called Abrahamic monotheistic religion, has its roots in the Old Testament, which was the prototype of the New Testament with Christ. The Old Testament Easter (Passover) is the holiday of the deliverance of the people of Moses from Egyptian slavery, their finale from Egypt. In order for this finale (escape) to take place safely, the Angel of God warned the Israelites to anoint the doorposts of their homes with the sacrificial blood (internal environment of the body) of a lamb, which was specially baked with herbs and eaten in the evening. These acts became the prototype of the New Testament Passover. The lamb is the prototype of Christ, who offered Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of all the people of the earth, “ here is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world ,” the evening meal with the lamb is the prototype of the Secret Supper (Eucharist), the doorposts are anointed with sacrificial blood (the internal environment of the body) – the sacrament of communion, deliverance from Egyptian slavery - the deliverance of Christians through the sacrifice of Christ from the endless destruction of the soul and slavery to sins. Christ has risen and all who believe in Him will not have the loss of their souls forever. Therefore, the main sign of Easter is the Lamb! Christ himself is repeatedly called in the Holy Scriptures (symbolically, naturally) the Lamb (lamb). Therefore, since the lamb is the most gentle, non-aggressive creature, Jesus Himself also meekly and without resistance gave His life as a sacrifice of atonement: “Like a sheep led to the slaughter; and just as the Lamb is sinless, he who shears it is silent, so he does not open his own mouth; In His humility His tribunal will be taken. ” - these words are read before almost every Liturgy in churches. Likewise, a Christian is compared to a sheep (“snow-white and shaggy” - in other words, good and gentle)), and Christ is compared to a good Shepherd, Who gives life for His own sheep. Another argument for the fact that a lamb is a Christian sign and corresponds to the Easter holiday. Also (which is very important) in the Gospel there is a fairy tale, according to which, all saved souls will be on the right side of God, and the condemned will be on the left, the saved souls are called sheep there, and the condemned are goats (goats). (In this context, the well-known name-calling “goat” and “sheep” take on a completely different meaning!) By the way, the herd feeling is completely uncharacteristic of a real Christian, because followers of Christ are called to resist all evil - from the world, the devil and their own passions; any truly believer is called to be not a stupid, weak-willed creature floating with the flow, but the wisest warrior of Christ.

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Once we have sorted out the lamb and sheep, then where and why did the “Easter” bunny (hare) come from? Everything is simple, the new is the well-forgotten old. Painfully (an experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage), the Paschal Lamb, familiar to the Christian world, was forced to be prohibited from being used because of the so-called “lie of the Judaizers” - a call for Christians to return to the Old Testament (at the moment this is what Jehovah’s Eyewitnesses are doing). They tried not to use Jewish signs “for prevention”, so as not to assimilate with the Jews and the lamb began to be forgotten. And in its space they again placed the old pagan bunny (hare), a sign of Ostara, which has nothing to do with Christianity. Ostara or Eostra is a pagan German goddess (deity) of the dawn, regenerating life, fertility. Its celebration occurred on the spring solstice (mid-spring), which may from time to time coincide with the time of Easter. So, in some languages, Easter has a name derived from the name Eostre: Ostern - in German, Easter - in British. The signs of Ostara were the most fertile animals - hares, and the celebration of fertility was celebrated with orgies. Also, signs of Ostara were bird eggs, as an image of nascent life. With the advent of Christianity, pagan traditions were reinterpreted according to Christian symbolism. The egg, in addition to the legend about the reddened chicken testicle, a gift from St. Mary Magdalene to Emperor Tiberius, also symbolizes life in spite of death, beyond the grave. The chick hatches from a lifeless shell, just as Christ rose from the tomb. And the hare. never became a Christian prototype. Only in Western non-Orthodox countries, which celebrated Ostara in pagan times, did they try to somehow ineptly connect Easter eggs with a bunny, which for some reason carries them. In the classical Christian (Orthodox) understanding, the bunny and hare were a negative emblem of uncleanness, fornication and debauchery, the vice of lust. By the way, this awareness is widespread everywhere in the modern atheistic world - Playboy magazine, Pink Bunny sex shops, etc. Medieval engravings often depicted hares and hares as large, merciless beasts that would attack and kill humans.

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And these are not humorous drawings or fabulous huge animals, this is an allegory. The man who was killed by the hare meant that the man was overcome by the passion of fornication - he committed fornication, fell.

So what does the hare have to do with Christian Easter? Are we really going to decorate Easter cakes blessed in church with Playboy signs? Are we really going to put the signs of the pagan goddess of fornication next to the icons of the One who gave life in order to kill and atone for this sin? It is better to remember again about the white lamb, as a real sign of Christian Easter, and let the hares and bunnies remain for another time of the year, let the chickens lay Easter eggs. Wishing everyone a soul-saving Lent and a Happy upcoming Easter!

Cooking for Easter: a solemn lamb made from yeast dough and an Easter wreath

The main signs of Easter are known to all Orthodox Christians. But besides Easter cake, eggs and cottage cheese Easter, there are also additional ones, which, although not so important, can become a cute and pleasant decoration for the Easter week and the festive menu.

For example, a lamb made of dough, also known as a lamb, symbolizes the sacrifice of Christ, humility and meekness. The next sign - the Easter wreath - personifies spiritual rebirth and endless life. We offer recipes for such baking.

Lamb made from yeast dough - recipe


• yeast – 6 g dry;

• butter – 140 g;

• wheat flour – 1/2 cup;

• starch – 1/3 cup;

• shape in the shape of a lamb;

• multi-colored dragee, reddish satin ribbon.

Preparing the Easter Lamb baked goods

1. Let the butter sit at room temperature for about half an hour. Then beat it with a mixer, adding sugar. While mixing, add the eggs.

2. Separately mix all the bulk dough ingredients: flour, dry yeast, starch and vanillin. Add to the sugar-butter mixture and knead the dough, which is poured into the mold. Silicone molds in the shape of lambs are often found on sale; they come in various sizes, and purchasing these for your kitchen will not be difficult.

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3. Bake the lamb from yeast dough for about 40 minutes, oven degree – 180, the degree of readiness “will give a hint” to the old proven method - a match or a toothpick.

4. Remove the finished product and keep the lamb in the mold until it cools completely. Later we transfer it to a dish, you can lean the lamb on a wooden stand. Sprinkle with powder, place multi-colored dragees around, and decorate the lamb with a catchy ribbon.

If you couldn’t find a baking dish, you can see an option for making a flat lamb:

Easter wreath - recipe for making


• flour – 200 g and another 3 tbsp. l;

• granulated yeast – 1 tsp;

• butter – 65-70 g;

For the inside:

• dried cranberries – 100 g;

• butter – 1.5 tbsp. l;

• cinnamon – 2 pinches;

• milk – 3 tbsp. l. for lubrication.

For decoration:

• orange juice – 2 tbsp. l;

• sweet powder and nuts.

Preparing Easter Wreath Baking

• Using warm milk with added yeast, sugar and salt, mix the dough. After 40 minutes, drive the egg into it, add soft butter and sift the flour. Mix. Let the dough rise twice.

• Pour boiling water over raisins and dried apricots for a quarter of an hour. Dry and cut the dried apricots into strips. Roll out the dough that has risen for the second time, grease it with melted butter, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

• Place cranberries, dried apricots and raisins on the dough sheet. Let's wrap it up. Place the purchased roll in a ring on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Coat with heated milk. It is better to place a mold in the center of the ring. Let the Easter cake rest and then put it in the oven. Bake for 35-40 minutes, 180 degrees.

• For the finished wreath, make the glaze: mix powder and orange juice. Pour over the slightly cooled (warm) pie. After 10 minutes, cover with glaze again. Decorate the Easter wreath with nuts.

Easter lamb

Turkey with pumpkin in the oven

Pie for tea. Jellied lavash pie with cottage cheese

Cupcake “Zebra”

Potatoes with mushrooms in the oven. Potato Casserole / Gratin

Apple Pie with Sour Cream

  • Children's party
  • Easter


yeasted dough for Easter cakes 30-40 g
egg for lubrication
For sprinkling
flour 1 tbsp.
sugar 2 tbsp.
vegetable oil 1-2 tsp.

general information

Total production time

8 h

Active production time

20 minutes



Number of servings

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Separate a small portion from the Easter cake dough (before adding raisins, candied fruits, etc.) to the dough.
Roll out the dough thinly.
Place a lamb stencil on the rolled out dough and cut along the outline.

Lamb stencil.

Create an eye from a small piece of dough, carefully wrap and secure the ear and tail of the lamb.

Prepare the topping.
Combine flour, sugar, butter and mix until crumbly.
If necessary, add a little butter or flour. Brush the lamb with egg.
Sprinkle the flour crumbs over the side of the lamb.

Place the lamb on a greased baking sheet and bake at 180°C oven for about 15 minutes.

Bon appetit!

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