Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese. Traditional recipes for fluffy curds in the oven

Housewives often ask themselves the question: What to cook for tea for lunch or dinner. There is always an answer: Cottage cheese in the oven. You will receive semi-sweet pastries, which is what you would like, because you are tired of all the sweet options.

Recommended products are affordable and correspond to the family budget and family tastes. Every family now has an electronic or gas oven. Where the top and bottom heating will bake the desired curd in the mold.

Before use, the mold is greased with softened butter and, usually, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, flour or semolina. The cottage cheese casseroles themselves turn out juicy and fragrant. Now let's look at casseroles with larger forms and with various ingredients.

Cottage cheese in the oven - fluffy like in a kindergarten

See how you can bake cottage cheese casserole in the oven using the usual and fast method.



  • Cottage cheese – 600 g
  • Testicles - 3 pcs.
  • Vanilla
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Semolina - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - a pinch

Making the recipe:

Place the prepared cottage cheese in a bowl.

Separate the whites from the yolks so that they are in different cups.

Add sugar and a little vanilla to the bowl with the yolks and mix well by hand with a whisk. Pour the cooked yolks into the cottage cheese.

Also add semolina and butter, heated until watery, to the cottage cheese. Stir all ingredients until smooth.

Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt in a blender fitted with a whisk attachment.

Using a spatula, fold all the egg whites into the curd.

Line the bottom of the pan with baking paper so that you can later coat the sides and bottom of the pan with vegetable oil.

Place the curd dough into the pan and smooth the surface with a spatula.

Place the pan in a preheated oven at 180 degrees to bake the cottage cheese for 1 to 2 hours.

Remove the baking dish from the oven and let cool. Then use a sharp knife to trim the edges and remove the baked goods from the pan.

Cut it into pieces and look how soft and juicy it is, just like in kindergarten.

If you want the sweetest casserole, then spread apricot jam or marmalade on top.

Cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole in the oven


  • Cottage cheese - 400 g
  • Pumpkin – 500 g
  • Testicles - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Semolina - 60 g
  • Milk – 80 ml
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Butter - 20 g

Making the recipe:

Pour milk over semolina and leave for 15 minutes to swell.

Break two eggs into a bowl and add a pinch of salt to beat later until smooth with a mixer.

Mash the cottage cheese with a fork.

Peel the pumpkin pieces so that you can cut them into small pieces later.

Place the swollen semolina with milk and beaten eggs into the cottage cheese.

Mix all ingredients in a cup using a mixer.

Place the pumpkin pieces into the curd mixture.

Place the pumpkin pieces in a glass dish greased with butter.

Preheat the oven and place the pan in the oven to bake until done, 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Let the finished curd cool in the mold, and then turn it over and remove it.

Carefully cut the soft casserole into pieces with a knife.

Beautiful and tender pieces of cottage cheese with pumpkin are ready for your home table.

Savory cottage cheese with semolina and raisins - a traditional recipe

It’s easy to create a homemade cottage cheese casserole recipe; the most important thing is to maintain the required proportions of goods.



  • Cottage cheese – 600 g
  • Testicles - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1/3 tsp.
  • Milk – 200 ml
  • Semolina - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 60 g
  • Raisins – 60 g
  • Vanillin – 1 g


Pour milk into a bowl with semolina and stir. Leave it for 15 minutes so that the semolina swells.

Place eggs, salt, sugar and vanillin in another bowl and beat everything with a mixer.

Later add softened butter and mix again with a mixer.

Then add cottage cheese and mix everything again with a mixer.

Later add semolina with milk to mix everything again with a mixer.

And at the end, add the raisins, which were washed with boiling water and later dried. Stir the curd mass with raisins with just a spoon.

Take a mold the size of the curd dough and grease the inside with softened butter. And later sprinkle with more semolina.

Place the curd dough into the prepared pan.

Place the mold in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes.

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Take out the browned casserole so that it cools completely. With all this, she will settle down a little. Turn the mold over and remove the curd onto a plate.

A fragrant and warm casserole came out. Eat it with blueberry-flavored dessert sour cream.

Video on how to prepare a tender casserole with cottage cheese and apples

Such pastries with apples and cottage cheese are also called charlotte. The combination of cottage cheese and apple gives a divine taste.

The baked goods come out soft and porous. Be sure to prepare it.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese “Pure taste” in 5 minutes

I have a difficult time with cottage cheese. I'm quite capricious towards him. But I undeniably love dishes made from cottage cheese, and among them, cottage cheese comes first. But I like curds to taste, forgive the tautology, like curd. Not cheesecakes, not pancakes with cottage cheese, but specifically these! Fried foods should already be limited, I tried baked ones - they lack tenderness. I made it steamed and it was very wet. But just like that – in the microwave – it came out instantly and was perfect for me! The most delicate curds, without a drop of oil, without flour, without frying. They prepare simply and very quickly. And the taste is quite good! Unreal-curd!

Airy curd

Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya’s newest book “Buns for Lyolik” Homemade recipes. I can’t go past the cottage cheese pastries. A small addition about what kind of cottage cheese to use for cottage cheese. I usually charge 5%-9%. The most important thing is how you like it.

Curd cheesecake “Tenderer than tender”

I love cheesecakes, but I'm not always happy with their caloric content. For me, this is the perfect cottage cheese, which I bake with or without a base, with fruits, berries, and chocolate. There is no semolina in it, a small amount of sugar, the taste is more tender, it’s impossible to put down! On Christmas Eve I baked a Christmas version with cranberries. And I highly recommend this option - both for the feast and for the world! I made it in a slow cooker, if anyone doesn’t have it, it comes out great in the oven, not because it’s in a slow cooker, of course, but the result is not bad

German cottage cheese “Cloud”

I really love German cottage cheese pastries. How many curds have already been tried - all delicious! It’s not even a pie, it’s more like a casserole, but it’s warm, creamy, moderately sweet, with a layer of curd and vanilla. Shall we try?

Cottage cheese “Dalmatian”

I would like to offer you a delicious cottage cheese, the original design of which will certainly be appreciated by the little picky eaters. Many thanks to Katyusha from Germany for the recipe.

Cottage cheese with berries

Hello, dear cooks! I would really like to share with you a recipe that I have been using for many years. He helped me out many times! Firstly, it prepares very quickly, secondly, it helps to deal with berries that are lying around in the freezer, or in the summer, when you don’t feel like eating just like that, thirdly, it’s useful and not particularly calorie! Come in, please!

Cottage cheese

The recipe for an ordinary, frisky, satisfying and very tasty breakfast is prepared based on the Greek recipe “Tiropitaka” without dough, but with my changes. Tiropitaka - small Greek cheese pies.

Cottage cheese “Better than cake”

This is my mother's signature cheesecake recipe. When she bakes it and treats it to her work colleagues or anyone else, she immediately writes the recipe on postcards. Because when people try it, they rush for the recipe. He is very affectionate and just melts in your mouth. And besides, such a pie will give some cakes a head start!

Cottage cheese with raspberries

The simplest way to enjoy truly delicious pastries. Even a person with the least culinary experience can create this dessert - tested on my boys) How I love this recipe! And cook and eat. Just 4 steps - 4 manufacturing steps. Airy, tender cottage cheese, and with the freshest raspberries - a luxurious summer dessert!

Cottage cheese with nuts without baking

An ordinary and delicious cottage cheese dessert that doesn’t require a lot of time, an abundance of kitchen gadgets, and most importantly – an oven! A good option when guests are already on their way to you, and from a sweet home there is only love

Cottage cheese . Various curd desserts can be called tvorozhnik. Traditional cottage cheese is a type of pudding that contains cottage cheese, a huge amount of eggs, sugar or sweet powder, vanilla, butter, lemon zest or lemon juice and semolina (some recipes contain flour). Some cottage cheese recipes contain the freshest berries, pieces of fruit, dried fruits, chocolate chips, cocoa powder and other ingredients.

The curd mass from these ingredients is laid out in a greased form and baked in the oven until the top of the casserole pudding is golden.

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Cottage cheese is served in portions. You can serve it with sweet sauces, sour cream, berry and fruit syrups, jam, and chocolate sauce.

There are varieties of making cottage cheese. For example, this curd mass is laid out on a pad of crumbly shortbread dough in the form of crumbs. Then the remaining dough is sprinkled on top of the curd mass and the dish is also baked in the oven.

You can prepare this dessert in the bowl of a multicooker, in the “baking” or “frying” modes.

The curd mixture can be baked in portions. To do this, it is placed in separate small baking or muffin tins, greased with vegetable oil in advance, and then the products are baked in the oven. Such portioned products can be served by decorating them with whole berries or pieces of fruit on top.

This is a very tender, pleasant dessert, suitable for children's and adult cuisine. It is usually served for breakfast or for any daily tea party.

The history of cottage cheese and what is their main difference from cheesecakes

Have you ever thought about the difference between cottage cheese and syrniki, and where did both of these names come from? Such a common dish for us was previously prepared only by the Slavs.

What exactly are curds, and what ingredient distinguishes them from cheesecakes?

Curds are curd pancakes containing eggs, milk and flour. No soda is added to them, like cheesecakes. It seems like the difference is small, the mistake is that we perceive soda as a leavening agent. In reality, soda, when mixed with cottage cheese, enters into a peculiar reaction, causing it to melt at the time of heat treatment.

That’s why cheesecakes have a little “rubbery” thickness and lose their taste when cooled. On the outside, they are twice as fluffy and taste vaguely like cheese. In the traditional recipe for cottage cheese, they even try to add flour to a minimum or do without it. According to the mixture, they are crumbly on the inside, but they hold their shape when fried and do not crumble during eating due to the dense crust. They do not grow during heat treatment and do not lose their curd flavor.

Where did the name “cottage cheese” come from?

On a theoretical level, the progenitor of the name was the word “tvarog”, meaning the process that turns milk into a solid substance, but there is another version that it came from the activity itself and the word “tvor”, because milk was curdled in an oven and, after molding, put under a press. The function was repeated twice, obtaining a plastic mass that did not release water and did not deteriorate in the cellar.

If we deviate from the connection of the name with the Old Slavic language, the word “curd cheese” could appear after the influx of European types of cheese, during the time of Peter I. It was during this period that, in order to avoid confusion, two different concepts were introduced. After the cheesecakes turned into cottage cheese.

Where were curds made for the first time?

Most likely, Arabia is considered their homeland, because according to historical writings, it was there that they began to use sour milk. According to legend, the Arabian merchant Kanan took fresh milk on the road, but in the desert it turned sour, he had nothing to eat, he drank the whey and snacked on a snow-white curd. He liked the taste and upon arrival, his relatives were taught a brand new recipe. Experimenting with the new mass, people learned to create casseroles, cottage cheese, lazy dumplings, etc.

Or maybe everything was different. During storage, the Slavs saw that milk curdled, and in order to protect themselves, they decided not to eat it raw. In European countries, cottage cheese appeared even later, but took root only in Germany. For some unknown reason, European neighbors do not like to cook them, but they eat them with joy.

According to data from world history, Slavic countries are considered the birthplace of cheesecakes and cottage cheese.

More common recipe options

There are many options for making cottage cheese, some consider them a dessert, while others classify them as side dishes. They only have a common curd base, and not all of them add flour, sour cream, eggs and sugar.

The most popular types of cottage cheese by type of production:

  • in a frying pan;
  • in the oven;
  • boiled - lazy dumplings (previously also called cottage cheese);
  • deep-fried - dropped into bubbling oil with a spoon, reminiscent of fried lazy dumplings;
  • steamed - the mass is rolled into balls and placed in a steamer;

They also differ in additives; fruits, herbs, etc. are added to the raw mass.

Traditional recipe for cottage cheese

A huge number of their varieties are made based on this recipe; just add the filling. The dough is suitable for any type of production.

  1. Cottage cheese (preferably homemade) wipe;
  2. Add eggs, sweet sand, sour cream, flour and salt;
  3. Mix the ingredients and form into a roll;
  4. Cut the roller into circles;
  5. Bread the mugs in flour and fry.
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If you make unsweetened ones, you don’t need to add sugar.

Noteworthy facts about cottage cheese

Russian cottage cheese made it into the top twenty favorite desserts around the world, and the Kiev factory baked the largest of them, weighing 140 kg. It took 150 kg of cottage cheese and 750 eggs to make.

There are as many recipes for cottage cheese makers as there are housewives, so if you couldn’t copy a friend’s or famous chef’s cottage cheese, don’t be upset. But only a Slavic soul can prepare this dish, otherwise they would have flooded all the confectionery shops of the world.

Cottage cheese

Curd cheese is a common delicacy made from cottage cheese. Although there is a worldview that flour is not added to true cheesecakes (curd cakes) , it is not permissible to refute the right to the existence of recipes for cheesecakes (curd cakes) with flour, eggs and various fillings. Most people prefer to fry cheesecakes in vegetable oil, but there are recipes that suggest baking cheesecakes on a baking sheet in the oven. For contrast, you can add different fillings to cheesecakes (cottage cheesecakes) : raisins, dried apricots, pieces of apple, pears, grated carrots, etc. Before adding pieces of vegetables or fruits, it is recommended to lightly sprinkle them with flour and only then add them to the curd mass.

Marble cheesecakes with blueberries (without eggs)

Do you understand that cheesecakes can be made without eggs? The curd mass prepared according to this recipe comes out homogeneous, moderately dense, slightly moist and very tasty. Such cheesecakes keep their shape perfectly and are suitable even for vegans and fasting people.

Steamed cheesecakes

Cheesecakes or cottage cheese are usually fried in a frying pan. They come out with a beautiful, golden-brown, crispy crust. This is delicious, but if you want healthy cheesecakes, then cook them in the oven or steam them. Steamed cheese.

Cheesecakes with dates

The recipe for tender cheesecakes with dates will appeal to all lovers of cottage cheese baking. Adding dried fruits to the curd mass will give ordinary cheesecakes a new taste and diversify your menu. Don’t forget to serve sour cream or yogurt with hot cheesecakes for breakfast.

Cheesecakes with dill

Cottage cheese mixes perfectly with herbs. Cheesecakes with dill are just another proof of this. Cottage cheese of any fat content is suitable for making dough for cheesecakes. The main thing is that there is a minimum of water in it, so that you don’t have to add a lot of flour. .

Lviv cheesecake

Recipe for Lviv cheesecake, similar in taste to glazed cheesecake. It has the same gentle body, and on top it is doused with a very tasty chocolate glaze. If the recipe for an ordinary cheesecake (curd cheese) contains flour, then the Lviv cheesecake does not contain it. IN.

Donuts made from curd dough with poppy seeds

Curd donuts are a good baking option when you don’t have time to make something more unique. The donuts are ready in just a few minutes. By the way, another advantage of this recipe is that the dough for donuts is not yeast and is not for you.

Slovak cottage cheese with apples

Slovak cottage cheese with apples is fluffy, airy and very fragrant. And most importantly, its production does not require any special culinary experience. Lemon zest gives the curd a pleasant smell, and apples add juiciness and sweetness. Amount of sugar in recipe m.

Cottage cheese with raspberries and raspberry sauce

Fluffy cottage cheese with fresh raspberries is prepared with the addition of flour and starch. When the curd is ready, leave it in the mold until it cools completely, and then cut it into pieces and pour over the sauce made from pureed fresh malt.

Curd shortbread

An easy-to-make cottage cheese pie made from crumbly shortcrust pastry. It prepares quickly, so you can keep the recipe on hand for unexpected guests. You can add vanilla or lemon zest to the filling to taste. .

Curd dance

Plyatski is a sweet (most often) pastry from Western Ukraine. In this recipe, the base of the pie is made from shortcrust pastry, and the inside is made from curd. I rubbed the cottage cheese for the inside through a sieve so that the inside of the finished dance would be more tender.

Cottage cheese with strawberries

Baked cottage cheese with strawberries for the summer table. Cooking is simple and enjoyable. It turns out unusually delicious. Suitable for breakfast or dessert.

Papanashi – cottage cheese with sour cream

cottage cheese, butter, egg, flour, sugar, lemon zest, fat, sour cream.

section: Romanian cuisine, Cottage cheese

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