Cherry jelly

Cherry jelly

Cherry jelly for the winter without gelatin

To make cherry jelly with a very rich taste without adding gelatin, a juicer is useful. Thanks to it, we will get real cherry juice, which we will turn into cherry jelly by boiling it with sugar.

Cherry jelly with agar-agar

Cherry is a berry with a small amount of pectin. To obtain the jelly, we will use a natural gelling agent, such as agar-agar. The jelly comes out homogeneous, dense and very fragrant.

Frozen cherry jelly with gelatin

An appetizing dessert that looks great on a formal table. In addition, cherry jelly is perfect for a children's party or a romantic dinner. And, despite the production time, preparing the dessert is quite simple. Try it!

Cherry jelly with gelatin

Cherry jelly with gelatin can be prepared either for a quick dessert or rolled up in a jar for the winter. A necessary and tasty dessert made from cherries will appeal to both children and adults. You can create the preparation from both fresh and frozen cherries - which means the recipe is available all year round.

Cherry jelly with agar-agar

I suggest preparing the most delicious and fragrant cherry jelly with agar-agar. Jelly can be prepared in a general large form or use small portion forms. Sour cream jelly mixes well with cherry jelly and looks festive.

Cherry jelly for the winter

If you love cherries as much as I do, I recommend making cherry jelly for the winter. The recipe is very simple and frisky. All you need to do is make a little effort to remove the cherry pits. The process is not labor intensive, but very monotonous.

Cherry jelly for the winter

Almost everyone loves cherries, but in order to enjoy your favorite berry in winter, you need to somehow preserve it. Some people freeze berries, some make jam. I propose to prepare an unusually tasty and fragrant cherry jelly for the winter. This recipe is sure to be a winner.

Cherry jelly with gelatin

I would like to suggest preparing a delicious and ordinary dessert that will certainly lift your spirits and remind you of summer. Kids love to eat cherry jelly with gelatin. Cherry jelly prepared at home is not only tasty, but also healthy with an indescribable taste and smell.

Cherry jelly in its juice

Cherry jelly is a very light, necessary and tasty dessert. It's easier to prepare than usual. Cherry jelly can be poured into bowls, glasses, bowls or silicone molds.

Frozen cherry jelly

Fruit-based jelly is a natural and necessary dessert that adults and children adore. Having frozen cherries in the refrigerator, you can simply prepare delicious fruit jelly at home.

Cherries in jelly for the winter

Jam made from the fruits of the cherry tree has rightfully earned the nickname “royal”: jams, jellies and other cherry products have a special taste and smell. In addition, they are very useful due to the vitamins, pectin and other necessary substances they contain. To make cherry fruits fun all year round, make the most delicious jelly for the winter.

How to select and prepare berries for canning

Cherries in jelly for the winter are a tasty and fragrant product. In order for this preparation to gain even more advantages, you need to know how to correctly select and prepare berries:

  • Start making jam or other canned goods immediately after collecting the main ingredient. This is necessary, since the berry has a very delicate skin and can spoil even if it receives minor damage.
  • When collecting fruits, pick them together with the stalks. This development ensures the preservation of taste and external properties.
  • Carefully select the berries to put in a jar. They must be whole and mature. If, when sorting fruits, you come across unripe, putrid or wormy ones, they are not allowed to be used.
  • If you want to store cherry jam or other sweets for a long time, it is better to preserve the fruits without seeds: during prolonged storage they begin to produce toxins (Toxin in ancient Greek (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) that are harmful to humans.
  • You can remove the seeds using a special machine or a pin.
  • Before canning, remove the stems and thoroughly wash the fruits.

How to cook cherries in jelly for the winter - recipes

On the Internet you can find various recipes for cherries for the winter. The fruits are suitable for preserves, jams, jams and compotes. To stock up on tasty foods for the cold season, it is recommended to prepare jelly from frozen cherries or fresh berries. This form of homemade preparations will help you enjoy the taste and smell of cherries all year round. They differ not only in taste, but also in greater benefits for the body.

Read also:  Dumplings with frozen strawberries

Cherry jelly with gelatin

Cherry jelly for the winter can be prepared using a minimum of ingredients:

  • gelatin – 4 tsp.
  • sweet sand – 1 kg;
  • cherry – 1 kg.

{Instructions} on how to prepare cherry jelly step by step:

  1. Wash the berries and separate the pulp from the bones. Place the cooked cherries in a saucepan and add sugar. Stir the sweet mixture constantly during half an hour of cooking.
  2. While the cooking process is underway, dissolve gelatin in warm water. Leave it to stand quickly.
  3. Next step: add the swollen gelatin to the fruit. The berries should simmer for another 10 minutes.
  4. Leave the resulting mass for several hours. Then return to the heat again and boil a couple of times so that the product gets a wonderful color and thickness.
  5. Pour the cherry jelly into sterilized jars and roll up the lids. You can store the jam in the cellar or pantry.
  6. The product will be a good dessert for tea, an addition to pancakes or pancakes. For breakfast, the delicacy can be spread on buns or toast.

How to make jelly without gelatin

Cherry jelly without gelatin can be prepared using more than a constant amount of sugar. You will need the following components:

  • cherry berries – 1000 g;
  • sweet sand – 1.5 kg.

How to prepare cherry delicacy for the winter:

  1. Wash the fruits well. Remove the seeds from the berries using any method that works for you. Using a juicer, squeeze the juice out of the berry pulp.
  2. Pour the liquid inside the pan, add sweet sand there, and place the resulting sweet substance on the stove.
  3. Heat the mixture until it reaches a boil, then begin cooking while constantly stirring. When foam begins to appear, remove it from the surface with a spoon.
  4. It is necessary to cook the juice with sugar until it acquires a thick consistency, reminiscent of jelly.
  5. Place everything in jars, which must be sterilized in advance. Cover any vessel with a lid. Place purchased canned food for winter storage: a pantry or cellar is suitable for this.

Felt cherry recipe

It is very easy to make jam from felt fruits. You can spread this delicacy on toast or simply eat it as a snack with tea. For production you need only 2 ingredients:

  • sugar – 1000 g;
  • felt cherry – 1 kg.

{Instructions} how to cook:

  1. First, prepare the berries: wash them and pour boiling water over them.
  2. Then, rub the processed fruits through a sieve to form a puree-like mass.
  3. Pour sweet sand into the resulting substance. Stir everything and set to cook.
  4. It is necessary to boil the jam until it reaches the desired thickness.
  5. The finished dessert must be distributed into sterilized jars and closed with steel lids. Store packaged sweets for the winter.

A very simple and delicious recipe made in a slow cooker.

A multicooker is a good assistant in the kitchen; you can cook almost any dish using the accessory. There is a method to create cherry preparations there: simply create jelly from cherry jam or from new fruits. To make sweets you will need:

  • cherry – 1 liter jar;
  • sugar – 2-3 tbsp;
  • granulated gelatin – 2 tbsp. l.

The process of making cherries in jelly for the winter:

  1. Place the prepared washed berries in a bowl, cover with sweet sand (1 tbsp.). Leave them to stand until they begin to release juice.
  2. Stir the ingredients and place them inside the multicooker. Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode on the device, set the timer to 60 minutes.
  3. Dissolve gelatin in a separate bowl in berry juice. It is necessary to add it to the contents of the multicooker half an hour after the start of cooking the berry mass.
  4. When the machine signals the end of the manufacturing process, place the remaining sugar inside and dissolve it in the total mass.
  5. The finished product must be preserved in hot, sterilized jars, the size of which is 0.5-1 liter. Cover the portions in glass containers with lids and roll up. Turn the jars upside down and wait for them to cool.
  6. Cherries in jelly for the winter, prepared in a slow cooker, are perfectly stored in dry, cold or cool conditions.
Read also:  Navy pasta in a slow cooker

Video recipe: how to make cherry jelly for the winter

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TOP 10 usual step-by-step recipes for making cherry jelly for the winter

Cherry is a necessary fruit with amazing taste properties that can be used in the fight against various diseases and as a form of prevention. It can be prepared for the winter in any form: preserves, compotes, jams, frozen. A very tasty jelly can be made from this fruit. There are simple recipes for making cherry jelly for the winter, so even an inexperienced housewife can create such a dessert.

Individualities of making cherry jelly for the winter

To create the jelly, use a wide bowl. If the evaporated area of ​​water is huge, the dessert will cook quickly.

If you are preparing jelly without including berries in their pure form, then it is better to use a juicer and boil the nectar with sweet sand until it thickens.

There is no need to take thickeners in bags; it is better to buy regular gelatin or agar-agar.

How to select and prepare foods

The choice of fruits must be approached thoroughly, since the properties of the dessert will depend on the properties of the cherries.

To make jelly, you can take unripe cherries, they contain a lot of pectin. The best choice is a fruit with greenish tails. If they are brown, this indicates a failed harvest.

The berries are taken that are not overripe, not acidified or spoiled. You need to smell it before purchasing. If you smell fermentation, the fruit is not suitable for harvesting.

A spoiled cherry can spoil the entire jelly - it will simply go sour.

It is necessary to check the fruit for worms by breaking it. The presence of a worm in one cherry indicates the defeat of the entire party, and it is better not to take it. The presence of worms can also be found outside - the berry is soft to the touch and has a black color.

Rules for preparing containers

Jars with lids are easily washed with baking soda in ordinary soapy water. Then you need to check the jars for cracks and chips.

Sterilization can be carried out for a couple of 15 minutes by placing a mesh on the pan, placing the jars with the neck down. The lids are boiled before seaming.

Jelly recipes for the winter

You can prepare a delicious dessert using several methods using different ingredients.

Dessert with pulp without thickener

  • seedless fruit – 1 kg;
  • sweet sand in a ratio of 1 to 1 (to the size of the puree);
  • water.
  1. Place the main product in a saucepan and cover with water so that the berries are completely covered.
  2. Heat the dishes to a boil, cook for an hour over low heat, removing the foam.
  3. Separate the broth and grind the fruit using a sieve.
  4. The resulting measured mass is filled with the same amount of sugar.
  5. Heating evenly, bring the mixture to a boil and boil for 15 minutes, stirring and removing foam.
  6. Roll up the prepared dessert, place the container upside down and wrap it up.

With lemon juice

Ingredients needed for dessert:

  • 1.5 kg of fruits;
  • 250 ml sweet sand;
  • ¼ cup lemon juice.

The boneless berry goes into a vessel, water is poured in, and heated until it boils. Then sugar is added and the dessert is cooked until it dissolves.

Next, lemon juice is poured in, and the jelly is cooked until thickened while stirring.

The cooked delicacy is distributed into containers and rolled up.

With gelatin

To make jelly, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 liters of cherries;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 70 gr. gelatin;
  • 500 ml water.

The main product is pitted, washed and dried. Gelatin is soaked in water. The berries with sugar are put on gas and brought to a boil while stirring. Cook the dessert for 2-4 minutes.

The gelatin must be heated to dissolve it and poured into a container with berries. The ingredients are mixed. The dessert should be distributed into jars, which should be dry and warm.

With yellowfix

To cook jelly you need to take:

  • 1 kg cherries;
  • 1 package of gelfix;
  • 1 kg of sand.

How to create a dessert:

  1. The berry is washed and the seed is removed.
  2. In a blender, the fruits are pureed and poured into a bowl for cooking.
  3. Zhelfix powder is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. sand, goes into cherry puree, everything is mixed.
  4. The mass is put on the fire, brought to a boil, and stirred.
  5. Add the remaining sugar and bring the mixture to a boil while stirring.
  6. Cook the dessert for 5 minutes, while removing the foam.
  7. The delicacy is removed from the stove, mixed well, placed in dry jars, and the lids are tightly screwed on.
  8. The container is turned upside down for 5 minutes. When the containers have cooled, you can store them in the pantry.
Read also:  Lemon shortbread pie

Properly prepared jelly will thicken when cooled.

With pectin and tartaric acid

For dessert you need to take:

  • 2 kg of berries;
  • 300 ml water;
  • 800 gr. sugar per 1 liter of juice;
  • 3-4 gr. pectin;
  • 1 tsp. tartaric acid.

The fruits are separated from the seeds and mashed using a masher. Water is added and the dessert is cooked for up to 7 minutes until liquid appears.

The nectar should be expelled through cheesecloth; the fruits should not be squeezed out, since the drink must have a transparent appearance.

Having made a powerful fire, you should boil the juice by half, stirring and removing the foam. Then add sugar 800 grams. for any liter of nectar, and cook the mass for about 15 minutes.

Place the pectin diluted in water into a bowl and cook until the dessert thickens. Tartaric acid is added to the finished treat and it is removed from the stove.

Jam “Cherry in jelly”

This is not just jam, it is a ready-made dessert. All that remains is to get a jar of this yummy in winter and enjoy. The recipe was found on the Internet and I am happy to share it with you, dear cooks.

Ingredients for “Cherry in Jelly Jam”:

  • Cherries (Pitted, full 3 l bottle) - 3 l
  • Sugar – 1 kg
  • Gelatin – 70 g
  • Water - 0.5 l

Production time: 10 minutes

Number of servings: 1

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
5126 kcal
75.4 g
9.3 g
1200.9 g
100 g dish
178.6 kcal
2.6 g
0.3 g
41.8 g

Recipe “Cherry jam in jelly”:

I decided to post the recipe when I had already tried the result, so a set of goods from what was left. Take the cherries and separate them from the pits while we fill a 3 liter bottle (jar) to the top. This is the most labor-intensive and lengthy moment of the entire process.

Pour the prepared cherries into a pan in which we will cook the jam, preferably a wide one with a thick bottom, add sugar and put on fire. At this time, pour our gelatin with hot water and leave it to swell. When our jam boils, cook it for 5 minutes, turn it off and pour in the swollen gelatin. Stir well and immediately pour into jars and roll up the lids. The indicated quantity of goods yielded 6 half-liter jars and a small bowl (for testing)

When the jam cooled down, I put the containers in the refrigerator so that the gelatin would harden better, and it turned out to be pitted cherry jelly in a jar. We will savor it in the winter, if we don’t eat it earlier.

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August 16, 2019 Valya78 # (recipe creator)

August 16, 2019 cat Glafira #

August 4, 2019 Natasha56 #

August 4, 2019 Valya78 # (recipe creator)

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June 9, 2019 Just Mary #

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July 26, 2017 Valya78 # (recipe creator)

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July 8, 2017 Valya78 # (recipe creator)

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