Glossy chocolate icing for cake

Glossy chocolate icing for cake

We will tell you several recipes on how to prepare mirror chocolate glaze. This wonderful decoration for a culinary product will make a cake and any other pastries even tastier.

  1. How to create chocolate frosting
  2. Mirror glaze
  3. Milk chocolate frosting
  4. Colored mirror glaze

How to create chocolate frosting

As we have already said, if you apply chocolate glaze to a cake, pastry, ice cream and muffins, they will not only become more attractive, but also much tastier. You won't forget the amazing taste of new fruits if you apply them to their chocolate crust.

What kind of chocolate is best, what needs to be created so that the glaze is the desired mixture, in other words, homogeneous? For production we will only need untainted chocolate. There is no need to take tiles with fillings in the form of raisins, nuts, etc.

Not every type of chocolate (porous, snow-white and dark types) is suitable for our business. If you use aerated chocolate, the thermal action actually never results in a glaze of a suitable mixture.

Glossy chocolate glaze will be obtained from high-quality snow-white chocolate. Snow-white icing is also suitable for rolls, cakes and other types of confectionery because it can be tinted in different colors. To melt snow-white chocolate, you need to prepare a water bath. The tile must be placed in vegetable oil and add food coloring of the color you need.

To create such a coating, you can also use culinary, dessert, fudge or couverture chocolate. Their main difference is the amount of cocoa in the composition.

It is best to melt culinary chocolate, but dessert chocolate has the best taste properties. The glaze from it will be thick, so you need to follow the recipe correctly and dilute the chocolate in milk or butter. Then the mass will not be very dense.

Couverture contains a huge amount of cocoa butter. This glaze will turn out very sweet and smooth.

Mirror glaze

The shiny chocolate glaze according to this recipe is prepared without the use of glucose, so there is no need to take the ingredients from the candy store and prepare invert syrup, which replaces glucose. Another name for such glaze is glaze. It is unsurpassed for work, as it is simply applied to the surface and comes out very tasty.

Some housewives do not use glaze because of the excess sweetness. But this glaze is not at all cloying, so if you yourself or people close to you are gourmands, the glaze will probably be suitable.

To make it, 12 g of gelatin must be poured with cool water (60 ml). Then in a saucepan with a thick bottom you need to put sugar - 240 g, which is filled with water (80 ml). The consistency must be brought to a boil.

After this, 80 g of cocoa powder must be sifted through a sieve and added to the bubbling syrup. Cook for approximately 1 minute.

Watery cream (160 g) with a fat content of 35% must be boiled, added to the melted gelatin and mixed.

Mix both waters to form a homogeneous mixture. You can blend using an immersion blender. Try to fix it and not lift it so that bubbles do not appear.

If the glaze sits for a short time, it becomes homogeneous and smooth. To do this, set it aside for several hours, or better yet, a day. If you don’t have that much time, you need to cool the glaze to a temperature of approximately 30 degrees or a little less. It is now ready to use.

Milk chocolate frosting

Dessert lovers will probably not remain indifferent to milk glaze. The recipe for making it is very simple; we don’t need unique ingredients. The purchased mixture is used for glazing sweets, cakes, cheesecakes and other sweet dishes.

The highlight of this glaze is that you can get either a narrow or thick layer - at your discretion. To make it, we only need a chocolate bar. If you want to apply several layers or need a lot of glaze, just take several tiles. You can also conduct an experiment by melting several types at once. The result is an original coating.

So, take milk chocolate and break it into pieces. We choose high quality chocolate. The better the tile, the easier it will be to melt, and the tastier the glaze will be. To melt, prepare a water bath.

Lubricate the walls with vegetable oil in advance (you can replace it with butter) so that it does not burn. Now melt the chocolate until it becomes glaze. During the manufacturing process, the mixture must be stirred frequently.

Your glaze is ready, apply it to the confectionery product and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

Colored mirror glaze

In order to prepare colored glaze, we will need the following ingredients:

  • gelatin;
  • glucose syrup (invert, molasses, watery honey are suitable instead);
  • snow-white chocolate;
  • condensed milk;
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • dye.
  1. The measured 12 g of gelatin must be filled with water (60 ml). Place 150 g of sugar in a saucepan, and then add water and invert syrup (75 ml and 150 ml, respectively).
  2. Now our mixture needs to be put on fire and boiled so that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Melt 150 g of chocolate in a water bath. The same thing can be done in the microwave. Be careful not to overheat the dish, otherwise the chocolate will not be suitable for the upcoming preparation.
  4. The water bath must be made in such a way that the boiling water does not touch the container with chocolate.
  5. As soon as the water boils, turn off the heat immediately and stir the chocolate frequently until it is completely melted.
  6. If the process takes place in the microwave, you need to put the chocolate in for 15 seconds, then take it out, stir, put it in again and continue until the bar is completely melted.
  7. Now the chocolate needs to be poured into a blender glass. You don’t have to use it, but then the process will take longer. Add 100 g of condensed milk to the chocolate. It must also be of high quality. Since taste greatly affects the glaze, it is better to purchase one that does not contain plant components. Perfect if there is only sugar and milk.
  8. Then you need to pour the heated invert syrup onto this mixture. It all needs to be mixed (naturally, the process is not easy, but it is necessary to create it).
  9. Add gelatin little by little and mix again, followed by dye (color of your choice). If it is gel, just a few drops will be enough. All this must be mixed well again.
Read also:  Minced schnitzel

A blender will be your best assistant in this matter. It must be held at an angle of 45 degrees. When lowering the blender into the glaze, do not lift it so that bubbles do not form.

Our glaze is ready, it can be applied to confectionery products.

Chocolate mirror glaze for cake

Chocolate mirror glaze (glaze) is the latest fashion in the confectionery art. Unlike traditional coating with melted chocolate, this decoration creates a glossy, sweet film on the surface of the dessert. A laconic but effective decoration is rarely successful the first time. But if you know a couple of secrets and follow them specifically, home-baked goods will look like a masterpiece made by a professional pastry chef.

  1. How to create chocolate mirror glaze to cover a cake
  2. Traditional recipe
  3. Recipe for colored mirror glaze
  4. Subtleties of applying mirror glaze

How to create chocolate mirror glaze to cover a cake

Chocolate mirror glaze for a cake is prepared according to various recipes. They differ in the composition of the ingredients, the time spent and the durability of the result. It is better to keep some types of coating refrigerated so that the glaze does not drip; others quietly tolerate being at room temperature and being transported.

The main ingredient can be chocolate or cocoa. The tile must be of good quality with a high content of cocoa butter. This component will increase the adhesion of the glaze, it will begin to harden faster on the surface of the cake. As a result, the coating will be the most dense and will acquire a rich chocolate color.

Mirror glaze can be prepared on a cocoa base. It is better to use a special alkalized powder (it is sold in confectionery stores). This cocoa dissolves faster and gives the richest chocolate taste and color.

The 2nd main component is invert syrup. It can be replaced with an analogue of glucose / sugar, watery honey. The main purpose of the ingredient is to add sweetness to the mirror glaze and thicken the mixture as it cools.

By the way! Depending on the color you want, mirror glaze can be made from bitter, dark, milk and snow-white chocolate. In extreme cases, a dull gloss comes out; dyes are added to it.

Traditional recipe

Chocolate mirror glaze, the recipe for which confectioners kept secret for a long time, can be created from available ingredients. The main thing is to cook thick sweet syrup, use heavy cream and strictly follow the proportions. An imbalance of components will result in the mixture simply draining from the surface of the cake or, on the contrary, hardening into a lump without having time to spread throughout the dessert.

  • alkalized cocoa powder – 70 g;
  • 33-35% cream – 170 ml;
  • sugar – 200 gr;
  • gelatin in sheets or granules - 10 or 8 g, respectively;
  • drinking water – 165 ml.

Step-by-step manufacturing process:

  1. Soak gelatin in ice water. The ratio with water must be 1:6. An excess of water is undesirable in making glaze.
  2. Boil a thick syrup from water and sugar.
  3. Add cream to the syrup and add cocoa.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil while stirring continuously.
  5. Let the chocolate consistency boil down. The process usually takes 10-15 minutes on low heat.
  6. Conduct a test: drop a couple of drops on a cutting board or spatula. If the glaze leaves an exact mark when spread, the mirror coating is ready.
  7. Add swollen gelatin to the mixture, stir until smooth.

By the way! You can only combine the glaze by hand. The action of a mixer or blender will lead to the formation of bubbles, which will be difficult to get rid of.

The prepared mixture can be consumed immediately or stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life – 2 weeks. Do the same with the glaze remaining after decorating the cake (the one that has been dripped onto the baking sheet).

Recipe for colored mirror glaze

A chocolate mousse cake with a mirror glaze of an unusual color will become a real table decoration. You can prepare a dessert using the same color scheme or mix several colors, creating unusual shimmers in the glossy reflection.

The exciting thing about working with colored chocolate glaze is that before coating the cake, the glaze of all available colors is combined in one bowl. There is no intensive mixing, just a couple of careful rotations with the spoon. This allows you to maintain color boundaries.

  • glucose syrup – 300 g;
  • condensed milk – 200 gr.;
  • gelatin – 200 gr.;
  • snow-white chocolate – 300 gr.;
  • sweet powder – 300 gr.;
  • water – 165 ml;
  • dyes of suitable colors (water-soluble compositions are suitable).

Step-by-step manufacturing process:

  1. Soak the gelling powder in ice water.
  2. Boil sugar, water and syrup.
  3. Melt the chocolate bars, combine with condensed milk and the prepared syrup component (the last one should remain hot).
  4. Add the grown-in gelatin granules. The highest temperatures of the consistency will make it easier to dissolve and mix.
  5. Add some dye and stir gently with a whisk. It's not a failure if you can't achieve color uniformity. The decor of a chocolate dessert with streaks looks even more beautiful.

If whipping is impossible without a mixer or blender, you must hold the device at an angle during the mixing process. This reduces foam formation. Plus, passing the chocolate filling through a fine sieve will help get rid of most of the bubbles.

Before preparing the mixture for application, you will have to keep the chocolate mixture in the refrigerator for about 6 hours, and before finishing pouring, heat it to 35 degrees. The purchased mirror coating comes out very sticky and sticks to the knife. Therefore, it is worth cutting the cake with a hot knife in advance.

Subtleties of applying mirror glaze

It's not easy to prepare a chocolate mirror coating. It must be applied well. Mistakes at this step will erase all past work. The glaze sets fastest on a frozen surface. Therefore, before pouring, it is customary to keep the cake in the freezer.

On a note! Not every cake is suitable for coating with mirror glaze. The surface of the dessert must be level so that the sweet syrup can flow over it moderately. Glossy glazing looks best on mousse products. To decorate a biscuit with it, you will have to level it with mastic or cream beforehand.

Mirror glaze without glucose syrup (based on an invert analogue made from sugar, water and citric acid) comes out a little thicker. If, at an operating temperature of 35 degrees, the composition is initially very dense, it is better to dilute it slightly with water or another watery ingredient.

The main secret to successfully applying glaze is maintaining the temperature regime. It must be monitored using an immersion temperature gauge. The very hot chocolate mixture will provide a very thin, translucent layer. And the cool mirror composition will only have time to cover part of the cake and harden. The temperature of the mirror coating should be 35-38 degrees.

It is forbidden to glaze a chocolate cake that has just been removed from the freezer. A sudden change in temperature will cause condensation to form on the chocolate surface. It is impossible to remove water droplets that have appeared without damaging the mirror layer.

Chocolate coating is applied using the pouring method. To do this, place the cake on a grid placed over a deep baking sheet. The remaining consistency will flow into the prepared container.

On top of the glossy glaze, you can apply other sketches and decor. But she must partly grasp it. Therefore, the chocolate cake is placed in the refrigerator for 10 minutes in advance.

Chocolate mirror glaze receives excellent reviews from experts and self-taught cooks. In addition to its luxurious appearance, it is easy to manufacture. It is enough to maintain the proportions of the goods and the correct temperature in order to create a real mirror masterpiece from the available ingredients.

16 mirror glaze recipes

Mirror glaze is a spectacular glossy coating for modern cakes and pastries.

It is most often used in mousse desserts, but from time to time it is also used to cover classic cakes, although in this case, usually not completely, but only on the top, so that the glaze drips down in beautiful drips.

1. Recipe with chocolate and condensed milk:

-75 g water
-150 g sugar
-150 g glucose syrup 43%
-100 g condensed milk
-12 g gelatin (180 bloom) or 10 g gelatin (200 bloom)
-150 g snow-white chocolate (milk, dark)

Just pour the gelatin in the leaves with a huge amount of cool water (if it is powder, then pour 6 parts of water into 1 part of gelatin, you will get a gelatin mass, we will use all of it later).

Bring water, sugar and glucose to 103C, you can immediately add dye.
Pour over chocolate, condensed milk, add gelatin, you can add more coloring.
Punch with a blender. Cover with cling film and refrigerate overnight (that is, in the dark) .

Operating temperature 33-35C. But be guided by the thickness of the glaze.

2. Icing with cocoa powder:

-25 g water
-115 g heavy cream
-160 g sugar
-50 g cocoa powder
-6 g gelatin

Soak gelatin in cool water.

Bring water, cream and sugar to a boil.
Add squeezed gelatin. Pour cocoa powder into a glass, pour in our boiling mixture, and puree with a blender.

Cool in the refrigerator overnight (that is, at night) . Operating temperature 35C.

3. Chocolate and cream glaze:

-265 g chocolate
-6 g gelatin
-175 g heavy cream
-40 g water
-30 g glucose syrup 43%
-25 g vegetable oil without aroma
Soak gelatin in cool water. Melt the chocolate.

Bring the cream, water and glucose to a boil, pour over the chocolate, add gelatin, pour in the butter and puree with a blender. Operating temperature 37C.

4. Colored cream icing:

-180 g sugar
-45 g water
-200 g cream 35%
-45 g milk
-60 g glucose syrup 43%
-6 g gelatin

Soak gelatin in cool water.
Bring cream and milk to a boil. Separately bring water and sugar to 110C, add to cream and milk.

Stir in glucose and cook until smooth.
Add gelatin. Operating temperature 30C.

5. Berry glaze with pectin:

-90 g sugar
-8 g pectin NH
-15 g glucose syrup 43%
-195 g seedless berry puree or juice
-145 g water
-6 g gelatin

Heat the puree, water and glucose. Add sugar and pectin, bring to a boil, stirring.

Boil for 1-2 minutes. Add the swollen gelatin. Operating temperature 30C.

6. Glaze on berry puree:

-100 g berry puree
-70 g milk
-45 g cream 33%
-25 g sugar
-45 g glucose syrup 43%
-320 g snow white chocolate
-7 g gelatin

Soak gelatin in cold water. Bring the puree, milk, cream, sugar and glucose to a boil, pour in the chocolate.

Add gelatin, beat with a blender. Operating temperature 28C.

7. Glaze on berry puree. Option 2:

-500 g berry puree
-2 vanilla pods
-160 g water
-150 g glucose syrup 43%
-185 g sugar
-18 g NH pectin
-50 g gelatin mass
-80 g cool-made neutral glaze

Bring water, puree, vanilla seeds and glucose to a boil. Add sugar and pectin. Bring to a boil and simmer for 2 minutes.

Add gelatin mass and neutral glaze. Punch with a blender. Operating temperature 70C.

8. Caramel glaze:

-170 g sugar
-140 g water
-140 g heavy cream
-23 g sugar
-14 g cornstarch
-7 g gelatin

Create dry caramel from 170 g of sugar. Immediately heat the water and cream to a boil.

Pour into the prepared caramel and stir gently. Add sugar (23g) with cornstarch, bring to a boil, brew for 1 minute.

Add the swollen gelatin. Operating temperature 25C.

9. Cream icing:

-180 g heavy cream
-260 g sugar
-70 g water
-20 g gelatin

Soak gelatin in cool water. Boil sugar and water to 120C, pour into hot cream, stirring constantly.

Add gelatin and coloring. Punch with a blender. Operating temperature 33-34C.

10. Chocolate glaze:

-130 g sugar
-130 g glucose syrup 43%
-55 g water
-10 g gelatin
-71 g milk
-15 g milk powder
-165 g chocolate
- coloring

Bring sugar, glucose and water to a boil. Mix milk with milk powder, add to sweet syrup, bring to a boil.

Add gelatin, pour over chocolate, add coloring. Punch with a blender. Operating temperature 27-28C.

11. Chocolate glaze No. 2:

-795 g sugar
-285 g water
-160 g cocoa powder
-170 g cream 33%
-27 g gelatin
-100 g dark chocolate

Bring sugar, water, cocoa, cream to a boil. Add gelatin.

Cool to 67C, pour over chocolate. Punch with a blender. Operating temperature 30C.

12. Chocolate glaze:

-360 g sugar
-120 g cocoa powder
-280 g water
-210 g cream
-22 g gelatin

Pour sugar into a saucepan and sift cocoa on top. Create a well in the center and add water, stirring constantly.

Place the pan with the pasta on the heat and add the cream. Over medium heat, stirring constantly, bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes.

Remove from heat, add soaked gelatin. Strain through a sieve. Operating temperature 33-35C.

13. Chocolate glaze with condensed milk:

-22.5 g gelatin
-125 g water
-225 g sugar
-225 g glucose syrup 43%
-225 g snow white chocolate
-160 g condensed milk
-90 g neutral glaze
- coloring

Bring sugar, water and glucose to a boil, pour over chocolate, condensed milk and gelatin.

Punch with a blender. Add neutral glaze. Punch with a blender.

14. Praline Glaze:

-600 g almond praline
-300 g heavy cream
-900 g neutral glaze
-100 g water
-16 g gelatin

Heat the neutral glaze to 70-80C. Heat the cream, add soaked gelatin and praline. Punch with a blender.

Add neutral glaze and water, beat with a blender. Operating temperature 35C.

15. Chocolate glaze:

-150 g water
-250 g sugar
-100 g cocoa powder
-150 g heavy cream
-15 g gelatin

Heat water and sugar until sugar dissolves. While stirring, add cocoa powder and cream. Bring to a boil, stirring with a whisk. Strain through a sieve.

Cool to 5-60C, add swollen gelatin.
Operating temperature 27-28C.

16. Coffee frosting with chocolate and caramel:

-10 g gelatin
-250 g small sugar
-415 g heavy cream
-125 g condensed milk
-165 g milk chocolate
-84 g chilled espresso

Prepare dry caramel, pour hot cream. Add condensed milk, swollen gelatin, pour over chocolate, add expresso. Punch with a blender. Operating temperature 36-38C.

Super shiny mirror cocoa glaze

The glaze is made from ordinary ingredients and comes out quite shiny and beautiful.

Ingredients for Super Shiny Cocoa Mirror Glaze:

  • Sugar - 240 g
  • Water (80 g for syrup + 70 g for soaking gelatin) - 150 ml
  • Cocoa powder - 80 g
  • Gelatin – 14 g
  • Cream (33%) – 160 g

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
1741.2 kcal
31.9 g
68 g
252.2 g
100 g dish
272.1 kcal
5 g
10.6 g
39.4 g

Recipe for “Super Shiny Mirror Cocoa Glaze”:

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October 24, 2019 MIGLAS #

May 18, 2019 gibelinda #

May 18, 2019 gibelinda #

April 10, 2019 natashakigor #

April 10, 2019 natashakigor #

February 24, 2019 Alefniunia #

April 7, 2019 vinogradinka # (recipe creator)

February 24, 2019 Alefniunia #

February 25, 2019 Mara2181 #

February 25, 2019 Alefniunia #

April 7, 2019 vinogradinka # (recipe creator)

April 7, 2019 Alefniunia #

December 4, 2018 MelisaDenis #

November 3, 2018 flokso #

November 3, 2018 dalyjo #

November 3, 2018 flokso #

November 3, 2018 dalyjo #

November 3, 2018 karateka #

November 3, 2018 flokso #

November 9, 2018 vinogradinka # (recipe creator)

May 12, 2018 Happy-2015 #

June 14, 2018 vinogradinka # (recipe creator)

April 2, 2018 Happy-2015 #

April 25, 2018 karsa na #

Try replacing cocoa with snow-white chocolate))

April 29, 2018 Happy-2015 #

April 30, 2018 karsa na #

May 12, 2018 Happy-2015 #

June 14, 2018 vinogradinka # (recipe creator)

June 14, 2018 Happy-2015 #

March 6, 2018 CraftyFox #

Overall, I’m pleased with the result.
The glaze has an unsurpassed mirror finish, and even without a temperature indicator, with the help of little tricks I “caught” its working temperature.
The only aspect is that it is better to start with a small portion to check how your gelatin will behave in these proportions. For me, despite maintaining clear proportions, the glaze gelled too much.

Svetlana, thank you very much!

June 14, 2018 vinogradinka # (recipe creator)

November 21, 2017 vinogradinka # (recipe creator)

September 3, 2017 VikkiV #

August 11, 2017 rustal70 #

August 11, 2017 rustal70 #

June 19, 2017 Anna1606 #

June 18, 2017 byklyasv #

June 8, 2017 vinogradinka # (recipe creator)

April 10, 2017 Gali-28 #

May 8, 2017 vinogradinka # (recipe creator)

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