Banana jam – 6 delicious homemade recipes

Banana jam – 6 delicious homemade recipes

Banana jam can be used to amuse friends and acquaintances with something cool in the winter and uncomfortable in the autumn. It is not necessary to prepare it in huge sizes - make several jars for a gift. Read more...

  1. Main
  2. Best selections
  3. Preparations for the winter
  4. Homemade jam
  5. Fruit and vegetable jam
  6. Banana jam
  • Fast, simple, delicious
  • Dessert
  • Jam for the winter
  • Homemade jam
  • Preparations for the winter
  • Recipes for kids
  • Diets (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) recipes for weight loss
  • Dishes with oranges
  • Canning
  • Dishes with lemons
  • Dishes with gelatin
  • Lenten table
  • Orange jam
  • Lemon jam
  • Vegetarianism
  • Orange and lemon jam
  • Veganism
  • Recipes without butter and margarine
  • Preparations from fruits and berries
  • Meals in 30 minutes

How to make banana jam using several methods

The advantage of making banana jam at home is that you can cook it throughout the year - bananas are constantly on sale. Therefore, this dessert is not so much a preparation for the winter, but an opportunity to pamper yourself and your loved ones with a fragrant delicacy. In addition, the dish perfectly complements others, for example, pancakes, pancakes, casseroles. It can be served with ice cream, stuffed into buns, pies, pies and cakes.

5 most commonly used ingredients in banana jam recipes:

Product Calories kcal per 100g Proteins g per 100g Fats g per 100g Carbohydrates g per 100g
Sugar 398 99.7
Bananas 89 1.5 0.1 21.8
Lemons 16 0.9 0.1 3
Oranges 36 0.9 0.2 8.1
Gelatin 355 87.2 0.4 0.7

You can cook with or without cooking. As a last resort, the jam should be kept in the refrigerator. You can cut it into circles, semicircles, the largest slices, or crush it with a blender, meat grinder, or masher. Apart from actually bananas, the only useful thing is sugar (or its substitute, suitable for heat treatment). To make the jam look great, it is better to cut off all the black parts and tasteless ends from the bananas, and clean them of the outer veins. Then the dessert will be whitish in color, without darkening, and the fruits themselves will be transparent. Usually an hour is enough for cooking.

To enhance the taste, you can add citric acid in small quantities. In recipes without cooking, it is indispensable. Water is not needed, but in some cases it is still required.

5 of the fastest banana jam recipes:

Name of the dish Preparation time Calories kcal per 100g User rating
Kiwi and banana jam 20 minutes 132 +69
Banana jam 30 min 121 +42
Banana, orange and lemon jam 1 h 10 min 123 +81
Cooked banana jam 2 hours 192 +68
Orange-banana jam 2 hours 217 +23

Bananas in jam are perfectly mixed with other exotic fruits such as melon, kiwi, mango, papaya. Also with old acquaintances: apples, pears, pumpkins.

do not overcook the banana jam - remove from heat when the fruit becomes transparent

Banana jam: affordable recipes for a catchy tropical dessert

Banana jam is a prestigious delicacy that has come to replace preparations made from berries and homemade fruits. Desserts made from banana pulp are distinguished by their highest nutritional qualities, rich summer aroma and delicate taste.

Regular banana jam recipe

Thick banana jam has a caramel flavor and the smell of summer. It is best used for a delicious topping for lacy pancakes, pies or ice cream.


  • 800 g soft ripe bananas;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 80 ml of drinking clean water;
  • on the tip of a knife with citric acid.

Step by step manufacturing method:

  1. Peel the bananas and place in a large saucepan. Pour water into a container and add sugar.
  2. Mash the contents of the pan with a fork to form a puree mixture. It is better if there are pieces left in the mass. They will give the jam a zest.
  3. Stirring, bring the banana puree to a boil over medium heat.
  4. Add citric acid and mix well. Reduce the heat to low and let the workpiece simmer for 15 minutes.

During the cooking process, snow-white foam appears on the surface of the pan. They should be collected with a slotted spoon.

After the sweet mass has cooled, you can serve it on a scoop of ice cream. If desired, place in sterilized jars and seal.

Instead of citric acid, you can add oranges or lemon cut together with the pulp to the jam.

Banana and kiwi jam

Jam from ripe emerald kiwi and banana is a mixture reminiscent of jam or confiture, because kiwi fruits have gelling properties.

Composition ingredients:

  • 1 kg banana pulp;
  • 0.5 kg of ripe kiwi fruits;
  • half a lemon;
  • 1 kg of sweet sand;
  • ½ glass of clean drinking water;
  • a pinch of vanillin.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Wash and dry the fruit on a napkin. Peel the kiwi and cut into cubes.
  2. Cook, stirring, in a saucepan sweet syrup from water and sweet sand.
  3. Grind the banana pulp into rings or small cubes.
  4. Place pieces of fruit in hot sweet syrup and put them in a quiet space for 3 hours so that the slices have time to be one hundred percent saturated with juices.
  5. Boil the mixture and cook for about an hour. During the process, the thick jam should be constantly stirred so that the sweet mass does not stick to the bottom.

Place the finished treat into sterile jars and seal tightly.

Recipe for overripe banana jam with lemon

From stale overripe bananas you can make jam with a creamy mixture, which can be conveniently put into the filling of pies or croissants.

Required components:

  • 500 g overripe bananas;
  • lemon;
  • 300-400 g sugar.

Step by step cooking method:

  1. Peel the bananas, cut into thin slices, and wash and chop the freshest lemon.
  2. Place the pieces into a container and stir.
  3. Sprinkle the circles with sugar.
  4. Stir until the slices are one hundred percent coated with sugar.
  5. Place the preparation so that the fruits exchange juices. Let stand for 3 hours.
  6. After the end of time, simmer the mixture over low heat for 30 minutes, carefully turning with a spatula.
  7. Place the fragrant dessert in a jar and, after cooling, cover with a lid.

Banana-apple treat

An unusual treat for the dessert table is jam made from ripe bananas and apples. It is better to add sour apples to the composition so that the taste of the finished sweet is balanced and not cloyingly sweet.

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Ingredients for cooking:

  • 1.5 kg of bananas with sour apples;
  • a glass of drinking water;
  • 3 kg sugar.

The recipe consists of steps:

  1. Pour sugar into a container created for making jam and pour out water. Boil syrup using this base.
  2. Wash and peel the apples, cut out the core, and chop the pulp into small cubes.
  3. Transfer the apples to the syrup and boil, stirring occasionally with a spatula. To preserve the integrity of the pieces, leave them to soak in juices for 3 hours.
  4. After the syrup has cooled, boil the jam again.
  5. Wash and peel the bananas and chop into circles. Add to the apple puree and cook for 20 minutes, turning the mixture with a spoon to prevent it from burning.
  6. Roll into sterile jars and store.

The apple and banana jam comes out uniformly sweet, thick and velvety. It can be placed in a beautiful rosette and served with herbal tea.

With gooseberries

Fleshy gooseberries are infused with the tropical flavor of banana, yet remain intact.

Required set of goods:

  • 1 kg of ripe gooseberries;
  • 1 kg of soft bananas;
  • ½ glass of clean drinking water;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • ½ medium lemon.

Recipe for banana and gooseberry jam:

  1. Pour sugar into a saucepan and add water. Boil the syrup, making sure that the sweet mass does not burn.
  2. Wash the gooseberries, remove plaque, dry and prick with a clean needle in several places.
  3. Dump the berries into the syrup, wait until it boils and leave for 6 hours.
  4. After the specified time, add the bananas and lemon cut into pieces into the gooseberries and cook over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring with a spoon.
  5. Distribute the fragrant jam into sterilized jars and seal tightly with lids.

The jam should be sealed with lids only after it has cooled, because when canning a hot mass, condensation appears in the jar and mold may appear.

The original banana jam has a soft, thick structure, a nice tropical smell and a catchy, juicy color. The fruits are rich in natural sugars, therefore, in combination with sour oranges, gooseberries and kiwi, the dessert acquires a balanced taste and citrus smell. It is convenient to fill pies and muffins with jam, and also spread it on golden toast or golden, fluffy cheesecakes.

Video recipe for banana jam with caramel

Banana and zucchini jam - video

Banana jam

Bananas are the most common fruit around the world. This product is considered one of the most necessary, and at the same time, there are a huge number of conflicting hypotheses regarding the excess calorie content of these fruits and their toxicity. But the mere fact that bananas are among the top three favorites for babies’ first complementary foods means that this product and all its derivatives - fruit drinks, preserves, jam, juice - must certainly be on a healthy menu.

Benefits and harms of banana products

Previously, when bananas were not so readily available for sale, doctors were confused about what to recommend to a person as a healthy snack, an everyday source of vitamins and essential substances. Since the time when bananas began to appear on store shelves, and banana jam began to become something exotic among winter products, the answer to this question is actually clear. The hypoallergenic nature of the fruit allows both children and the elderly to eat it; the multifaceted composition and high calorie content can create a real meal out of eating a banana, which is very important for busy people who eat at random due to their own schedule. You can make fruit puree as a side dish, bread and, of course, jam and marmalade.

  • Benefits and harms of banana products
  • Use in folk medicine
  • Home Recipes
  • Use in cooking

Despite the absence of the corresponding acid in the product, banana is rich in vitamin C, which intensively destroys various viral infections (The term means various types of interactions of foreign microorganisms with the human body) in the human body, strengthens vascular walls, and increases immunity. A huge amount of carotene (a derivative of vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) A) and vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united by the characteristic their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) E in bananas are responsible for a brilliant appearance - healthy hair, smooth young skin, and sexy human health. Even heat treatment of this fruit is not capable of destroying the entire range of vitamins and microelements; in banana jam, a large percentage of the B vitamins contained in the product remain, which are responsible for the nervous system, strong hair, strong nails, and moisturized young skin. Substances such as magnesium, calcium and potassium strengthen bone tissue (a medical system of cells and intercellular substances united by a common origin, structure and functions) , normalize high blood pressure and promote good functioning of the heart muscle.

All derivatives from this fruit are very beneficial for women’s health, especially during pregnancy, lactation, or critical days. There is a worldview that bananas contain the hormone of happiness - serotonin, but this is not entirely correct. This product contains a lot of vitamin B6, which fights depressive conditions and produces the production of serotonin in the brain.

The fibrous texture of bananas is very beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, experts do not recommend cooking banana jam with a homogeneous texture; it is better that it remains slightly undercooked, with chunks. You can eat this fruit even during exacerbations of acquired stomach diseases, unlike all other plant products.

For children, eating bananas and banana jam is simply necessary to replenish strength during physical and sensory burdens. In addition, it is a good and tasty (which is important for children) source of the vitamin and mineral complex involved in the formation of a healthy body.

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But, under certain criteria, the harm of bananas is completely obvious. People who lead an inactive lifestyle run the risk of developing flatulence due to the fact that these fruits are slowly absorbed. Banana products can thicken blood (the internal environment of the body, formed by liquid connective tissue. Consists of plasma and formed elements: leukocyte cells and post-cellular structures: erythrocytes and platelets) , which can lead to the formation of blood clots. This fact indicates that any banana sweets should not be consumed by people prone to strokes, heart attacks, thrombophlebitis or varicose veins.

Often the freshest bananas lose many of their desired properties due to disruption of transportation and storage of the product. Such fruits will not make tasty and healthy jam. In addition, they can become a prerequisite for poisoning and allergic reactions (high-quality bananas are hypoallergenic).

Well, we cannot fail to mention the most common negative quality of a banana - it is high in calories, which means it can cause fat deposition. And although the calorie content of banana jam or preserves is 215 kilocalories per 100 grams of weight, which is not very much compared to other sweets, the product is more difficult to digest, which means it is more harmful to the waist and hips.

Use in folk medicine

Banana jam is very popular among homemade recipes to combat coughs of various origins. The product will perfectly help with pain (experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage) in the throat, wet or dry cough in children and adults. The fleshy fruit entwines the mucous membranes, reducing inflammation (Inflammation is a complex local response of the body to damage) . In addition, vitamin C (a low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) C, found in banana jam, promotes a speedy cure. This remedy is especially excellent for little children, who are difficult to drink with bitter and tasteless medicine.

To make banana jam you will need 2 ripe fruits and 1 glass of boiled water. The banana pulp is kneaded into a pulp, ground through a sieve or softened with a blender. The acquired mass is filled with water and brought to a boil over high heat. The resulting banana jam should be consumed a couple of times a day until the symptoms of cough improve.

For bronchitis, it is recommended to prepare banana jam with the addition of honey, since honey is a good emollient and expectorant. The only aspect of healing a cough with banana jam is the fact that it always needs to be re-cooked - the mixture loses its healing properties almost instantly.

Home Recipes

There are a huge number of delicious recipes for making banana jam at home. Banana jam can be preserved for the winter, or you can eat it immediately after making it. Indescribably delicious bananas and jam. This is a dessert product obtained by evaporating banana pulp in honey or sugar to a jelly-like state. At the same time, the pulp of the fruit is one hundred percent boiled and becomes homogeneous.

To make delicious banana jam you will need:

  • 3 ripe bananas;
  • 2 medium oranges;
  • 1 large lemon;
  • 200 grams of sugar.

Juice is squeezed out of citrus fruits. The banana pulp is cut into slices, mixed with juice and sugar, and brought to a boil over heat. The heat should be reduced to low and the jam should be simmered until thickened. The product must be cooled one hundred percent and allowed to steep slightly.

Overripe bananas are a good basis for light and tasty jam, which can be prepared without much difficulty. Usually such fruits are sold very inexpensively, since after a day or two they are simply thrown away, so jam from bananas is even cheaper than from apples or cherries.

The only disadvantage of such jam is the short shelf life of the finished dish.

So, to make banana jam you will need:

  • 500 grams of peeled ripe bananas;
  • 180 grams of sugar;
  • a tablespoon of vanilla sugar;
  • teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 1 star anise.
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The banana pulp should be cut into circles and placed in a bowl. Next, the chopped pulp must be thoroughly mashed with a fork until smooth, sprinkle with sugar, add vanilla sugar, citric acid and star anise, and mix everything thoroughly. Transfer the jam to a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat, and then remove from the stove. Cool the mixture, and after 3 hours, boil again and after boiling, simmer on the fire for about 10 minutes. Cool the jam again, repeat boiling after a couple of hours 2-3 more times. The finished banana jam is poured into jars with tight lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Use in cooking

Banana jam can be eaten separately from any baked goods as a snack for tea. This is an indescribably delicious delicacy that, fortunately, you can’t eat too much of. But in cooking there are many recipes for other dishes in which banana jam is added. For example, when baking croissants, chefs use banana jam, which, thanks to its own mixture, is perfectly retained inside the most delicate baking dough.

Homemade chocolates with banana jam inside are also incredibly popular. They are easy to prepare, since the inside does not spill and is the basis of the candy itself. Banana jam is delicious spread on a regular baguette; it complements pancakes and pancakes; the product can also be used as a sweet sauce for certain types of meat.

Banana jam can be very beneficial if consumed in moderation. The energy value of this product is indicated for people with excessive intellectual work, irritable people and those who suffer from vitamin deficiencies. If you consume jam or jam from this fruit, one spoon a day, there is virtually no risk of gaining weight, but the possibility that calmness will become an actual credo, on the contrary, increases very much.

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How to make banana jam: recipes for savory sweets for the winter

Do you like to spend your free time in the kitchen and cook something unusual? Try making banana jam. Any housewife will find a recipe to suit her taste, because banana pulp can be combined with citrus fruits and berries. Increase your skills and prepare a fragrant treat for your own sweet tooth.

Banana jam - simple and delicious!

If you are tired of a delicacy that you have been canning for more than a year, try adding more and making banana jam for the winter. Making such sweets will not take you much time, and the goods will be of little use. The main thing is that the bananas are ripe and sweet.


  • 0.5 kg bananas;
  • 0.2 kg of sweet sand;
  • 2 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

On a note! Without lemon juice, banana jam turns out very cloying. You can replace lemon juice with acid.


  1. We prepare the products. Bananas must be ripe.
  2. Peel the bananas.
  3. Cut the banana pulp into equal slices.
  4. Place the sliced ​​bananas in a thick-walled pan.
  5. Pour in sweet sand and mix gently.
  6. Leave the bananas in this form for 1-2 hours. You will see how much juice has been released.
  7. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil.
  8. Next we need to boil the jam for half an hour.
  9. Approximately 15 minutes after the banana jam boils, add freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  10. Taste the jam, you can add a little more lemon juice.
  11. When the jam is ready, the bananas will soften one hundred percent and become lighter in color.
  12. Place the hot jam into sterilized jars.

On a note! To give the banana jam a uniform texture, you can beat it with an immersion blender.

Emerald jam

Kiwi and banana jam with gelatin will amaze you with its taste and beauty. Thanks to gelatin, the treat will acquire the thickness of jelly. Your household will be ecstatic from such a dessert.


  • 6 pcs. kiwi;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 1 banana;
  • 0.2 kg of sweet sand;
  • 1 tsp. edible gelatin.


  1. Peel the kiwi and cut into cubes.
  2. Peel the bananas and chop them.
  3. It is best to grind the fruit in a blender to a paste mixture.
  4. Transfer the fruit mixture into a heat-resistant bowl.
  5. Add food gelatin, sweet sand and juice of half a lemon.
  6. Mix everything and put the container on fire.
  7. After boiling, boil the jam for 5-10 minutes.
  8. Then we cool it.
  9. Bring the jam to a boil again and boil for 5-10 minutes.
  10. Now the kiwi and banana jam can be transferred to jars and canned.

You haven't tried anything like this yet!

Lovers of melon, bananas and citrus fruits will appreciate the taste of this unusual jam. Even a novice housewife can make banana and lemon jam.


  • 1 kg melon pulp;
  • 3 pcs. bananas;
  • 0.4 kg of sweet sand;
  • 3 pcs. lemons.


  1. Cut the melon pulp into cubes and place in a deep bowl.
  2. Add sweet sand, mix and put in the refrigerator overnight (that is, in the dark) .
  3. In the morning, add one glass of filtered water to the melon pulp.
  4. Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat.
  5. After boiling, boil for exactly seven minutes.
  6. Peel the lemons and squeeze out the juice.
  7. Cut the banana pulp into slices.
  8. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and banana pulp to the melon.
  9. Mix everything. After boiling again, cook for 20 minutes.
  10. When hot, pour the jam into sterilized containers.

Orange + banana = harmony of taste

Almost all of us love bananas. But if you make jam only from banana pulp, it will turn out cloying. The sour note is imparted not only by freshly squeezed lemon juice, but also by oranges. Let's prepare fragrant jam from bananas and oranges.

On a note! Gooseberries will give the jam an unusual taste. You can also add cardamom, ground cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla or cloves to taste.


  • 0.5 kg of gooseberries;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 banana;
  • 0.5 kg of sweet sand;
  • 5 pieces. carnation inflorescences;
  • ½ tsp. cinnamon powder.


  1. We thoroughly wash the gooseberries. We cut off the tails.
  2. Dry each berry with a cardboard napkin.
  3. Place the gooseberries in a deep, thick-walled bowl and grind with a blender to a puree mixture.
  4. Peel the orange and grind it in a blender.
  5. Peel the bananas and cut into equal slices.
  6. Combine banana pieces with fruit and berry mixture.
  7. Pour the prepared mixture with sweet sand, mix and leave for a couple of hours.
  8. After the allotted time, add cinnamon powder and clove inflorescences.
  9. Mix again and put on the stove.
  10. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  11. After boiling, boil the jam for 5 minutes.
  12. This jam must be stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

A unique recipe for homemade sweets

Making jam that tastes extraordinary is very simple. The main thing is to choose a suitable recipe. To preserve homemade jelly, it is not necessary to use gelatin; you can add reddish currants. Its berries contain pectin, which will act as a natural thickener.


  • 1 liter of currant juice;
  • 4 things. bananas;
  • 0.6 kg of sweet sand.


Attention! Only freshly squeezed juice is suitable for making jam; packaged products will not bring the desired result.

  1. Wash the reddish currant berries well with running water and dry.
  2. Remove branches and tails.
  3. Place the reddish currants in a deep bowl and grind with a blender. The mass should turn out watery and homogeneous.
  4. Grind the resulting mass through a sieve or put it in cheesecloth and squeeze it well.
  5. Peel the banana pulp and place it in a blender bowl. Grind to puree mixture.
  6. Combine freshly squeezed currant juice with banana puree.
  7. Add sweet sand and stir everything well.
  8. Place the pan on low heat.
  9. After boiling, boil the jam for approximately 40 minutes. Don't forget to stir it from time to time.
  10. All that remains is to transfer the hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Read also:

Banana jam has a viscous consistency and an unforgettable taste. You can experiment and add different berries and fruits to it. Don't forget the spices. Vanilla, cinnamon, cloves or cardamom will add unusual fragrant notes to the delicacy. This jam can be prepared for future use or made into one serving. Bon appetit!

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