How to make delicious shrimp pizza

How to make delicious shrimp pizza. The best recipes and tips!

Shrimp pizza is a luxurious dish, not a “quick” one, and in this article we will tell you how it is prepared, what kind of interior is needed, how to prepare the dough and sauce and how it should be served.

Let's start with a traditional and at the same time the most common recipe. If you have not prepared this dish before, we recommend starting with it specifically.


Let's start from the very beginning. Pizza with shrimp according to this recipe is completely simple to make and does not require any special abilities, the main thing is to purchase the products indicated in the recipe and find 30 minutes of free time.

  • 250 g of dough (you can buy it in a store to save time), both yeast and regular dough will do.
  • gr two hundred shrimp;
  • seasonings to taste, but we decided to limit ourselves to the freshest basil (dried is also suitable);
  • 100 grams of cheese (it is better to take the hard variety);
  • 150 gr. mozzarella;
  • dark pepper;
  • 2 tsp. Sahara;
  • one onion;
  • salt;
  • three to four tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • greenish onion feathers;
  • grams of four hundred tomatoes canned in their own juice.

  1. Let's deal with the onion first. We cut the green onion into thin feathers, and the onion into small rings.
  2. Open the jar of tomatoes and chop them in a mixer.
  3. Heat a frying pan and pour in olive oil.
  4. Fry the onion until it starts to turn golden, and then add the tomatoes.
  5. Add basil, pepper and sugar to the mixture.
  6. Simmer for 10 minutes. At the very end, add a greenish onion to the frying pan.
  7. Defrost and cook the shrimp.
  8. Mozzarella is cut into thin slices.
  9. Grate the cheese on a medium grater.
  10. Place parchment on a baking sheet.
  11. Roll out the dough and put it in our form!
  12. Place in the oven for 10 minutes.
  13. After this time, take the cake out of the oven and grease it with our sauce.
  14. If you haven’t peeled the shrimp yet, now we clean it and place it on our preparation, which we sprinkle with 2 types of cheese. Here you can show your imagination! Make it great!
  15. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and bake for 10 minutes.

When the bell rings, our traditional pizza is ready! Bon appetit!

With cheese

Pizza with shrimp and cheese is unfortunately rarely prepared, although it is very tasty and loved by everyone who has tried it.

We prepare the dough using the usual manual method, but you can also use a bread machine. It needs to be created in a round shape, about 30 cm thinner, but you can also create a rectangular one.

Required set of goods:

  • half a kilogram of unpeeled frozen shrimp;
  • two hundred grams of cheese (certainly hard)
  • one small onion;
  • one tomato;
  • a jar of olives stuffed with anchovies or lemon;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice (in this recipe you can replace it with white wine vinegar);
  • ground pepper;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt.

    For this recipe, medium boiled frozen shrimp are suitable, preferably unpeeled ones. You can also buy ready-made peeled ones, but the taste will not be the same.

Now you need to cover it with film for about fifteen minutes. The workpiece must fit.

  • Having cut the tomatoes and lightly salted them, distribute them over the surface of the workpiece.
  • Lay out the olives. You can add more olives, even the whole jar.

    This basic version of pizza with shrimp and cheese can be prepared with other ingredients and seasonings. Here you can experiment.

    Video "Mini Pizza"

    This video shows how to quickly and deliciously make mini pizza.


    This dish is suitable for those who love shrimp and spicy food.

    • 25 gr. sweet sand;
    • 0.5 kg of flour (it’s better not to skimp on the highest grade);
    • three large chicken eggs;
    • 200 grams of milk (warm, pasteurized);
    • 50 gr. yeast;
    • 100 g margarine;
    • salt.
    • three hundred grams of shrimp fillet;
    • a couple of huge chicken eggs;
    • 250 gr. cheese (it’s better to take spicy hunter’s);
    • a couple of spoons of olive oil;
    • one onion;
    • ground pepper;
    • salt (to taste);
    • ketchup;
    • greens (it is better to take the freshest).

    1. So, let's start preparing the dough. To do this, combine beaten eggs with sugar, soaked yeast, a pinch of salt, melted margarine and warm milk.
    2. Beat the resulting mixture as it should with a whisk and pour it into the flour.
    3. Mix.
    4. Set aside our dough so that it rises slightly. For about an hour and a half.
    5. Then we roll it into a thin flat cake and spread it with ketchup.
    6. Season the shrimp with spices, salt and fry in olive oil and place on the dough.
    7. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
    8. Finely chop the greens.
    9. Grate the cheese and sprinkle it on the pizza.
    10. Beat a couple of eggs and pour them over the workpiece.
    11. Set the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for about forty minutes.

    The dish is ready! Bon appetit!

    Video “With seafood”

    This video shows how the most delicious Italian pizza with seafood is prepared.

    Pizza with shrimp

    Shrimp is a versatile meat for cooking. Shrimp soup, shrimp risotto, shrimp pizza.

    I remember as a child, on the Black Sea beach in some small town, small shrimp were sold by the glass, and cheaply.

    When asked “where did you catch them?” the merchants began to talk nonsense, which is usually uttered by spouses who have been on a spree to their spouses when they show up at home in the morning. Now shrimp are sold in stores completely civilly, all that remains is to prepare the sauce for the shrimp.

    Shrimp is an affordable seafood product, a gift from the sea. They are caught in the ocean by the millions, sorted by size and boiled in the same water in which they were caught. At least that's what it says on the packaging. Shrimp are also grown artificially in ponds. And, unfortunately, the shrimp are not always of good quality; sometimes they just leak dye and are only recommended to be eaten in the trash. In any case, pizza with low quality shrimp is not pizza at all.

    Shrimp can be used to prepare a huge number of dishes, good appetizers, pasta or risotto, also a famous dish by Giacomo Girolamo Casanova - an appetizer made from zucchini and shrimp, which is considered an aphrodisiac.

    Apart from everything else, the Italians would not have been such good cooks if they had not come up with a recipe - shrimp pizza. It is worth remembering pizza with seafood Pizza ai frutti di mare, pizza with mussels Pizza con le cozze - amazing combinations of ingredients common to pizza and seafood.

    Read also:  Thai chicken recipe

    Ingredients for shrimp pizza

    • Pizza dough 400 g
    • Shrimp (medium) 15 pcs
    • Tomato 1 piece
    • Young basil, arugula to taste
    • Olive oil 3 tbsp. l.
    • Mozzarella 200 g
    • Parmesan 50 g
    • Greenish olives 8 pcs
    • Garlic 2-3 cloves
    • Salt, oregano to taste

    How to make shrimp pizza

    1. Pizza with shrimp should have a soft and fairly thick dough. Prepare the dough. The recipe for yeast pizza dough that we use at home is simple and straightforward. Read: “Pizza Dough.”
    2. After the dough has risen, knead it and stretch it into a flat cake 5-7 mm wide. Place the dough on the pan, lightly greasing it with olive oil first. Be sure to prick the dough with a fork in several places. In order for the dough to rise further and become fluffy, you need to cover the dough on the pan with a napkin and let it rise - from 15 minutes.
    3. The pizza will be without tomato sauce, so I think that such a pizza can completely be considered “snow-white”. As a sauce to spread on the dough, we will use a sauce similar to pesto sauce, but the most economical option.

    Ingredients for the inside

    Grind parmesan, basil and garlic

    Brush the dough with parmesan and basil sauce

    Prepare and cut all ingredients for the inside

    Cut the tomato into cubes and place on top of the sauce

    Cut the mozzarella balls in half or into quarters and also arrange them sparingly.

    Arrange chopped green olives

    Arrange the chopped cheese - mozzarella

    Place the shrimp, cutting them in half lengthwise

    Cut the pizza into 6-8 pieces with a roller cutter

    Pizza with shrimp, mozzarella, tomatoes and basil

    Watch my video on how to make pizza dough

    Pizza Dough Easy and guaranteed to make delicious pizza dough

    Pizza with shrimp - 8 recipes for making it at home

    You can taste delicious shrimp pizza not only in a fancy restaurant, but also at home, by preparing it yourself. You can use any kind of dough for such baking – even puff pastry will do. A ready-made store-bought product will greatly facilitate the housewife’s task.

    Pizza with shrimp and cream sauce


    • half a kilo of ready-made yeast dough;
    • 40 g fatty butter;
    • 1 half glass of heavy cream;
    • 250 – 300 g small shrimp;
    • 150 g mozzarella balls;
    • 2 pinches of Italian herbs;
    • 1 tbsp. l. flour;
    • salt;
    • 1 garlic clove;
    • 1 pinch of dark sesame.


    1. Pour the flour into a dry cast iron frying pan. With constant stirring, fry until golden brown.
    2. Add all the butter to the flour. Fry together for 30 seconds.
    3. Pour in the cream. Bring the mixture to a boil. Salt, add dry herbs, add mashed garlic. Cook the sauce for 2 - 3 minutes
    4. Cook the shrimp until fully cooked, peel. Cut the cheese balls in half.
    5. Form the dough into a round pizza base. Generously coat it with cream sauce.
    6. Place shrimp and cheese pieces on top.
    7. Sprinkle the filling with black sesame seeds.

    Bake the pizza for no more than a quarter of an hour in the oven at medium temperature.

    With the addition of mushrooms to the recipe


    • half a kilo of boiled small shrimp;
    • 700 g yeast pizza dough;
    • 300 g champignons;
    • 2 sweet peppers;
    • 2 tomatoes;
    • 100 – 150 g grated cheese;
    • sweet ketchup and oregano to taste.


    1. Roll out the dough thinly on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Coat it with ketchup and sprinkle with oregano.
    2. Place boiled seafood on top of the base. Distribute thin slices of raw mushrooms sparingly.
    3. Add sweet pepper strips and tomato slices to the filling
    4. Cover everything with shredded cheese.

    Bake the dish with shrimp and mushrooms first for 10 minutes at 180 degrees, then for another 20 minutes at 150 degrees in the oven.

    Cooking with bacon in a frying pan


    • 1 tomato;
    • 2 raw eggs;
    • 150 g peeled shrimp;
    • 8 tbsp. l. flour;
    • 150 g crushed cheese;
    • 2 tbsp. l. traditional mayonnaise;
    • 150 – 200 g bacon;
    • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
    • olives and pickled cucumbers optional;
    • a couple of pinches of dried herbs;
    • vegetable oil.


    1. For the dough, mix sour cream and mayonnaise until smooth. Add flour. Beat in raw eggs.
    2. Cook the shrimp until tender, peel as needed.
    3. Cut olives, tomatoes and pickled cucumbers into thin slices. Bacon - in small slices. It’s better to simply grate the cheese coarsely.
    4. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Pour the homogeneous dough from the first step onto it.
    5. Place all the inside ingredients on top.
    6. Cover everything with cheese.

    Cover the pan with a lid and cook the pizza over slightly less than medium heat until lightly browned on the bottom.

    Homemade pizza with shrimp and pineapple


    • 500 g of ready-made puff pastry (yeast-free);
    • 100 – 150 g “Gouda” (cheese);
    • 150 g shrimp;
    • 2 tbsp. l. traditional mayonnaise and the same amount of tomato sauce;
    • 150 g canned pineapple cubes.
    Read also:  Soufflé with gelatin


    1. Defrost the finished puff pastry. Do not roll out thinly.
    2. Mix mayonnaise with a small amount of pineapple syrup. Coat the puff base with the resulting sauce.
    3. Peel the shrimp and cook until tender.
    4. Squeeze the pineapples to remove excess syrup and chop into small cubes.
    5. Place seafood and fruit on prepared base. Place grated cheese on top.

    Bake pizza with shrimp and pineapple for 20 - 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

    With chicken fillet


    • 500 g yeast dough;
    • 4 tbsp. l. tomato puree;
    • 1 tomato;
    • 100 g mozzarella and 50 g parmesan;
    • 300 g chicken fillet;
    • 100 g shrimp;
    • pizza spice mix;
    • olive oil.


    1. Peel the shrimp and toss it raw. There is no need to fry or boil them; the seafood will be ready in the oven.
    2. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. Fry in hot olive oil until lightly browned.
    3. Roll out the dough into a circle. Coat with tomato puree.
    4. First put the chicken on the base, then the shrimp. Sprinkle everything with spices.
    5. Cover everything with tomato slices, slices of mozzarella and grated Parmesan.

    Bake the pizza for 20 minutes at medium temperature.

    With crab sticks


    • 500 g pizza dough;
    • 300 – 350 g shrimp;
    • 150 g juicy crab sticks;
    • ½ pod of sweet reddish pepper;
    • 4 dessert spoons of tomato paste;
    • 1 pinch of oregano;
    • 1 full cup of grated cheese.


    1. Roll out the selected dough thinly. Transfer it to a floured baking sheet.
    2. Coat the base with tomato paste. To taste, you can replace it with ketchup or any other favorite sauce.
    3. Place cubes of sweet pepper, peeled raw shrimp (small), and pieces of crab sticks on top.
    4. Sprinkle pizza toppings generously with cheese.

    Preheat the oven to 200 - 210 degrees in advance. Cook pizza in it on a baking sheet for 20 - 30 minutes.

    Pizza Caesar with shrimp


    • 400 g of ready-made dough;
    • ½ tbsp. Caesar sauce;
    • lettuce leaves;
    • 100 g chopped parmesan and 200 g hard cheese;
    • 2 handfuls of cherry tomatoes;
    • 350 g shrimp.


    1. Clean the shrimp. Boil in boiling salted water for 3 minutes.
    2. Grate two types of cheese.
    3. Cut the cherry in half.
    4. Tear the salad with your hands.
    5. Roll out the dough into a round base. Cover it with sauce.
    6. Place shrimp and cherry halves on top.
    7. Cook homemade pizza according to this recipe for 15 - 17 minutes at 160 degrees.
    8. Then fill the base with the inside with hard cheese.
    9. Bake the pizza for another 7 - 9 minutes at the same temperature.

    Place pieces of lettuce leaves on a prepared dish. Sprinkle them with Parmesan, which will quickly melt into the still hot base. Cut into pieces and serve.

    Recipe with cheese


    • 1 portion of pizza dough;
    • 3 pcs. tomatoes;
    • 5 dessert spoons of tomato paste;
    • 2 dessert spoons of olive oil;
    • 10 pieces. pitted olives;
    • 1 yellowish sweet pepper;
    • 1 sweet onion;
    • 100 g mozzarella;
    • 10 pieces. king prawns;
    • a mixture of dry herbs for pizza.


    1. Roll out the dough to your liking (thin or thick) and transfer to a baking sheet. Sprinkle with dry herbs. Coat with a consistency of tomato paste and olive oil.
    2. Cut tomatoes and olives into thin slices. Sweet pepper - random small pieces. Chop the onion into half rings.
    3. Divide the mozzarella into small pieces.
    4. Clean the queens. Fry the remaining pulp until browned and cooked.
    5. Place all the innards onto the pizza base. Distribute the mozzarella at the end.

    Bake the pizza for 20 - 25 minutes at medium temperature. At home, baked goods come out no worse than restaurant ones.

    For shrimp pizza, you can use either fresh or frozen dough. 2nd option before distributing the insides must be completely defrosted. If the dough is yeast, then after distributing the insides over it, leave the base to rise for another 15 minutes.

    Sea pizza with shrimp: exotic and tasty

    Pizza is a versatile and unusual dish that always comes in handy at a party, at a children's party, or at a family picnic in nature. Almost all working and busy people prefer to go to a restaurant, fast food and treat themselves to this dish than to stand at the stove; hungry students also think the same way. Pizza and cool beer are an ideal combination for a friendly feast, and if you replace the intoxicating drink with juice, then this option is suitable for a real dinner or lunch. But you don’t have to go to a cafe to have a delicious meal. We want to offer a recipe that won’t take much time, but the dish will turn out excellent. So, exotic shrimp pizza for the whole family. Amaze those around you with your culinary masterpieces!

    1. Plain pizza with sea shrimp
    2. Spicy pizza with shrimp
    3. Seafood pizza with pineapple

    Plain pizza with sea shrimp

    Let's start with the basics. This shrimp pizza is completely easy to make and does not require any special options, the main thing is to purchase the ingredients and spend half an hour. Try our recipe and see for yourself!

    • 250 grams of store-bought ready-made dough (we used yeast, but you can substitute the rest to suit your taste)
    • 200 grams of shrimp
    • spices of your choice (we used fresh basil)
    • 100 grams of ordinary hard cheese
    • 150 grams mozzarella
    • dark ground pepper according to your preference
    • sugar – 2 teaspoons
    • onion - 1 piece
    • rock salt - a few pinches
    • 3-4 tablespoons refined olive oil
    • a few green onions
    • 400 grams of canned tomatoes (in their own juice)
    Read also:  Fried peas

    Step 1 – preparing goods for future pizza. To begin, cut the green onions into thin feathers, and the onions into small rings. Grind the prepared tomatoes purchased in the store in their juice using a mixer or blender. Now in a frying pan in olive oil, fry the onions until golden brown, a little later add tomatoes and freshly cut basil (you can use dry) - add salt, season with ground pepper to taste, sprinkle with sugar and simmer for no longer than 10 minutes. At the end, when the mass has already acquired the appropriate smell for the sauce, add green onions.

    Boil fresh frozen shrimp (the cooking time is usually indicated on the package), cut the mozzarella into thin slices, and grate the hard cheese on a medium grater.

    Roll out the yeast dough into a narrow circle and place it in a mold (baking tray or special baking dish), which should be lined with parchment so that you can easily remove the product, then put it in the oven for 10 minutes.

    Brush the toasted and golden brown crust with freshly prepared sauce, add shrimp and sprinkle with two types of cheese. Set the oven temperature to 220 degrees and the timer to 10 minutes.

    We hope you like this recipe. This option is suitable for those who “don’t get along” with dough, because not every housewife is good at savory flour products, and this pizza is very ordinary - buy a base and prepare the filling. Eat with gusto!

    Spicy pizza with shrimp

    If you love seafood and prefer spicy, spicy food, we offer a recipe especially for you. This pizza is topped with shrimp, boiled eggs and spicy cheese. Try it!

    • 25 grams of sugar by weight
    • half a kilogram of sifted wheat flour
    • 3 chicken eggs (take large ones)
    • glass of warm pasteurized milk
    • 50 grams of yeast
    • rock salt
    • 100 grams of good margarine
    • 300 grams shrimp fillet
    • 2 large testicles
    • 250 grams of hunting cheese (or other spicy)
    • 2 huge spoons of olive oil
    • small onion
    • ground pepper and rock salt (all at your discretion)
    • ordinary ketchup
    • freshly cut greens

    We want to offer an impeccable dough recipe - combine beaten chicken eggs, sugar, pre-soaked yeast, a pinch of salt and melted margarine with slightly heated milk. Stir the whole mixture well (using a special whisk) and pour into the flour - knead. After this, leave the finished mass to rise (no more than an hour and a half). To make the dough tasty and fluffy, wrap it well, and then roll it into a narrow flat cake and spread with ready-made ketchup.

    Season large shrimp with spices, a little salt and fry in olive oil, then place on the base. Cut the onion into thin half rings, finely chop the freshly cut greens, and grate the hunting cheese and place it on the pizza. The final touch is to beat two chicken eggs with a fork and pour over the product.

    The pizza is cooked in the oven for 40 minutes. Set the temperature to 180 degrees.

    We hope you like our recipe! Let this sea shrimp pizza find a response in both your stomach and heart! Have fun!

    Seafood pizza with pineapple

    We offer another exciting recipe for a flour product with seafood made from yeast dough. Make shrimp and pineapple pizza for your own children, believe me, they will be very happy.

    • 300 grams of your favorite cheese
    • half a kilogram of wheat (high-grade) flour
    • dry yeast – 15 grams
    • a glass of boiled, non-cold water
    • 300 grams of fresh frozen large shrimp
    • 3 huge spoons of olive oil
    • half a small spoon of rock salt
    • 2 tablespoons non-spicy store-bought ketchup
    • one large onion
    • vegetable oil for greasing the baking sheet - 2 large spoons
    • half a can of pineapple in syrup

    The initial and most basic step in making pizza is the dough. Therefore, knead 15 grams of yeast in cold water, add a little rock salt and olive oil (preferably refined, it does not give bitterness).

    Knead the finished mixture well and pour it into a deep plate with pre-sifted (premium grade) flour, stir again and place in a warm room for an hour. After the dough has risen, knead it again and let it stand for 40 minutes. The indicated ingredients should make two pizzas, so part of the dough can be frozen.

    Now roll out the base into a thin circle and place on a greased or paper-lined baking sheet. Then grate hard (preferably not very salty) cheese into small strips. Cut the previously boiled shrimp into small pieces, and the pineapples into cubes. Fry the onion and, along with other ingredients, place it on the base, which do not forget to grease with ketchup. The product is sprinkled with cheese; for an aesthetic appearance, you can add various greens. To prevent the pizza from burning, set the average temperature to 180 degrees and do not keep it in the oven for more than half an hour.

    Pizza with canned pineapple and seafood is ready to be served. Let the feast be pleasant and savory!

    We will be glad if at least one recipe comes to life in your kitchen. Cook with pleasure and remember that you shouldn’t limit your flight of imagination - add various seasonings to the pizza, mix the ingredients, replace one product with the rest and maybe a new signature dish will be born. We want fortune!

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