Rotten Stump Cake

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Cake “Rotten Stump”: delicious and special

“The legless stool previously had both a trunk and branches” - the answer to this riddle will help you find what delicacy we want to suggest preparing for dessert for your beloved household members. With a little thought, you will understand that the answer is a stump. And what magic of cooking do we associate with this word? Well, naturally, this is the “Rotten Stump” pie.

Why specifically “Rotten Stump”?

Having examined the photo of this cake on the Internet, you get the feeling that this is not an ordinary cake, but a work of art. I can’t even dare to call it a pie. In fact, this is a version of the most ordinary cake that even a novice pastry chef can prepare. Well, in terms of its own composition it is unpretentious. In the saddest case, everything that is in the refrigerator (within reasonable limits) is used.

The dessert earned its name thanks to the porous structure and dark color of the cake (reminiscent of a rotten stump). But the taste, of course, has nothing in common with dried wood. There are a huge number of recipes for making it. We would like to offer you two options for this dessert. You will have to tinker a little with the first option, but the result will pleasantly surprise you. And the second option is suitable when you don’t have much time to mess around in the kitchen, but you’re very willing to treat yourself and your loved ones with something tasty.

Traditional recipe for “Rotten Stump”

A traditional recipe for making a miracle “stump” at home. The main feature of this recipe is that it contains dried fruits, which, by the way, are very beneficial for our body. So, for your masterpiece you should have:

  • 1 cup of fat sour cream;
  • 2 chicken yolks;
  • 1 full glass of sugar. sand;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • flour, enough to knead a thick dough, like dumplings;
  • You can add a pinch of lemon zest to taste.

  • about 300 g dried apricots;
  • 300 g (or more) raisins;
  • 200 g prunes;
  • You can add walnuts. In this way, you can achieve a greater “rotten” effect.
  • liter of 20% sour cream;
  • 1.5 cups sugar. sand;
  • vanilla for scent.
  • 100 g confectionery chocolate;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of milk;
  • 50 g plums. oils

I would like to note that since sour cream is included in the composition, it is not worth extinguishing soda with vinegar.

Cooking a pie at home involves the following steps:

  1. Let's start creating a base. We take the yolks, sour cream, sweeten them.
  2. To begin, beat one yolk with one spoon of sugar and a spoon of sour cream until smooth. Then add another yolk, a spoonful of sugar. sand and a spoonful of sour cream and beat again until smooth.
  3. Separately whisk the remaining sour cream with the remaining sand, adding soda.
  4. We combine the two acquired consistencies together. Add sifted flour and knead into a thick dough. The mixture should be elastic, and the workpiece should not stick to your hands and rolling pin, because you will need to roll out several cakes from it.
  5. Place the finished mixture in the refrigerator for 45 minutes and let it rest.
  6. While she's resting, let's work on the sweet insides for the cakes. Grind any dried fruit separately in a blender or using a meat grinder. We will get 3 types of insides, and if with nuts, then 4. The filling, in my opinion, should not be sweetened, because the baked goods will turn out cloying.
  7. Now we take the dough that has been sitting in the refrigerator and cut it into 8-9 similar pieces. We roll out any sector into a flat cake with a width of about 2-3 mm.
  8. Place the filling on it and roll it into a roll. We do the same with the rest of the dough and entrails. We will get 8-9 rolls. The “Monastic Izba” delicacy is prepared from rolls of the same shape.
  9. Place all the rolls on a baking sheet seasoned with butter and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180-190 degrees for about 30-35 minutes.
  10. While the rolls are baking, we can prepare the sour cream filling. To do this, take sour cream and beat it with sugar. sand and a pinch of vanilla until a fluffy mass is obtained.
  11. Remove the finished, browned rolls from the oven and cool. Cut any into slices 4 cm wide.
  12. And finally, it's time to collect our stump. We will need a springform baking dish. We coat its bottom with sour cream, lay out rolls with one type of inside (for example, dried apricots) in a thick layer, and generously grease them with sour cream consistency. We will literally do the same with the remaining pieces of the roll. Grease the top of the pie with the remaining sour cream mixture. The treat should be placed in the refrigerator for several hours.
  13. For beauty, it can be decorated with chocolate glaze. To do this, you need to combine chocolate, milk and butter. Place all ingredients in a steam bath and keep there, stirring occasionally until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

We decorate the surface of the confectionery product with chocolate rings or other decorations of your choice, which can be applied using a pastry bag. Its sides can be sprinkled with chocolate chips or crushed walnuts. If desired, plant sweet animal figures, mushrooms and flowers on the stump.

Recipe for rotten stump cake with kefir jam in a slow cooker

This option for making a dish is suitable for the lucky owners of a miracle machine - a multicooker. A homemade recipe is easy to make and does not require a huge range of products and time costs. A beautiful option for home tea drinking. We offer you a step-by-step recipe for the Rotten Stump cake.

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To make a shortbread you need to take:

  • 200 g of kefir or sour milk;
  • 1 glass of any jam (mostly, seedless);
  • 3 medium-sized eggs;
  • incomplete glass of sugar. sand;
  • a level teaspoon of baking powder;
  • wheat flour for kneading soft, plastic dough.

For the filling you will need:

  • 300 g of full-fat sour cream (it’s better to take thicker);
  • 1 tbsp. sah. sand;
  • 1 pack of vanilla.

Follow this recipe when cooking:

  1. Take the jam and place it in a deep container and add baking powder into it.
  2. While the jam is “furious”, beat the eggs with sugar until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Mix the beaten eggs with the calmed jam. Add fermented milk product. Mix.
  4. Add flour evenly to the resulting mass and knead. Based on the mixture, the dough should resemble the composition of pancakes.
  5. Coat the multicooker bowl with oil and fill it with dough.
  6. Place the multicooker in the “baking” position for 50 minutes (baking time depends on the model of your multicooker).
  7. For the cream, beat sour cream with sugar and vanilla. In order for the sour cream to become fluffy, you need to sprinkle a few drops of lemon juice while whipping.
  8. Take the finished shortcake out of the bowl. Be sure to let the crust cool down. Then cut the shortbread into several pieces. We combine the cakes, generously greasing them with sour cream. Coat the sides and top generously with cream. (If you like, use traditional custard as a spread).
  9. Place the finished treat in a cool place for several hours. It needs to brew a little.

That's all. A delicious and completely uncomplicated dessert is ready. Enjoy your tea!

Video: Step-by-step production of “rotten” sweets

Rotten stump cake, 2 traditional recipes

Rotten stump cake, traditional recipe

In its traditional design, the Rotten Stump cake lives up to its name and simply melts in your mouth. This is a moist, crumbly cake with a pronounced fruity note in taste, generously doused in dark chocolate.

Production time: 1 hour 40 minutes.

Difficulty of manufacturing: average.

Calorie content of the cake (entire dish/100 g) – 6593.4 kcal/333 kcal.

Ingredients for a homemade cake:

For the test:

• large chicken egg – 1 pc.
• sugar – 1 glass
• baking soda – 1 teaspoon (quench with lemon juice or vinegar).
• melted butter (margarine will also work) – 3 tbsp.
spoon • wheat flour – 3 cups

For the inside:

• dried apricots – 150 g
• raisins – 150 g
• dates or pitted prunes – 150 g
• sour cream – 3 tbsp. spoons

For cream:

• sweet sand – 1 glass
• sour cream (from 20% fat) – 500 g

For decoration:

• Dark chocolate or walnuts – 100 g

Step-by-step making of the Rotten Stump cake:

Completing the recipe does not take much time, and even novice housewives will see the beautiful result.

  1. Wash dried fruits separately and pour boiling water for 20 minutes. Drain the liquid and grind with a meat grinder into 3 different containers. Add sour cream (1 tablespoon) to any puree.
  2. Grind the egg with sugar and butter in a bowl. Add baking soda, quenched with lemon juice.
  3. Add flour in parts, carefully mixing it into the dough each time.
  4. Leave the dough to rest for 15 minutes and divide it into 6 approximately similar parts.
  5. Roll each part into a narrow layer on a floured surface.
  6. Divide all three insides into 2 parts and lubricate the resulting layers.
  7. Then roll up any layer, place the purchased sweet preparations on a sheet greased with oil and bake in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. The even golden color of the rolls should serve as a guide.
  8. Next, beat the sour cream, evenly adding portions of sugar, until a fluffy mass is obtained. This is the cream for the Rotten Stump.
  9. Cut the baked pieces into 4-5 cm pieces.
  10. Dip any piece while still warm into sour cream and place it randomly in a mold or on a huge serving plate. Repeat layers.
  11. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  12. After this, pour dark chocolate over the cake, which you melt beforehand.
  13. You can also sprinkle with grated chocolate or simply decorate with walnuts.

Rotten stump, the best recipe for the famous jam cake

Another version of the Rotten Stump cake uses jam or jam instead of the consistency of dried fruit. It is assembled from small individual rolls. This base is complemented by the same cream recipe as in the traditional version.

If you use jam of different colors, you will get a beautiful cut on the cake. The taste will also be more exciting and unusual.

Production time: 1 hour 50 minutes.

Difficulty level: medium.

Calorie content of the cake (entire dish/100 g) – 5720 kcal/236 kcal.

Ingredients for the jam cake:

For the test:

• Sour cream 15-20% - 200 ml.
• Baking powder – 2 teaspoons
• Flour – 3 cups
• 1 egg
• Sweet sand – 200 g.

For cream:

• 500 g sour cream 25-30% fat.
• 150 g sweet sand
• 1 packet of vanillin

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Cake “Rotten stump” step-by-step traditional recipe with photos and videos

Little known, but quite fascinating is the “Rotten Stump” cake, which is not a problem to prepare at home. If you decorate the dessert correctly and adhere to the traditional baking recipe, then you will truly get a delicious and unusual cake that the whole family will probably enjoy.

By the way, the first time I came across this delicacy was in childhood, but not so long ago, while going through my mother’s old notes, I remembered it again and would like to share the recipe for this delicacy with you. There are many different options for making the delicious “Rotten Stump” cake, but the traditional version described below, in my opinion, is beyond any competition.

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: baking dish, mixer, whisk, bowl for whipping cream.

Products you need

Flour 2 tbsp.
Testicles 3 pcs.
Sugar 2 tbsp.
Sour cream from 20% 700 g
Jam / jam 1 tbsp.
Soda 1 tsp.
Cocoa powder 2 tsp.
Dried fruits 150 g
Chocolate 200 g
Shortbread 5 pieces.

Individuality of product selection

The cake called “Rotten Stump” is notable not only for its appearance and unusualness, but also for its undemandingness in products (the step-by-step recipe with photos below clearly shows what exactly will be useful for you).

In other words, you don’t need to find any special fresh ingredients, and the same eggs that have already been in the refrigerator will not spoil the taste of the dessert.

The history of the Rotten Stump cake

The dessert “Rotten Stump” received such an original name due to its special, loose structure and fascinating brownish-grayish color inside (you can verify this by reading the attached recipe with a photo, which shows the step-by-step procedure for making the cake and the finished result).

It is not reliably clear who exactly is the “parent” of the traditional recipe for this dessert, but almost all culinary specialists believe that at first there was no oil (neither vegetable nor butter) in the dough of such a cake, and it was used only to lubricate the mold during baking.

As for the cream, it was also devoid of this ingredient, which made it light and airy. In my opinion, it’s even tastier, so I want to offer you the following recipe that I tested.

How to prepare “Rotten stump” at home

The “Rotten Stump” cake, according to the traditional recipe, requires the completion of several easy tasks, as a result of which you will receive a wonderful delicacy. So:

  • To begin, take a clean and deep bowl, break three eggs and, having beaten them with a mixer until the mixture is homogeneous, add 1 more glass of sugar.
  • Then again take a mixer or whisk and beat the eggs with sugar until the mixture doubles or triples in volume.
  • To the resulting homogeneous mixture, add a glass of any jam or jam, also 1 glass of sour cream, then beat everything for a couple of minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • We extinguish the soda with vinegar and also add it to the dough.
  • Next, add dried fruits to all the ingredients (they need to be washed in advance, soaked for half an hour in warm water and crushed in a blender) and sifted flour, slowly stirring the mixture with a spoon so that it is enriched with oxygen and the shortcakes come out airy and crumbly. The finished dough should take on the appearance of thick sour cream.
  • We bake a shortbread for the “Rotten Stump” cake, which has a fairly simple recipe for making. To bake, pour all the dough onto a medium-sized baking sheet and leave in the oven for approximately 20 minutes (the oven temperature should be 180 °C).

Recipe for cake cream “Rotten stump”

While the shortcakes (or shortbread) for the “Rotten Stump” cake (in the traditional version with jam) are cooling, we move on to making the cream, which should be given special attention when describing this recipe (with the photo presented above).

It’s not difficult to prepare the impregnation, and all you have to do is mix the remaining sour cream and sugar until smooth (beat the ingredients with a mixer until the sugar particles are completely dissolved and the cream turns out light and porous). For greater fluffiness, first beat the sour cream itself, and then start mixing in the sugar.

How to perfectly decorate and serve the “Rotten Stump” cake

Once the cakes have cooled (when dividing the dough into three parts) and you have prepared the cream, you can begin to assemble the entire cake.

This procedure is carried out as in any other case, simply coating the shortcakes with sour cream impregnation, but if you decide to bake one shortcake for the “Rotten Stump” cake (as I do), then it must first be cut into similar parts and formed from them roll.

It is very important that all the “strips” that you measure from the cake are the same size, so it is better to use a ruler. We coat the finished strips well with cream and roll them up (if they break, it’s okay) and again coat everything with cream with small crumbs of the ugly parts of the cake.

In this type of collection, the finished confectionery product more closely resembles a tree stump (this method of making the “Rotten Stump” cake is most clearly shown in the video below).

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On top you can decorate the dessert with small pieces of cookies and grated chocolate, or you can melt the chocolate along with butter and the purchased fondant, coat all sides, and pour the remaining sour cream on top.

Cake making tips and tricks

There is nothing complicated in making the dessert described, but it is still worth knowing about some tricks to obtain a perfect product.

I use apricot jam, although the cakes have a wonderful color when using any other yellowish jam (apple or sea buckthorn). To somehow vary the taste of the cake, you can add condensed milk (50/50) to the jam.

There are also aspects to the development of the cream. So, if it is not sugar that is used, but sweet powder, then the process of making the impregnation for the cake will go faster, otherwise it is better to start whipping sour cream with sugar as soon as you put the cake in the oven (this way the sugar will literally have time to dissolve by the time the cake has completely cooled) .

As for aesthetic aspects, a good height of the hemp would be 10-15 cm, so if you are assembling a cake by twisting individual parts of the 1st cake, then you should measure from the edge of the strip of this exact length.

Video recipe for “Rotten Stump”

I tried to carefully explain how you can prepare a delicious “Rotten Stump” cake without the help of others, but if you still have any questions, then you will probably find the answer to them in this video:

It should be noted that I also learned a lot of useful information from here, especially regarding the process of rolling the cake (previously, the strips were constantly falling apart, and the cake did not look so dense). Creating a “Rotten Stump”, faithfully adhering to the indicated video recipe, is very simple and straightforward.

Cake “Rotten Stump for New Year”

There is already a recipe for the “Rotten Stump” cake on our website. I suggest preparing this cake a little differently, with several insides and a rather exciting, ceremonial cut.

For this cake, the most ordinary and affordable products will be useful, and the production is so simple that it will not be difficult to prepare even for a novice housewife.

  • Total cooking time – 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Active cooking time – 1 hour 0 minutes
  • Cost – average cost
  • Calorie content per 100 g – 213 kcal
  • Number of servings – 12 servings

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How to make a cake “Rotten Stump”


  • Sour cream – 250 g per dough
  • Sugar – 200 g per dough
  • Salt – 0.3 tsp.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Flour – 550 g
  • Baking powder – 2 tsp.
  • Dried apricots – 200 g
  • Prunes – 200 g
  • Raisins – 200 g
  • Dried cranberries – 200 g
  • Sour cream – 900 g in cream
  • Sugar – 200 g per cream
  • Vanilla sugar – 2 tsp.


Whisk sour cream with sugar, salt and egg.

Add evenly sifted flour mixed with baking powder. First stir with a spatula, and later on the desktop. The dough comes out not sticky, quite elastic and soft.

Wrap it in film and leave it to rest for half an hour in the refrigerator.

During this period of time, prepare the entrails.
Pour boiling water over dried apricots, prunes, raisins and cranberries for 15 minutes.

After draining the water, lightly dry the dried fruits with a cardboard towel. Grind separately using a blender.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Lightly roll out and divide into 8 equal parts.

Take the first piece of dough and roll it out quite thinly into a rectangular layer, approximately 25x30 cm.
Grease with the inside, for example apricot. One rolled out layer of dough will use half of the prepared mass.

Repeat this with subsequent pieces of dough.
You will get 8 rolls, 2 with each inside. Place the rolls on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place at a certain distance from each other, because they will increase slightly in size during baking.

Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 30 minutes until lightly browned.

Allow the rolls to cool completely. Later cut them into pieces 3 cm wide.

For the cream, mix sour cream with sugar until it is completely dissolved.

To assemble the cake, first line the rimmed pan with cling film.
Place a couple of spoons of sour cream on the bottom, and on top - rolls with various insides with a pattern up.

On top there is another layer of cream, then a second layer of rolls.

Repeat the same thing a third time, if the height of the sides of the mold allows.
PS With my Ø20 cm mold, only 2 layers fit and there were some rolls left - I just made a small cake from them. A mold with a larger diameter should fit all the prepared rolls.

Later, cover the cake with cling film and put it in the refrigerator to soak for 7-8 hours; it is very convenient to do this at night (that is, in the dark) .

After the time has passed, turn the cake over onto the dish.

Decorating the cake depends on the planned celebration, use all your imagination. Because the New Year holidays are ahead, the decoration of my cake is accordingly.

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