Viburnum jam-jelly (for winter)

Viburnum jam-jelly (for winter)

Who would have thought that reddish viburnum would make such a tasty, thick, fragrant jam? It is better to pick viburnum from the bush after the first frost, then the berry will not be bitter. Try to prepare a sweet preparation for the winter!

Products (for 1 serving)
Viburnum – 510 g
Sugar – 400 g

To make jam, you need two ingredients: viburnum and sugar.

Select berries from the branches, remove spoiled berries and other debris.
Wash the berries in several waters.

Place the viburnum into a wide, thick-bottomed stainless steel pan.
Add a couple of tablespoons of sugar from the full amount.

Place the pot with viburnum on the fire. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil for 10 minutes until the berries become soft.

Transfer the viburnum to an iron sieve and rub the viburnum with a wood masher. Discard the seeds.

Place the homogeneous viburnum puree (400 g left after mashing the berries) into a saucepan with a thick bottom.

Sprinkle the puree with sugar (400 g). Place the pan on the fire.

After boiling, turn the heat to low and cook the jam for 20 minutes.
If you want to get a jam that is not very thick, then reduce the cooking time to 7-10 minutes. Be sure to skim off any foam that appears during cooking. (Don’t throw away the foam, it’s very tasty and you can also drink tea with it.)

Be sure to wash containers for jam and jelly with hot water and soda and thoroughly wash them.
Sterilize the jars by placing them on a wire rack in a pan of water, neck down. Sterilize for 10-15 minutes.

After sterilization, dry the containers on a clean towel.

Also wash the lids with soda, rinse and boil for 5-10 minutes in a saucepan.

Dry the sterilized lids on a clean towel.

Place hot but not bubbling viburnum jam into a dry jar. Seal the jam-jelly with a lid.

Turn the containers upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket for gradual cooling.
Store the cooled jam in a dark and cool place: in the refrigerator, pantry.

From the indicated amount of ingredients, one jar with a volume of 500 ml came out.
Bon appetit!

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5 recipes for making viburnum jelly

In old Rus', people often used viburnum in their diet. It was dried, cooked into sweet desserts, used as an additional ingredient in pies and other baked goods, and a cooling drink, fruit juice, was also prepared. Doctors knew that if you take freshly squeezed berry juice with sugar, you can perfectly lower high blood pressure, and an infusion of berries with honey will help relieve colds and sore throats. Mixed juice with flower honey perfectly cured tumors (Tumor (syn. neoplasm, neoplasia, neoplasm) is a pathological process represented by newly formed tissue) .

The catchy, unusual berry contains the largest amount of ascorbic acid. If we associate it with lemon, then in viburnum the characteristics of vitamin C (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C are much higher. To preserve all the necessary substances, it is recommended to prepare viburnum for the winter. Jelly is considered a good dessert. It can be created even without heat treatment. Therefore, we suggest looking at recipes for making viburnum jelly for the winter.

Option #1

Jelly made according to this recipe comes out without seeds. The mixture and the taste of the finished dish are warm and pleasant. To preserve the product for a long time, the dessert undergoes heat treatment in advance.

  • viburnum - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

Then we proceed like this:

  1. Carefully sort the berry fruits, removing unusable parts, stalks and other foreign debris. Place in a sieve and wash thoroughly. Add the prepared ingredient to boiling water and heat for 5 minutes. Strain through a colander and wait for excess water to drain.
  2. Place the processed viburnum in an enamel bowl, add warm boiled water and leave it on the kitchen table for 2-3 hours, so that the berries soften a little.
  3. Filter out excess liquid and mash the fruits with a wood masher. The result should be viburnum puree, which must be additionally rubbed through a sieve. Pour the resulting pulp into a suitable saucepan, add granulated sugar and stir.
  4. Set to medium heat on the stove. After boiling, lower the temperature and cook for 60 minutes.
  5. Pack into sterile jars while hot and close tightly with lids. Turn over, cool under a warm blanket and store in the cellar.

Option No. 2 “With pumpkin”

An unusual method for making sweet treats is with pumpkin. The combination with tart berries gives the finished dish an unusual flavor. Let's look at how to make jelly according to a unique recipe.

  • viburnum - 500 g;
  • pumpkin pulp - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Wash the pumpkin, remove skin and coarse fibers. Chop the pulp into medium-sized cubes and place in a saucepan. Pour in a little filtered water, put on moderate heat and cook until fully cooked.
  2. Sort the berries, wash them and put them in boiling water. Cover and leave for 5 minutes. Strain and wait for excess water to drain.
  3. Add the prepared berries to the pumpkin, remove from heat and cool the mixture. Rub through a sieve or grind with a blender.
  4. Place the finished mixture in an enamel bowl and add sweet sand. Place on the stove and cook for 30 minutes, stirring constantly.
  5. Pack the finished dish into clean, sterile jars and close tightly. Cool under a warm blanket and store in the refrigerator.

Option No. 3 “No cooking”

You can preserve the greatest number of necessary compounds if the berries are not subjected to heat treatment. It is worth keeping in mind that in this case it will take a lot of time to dissolve the sweet ingredient without heating the composition on the stove.

  • viburnum - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

  1. The main component is to sort out, remove putrefactive fruits and dirt. Wash a couple of times under running water. Place in boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Strain, wait for excess water to drain and cool.
  2. Using a sieve and a wooden spoon, you need to carefully rub the berries in small portions. Place the finished puree in an enamel pan, add sweet sand. Stir, cover the container with the contents and throw on the kitchen table. Don’t forget to stir the mixture constantly.

It is important that the sweet component is completely dissolved. Pack the prepared viburnum jelly for the winter without cooking in unstained, sterile jars. Close tightly and put in the refrigerator.

Option No. 4 “Multilayer dessert of viburnum and sea buckthorn”

The delicacy will decorate any festive table and lift your spirits. A little secret - you need to fill the 2nd layer after the previous one has hardened. Let's look at a detailed recipe for jelly from reddish viburnum and sea buckthorn.

  • viburnum juice - 400 ml;
  • sea ​​buckthorn juice - 400 ml;
  • gelatin - 50 g;
  • granulated sugar to taste.

The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Pour the prepared juices into 2 small bowls. Divide the indicated amount of gelatin into 2 similar parts and pour into each container with the contents. Cover and leave on the kitchen table to swell for 30-60 minutes, depending on the type of gelling component.
  2. After the designated time has passed, set both containers to heat slowly. Add sugar and, stirring constantly, wait until the gelatin and sweet component are completely dissolved, but under no circumstances boil. Pour viburnum and sea buckthorn juices into a suitable container in layers. Close and put in the refrigerator. Before serving, you can use mint or berries for decoration.

Option No. 5 “With honey”

The finished jelly is not only tasty and fragrant, but also very healthy.

  • berries - 1.5 kg;
  • natural honey - 1.5 kg;
  • warm, boiled water - 600 ml.

Viburnum jelly with honey

  1. Sort the berries, remove damaged parts and excess debris. Place in a colander, wash and place in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  2. Strain through a sieve, place in an enamel bowl and pour in warm water. Place over medium heat, bring to a boil and cook until the fruits are soft.
  3. Cover the berry mass with a gauze napkin and leave it on the kitchen table until it cools completely. Rub through a sieve into a puree.
  4. Place the finished mixture in an enamel bowl, add honey and cook for 60 minutes, stirring constantly. Don't forget to stir occasionally. Pack into unstained, sterile jars. Close tightly and store in a cool place.

Thanks to the above step-by-step recipes, even a beginner in cooking can master making a sweet dessert for the winter. But most housewives have a question: “How to find out that the jelly is completely ready?” To do this, you need to lower a spoon into the container with the preparation and scoop up a small amount of the delicacy. The dessert will roll off the spoon smoothly and slowly. You can try the delicacy, it is ready.

In order for the jelly not to lose its catchy, beautiful color, the storage space should be chosen black, without direct sunlight. Viburnum dessert is consumed not only as a sweet component. From it you can create a tasty, necessary and refreshing fruit drink. To do this, simply dilute the jelly with chilled liquid.

Viburnum is very useful for the body, but not everyone can eat it in its pure form, but almost everyone will like the jelly.

Viburnum jelly is both a delicacy and a healing remedy. We prepare viburnum jelly as a dessert and for the winter, seedless and without cooking, with pumpkin and honey

Beautiful, tasty, and also healthy - that’s what it is, viburnum jelly! This bright red berry is a real natural healer, a good remedy for strengthening the immune system and an assistant in the fight against almost all diseases.

It lowers high blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. We have collected for you the most noteworthy recipes that will help you prepare a delicious remedy and a wonderful dessert - viburnum jelly.

General principles for making viburnum jelly

Ripe viburnum berries are used to make jelly. It is best to collect them after the first frost. The fact is that viburnum has a strong bitter taste, and not many people like this bitterness. So it’s better if the berries are slightly frozen. If the viburnum was collected before the first autumn cold, you can get rid of the nasty taste by putting it in the freezer for an hour. For this purpose, blanching in boiling water for three to five minutes is used.

Before you start making sweets, you need to sort out the viburnum bunches, remove the leaves, separate the berries from the branches, and wash them. In most recipes, viburnum jelly is prepared without seeds, so the berries are rubbed through a sieve or passed through a juicer.

During heat treatment, a significant part of the vitamins that constitute the main asset of this natural pharmaceutical product are destroyed. Therefore, in almost all recipes, viburnum jelly is prepared without cooking. But if you need to prepare viburnum jelly for the whole winter, for the longest possible storage, then heat treatment is desirable.

Berries and sugar are usually taken in a 1:1 ratio, but taking into account the bitter taste of viburnum, almost all housewives add more sweet sand.

Viburnum fruits have a high content of pectin, which is why the juice has a consistency with sugar that gels perfectly. For quick hardening, you can add gelatin or agar-agar, especially if the jelly is not made as a preparation for the winter, as a dessert.

Viburnum jelly without cooking

Save the maximum of necessary substances! Such is the slogan of this sweet treat. But you will have to try to stir the sugar well until completely dissolved without heating!


1 kg of viburnum berries;

Manufacturing method

1. We sort through the viburnum, separate the berries from the branches and stalks, remove spoiled or dried fruits, put them in a colander, and rinse well.

2. Blanch the berries in boiling water for 5 minutes. Take it out, let it cool and dry.

3. Take a sieve and a potato masher (a strong wooden spoon will also work), and rub the viburnum in small portions into a bowl or pan. The seeds and skins of the fruit will remain in the sieve, and the berry puree in the bowl. Be careful, the berries explode when crushed, spraying juice in all directions.

4. Combine the pureed viburnum with sugar. Let's start mixing. This must be done until the sugar has completely dissolved.

5. Pour the resulting mass into unstained jars. After some time, the jelly will thicken and become dense. It should be stored in the refrigerator.

Seeded viburnum jelly for the winter (boiled)

There are fewer vitamins in this delicacy than in jelly without cooking, but it will be perfectly stored and will be fun all winter and spring.


1 kg of viburnum berries;

Manufacturing method

1. Carefully sort through the berries, separate them from the stalks, and wash them. Blanch for 5 minutes in boiling water. Place in a colander.

2. Place the blanched viburnum in a basin or large bowl, fill it with warm water, and leave for some time until the berries soften a little.

3. Using a masher, rub the berries through a sieve. We're making berry puree. Add sugar to it and mix well. Place on low heat and cook until done. This will take approximately 1 hour.

4. It remains to put our jelly into sterilized containers, while it is still hot, seal with lids.

Viburnum jelly with honey

This jelly is not only tasty and fragrant, but also doubly useful, thanks to the combination of medicinal parameters of viburnum and honey.


1 kg of viburnum berries;

400 ml warm water.

Manufacturing method

1. We sort and wash the viburnum, then put it in a colander and lower it into boiling water for 5 minutes.

2. Place the berries in a saucepan or small bowl and fill with warm water. Place over moderate heat and cook the berries until soft.

3. Let the berry mass cool, rub through a sieve or colander. You can use a masher or a wooden spoon.

4. Again, pour the resulting puree into the pan, add honey. Cook until done for about an hour, stirring the jelly from time to time. Pour into jars.

Viburnum jelly with pumpkin

An exciting option, especially if you have your own vegetable garden, you can use pumpkin harvesting in an unusual way and experience an unusual flavor combination.


1 kg of viburnum berries;

1 kg pumpkin pulp;

Manufacturing method

1. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and place in a saucepan. Pour a little water and simmer until soft.

2. Blanch the sorted and washed viburnum berries with boiling water for 5 minutes.

3. Let the blanched viburnum and stewed pumpkin cool. Then we rub the berries through a sieve. We also wipe the pumpkin.

4. Combine viburnum and pumpkin puree in a bowl or pan. Add sugar. With constant stirring, cook our jelly for 30 minutes until ready.

5. Pour into unstained glass jars with tight-fitting lids. It is better to store this jelly in the refrigerator.

Viburnum jelly with gelatin

This catchy, ruby-red dessert can be served in clear bowls or beautiful glasses.


120 grams of viburnum berries (already separated from the stalks);

120 grams of sugar;

18 grams of edible gelatin;

Manufacturing method

1. Dilute gelatin with a small amount of cool water (about 50 ml), leave for about an hour to swell.

2. Extract the juice from the viburnum berries using a juicer. We put it in the refrigerator so that it settles a little.

3. Pour the remaining berry seeds and skins into 360 ml of hot water and cook for 10 minutes.

4. Take gauze and fold it in two layers. We pass a decoction of viburnum cake through it. Again, put the strained liquid on the fire, pour in the sugar, and bring to a boil.

5. Add swollen gelatin into the hot syrup, stir until completely dissolved. Do not let the water boil, otherwise the gelatin will not harden!

6. Remove from heat. Take the viburnum juice out of the refrigerator and add it to the syrup with gelatin.

7. Now you can pour the jelly into bowls, cool it and then put it in the refrigerator so that the dessert hardens well.

Viburnum jelly with agar-agar

Another duet of medicinal natural ingredients. Agar-agar, obtained from brown aquatic plants, contains iodine, calcium, iron, and it also helps in the long-term storage of goods due to its own bactericidal parameters. So, by replacing gelatin with agar-agar, you can create an even more healthy viburnum dessert.


1 tablespoon agar-agar powder;

100 grams of viburnum berries (already separated from the stalks);

1 tablespoon sugar;

1. Wash the viburnum berries. Place them directly in a colander in boiling water for 5 minutes. Take it out and let it cool.

2. Place the berries and sugar in a blender bowl and grind

3. Pour hot water into a saucepan, add agar-agar, stir and leave for 15 minutes. Then put it on the fire and bring it to a boil, stirring constantly.

4. Pour the hot agar-agar substance into the viburnum, mashed with sugar.

5. Pour the jelly into bowls and let it harden.

Multilayer jelly from viburnum and sea buckthorn juice

A dessert with a cheerful red-orange stripe will decorate the table and lift your spirits! The main secret is that before pouring the new layer of jelly, wait until the previous one has completely hardened.


1 glass of viburnum juice;

1 glass of sea buckthorn juice;

25 grams of edible gelatin;

sugar - to taste.

Manufacturing method

1. Take two small saucepans. Pour viburnum juice into one, and sea buckthorn into the other. Divide the amount of edible gelatin indicated in the recipe in half and put it in each of the saucepans. We leave it to swell - ordinary gelatin for an hour and a half, instant gelatin - for half an hour.

2. After the gelatin has swollen, put both pans on the fire. Heat the mixture, stirring constantly, until the gelatin is completely dissolved. At the same step, add sugar. Focus on your own taste - how sweet you want the jelly to be. Viburnum will require more sugar, sea buckthorn less.

3. Take glass glasses or bowls. Pour a layer of viburnum jelly onto the bottom and let it harden. Then pour orange sea buckthorn jelly on top of the first layer. We also wait until it hardens and again make a layer of reddish jelly. How many layers you get depends on their thickness. After the finished jelly has completely hardened, you can decorate it with whipped cream and fresh sea buckthorn berries.

Viburnum jelly - secrets and tricks

· How do you know that the jelly is ready and the cooking process can be completed? Dip a spoon into it - the finished jelly will cover it with an even layer and will flow very slowly, and the drop that falls from the spoon will not spill over the plate, but will harden.

· When heating agar-agar, do not allow it to boil vigorously. At 120 degrees it loses its characteristics.

· To prevent the jelly from losing its beautiful ruby-red color, be sure to store it in a dark place.

· Viburnum jelly can be used not only as a sweet dessert. If you dilute it with water, you get a tart, refreshing and necessary fruit drink.

Recipe for reddish viburnum jelly

While recently running through the food aisles of the market, I met an old woman who, as in the picture, had laid out bundles of winter berries. I couldn’t resist and bought it, deciding to make jelly from reddish viburnum.

Why winterberry, you ask? And all because the berry becomes 100 percent ripe after frost, then it is harvested, storing it for future use. It also acquires its own unique taste after being in the embrace of frost.

Usefulness of viburnum reddish

Viburnum fruits are valued for their high content of tannins and vitamins, especially vitamin C.

Berries and extracts from them are widely used by cosmetic companies, including them in various products. And naturally, any mother, knowing about the bactericidal properties and the highest content of vitamin C (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C, prepares a warm decoction of berries and honey, which perfectly helps with colds, coughs, hoarseness, strengthens and supports the immune system.

But viburnum is famous not only for its healing qualities (processed ones do not lose them). Cooks appreciate and use it: they dry it, make jam, bake pies, make marmalade and fragrant viburnum jelly.

In its processed form, reddish viburnum is a good assistant for atherosclerosis, hypertension and nervous excitement. Some herbalists recommend its use to clients with cancer of the digestive system.

Those who have tried viburnum may not like it because of its specific smell and bitter taste. To do this, you need to know some manufacturing secrets, thanks to which the bitterness becomes less.

Raw jelly from reddish viburnum

This recipe for making the healthiest jelly: the raw dessert preserves all the vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) needed by our body.

For manufacturing, we will calculate the products in the process.

  1. We wash selected ripe berries and pour boiling water for 5 minutes. At this step, you need to take into account one trick: the berries must be kept in boiling water for the prescribed time. If you remove it earlier, the skin of the berries remains hard and the fruits will be difficult to crush, but if you leave it too long, the jelly will not harden.
  2. In the next step, drain the berries in a colander. When the water has completely drained, place the viburnum in small portions on a sieve and crush it with a wooden spoon. The remaining seeds should not be used for production, they will be bitter, so we throw away the cake.
  3. We measure the size of the resulting mass with a measuring cup and calculate the required amount of sugar. We make the calculation according to the 1:1 principle, in other words, take a glass of viburnum per glass of sugar or a kilogram of berries per kilogram of sugar.
  4. After adding the appropriate amount of sugar, stir until completely dissolved.
  5. The resulting mass is reddish viburnum jelly. We won’t cook it, we just pour it into jars and leave it to thicken.

If the entire manufacturing process was correct, the jelly will become dense. To store the container, cover with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

Reddish boiled jelly

This recipe for viburnum jelly involves cooking. I write jelly, but almost all housewives call it jam. But the essence is the same - obtaining a tasty and healthy jelly-like mass.

To make it, we need 1 kg of viburnum and 800 g of sugar.

  1. Place selected unsullied berries in an enamel bowl and fill with cool water. She is obliged to cover the fruits.
  2. Cook over low heat until the berries soften (after boiling, about 15-20 minutes).
  3. We wipe the hot fruits through a colander.
  4. We are not in a hurry to throw out the remaining cooking water. Pour the pureed viburnum into it and mix well.
  5. Place two layers of gauze in a clean colander and place it on an enamel pan. There we filter the mixture of squeezed viburnum and water. This procedure helps to remove all the beneficial substances from the squeezed berries.
  6. Throw out the remaining pulp and leave the juice for 3 hours.
  7. After settling, carefully, without shaking the sediment, pour the juice into a clean saucepan. Add sugar and heat until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  8. After heating, filter the resulting viburnum syrup again through 2-3 layers of gauze.
  9. Boil the squeezed viburnum to the initial size, evaporating the added water.

The recipe for this viburnum jelly is suitable for making preparations for the winter. Therefore, after boiling the syrup, pour it hot into sterilized dry jars and roll it up with tin lids. Without turning over, leave to cool. We store this beauty in any cold place, preventing it from freezing.

Jelly with honey

Using the above manufacturing method, you can prepare viburnum jelly with honey. To do this, in the recipe we replace sugar with honey in a 1:1 ratio - the amount of honey must be equal to the mass of pureed viburnum. There is no need to filter the mass a second time, as we did after adding sugar.

In order for the jelly to come out, you need to find the moment when it is literally ready. There are several methods.

1) Remove the bowl with a lot of fire. We scoop up a little hot mass with a spoon and tilt it vertically over the plate: if the drops, falling, freeze on the surface, then the jelly is ready.

2) Method 2 involves boiling the mass to the initial size of the viburnum. To do this, take a wooden kebabs skewer or any other wood stick and lower it into a basin with the viburnum juice prepared for cooking until sugar is added. We measure the depth and make a mark on the skewer.

Next, we continue to create everything according to the recipe: add sugar, stir and put on low heat. Boil the syrup until marked on the skewer.

It should be noted that cooking good viburnum jelly with honey is a whole skill: if you overcook it, it will be very dense; if you don’t cook it enough, it will be liquid and not layered.

Recipe for viburnum and gelatin jelly

Finally, I offer you another recipe. This is an ordinary dessert that would be appropriate to prepare for any celebration.

To make 2 small bowls of an unusual dessert we will need:

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