How to create cottage cheese in a slow cooker

How to create cottage cheese in a slow cooker

The most delicate, soft and unusually tasty cottage cheese can be simply prepared at home using a slow cooker. Making cottage cheese in a slow cooker is so simple that you can pamper your loved ones with fresh homemade cottage cheese any day!

To create a tasty and desired product, you can use various initial raw materials: fresh milk, drink, yogurt. The taste of the finished cottage cheese will depend on this in almost everything.

Cottage cheese made from kefir in a multicooker will have a clear sourness; cottage cheese made from sour milk in a multicooker will have the mildest taste. The freshest and most dietary option will be cottage cheese in a slow cooker made from milk and kefir. This is exactly what I prefer to cook at the last minute, in order to please the taste of the youngest member of our family :). But no matter what you plan to make cottage cheese from in a slow cooker, the manufacturing process will be virtually the same.

Just remember that to obtain a high-quality product, especially if you are making cottage cheese for children, you do not need to use expired and unsuitable raw materials.

If you haven't made yogurt in a slow cooker yet, then maybe you need a recipe → How to create yogurt in a slow cooker.

Well, now let’s talk in more detail about how to cook cottage cheese in a slow cooker. I have a Redmond multicooker; in multicookers from other companies everything is similar. It’s very good if the multicooker has a “Multi-cook” mode; if it doesn’t exist, you can cook in the “Heating” mode.

Ingredients for the recipe “Cottage cheese in a slow cooker”
Option 1:
Milk 1-2 liters
Sour cream or drink 100-200 ml
Option 2:
Drink or sour milk 1.8 liters – 2 liters
Option 3:
Milk 900 ml-1 liter
Drink 900 ml – 1 liter

How to create cottage cheese from milk in a slow cooker

Option 1. If we make cottage cheese in a slow cooker from milk, then the milk must first be fermented. Heat the milk to 40 degrees (a little warm to the touch) and add 100 ml of kefir or sour cream at room temperature per 1 liter of milk. Leave for several hours in a warm place. In the summer, right on the table; in the winter, you can place it near the radiator.

Option 2. If we prepare cottage cheese from kefir in a slow cooker, also when using yogurt, no preparatory preparation is needed, the cottage cheese can be created right away. As I wrote above, cottage cheese in a slow cooker from sour milk, and especially from kefir, comes out quite sour and in case of dilemmas with the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) it can It might be better to take a closer look at other options :).

Option 3. I usually cook it. Leave the mixed drink and cottage cheese at room temperature for only 1 hour (in winter for 1.5 hours). The cottage cheese is not sour, tender, perfect for baby or diet food.

If we make cottage cheese from milk, mix warm milk and sour milk. When making half and half with kefir, I mix it directly in the multicooker bowl. When using the first option and adding a small amount of sour milk, you can leave it overnight (that is, in the dark) .

When a drink or sour milk comes into play, there is nothing to expect and we immediately move on to the next step.

Place the bowl in the multicooker and turn on the “Multicook” mode, temperature 80 degrees for 1 hour 15 minutes. In my multicooker and for such a number of goods, this particular time is perfect, selected by trial :)). You can set it for 1 hour and check readiness later. In any case, what’s great about making cottage cheese in a slow cooker is that it’s impossible to melt the cottage cheese and spoil it.

We are passionate about our business, and when the multicooker beeps, we open the lid and check. You see, the cottage cheese has risen to the top like a snow-white cap, and below is greenish whey. Unsurpassed, everything is ready. Oh, so create cottage cheese in a slow cooker from kefir or milk. But before discarding the cottage cheese, the contents of the bowl need to be cooled. You can, as usual, place the bowl in a sink with cool water.

Place the cottage cheese in a colander or sieve lined with clean gauze in 4 folds. Place a colander on the pan to collect the whey. It can then be used to make okroshka, pancakes, or used for cosmetic purposes.

We collect the ends of the gauze together, tie them in a knot and hang them on a kitchen gander over the sink. I usually hang for 1 hour. The moisture content of the curd depends on the weighing time. If you want it drier, let it hang a little longer, and at the same time you can lightly press down the bag with clean hands from time to time.

When you are satisfied with the moisture content of the cottage cheese, you can untie the bag.

From 2 packs (milk + drink) I got almost 400 grams of cottage cheese.

This is the freshest, moderately wet curd that came out.

You can eat it in any form. I couldn’t resist replacing cottage cheese in sandwiches with fresh cucumbers and herbs (which I immediately did :)), even in a sweet form with banana or berries, or in baked goods. Happy cooking and bon appetit!

And you definitely need to make cheesecakes from such delicious cottage cheese :)).

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Cottage cheese in the Redmond multicooker. How to cook cottage cheese in a slow cooker

Homemade cottage cheese in the Redmond multicooker is prepared quickly, and it turns out much tastier and healthier than a similar product sold in stores. Worth it especially

How to cook cottage cheese in a slow cooker from full-fat kefir?

It is no secret that such a product contains quite a few essential microelements that have a positive effect on the condition of our bones, hair, nails, etc. That is why, to improve your own health and digestion, it is recommended to use only homemade cottage cheese.

So, we will need:

  • drink with the highest fat content – ​​1 l;
  • small table salt (you can use sweet sand) – add to taste.

Manufacturing process

Cottage cheese is made from kefir in the Redmond multicooker in almost half an hour. It is also worth noting that the higher the fat content of the fermented milk drink, the more grainy the product will be. So, one liter of 4 percent kefir gives about 200 g of delicious cottage cheese.

To make such an ingredient, pour the fermented milk drink into the bowl of the device, and then add a little salt or sugar, close the lid tightly and set the milk porridge program for half an hour. After the designated time, the fatty drink should separate into whey and cottage cheese. To separate the coarse-grained product, the contents of the multicooker should be filtered through multi-layer gauze. Then we form a typical bag from the tissue (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) (there is curd mass inside) and keep it hanging for several hours. During this period of time, the whey will completely drain, leaving a ready-to-use curd in the bag.

It is better to serve this product to the table along with sour cream and sweet sand.

Step-by-step preparation of cottage cheese in a Redmond multicooker from milk

You see, cottage cheese in the Redmond multicooker comes out not only tasty, but also useful in everything.

So, to make such a product we will need:

  • fresh milk with the highest fat content – ​​1 l;
  • thick sour cream (you can take slightly sour) - 3 huge spoons.

Preparing curdled milk

After receiving a thick fermented milk drink, you can safely proceed to its heat treatment.

How to create cottage cheese correctly?

Cottage cheese in the Redmond multicooker according to the presented recipe takes a little longer to cook than in the previous version. To do this, the prepared fermented milk drink should be poured into the bowl of the device, and then set to heating mode for 60 minutes. If after this time the whey has not separated sufficiently, then it is recommended to increase the holding time in the same program by another half hour. Next, the finished product should be completely poured into multi-layer gauze, and then hang the bag and wait for the water to completely drain.

After this treatment, the cottage cheese in a slow cooker (“Redmond 4525” or any other modification) comes out slightly wet. If you put it under pressure and keep it in this position for about a day, then the milk product will turn out to be fresh and dry.

Homemade cottage cheese recipe with calcium

To prepare cottage cheese in a Redmond multicooker with calcium, you need to purchase:

  • full-fat milk (can be slightly sour) – 1 l;
  • calcium chloride – 2 ampoules.

Making coarse-grained cottage cheese

The development of manufacturing such a product is not much different from previous versions. The only aspect is the introduction of the medicine. So, you need to pour the full-fat milk into the multicooker bowl, and then add calcium to it and mix everything thoroughly. After this, the kitchen device must be put into stewing mode for 40 minutes. After waiting for the end of the program, check whether the milk has curdled well. If not, it will be useful to increase the processing time. After the whey has separated, the contents of the bowl must be placed on thick gauze and all the water drained off. Next, hang the bag of cottage cheese over the bowl and keep it in this position for about 2 hours. The tasty grainy product is ready to eat!

Yogurt curd

The presented recipe is actually no different from the above methods. To make such cottage cheese, you need to mix a liter of full-fat milk with several large spoons of natural yogurt, and then heat the mass in a slow cooker (30 minutes) and keep at room temperature for 3 hours. After the specified time has passed, the milk drink should be subjected to heat treatment again. To do this, it is recommended to set the kitchen appliance to stewing mode for 40 minutes, after which the curdled milk should be placed in cheesecloth and all the water should be drained.

Making cottage cheese in a Redmond multicooker

Recently, almost all housewives began to think that the products they use to make dishes were mostly homemade. So any recipe will turn out the most delicious. Cottage cheese is one of the products that is best prepared at home. After all, no one understands what the mass that lies on the shelves in stores is made of. Modern manufacturers indicate a curd product on the packaging, which makes buyers even more wary. Another thing is cottage cheese, made by yourself, the composition and recipe of which are well known; it is not scary to feed even small children with it. Cooking cottage cheese in a Redmond multicooker is much easier than using the ancient method. Technologies significantly simplify life for modern housewives.

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Rules for making cottage cheese from kefir

To make cottage cheese with your own hands, you can even use a low-fat drink, despite this, the product comes out tasty and does not lose its usefulness.

It is not recommended to take dairy drinks with long shelf life for processing. There is no benefit from them, and when heated, the taste of preservatives appears.

A multicooker is required to heat kefir. As the temperature increases, the curds separate from the whey. For cottage cheese from kefir in the Redmond multicooker, you should select the “Maintain temperature” program, or “Heating” can be used. They will prevent the kefir from overheating.

Making Tips

  • To obtain the driest product, the mass is made as warm as possible. But when digested, the grains become very dry. Then the product is suitable only for baking.
  • The more whey the curd contains, the softer its texture. To obtain the driest product, you need to hang the bag with it overnight (that is, in the dark) .
  • If you plan to prepare cottage cheese without the help of others, you should sew a special bag for this from several layers of gauze. The product is placed in it, tied and hung. After cooking, the bag is washed and carefully dried.

Manufacturing methods in a slow cooker

The process of making cottage cheese in a slow cooker takes the least time and does not require much effort. The recipes carefully outline how to cook cottage cheese in a Redmond slow cooker.

Soft kefir cottage cheese

The recipe requires a fermented milk product with a fat content of no more than 2%. As a result, 180 - 250 g comes out in accordance with the selected kefir. To make it you will need a liter of kefir.

Step-by-step recipe for cottage cheese with kefir:

  1. The fermented milk product is poured into a multicooker container. To prevent the body of the device from getting splashed, the bowl is first removed from it.
  2. “Keep warm” is set.
  3. After 15 minutes, the product is heated to a suitable 70 degrees, flakes are uniformly formed on top, and the curdling process occurs.
  4. The lid should be opened slightly from time to time, stirred and the condition assessed. When the entire drink turns into whey from the flakes, the device turns off. It takes about 45 – 50 minutes to make.
  5. The container is removed from the multicooker; it needs to stand to cool.
  6. Gauze is spread in a colander in several layers. If its cells are very huge, then they collapse even more. A colander is placed on a bowl, where excess liquid falls.
  7. The curdled drink is placed in a colander, the loose edges of the gauze are raised to create a knot. It takes 24 hours for the serum to really drain.

Kefir cottage cheese with milk

To create cottage cheese from milk in a slow cooker you need:

  • 2 liters of fresh milk;
  • 6 tablespoons of live yogurt without preservatives or dyes.

The process of making cottage cheese from milk with kefir:

  1. Milk and yogurt are poured into the multicooker bowl and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  2. The multicooker is locked with a lid, cooked in the “Heating” mode, and then infused with the lid closed for another 3 hours.
  3. Then the multicooker is set to the “Stew” mode for 40 minutes, and after the end of the program, the fermented milk product is taken out, filtered through cheesecloth and hung over the dish.

Cottage cheese in a slow cooker made from kefir, milk and sour cream

To cook in a slow cooker, not only a drink is suitable, but also adding milk, yogurt, sour cream. The development differs only slightly, but the taste is the most affectionate and soft.

For production you will need:

  • 1.5 liters of kefir with a fat content of 2.5%;
  • 1 liter of milk with 2.5% fat content;
  • 45 g sour cream with 25% fat content.

Manufacturing: how to create cottage cheese from milk with kefir and sour cream:

  1. Milk and drink are poured into the multicooker bowl, 3 full teaspoons of sour cream are added to them.
  2. The lid is locked and the “Extinguishing” mode is set for 20 minutes.
  3. Then the contents are mixed, the lid is locked and “Heating” is set for 90 minutes.
  4. After the readiness signal, you need to wait a little until it cools and strain the resulting mass through gauze folded in 4 layers, hang the cottage cheese for some time in a gauze bag to drain excess whey.

Making coarse-grained cottage cheese

The development is actually no different from the options already outlined; the main aspect is the use of the medication in the recipe. To make coarse-grained cottage cheese in a Redmond multicooker, you will need 1 liter of full-fat milk (you can take slightly sour milk) and 2 ampoules of calcium chloride.

  1. Full-fat milk is poured into a bowl, calcium is added to it, and everything is painstakingly mixed together.
  2. The multicooker is switched to the Stewing mode for 40 minutes.
  3. After the end signal, it is necessary to check the coagulability of the milk. If it has not curled enough, then the processing time is set longer.
  4. After the separated whey appears, the contents are folded onto gauze in several layers so that all the liquid is drained.
  5. The bag is hung over a bowl and kept there for 2 hours. Now it is ready to eat.

From yogurt

To make cottage cheese from yogurt in a slow cooker, you should take:

  • natural Activia yogurt – 250 g.
  • 1 liter of milk.
  1. All utensils, spoon and whisk are sterilized. It’s quite easy to put a spoon with a whisk in boiling water, and pour 1.5 liters of water into the multicooker bowl and boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Milk is poured into a sterile container and heated to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  3. Using a whisk, mix the milk with the yogurt.
  4. The multicooker is set to Yogurt mode for 6 hours.
  5. Then the yogurt remains in the slow cooker for 6 - 8 hours.
  6. After completing all steps, the contents are transferred from the bowl to a microwave-safe dish. In it, the cottage cheese is heated for 5 minutes at the highest power. The product remains in the oven until completely cooled.
  7. The curd is placed in a sieve with gauze so that the whey can drain freely.
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Salty pasta with kefir cottage cheese in a slow cooker

This exciting version of the curd product is perfect for morning breakfast sandwiches. The paste is used for stuffed tomatoes, eggplant rolls and other snacks. For the recipe you will need:

  • 200 g kefir cottage cheese;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • dill;
  • a little garlic;
  • sour cream.
  1. The cottage cheese is placed in any container when you plan to combine the ingredients with a blender.
  2. Add garlic, salt, pepper.
  3. The mass is whipped until smooth, sour cream is spread evenly there. It is important to regulate the thickness of the dish - it should have a creamy texture, but not watery.
  4. Dill is washed and mixed with other ingredients.
  5. The fragrant mass can be consumed in various dishes, and stored only in the refrigerator.


Unlike cottage cheese sold in stores with artificial preservatives in its composition, which extend its shelf life, homemade cottage cheese in a slow cooker is completely free of preservatives.

After making the product yourself, you need to think about its proper preservation so that when consuming the crumbly savory product, poisoning does not occur.

The shelf life depends on how long after production the cottage cheese was placed in the refrigerator. The less time passes from the moment of production to placement in the refrigerator, the longer the period.

It is recommended to place it on the top shelf, closer to the freezer. In modern refrigerators, the product should be placed in the so-called freshness zone, where the temperature is constantly maintained from 0 to +1 with low humidity.

Vacuum-packed product can be stored for up to 30 days in the refrigerator. On a shelf near the freezer or in the freshness zone - 4 - 5 days. Cottage cheese can be frozen once, otherwise the product ceases to benefit the body and its taste deteriorates. To freeze the cottage cheese, portion it out into small containers, close it tightly and place it in the freezer, where at minus 18 degrees it will immediately freeze. You can store it in this condition for 2 months.

Video recipe

Cottage cheese is an excellent product that is used in recipes for almost all dishes. The ability to prepare it without the help of others allows you to be confident in the quality and taste.

Homemade cottage cheese in a slow cooker

Cottage cheese in a slow cooker is very simple, healthy and tasty. Now I don’t buy cottage cheese in the store.

Ingredients for “Homemade cottage cheese in a slow cooker”:

  • Drink (any fat content) – 1 l
  • Salt (or sugar, to taste)

Production time: 30 minutes

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
436.5 kcal
43.7 g
1.9 g
55.3 g
100 g dish
44.5 kcal
4.5 g
0.2 g
5.6 g

Recipe for “Homemade cottage cheese in a slow cooker”:

Take any drink and pour it into the multicooker bowl. About 250 grams come out of 1 liter of kefir. cottage cheese.

Set the “cooking” mode, product type – “milk porridge”, cooking time – 30 minutes.

After 30 min. open and stir. The drink should separate into curds and whey.

Drain the whey through cheesecloth (it can later be used for pancakes or pancakes), let the cottage cheese stand for a while. You can squeeze out all the whey by wrapping gauze in a bag, but then the curd will be very dry.

Place the cottage cheese in a plate, add salt or sugar and eat. Bon appetit!

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