How to cook true manti

How to cook true manti

Denis Gondyuk: “I would like to share with you my personal, repeatedly tested recipe. Manti, as well as khinkali, were always perceived by me with some reverence. You can't take them out of the freezer in a big plastic bag and cook them in 10 minutes. Mantas should be approached most seriously. Ceremonial or something.

Manti takes a relatively long time to prepare, so be prepared to constantly drive away family members who suddenly come into the kitchen from the steamer. But it's worth it".


What is necessary:

4.5 tbsp.
flour 250–300 ml water
1 egg
1 tsp. salt

900 g of lamb or beef (you can take half lamb, half beef, or even pork at all, this is a matter of personal preference, coercion is inappropriate here)
200 g of tail fat (in the absence of fat, you can choose the fattest parts of the meat and take a little of it more)
600 g onion
1 tsp.
cumin with a heap (it is better not to use already ground spices) 1 tsp.
coriander 0.5 tsp
dark pepper (spicy lovers can take a little more pepper) 1 tsp. salt

How to cook manti:

1. For the dough, sift the flour into a large bowl.

2. Dissolve salt in cool water (you can put it in the refrigerator for a short time).

3. Create a well in the flour, add a raw egg and cool water with salt.

4. For the inside, the meat should be, armed with a sharp knife and a lot of patience, cut into the smallest, similar cubes possible. Do the same with the fat tail.

5. Cut the onion into thin small strips. I have a delicious, spicy shredder for this purpose, so if you have something similar, use it. This is a great time saver. Lightly add salt to the onion and mash well with your hands.

6. Mix meat, fat with onions and spices, previously ground in a mortar. Mix thoroughly again. As an option, you can add a little fresh cilantro to the meat. But first, you can try it without it. I advise you to experiment a second time.

7. Roll out the dough until translucent and cut into circles.

8. Now you can sculpt: first pinch the middle.

9. Time to cook. Almost all sources suggest lubricating the levels of the mantyshnitsa or steamer with oil. I'm used to doing the opposite. I pour a small bowl with oil and, taking the manti by the top seam, I simply dip the bottom into the oil. Never stuck before.

10. Manti takes about 45–55 minutes to prepare. Here almost everything depends on the thickness of the dough you made and on the size of the manti themselves.

11. After 50 minutes, you can open and take a sample. Manti are easy to get. If the mantas just rise, just lift them, but if not, then you can pick them up with a silicone spatula. Tested - it works. Or slightly shake any level.

Manti must be served only with the right sauce. The bright host of the “Home Kitchen” Lara Katsova shared with us her favorite recipes.


Lara Katsova: “The mother of my close friend from Tbilisi taught me this sauce.”

What you need:
500 g canned tomatoes in their juice
2 cloves of garlic
50 g cilantro
50 dill
1 tbsp.
khmeli-suneli 1 tbsp.
coriander half chili pepper
reddish ground pepper - optional
1 tsp.
sugar 1 tsp salt

How to make hot sauce with herbs:

Rub the tomatoes through a sieve, finely chop the garlic. Mix garlic and tomatoes, add salt and sugar, put the mixture on low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Add suneli hops, coriander, finely chopped chili pepper and simmer for another 3 minutes. If you want great spiciness, add reddish ground pepper. Remove from heat, add finely chopped cilantro and dill, cover with a lid and let cool.


Lara Katsova: “I understand that I will not discover America, everyone knows about the traditional sour cream sauce for khinkali. But my recipe is still different – ​​full of greens and spiciness.”

What is needed:
1 tbsp.
sour cream 20% 2-3 cloves of garlic
small chili pepper
sufficient amount of cilantro and dill

How to make sour cream sauce:

Finely chop the garlic and chili pepper, removing the seeds. Chop the greens and mix everything. Add salt. The whole trick is that there must be a lot of greens; it’s better to have greens with sour cream, rather than sour cream with greens.

Read also:  Cheese soup with cream


Khanum and manti

How to create a manty dish and a steamer with your own hands from various kitchen utensils? How do khanum and manti differ from each other? What entrails can be used, how to create dietary, vegetarian manti? What else can you steam? Would you like to find answers to these questions? Then come in, I’ll tell you and show you)))

Manti from Mikael Haroyan

I would like to offer you an excellent recipe for manti. I saw this recipe in one of the programs. And it sank into my soul so much that I decided to try it, and did not regret it) The dough is super-elastic, obedient, does not roll, but the inside. mmmmmm. juicy. And another plus: Miho shared the secrets of making delicious manti according to his grandmother’s recipe. Believe me, some secrets amazed me and maybe that’s what hooked me. Well, what is there to chat about? Come in and we'll cook together. I will try to convey the recipe exactly.


Almost everyone loves and can cook this very tasty steamed flour dish. But in this entry I would like to reveal to you the recipe for the dough, with the help of which making manti does not turn into a long and painful process. The dough rolls out quite easily, even to a very narrow state.

“Manty” from the oven

“Manti” from the oven is a very rare and delicious dish. It is prepared by Armenian emigrants. When I first looked at the recipe, I admit, I was pleasantly surprised. I hope, dear Cooks, that you will like the recipe too.

Manti with meat and pumpkin

Pumpkin in my family is respected and adored in any form. But the very first association with pumpkin is, of course, manti. Juicy, piping hot, with delicious meat juice and smell, topped with the hottest santam, they are incomparably good. The most solemn and favorite dish. And, by the way, manti rays are not divided into first or second. Manty rays are MANTY rays!

Italian buns “Mantovani”

Le Mantovani. Why not pamper your loved ones with Italian buns for coffee or tea on a gloomy autumn morning!

Manti “Unique”

Savory, juicy, “open” manti made from tender chicken meat, mushrooms and cheese. In a unique execution.

Eggplants in a manto

There are so many eggplant recipes, my head is spinning. Naturally? It’s impossible to try everything, but if you like this recipe, try it. With gratitude for the recipe to Tanya Petrova.

Buns with “Manty” sauce

This is an old Greek recipe, modified by time. My mother-in-law taught me.

Extraordinary manta rays

This work was seen on Odnoklassniki by the creator Bronya Misheikina, a master of cooking and carving. So these roses sank into my soul, I decided to repeat it.

Manta rays . Manty is an Asian dish made from dough and meat, reminiscent of dumplings.

Naturally, a real gourmet will never call manti dumplings. The similarity, mainly, comes down to the external appearance and one of the types of internals. Otherwise, manti is a special dish with its own history and traditions.

Manti is a creation of the Chinese, but over time the dish began to be prepared in Korea, Mongolia, also Tatarstan, Turkey and almost all other countries.

Classic manti are made from unleavened dough, which is rolled out very thin. To prevent the dough from breaking, chefs have a huge number of secrets. These include the correct ratio of water to flour (one to two). It is also recommended to combine first and second grade flour to increase strength. In general, manti can also be prepared from yeast dough. In this case, they will turn out to be the most lush.

A distinctive feature of manti is that they are made using a special utensil, which is called a mantnitsa, a mantovarka or a mantyshnitsa. It is a versatile multi-tier steamer, which was created specifically for the preparation of this popular dish. Water is bubbling in the lower section of this pan - thanks to this design, the manti are steamed.

You can use different fillings for manti. Meat is considered a classic one - with all this, it is customary to grind the meat manually, without using such a technological achievement as a meat grinder. Cottage cheese, vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, etc. are also wrapped in manti.

Read also:  Borscht with dumplings recipe

Spices used include red and dark pepper, cumin, cumin, and garlic. The top of the manti is sprinkled with chopped herbs (cilantro, dill, parsley).

Manti is served with sour cream. You can also eat manti with ketchup or any other sauce of your choice.


Manty is a common dish in Kazakh and Central Asian cuisine. The minced meat for them is made from finely chopped lamb with a huge amount of onion, black pepper, cumin, salt and small pieces of lamb fat. Boiled peas or fresh herbs are added to the filling from time to time; Kazakhs also prepare manti with pumpkin and cottage cheese.

The dough must be stiffer than dumpling dough, and if you use yeast dough, the manti will turn out larger and juicier. They are steamed for 40–45 minutes in a special multi-tiered pan - manti cascan or on a grid installed over a cauldron with bubbling broth. When serving, pour over broth with vinegar, butter and pepper, as well as sour milk, sour cream or spicy tomato sauce with parsley.

One of the main features is the minced meat, and specifically everything is cut by hand, no meat grinder. A lot of .

The dough for manti is no different from dumplings - it is kneaded and “proofed” in the same way. A .


True Uzbek manti is prepared using only lamb or beef, of course.

Manti with pumpkin are not inferior in popularity to manti with meat. And why be surprised - juicy and sweet.


Do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating wonderful manti with lamb and quince. How .


Those who have at least once eaten the right manti will never eat a frozen semi-finished product from.


These manti are similar to roses, however, instead of pistils and stamens, they have a very tasty interior from.


I offer a recipe for making manti with the addition of pumpkin pieces to the minced meat.

Manti is an oriental dish made from finely chopped meat and onions, steamed in a special bowl. .

The other names for this dish are hunon, khanum. Both the dough and entrails are used the same as for manti. .



Manti resemble dumplings in appearance, but are somewhat larger. Their main difference is in the manufacturing method. They are steamed in a special device called a kaskan. The outer ones are nets that are placed in several tiers; they are placed in a cauldron with a tight lid, where water bubbles at the bottom. Something like a lightweight double boiler, such a device is sometimes called a “mantyshnitsa”.

Manti with meat, potatoes and zucchini

Usually manti is cooked with meat without adding a huge amount of vegetables. In the same recipe for the inside, chopped meat is combined with diced potatoes and grated zucchini. This is done so that the inside comes out juicier. The result is taste.

Manti with meat and potatoes

If you don’t have a manty maker, you can simply cook homemade manti with meat and potatoes in an ordinary double boiler or slow cooker. The dough for manti is prepared in water with an egg and kneaded very well. It should become flexible, elastic and have excellent stretch. For the inside.

Manti with potatoes and salted lard

Despite the fact that manti is a dish of Asian cuisine, they are also prepared in European countries, making their own adjustments to the recipe, taking into account national traditions and habits. This is how the recipe for manti with potatoes and... lard arose - a product that Muslims find.

Manti with cheese

If you want to quickly prepare something hearty for the whole family, then this recipe for lazy manti with melted cheese will help you out. The taste of juicy manti with melting cheese insides will appeal to everyone who loves dumplings or steamed manti. Dumpling dough is possible.

Manti with minced chicken, carrots and mint in a double boiler

Manti is a national dish of Asian cuisine. In fact, these are steamed dumplings, but the largest ones and molded using a special method. For manti, unleavened dough is most often used (as for dumplings, noodles or lagman). By the way, the surface of the manti from the steamer quickly melts.

Dumplings with pumpkin and meat

There are a lot of recipes for entrails for dumplings. Now we will prepare dumplings with meat and pumpkin, using raw minced meat for the inside, but frying the pumpkin in oil in advance along with finely chopped onion. The learning is especially and delicious. Dumplings can be served.

Read also:  Potatoes with cream in the oven recipe

Roll with vegetables in a pressure cooker (khanum)

Steamed khanum roll is a good choice for mantam. The advantage of the roll over manti is that, firstly, it is made very quickly, and secondly, it can be prepared with the largest amount of inside. In the recipes for khanum roll.

Poses (buuzes)

Pozy (or buuzy, bozy) is a common ceremonial dish that is prepared in Mongolia and Buryatia. At the moment, you can experience it in almost every second cafe in Transbaikalia. There are establishments that specialize in making poses - postures. Ready.

Gul-khanum in Ukrainian

Gul khanum is an Uzbek version of dumplings. In the Ukrainian version, only the form 'gul' - kvitka - flower remains from the Turkic. The content is changed (the inside is collected from mixed minced meat with raw pumpkin), processed to suit the local spectrum.

Hanuma roll

Khanuma or khanum roll is an Asian dish made from dough, reminiscent in content, but not in shape, of manti. The dough is kneaded in water, without adding eggs. Later it is rolled out thinly, the filling is placed on top, rolled into a roll and cooked in a pressure cooker. Goth.

Manty (minced meat with bone marrow (Brain is defined as the physical and biological matter contained within the skull and responsible for basic electrochemical neural processes) )

Another recipe for manti. Now, in addition to minced pork and beef with onions, the contents of the brain bone are added to the filling - bone marrow (the central part of the nervous system of animals, usually located in the head part of the body and representing a compact accumulation of nerve cells and their processes) . The ratio of minced meat and onions is 1:1. The dough for manti can be created as usual by mixing flour, water and vegetables.

Very lazy manta rays

To prepare these cookies with meat entrails, you will need 500g of ready-made yeast dough and 500g of minced meat. The dish is prepared in the oven, but it is better in a double boiler. Serve with fried onions and carrots.

Manti with pumpkin and meat entrails

You can cook manti not only with meat, but also with pumpkin. For minced meat, take pork and beef in equal proportions. Pumpkin is added to it.

Manti with lamb

Manti is usually cooked in a special pan - a manto cooker. But if you don’t have it, and still want to try juicy, delicious manti with meat, then our recipe is for you. Cooking manti in a double boiler.

Manti with minced chicken and red pepper

garlic, allspice (reddish), vinegar, salt, onion, minced chicken, salt (for dough), egg, water, flour, vegetable oil (for dough)

Manti with lamb and yogurt sauce

lamb, water, flour, onions, garlic, ghee, natural yogurt, red pepper (ground), salt

Kazakh manti with pumpkin

milk or water, yeast, eggs, margarine, salt, sugar, flour, meat (lamb or beef), onion, pumpkin, nutmeg, dark ground pepper, salt.

section: Manti, Kazakh cuisine

Manty in Kazakh

lamb (fat), onion, fat tail fat, sour cream, pepper, salt

section: Manti, Kazakh cuisine

Sour dough manti

flour, yeast, lamb, onion, ground red pepper, vegetable oil, broth, 3% vinegar, butter

section: Manti, Kazakh cuisine

Fried manti

flour, yeast, lamb, onion, ground red pepper, fat, 3% vinegar, tomato puree, broth

Manti with cottage cheese

flour, cottage cheese, egg, vanillin, salt, vegetable oil for greasing the cascan, sour cream

section: Manti, Kazakh cuisine

Ogurdzhali fish manti

fish fillet, egg, onion, ground dark pepper, ground red pepper, fennel, saffron, cardamom, dill, parsley, salt.

Manti in Russian

flour, water, salt, beef or pork, onions, bacon, 3% vinegar or sour cream

Manti in Uzbek

lamb, lamb fat, peeled onions, flour, water

section: Uzbek cuisine, Manty

Manti with potatoes

flour, water, vegetable oil, salt, potatoes, lard, onions, pepper, salt.

Manti with meat and pumpkin

lamb or beef, pumpkin, onion, fat tail fat, salt, water, melted butter, flour, water, salt

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