White Russian

White Russian

  • Ingredients
  • Pieces
  • Recipe

Cocktail ingredients White Russian

Ingredients needed
Vodka Finlandia 30 ml
Coffee liqueur BOLS 30 ml
Low fat cream 30 ml
Ice in cubes 120 G
Necessary things
Rocks 1 PC
Jigger 1 PC
cocktail spoon 1 PC
Tubes 2 PC

Cocktail recipe White Russian

  • Fill the rocks glass to the top with ice cubes
  • Pour 30 ml low-fat cream, 30 ml coffee liqueur and 30 ml vodka into a glass
  • Stir with a cocktail spoon until the walls freeze

What should you tell your guest about the White Russian ?

Would you like to experience “White Russian”? This is a strong coffee and creamy vodka cocktail. Once upon a time it was considered a ladies' drink, but after the release of the movie “The Big Lebowski” it became the favorite drink of all “dudes”. If you haven’t seen the Coen brothers’ movie, then drink a glass of “Snow White Russian” and urgently correct this mistake.

To accept a role in the dialogue, you need to log in.

To accept a role in the dialogue, you need to log in.

I’ve never tried it before, but everyone praised it, so I decided to create it after all, and I’ll tell you that this is really a cocktail “for the whole day,” I had a terrible desire to drink it in the morning instead of coffee

Nikita Pozazanikov

On weekends you can literally make such wishes come true

White Russian cocktail

Homeland : Western Europe

Cocktail history:

Despite the name, the drink was not created in Russia, but it received its name in honor of the officers - emigrants from the Snow White Guard, who arrived in Europe after they were defeated in the civil war (in the 1st half of the 20th century).

The origin of the cocktail was the “Polar Bear,” which consisted of vodka, gin and cocoa liqueur. The composition changed in 1950, and on November 21, 1965, it was written about for the first time in the media (Mass Media - periodicals, radio, television and video programs) (Oakland Tribune newspaper). At this time, the modified recipe was included in the collection of the International Bartenders Association.

The drink's creamy aftertaste made it the ruler of discotheques in the West in the 1980s. But still, the warm half of the world’s population still preferred to order it. When the Coen brothers’ “The Big Lebowski” (1998) appeared on cinema screens, where the main character Jeffrey with the not at all feminine nickname “Dude” consumed an incredible amount of this cocktail, men, without any hesitation, began to order it intensively.

Later, this cocktail will appear more than once in various films and television series. So, for example, from the television series “Supernatural” we learn that while in heaven, Einstein mixes it there with his own hands.

Indeed, this drink is so affordable that there is no problem making it at home.

Types and varieties:

As a result of a number of substitutions in the cocktail, a number of other cocktails emerged, almost all of which taste very good. When preparing the drink at home, you can also create substitutions, observing the main proportions.

  • We replace vodka with rum - “White Cuban”
  • We replace vodka with whiskey - “White trash”
  • We replace vodka with moonshine - “Pale Russian”
  • We replace coffee liqueur with cherry liqueur - “Blue Russian”
  • We replace the cream with cocoa diluted in milk - “Dirty Russian”
  • We replace cream and coffee liqueur with Sheridan liqueur - “Russian puncture”
  • Replace the cream with Baileys liqueur - “Russian Blonde” (“Bolshevik”)
  • We replace cream and coffee liqueur with boiled condensed milk - “Russian Beggar”

Basic proportion:

or: vodka - 50%, coffee liqueur - 25%, cream - 25%

or: vodka - 50%, coffee liqueur - 30%, cream - 20%

Effect on the body : invigorating and tonic. If not abused, it will bring you ease and pleasure.

How to cook and drink correctly:

The White Russian cocktail can be prepared and drunk in several variations. Typically, a rocks glass or an old fashion glass is used to make it. But you can prepare the drink even in a glass. Cream for a cocktail can either simply be poured into a glass as an outer layer, or whipped and placed on top of it in a “hat”, which will give it a special charm.

Option 1. “Build” method (layered): put ice on the bottom, pour liqueur, vodka and cream on top (without stirring). They drink in “steps”: the straw must rise upward as you take a sip. This way you will feel the taste of all layers of the drink in your mouth.

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Option 2. In a shaker (certainly with ice). This will make the taste of the cocktail more uniform, and will be perfect for those who do not like sharp transitions.

Option 3. “Frozen”: the ingredients are whipped in a blender with a double portion of ice until it becomes “wet snow”, which is transferred to a chilled cocktail glass. This drink will have the mildest taste.

Option 4. Extreme. Prepared in a shot glass (60 ml), into which 15 ml of coffee liqueur, 30 ml of vodka and a spoonful of whipped cream are poured in layers (a teaspoon at a time). Drink in one gulp (you can take one sip through a cocktail straw).

Fundamentally: the alcohol used for production must be of high quality!

The White Russian cocktail is a layered cocktail, but from time to time you can deviate from the rules. Below we will look at a recipe for a drink of the traditional version, which can be transformed into an affectionate, ladylike one without much effort. You can easily prepare any of them at home for the arrival of guests.

Traditional recipe

  • vodka – 50 ml
  • coffee liqueur – 25 ml
  • watery cream with a fat content of 11% – 25 ml
  • ice cubes – 3-4 pcs.

You need to prepare it like this : pour liqueur, vodka and cream into a glass with ice in layers. But you can create it homogeneously using one of the above methods (in a shaker or blender).

White Russian cocktail recipes

A cocktail with, it would seem, such a native and close name “White Russian” has nothing to do with Russia, since the birthplace of this drink is America.

If you are already familiar with another, no less popular cocktail, the Dark Russian, then I hasten to say that the difference between it and the White Russian cocktail lies only in the composition - in our case, there is additional cream.

Thanks to the successful balance of moderate strength and gentle milky flavor, the mix acquired extraordinary sophistication and lightness, thanks to which it became a bright star in the firmament of every Western disco of the 80s.

Conventional production development and the availability of ingredients allow you to prepare a White Russian cocktail with your own hands in ordinary home conditions.

Traditional White Russian cocktail recipe

The unique recipe involves the use of only whipped cream, which can be created independently or purchased ready-made in a can.

Also, when choosing a liqueur, I recommend sticking to Kahlua, which has a rich coffee taste with subtle hints of vanilla.

Ready-made alcohol is famous for its special tenderness and softness, but this does not mean that this intoxicating drink is consumed only by ladies.

The drink gained its incredible popularity after the release of the film “The Big Lebowski,” where the hero Jeffrey tirelessly sipped on a glass of the mix throughout the entire film.

Necessary components

Ingredients quantity
—not bad vodka— 50 ml
Kahlua coffee liqueur 50 ml
whipped cream 40 g
ice 4-6 cubes

Manufacturing sequence

  1. To begin with, place all the watery ingredients in the freezer for 10-13 minutes.
  2. Next, fill the glass, preferably an old fashioned one, with ice cubes.
  3. Pour coffee liqueur over the ice, then vodka and lightly stir the ingredients.
  4. Carefully place a “cap” of whipped cream on top of the actually finished alcohol.
  5. Serve the strong drink with a straw. An option for decoration could be cocoa powder or grated black or snow-white chocolate, which should be sprinkled on the creamy cap.
  6. We drink alcohol in small portions, because this is how you can feel the whole flavor bouquet of the luxurious mix.

Lightweight White Russian cocktail recipe

This version of the famous strong drink is prepared using watery drinking cream and will appeal to those who are not inclined to a long manufacturing process.

The finished drink has its own harmonic proportions, which allow you to mask the alcohol smell and give the intoxicating drink a milder taste, and also enjoy it without a burning sensation in the mouth.

Ingredients quantity
not bad vodka 50 ml
coffee liqueur 25 ml
watery drinking cream (at least 11% fat content) 25 ml
crushed ice 200 g

Manufacturing sequence

  1. Place all ingredients in the freezer for 10-13 minutes.
  2. Place crushed ice in a blender bowl, then add vodka, liqueur and cream.
  3. Beat the ingredients at the highest power of the device until the state of “wet snow” is obtained.
  4. Transfer the finished alcohol into a pre-chilled glass and enjoy it to your heart’s content.
  5. To decorate the snow mix, you can use a slice of any citrus, which must be squeezed before taking the first sip.
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Varieties of the White Russian cocktail

Based on the White Russian cocktail, a huge number of different options have been invented, both successful and unsuccessful.

I bring to your attention only those that deserve mention and have received positive reviews from eminent tasters.

Pale Russian

This version of alcohol is considered extreme and has the highest degree of strength.

To make a high-quality mix, I recommend using only high-quality, well-purified moonshine, always double distilled and better made on the basis of grain crops.

Necessary components

Ingredients quantity
double distillation moonshine 30 ml
coffee liqueur 15 ml
watery drinking cream (at least 11% fat content) 10 ml
ice 2-3 cubes

Manufacturing sequence

  1. Beforehand, cool a glass with a volume of at least 60 ml.
  2. Place a few ice cubes at the bottom of the stack and alternate layers on top of them.
  3. Pour in the first layer of good-quality moonshine.
  4. Spread the second layer of liqueur.
  5. Form the creamy layer at the end. In this case, you can also use whipped cream.
  6. Without stirring the contents, we drink the strong drink in one breath, in other words, in one gulp.
  7. A slice of citrus or chocolate candy is perfect as a snack.

White Mexican

The presented version of the popular mix has a fascinating and slightly sugary taste, as well as a pronounced sweet smell.

Necessary components

Ingredients quantity
chocolate tequila 50 ml
coffee liqueur 30 ml
watery drinking cream (at least 11% fat content) 10 ml
cubed ice 100 g

Manufacturing sequence

  1. Fill the shaker halfway with ice, on top of which we pour the other ingredients.
  2. Shake the contents for at least 30 seconds.
  3. Pour the prepared alcohol into a previously chilled glass.
  4. We take a deep breath to enjoy the smell of the intoxicating drink, then drink it in one gulp.

Dirty Russian

This option will appeal to lovers of chocolate aroma and taste.

Necessary components

Ingredients quantity
—Russian vodka— 30 ml
Kahlua coffee liqueur 30 ml
chocolate milk 30 ml
crushed ice 120 g

Manufacturing sequence

  1. Place crushed ice in a previously chilled glass.
  2. Pour coffee liqueur over it. Some connoisseurs of sickly sweet tastes add chocolate liqueur instead of Kahlua.
  3. Next, we form a layer of high-quality Russian vodka.
  4. Add chocolate milk last.
  5. We enjoy the drink through a narrow straw, savoring it in small sips.

Video recipe for making a White Russian cocktail

After watching the video presented, you will learn how to prepare the famous White Russian cocktail in no time.

An experienced bartender will tell you a fascinating version of the appearance of this strong drink, share his views on its tasting characteristics and, ultimately, present to your attention the most detailed technology of its production.

As a prize, the master will demonstrate his version of the Dark Russian.

Step-by-step recipe for making a White Russian cocktail with photos

“White Russian” (by the way, and dark one too) is not in the top 10 best cocktails in the world, but is very popular among our club youth. And here's why: it tastes good, is affordable , and the strength allows you to use it all night (that is, in the dark) . But you don’t have to go through face control, become deaf from the loud music and inhale the “smell” of dancing bodies. Prepare the White Russian at home and enjoy the cocktail in a relaxed atmosphere. And if you still want to have fun, have a “party in the hut”. Catch recipe options.

Recipe for a traditional “Snow White Russian” cocktail


Ice cubes 600 g
Vodka 100 ml
Coffee liqueur 100 ml
Cream 100 ml

How to cook traditional White Russian

  1. Take 150 g of ice cubes into 4 wide and large glasses.
  2. Measure 4 times 25 ml of coffee liqueur, and pour a narrow stream straight into the cubes into any glass.
  3. Measure 4 times 25 ml of vodka, pour liqueur on top.
  4. The outermost layer will be cream: measure 4 times 25 ml and pour vodka on top. Stir with a long-handled spoon and insert a straw. That's all!
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Video of the production of the traditional “Snow White Russian”

In the video, the most experienced bartender explains all the intricacies of making this coffee cocktail and gives some good advice.

The B-52 cocktail also belongs to the coffee category. But if you want something fresher and not so sweet, make a mojito.

Recipe for a strong “Snow White Russian” cocktail


Ice cubes 400 g
Vodka 200 ml
Coffee liqueur 80 ml
Low-fat cream 120 ml

How to make a strong White Russian

  1. Place 100 g of ice cubes in 4 wide, large glasses.
  2. Measure 4 times 50 ml of vodka, and pour a narrow stream straight into the cubes into any glass.
  3. Measure 4 times 20 ml of coffee liqueur, pour vodka on top.
  4. The outermost layer will be cream: measure 4 times 30 ml and pour the liqueur on top. Stir with a bar spoon and insert a straw - that's it!

Video of the production of strong “Snow White Russian”

Here the sequence of adding ingredients is slightly different, but the essence remains the same.

Since you have a “sweet” table, expand the range of drinks with a Long Island cocktail. And the contrast in color will be created by the “Blue Lagoon”.

How to choose coffee liqueur

  • The basis for various coffee liqueurs can be alcohol, cognac, tequila, rum or brandy . The strength and purpose of the drink depends on the alcohol base. Therefore, decide what you expect from the cocktail.
  • In addition, some liqueurs already contain cream, which does not prevent you from adding more, only in small quantities.
  • Additional ingredients include spices, vanilla, citrus fruits ... But the most constant and main component, of course, is coffee.

To make “Snow White Russian” you can use any of them or even a combination of them, improving the flavor bouquet (naturally, maintaining the proportion with the other ingredients) - it all depends on your goals and interests.

Here is an incomplete list of coffee liqueurs of varying prices and additive content:

  • Luxardo Sam Cafe, Sambuca and Coffee or Espresso;
  • Pages Cocoa;
  • Tia Maria;
  • Balls Coffee;
  • Saint Amandus;
  • Joseph Cartron;
  • Sierra Cafe;
  • Borghetti;
  • Giffard;
  • Kahlua is a traditional ingredient in Snow White Russian;
  • Expre (coffee);
  • Wenneker (coffee);
  • Galliano Ristretto;
  • De Kuyper Creme de Cafe;
  • Canary;
  • Di Nero Crema Caffe;
  • Meukov Expresso;
  • Myagkov Cappuccino.

Helpful hints

  • To experience the real taste and pleasant aftertaste of a coffee cocktail, do not skimp on ice . After all, the liqueur itself is quite thick and sickly sweet, and your goal is to enjoy this drink.
  • To freeze ice cubes, use purified or low-mineralized water, completely clear and without any aftertaste.
  • The highest fat content of the cream should be 15% , otherwise this component will simply coagulate in alcohol.
  • Portioned cream in plastic boxes or bags will be more convenient. Usually this is 10% cream, 10 ml per serving. To make the first White Russian cocktail, you will need 3 packages.
  • It is better to whip heavy cream with a small amount of sugar and place it on top of the drink.
  • Consider the strength of the coffee liqueur : it varies from 20% to 36%. If you don’t want to get drunk from the first sip, then add less vodka to a cocktail with strong liqueur.
  • Some bartenders prepare “White Russian” in a shaker and then pour it into glasses. You too can use this device.

Options for the theme

A similar composition is used in recipes for other cocktails , and some bartenders call them variations of the “Snow White Russian”. Here are some of them:

  • “Bolshevik” (Bailies liqueur is used instead of cream);
  • “White Cuban” (vodka is replaced with rum);
  • “White sediment” (vodka is also substituted, but with whiskey);
  • “Colorado Bulldog” (cola is added to the recipe);
  • and the most unique - “Frozen White Russian” (prepared like homemade ice cream containing “Russian” ingredients).

Whatever cocktails you prepare, even just invented ones, do not forget that “the Ministry of Health warned”! Especially when it comes to sweet, low- or medium-alcohol drinks. Essentially!

The lower the alcohol concentration and the sweeter the cocktail , the faster and more fully it is absorbed in the digestive tract. Hence - the most frisky intoxication compared to strong drinks. Although, if it comes in the morning, the results will already be equal...

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