Latvian bread soup

Latvian bread soup

The breathtaking country of Latvia - cool, amber-warmed nature, comfortable small cafes with fragrant baked goods and delicious coffee, Riga balsam, sprats and, naturally, rye bread... For us southerners, accustomed to snow-white wheat bread, black rye is a real delicacy. But the most unusual thing is the sweet bread soup - a masterpiece of Latvian cooking. In the Baltics, it is prepared everywhere from rye crackers. This dish, unique in its simplicity and at once unusualness, has a long history. To this day, there is a dispute between the North Baltic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Latvia and Estonia) as to who was the first to think of pouring boiling water over the remains of dry bread, adding sugar and dried fruits to prepare the most delicious dessert. It seems that in Russia this soup is known as a dish of Latvian cuisine, and if you need a tasty and necessary dessert, then sweet Latvian bread soup is just that.

It will be useful for you:

  • rye bread 150 gr
  • dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes) 120 gr
  • water 550 ml
  • sugar 70 gr
  • cinnamon 0.25 tsp
  • whipping cream 33-38% 60 g
  • vanilla sugar 0.5 tsp.
  • cranberries 30 gr

This amount of goods is enough for 4 servings.
The finished dessert is perfectly stored in the refrigerator, so I prepare a double portion and recommend it for you. Children absolutely adore bread soup; it is a good option for a hearty breakfast. Now about rye bread. Nowhere is there such delicious rye bread as in Latvia, and that unforgettable taste for which bread soup is famous comes out thanks to this particular bread. Real Latvian rye bread is black outside and inside, dense in texture and slightly sour in taste, without yeast. Cumin is often added to it. Since rye does not grow in our south, it is virtually impossible to purchase rye bread, especially Latvian bread. But, oh magic, I found it frozen in one of the hypermarkets!

150 grams of bread is 5 such slices, for a double portion, respectively 10.

Step-by-step photo recipe for making:

Bread soup is made from rye crackers . It has long been clear that the most delicious recipes come from inventive poverty. Apparently, bread soup was born out of savings, so as not to throw away stale bread. Therefore, cut the bread and dry it in the oven at 160°C for 25-30 minutes . Stir the crackers for any 10 minutes. It is important that they do not burn. Cool.

Place the cooled crackers pour boiling water over them . You can break them into the smallest pieces.

Cover the pan with a lid and leave the crackers to swell for 30 - 40 minutes .

While the crackers are swelling, rinse the dried fruits . For a double serving: dried apricots - 10 pcs , prunes - 10 pcs , raisins - 2 handfuls . Usually these particular dried fruits are consumed, but with the current abundance, you can add whatever your heart desires. There may be more or less dried fruits, depending on your own taste.

In Latvia, dried fruits are added whole to the soup, but I prefer to cut dried apricots and prunes into 4 parts. It's more convenient to eat this way.

Meanwhile, the rye crackers have swelled. This is how they look.

Grind the swollen crackers . Previously, they were ground through a colander or sieve and the soup mixture was not so homogeneous. Using a blender, the crackers are converted into a creamy mass. Bread soup can be either the most watery or the most thick, creamy - depending on the amount of water.

Add sugar and cinnamon . The quantities are approximate, add according to your own taste.

Add dried fruits , stir and cook with continuous stirring for 10 minutes . During this period of time the soup will boil. The bread mass simply burns, so use a pan with a non-stick coating or a thick bottom and stir continuously , because. the thick mass simply “explodes” when heated and can burn with hot splashes.

Remove the pan from the heat and prepare cranberry juice : heat frozen cranberries in the microwave for 30 seconds and rub through a sieve.

Add cranberry juice to the cooled soup and stir well.

Bread soup is a cool dessert, so after stirring put it in the refrigerator and, while it cools, whip the cream with vanilla sugar and sweet powder - bread soup is usually served with whipped cream.
Tip: Properly whipped cream should retain its shape and not spill into a scone. But, don't overdo it. By whipping cream for a very long time, you can end up with whey and butter instead of whipped cream. The average whipping time for 33% Petmolov cream is 5 minutes, for 38% Valio cream it is 1-2 minutes.

To save effort and time, you can use cream from a can.

Decorate the soup bowl with cranberries and a cinnamon stick .

about cranberries separately, because this is an unusually necessary berry - a storehouse of vitamins and microelements, it certainly must be in your freezer. Cranberries add sourness to the rich bread soup and therefore, when serving, I not only decorate the top of the dessert with the appetizing reddish berry, but also add 1 tbsp to the bowl. cranberries straight from the freezer.

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You can dust the top of the dessert with ground chicken.

You see, making bread soup is extremely simple, but the beauty and deliciousness is indescribable. I really love this dessert! Prepare it, you will like it too!

My favorite coffee pairing is the usual Latvian Elgava ceramics made from reddish clay - extremely homely spectrum.

Latvian bread soup. Laconic recipe.

It will be useful for you:

  • rye bread 150 gr
  • dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes) 120 gr
  • water 550 ml
  • sugar 70 gr
  • cinnamon 0.25 tsp
  • whipping cream 33-38% 60 g
  • vanilla sugar 0.5 tsp.
  • cranberries 30 gr

Slice the bread and dry it in the oven at 160°C for 25-30 minutes.
Stir the crackers for any 10 minutes. It is important that they do not burn. Cool. Place the crackers in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour boiling water over them, cover with a lid and leave to swell for 30 - 40 minutes.
Grind the swollen crackers with a blender.
Add dried fruits, sugar and cinnamon to the bread mass, stir and cook with continuous stirring for 10 minutes.
Heat frozen cranberries in the microwave for 30 seconds and rub through a sieve.
Add cranberry juice to the cooled bread mixture and stir. Divide the bread soup into bowls and top with whipped cream and cranberries.

Bread soup

A typical and quite unusual soup that may surprise you with its pleasant taste. Curious? Then it's time to cook and test!

  • Total cooking time – 0 hours 45 minutes
  • Active cooking time – 0 hours 30 minutes
  • Cost – extremely economical
  • Calorie content per 100 g – 115 kcal
  • Number of servings – 4 servings

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How to make bread soup


  • Bread – 300 g rye, dark
  • Broth - 1.2 liters of at least some water
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 100 g
  • Cumin – 0.5 tsp.
  • Processed cheese – 100 g
  • Bacon – 120 g
  • Green onion – 50 g
  • Garlic – 1 tooth.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Dark pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. for frying
  • Champignons - optional


Housewives often share their thoughts on what to use after the holidays, and not only, leftover meat, sausages, and the like. But where to use leftover bread? Some broken pieces, slightly stale bread, which the household no longer really wants to eat. This is where it’s time to turn your attention to this bread soup recipe, since it is made specifically from all kinds of leftover bread. True, we are talking specifically about rye black bread, since ordinary grayish bread will not be particularly tasty - it has a dull and rather measured taste that will not satiate our soup in any way.

So, let's start manufacturing. Cut 300 grams of bread into small cubes. If you see that the crust is clearly burnt, cut it off. In any case, it will not cause taste discomfort.

Peel the onions.
Cut it into small cubes. 100 grams is one large onion. We take a thick-bottomed pan or a duck pan, or, if you don’t have either, then just a frying pan. Turn on the gas and put it on fire and heat it up.

Add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and add chopped onions. At this point we need to fry it slightly, about two minutes, no more, and then add 200 (100 grams set aside) grams of chopped dark bread. Fry everything together for a couple more minutes, making sure to stir so that everything doesn’t burn. In some places, four minutes is completely enough for a gentle frying.

And at the moment it’s like this - if you fried it in a frying pan, then transfer the fried bread and onions into a pan, in which you will then simply cook our soup. If you did everything in a saucepan or duck pot, pour it directly there. Naturally, it will be slightly tastier and richer if you take broth, and even with water it’s completely fine.

Bring everything to a boil, add salt, pepper and cumin.
Another option is to add ground coriander instead of cumin - this is if you simply don’t have cumin on hand or you simply don’t like it. Crack the egg into the mug and stir with a fork until smooth.
For now, take a spoon in one hand and a mug with a scrambled egg in the other. Start stirring the soup quite actively with a spoon and pour in the egg in a narrow stream. You will end up with such “rags”.

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While everything comes to a boil again, peel a fairly large clove of garlic, chop it or simply put it through a press (the extreme method is preferable, since there are literally no large pieces left).

So, it started to boil.
Lay out the garlic, processed cheese, mix everything well so that the cheese melts and is moderately distributed, close the lid tightly, turn off the heat and leave everything alone for about 15 minutes. After that, I take the masher that I use to make purees and just “walk around” it, making the soup more homogeneous. There are no problems here - the bread is completely steamed.

At this point, fry the remaining 100 grams of dark bread cubes.
Heat a frying pan, add a spoonful of vegetable oil and fry until light golden brown. Don't make a big fire - it will only burn our bread. It is better to fry on medium, stirring often, browning moderately and drying. We will sprinkle them on the soup when serving. By and large, our soup will be completely ready in 15 minutes. But! It will be much tastier with all sorts of additions in the form of fried bacon, and maybe champignons and certainly green onions.

Cut the bacon into small strips or cubes. Since this is a fatty part of the meat, I fry it in a frying pan without additional oil until lightly browned. But here it’s up to your taste - if you like crispy, fairly dried pieces, fry longer. Personally, I prefer medium roast.

If you like champignons, then they are also completely on point.
Wash them well, cut into slices and quickly and briefly fry in a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. I constantly do both (bacon and mushrooms), and of course, I always finely chop the green onions.
All this can be put on a plate and served with soup. By and large, you can eat soup, for example, simply with sour cream, or you can add the suggested additions, simply taking the desired amount from the common dish.

My favorite version is with pieces of fried bread (of course), bacon and quite a huge amount of green onions.
You choose what suits your liking and taste. You can completely come up with your own additions. Bon appetit everyone!

Bread soup

I have one drawback (I would like to believe that there is only one) - I don’t like to cook first courses. And so, in order to somehow vary this activity and outsmart myself, from time to time I look for recipes for the latest soups. On one of these outings I came across one. I was extremely surprised, especially when I found out that this is a whole section of soups in the culinary business. Naturally, she couldn’t pass by. So, let's begin. Are you curious? Come in!

Ingredients for Bread Soup:

  • Bread (rye, fresh!) - 300 g
  • Onions (medium size) - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece
  • Champignons – 100 g
  • Processed cheese (to taste) - 50-100 g
  • Broth - 1-2 l
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Dark pepper (to taste)
  • Cumin (or other spices to taste)
  • Sunflower oil

Production time: 40 minutes

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
1506.8 kcal
123.3 g
37.4 g
166.1 g
100 g dish
89.2 kcal
7.3 g
2.2 g
9.8 g

Bread soup recipe:

Finely dice the onion and fry it until golden brown in a small amount of sunflower oil.

Cut the bread into small cubes (if you want to end up with a uniform thickness, then it’s better to trim the crust), add the bread to the onion and fry for another 7 minutes. The recipe said until browned, but I couldn’t see any elements of browning on the brown bread :) , only a slight color change.

Place the contents of the frying pan into the pan and pour in the broth (throw in 1 cup). According to the recipe, the amount of broth should be 1 liter, but it seemed to me that it was porridge and not soup, so I doubled it. But this probably depends on the density of the bread. Salt, pepper and add cumin (my family doesn’t like it, so I added thyme and dry parsley).

Stir the egg into the rest of the broth. Let the soup boil in the pan and pour the egg into it, without forgetting to stir the soup.

Remove the soup from the heat and let it brew, and at this time we’ll take care of the mushrooms. Cut them into small cubes and fry.

Here there may be two manufacturing options.
1. Fry the mushrooms until tender, grate the processed cheese or chop it finely, mix with the mushrooms and add to the soup before serving.
2. Fry the mushrooms until almost done, finely chop the processed cheese and add it together with the mushrooms to the soup, put it back on the fire, let it boil and cook until the cheese is completely dissolved.

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I really like the creamy taste of melted processed cheese (excuse the tautology) in the soup, so I prepared it using the second method. Do not forget that only good and proven cheese can be used to add to soup. And yet, this soup is in no way suitable for recycling bread - the bread must be fresh and tasty, the taste of the soup depends on this.

Contrary to my fears, the soup turned out to be extremely tasty and pleasant, even my conservative husband admitted that it could be cooked in the future. The taste is a kind of unique symbiosis of the taste of mushrooms and bread. The soup comes out light and, at the same time, rich and nutritious.

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November 4, 2015 ulia154 #

November 4, 2015 panna1979 # (recipe creator)

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Bread soup


Chicken broth – 1.5 l

Grayish bread – 6-7 slices

Tomato paste – 1 tbsp.

Garlic – 2 cloves

Chicken eggs – 1 pc.

Salt, pepper - to taste

Greens - for serving

  • 53 kcal
  • 20 minutes.
  • 20 minutes.

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Have you tried bread soup? I’ve made this soup a couple of times already, I’ll be honest – I like it, it turns out extremely tasty, the mixture is quite thick and rich.

In such a soup you definitely need to add fried bacon and golden-brown croutons, and you can’t do without greens. The base plays a big role - it should be a good fragrant broth based on chicken or vegetables. You also need to take bread that you like to taste; you can use pieces of bread left over after the feast. The soup should be served hot; spices can be added to taste.

Prepare products according to the list.

Pour the broth into the pan. Use rich, savory broth, adjust its taste with salt and pepper.

Break pieces of grayish bread into random pieces and add to the broth.

Add tomato paste into the pan. Peel a few cloves of garlic and add to the pan. Cook the soup over the fire for 10 minutes.

Cut one or several pieces of bread into cubes, cut the bacon into strips.

Place the bread and bacon in the pan and fry until golden brown. Due to the fact that bacon is spiced, the crackers will turn out extremely fragrant and tasty.

Whisk one chicken egg in a bowl and pour it into the pan in a stream.

After 10 minutes, crush the pieces of softened bread in the broth. Stir, add more broth if desired - adjust the thickness. Test the soup for salt and adjust the taste to your desired level. Serve bread soup with croutons, bacon and herbs.

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