Carrot cutlets for children over 1 year old: recipe with photo

Carrot cutlets for children over 1 year old: recipe with photo

Summer is the time when you can stock up on useful substances from natural products. This is especially important for young children who begin to run to the common table. Try making carrot cutlets for children. They are suitable even for babies whose teeth have not fully erupted.

Carrot cutlets for children from one year old are not only a way to vary the baby’s diet. They will also teach him to eat vegetable dishes. A simple step-by-step recipe with photos will help you master the technology without errors.

Carrot cutlets: recipe for young children

As the baby weans its mother's milk, it gradually gets accustomed to the common table. Changes occur in the functioning of his gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) , the baby masters the skill of chewing and develops according to age - he needs more calories. The diet and rhythm of nutrition undergo changes, and a diet is formed.

As chewing ability develops, food becomes thicker. Instead of pureeing goods, it is more advisable to bake, stew, or steam them. There is a need for the latest heat treatment methods.

In modern cuisine, cutlets are considered piece products made from minced meat or vegetables. Depending on how the baby’s teeth develop, they choose the product from which the dish is prepared. Most vegetables soften well under the influence of temperatures.

Soft minced meats (chicken, turkey) are also quickly processed, but require painstaking chewing. It is better to give up meat containing refractory fat (duck, beef) until you are older.

Some children can eat vegetable cutlets up to 12 months, others only from 1.5 years. The ingredients are carefully crushed - finely ground, passed through special attachments in a meat grinder or blender.

From time to time, vegetables are boiled ahead of time, but if the subsequent heat treatment is sufficient to soften the product, this step can be skipped. The bits form small, uniform ones so that the processing is uniform.

If we are talking about meat, then it is necessary to keep in mind that the daily requirement for it for a baby of the first year is lower - up to 70-80 g. For comparison, one ordinary “adult” cutlet weighs 100-120 g. Regarding vegetables, the daily norm for a one-year-old baby is larger - 180 g.

It is better to prepare culinary products for children using steam. Children's gastrointestinal tract does not yet cope with fatty foods. In a double boiler, carrot cutlets are cooked for 20-25 minutes. In the oven - half an hour at 180°C. In a slow cooker - 25 minutes in the “Steam” mode.

Advice: if the chosen variety of carrots itself is too sweet, exclude sugar from the recipe.

Carrot cutlets for children

The mass mixture is very dependent on the initial goods. If the products are difficult to form, the situation can be improved by adjusting the thickness by adding milk or semolina.

Production time: 1 hour

Number of servings: 7

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​83.15 kcal;
  • proteins – 2.64 g;
  • fats – 2.9 g;
  • carbohydrates – 11.8 g.


  • carrots – 500 g;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • semolina – 2 tbsp;
  • egg (yolk) – 1 pc.;
  • dill - to taste;
  • parsley - to taste;
  • sugar – 1 pinch;
  • sunflower oil for frying – 50 ml.

Step-by-step production

  1. Turn on the oven to preheat to 180°C. Wash and peel the carrots. Then grate finely or grind in a blender. In advance, if desired, you can boil the vegetable for 20-50 minutes (depending on size). The finished carrots are also chopped.
  2. Transfer the grated mixture into a clean saucepan. Add half the milk and simmer over low heat. Make sure it doesn't burn. After 10-15 minutes, add semolina in a narrow stream. Add milk. Stir well and cook for 7-10 minutes.
  3. Remove carrots from heat and let cool. Rinse the greens, shake off and finely chop. Then add it to the minced meat. Add the egg yolk and knead.
  4. With wet hands, form small, flat patties. Grease the sheet with vegetable oil. Lay out the products and bake for half an hour.

Recipe with minced chicken

Production time: 30 minutes

Number of servings: 10

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​93.46 kcal;
  • proteins – 7 g;
  • fats – 4.11 g;
  • carbohydrates – 6.9 g.


  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • minced chicken – 300 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • testicle – 1 pc.;
  • semolina – 3 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.

Step-by-step production

  1. Turn on the oven to heat up to 180°C. Peel the onions and carrots. Wash the vegetables and shake them off. Cut the chicken fillet into pieces that are comfortable for chopping. Pass together with vegetables through a meat grinder or process with a blender.
  2. Mix onions, carrots and minced meat. Beat in the egg. Knead thoroughly until smooth. Add semolina in a stream. Stir again. If the ingredients have released a lot of water, add more cereal. Add a pinch of salt to taste.
  3. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. Place the products and place in the oven for 5 minutes. After a while, when the cutlets have set, pour in water. Close the door and wait another 20 minutes.
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You can first take the amount of ready-made fresh minced meat indicated in the recipe instead of meat. Water is needed so that the cutlets are not dense. It can be replaced with milk.

What to serve with

Carrot cutlets are a colorful dish with a pleasant smell that will probably intrigue your baby with its appearance. But in order for him to eat with appetite, it is necessary to take care of the presentation. As a side dish, choose cereals (rice, millet, etc.) or pasta if the child already chews well. Season the side dish with 3-5 grams of butter.

You can serve the cutlets independently by pouring a spoonful of sour cream on them. If the baby does not have allergies, offer him a small amount of grated apple or soaked raisins along with the products. Carrot cutlets for one-year-old children are mixed with fruit juice, fruit juice or compote. These drinks complete the feeding.

Carrot cutlets for children are a wonderful dish for the first years of life. Mastering it will not cause problems for young mothers, and the baby, eating healthy food, will make his family happy with his health.

How to cook carrot cutlets for a child

Dear ancestors, grandparents, now we will talk about what carrot cutlets are for children 1 year and older. You will get acquainted with the main recipes for making this dish. Learn how to prepare a dietary version of cutlets. It will become clear to you that this dish does not necessarily need to be fried; you can bake it in the oven or steam it.

Traditional option

To make it you need to have:

  • 600 g carrots;
  • testicle;
  • 100 grams of flour;
  • salt.
  1. Peel the carrots and grate them, preferably a large one.
  2. Add an egg to the carrots and mix everything well.
  3. Add flour and salt, mix everything.
  4. Leave the ingredients for about 15 minutes to allow the carrot juice to release. This will make it easier to cope with the action of modeling.
  5. After the time has passed, cutlets are formed and do not forget to bread them with flour.
  6. It is better to fry with vegetable oil.

I bring to your attention a photo of carrot cutlets:

Lenten cutlets

To make a dietary dish you will need:

  • half a glass of semolina;
  • 700 g carrots;
  • salt;
  • a couple of teaspoons of sugar;
  • vegetable oil.
  1. Wash the carrots, place them in a saucepan, fill them with water, and cook until tender over medium heat.
  2. When the vegetable has cooled, remove the skin and grate it on a small grater.
  3. Then add some salt, add sugar and semolina, stir everything thoroughly.
  4. The existing mass is formed into cutlets.
  5. Place in a frying pan and fry until done.

With apples and raisins

To create such a sweet dish you need:

  • 40 g raisins;
  • 0.7 kg carrots;
  • medium-sized apples - three pieces;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • vanilla;
  • three tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 30 g butter;
  • cinnamon - half a teaspoon.
  1. Pour hot water over the raisins and leave to steep for 20 minutes.
  2. Apples are peeled and finely chopped.
  3. Combine raisins with apples, add a couple of tablespoons of water and put on fire to simmer until the softness of the apples becomes visible, then you will need to add sugar.
  4. Finely grate the carrots after peeling.
  5. Add butter and milk. Send to simmer for 10 minutes.
  6. After this, add semolina and continue to cook for the same amount of time. When finished, add sugar.
  7. When the carrot mass has cooled, beat in the egg, cinnamon and vanilla.
  8. Form cutlets and dip them in breadcrumbs.
  9. A raisin-apple inside is placed in the middle of each cutlet.
  10. Dishes are prepared in a frying pan.

Carrot and cabbage cutlets

It is better to introduce your baby to these cutlets from one year to the next.

  • 50 grams of semolina;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 300 g cabbage;
  • half a small onion.
  1. Cabbage and carrots are chopped using a method that is convenient for you. Add chopped onion to them.
  2. Stew vegetables until they begin to soften.
  3. Then add semolina and continue to simmer.
  4. Form cutlets and place them on a baking sheet and into the oven. Usually it takes about 10 minutes to complete production.

With cottage cheese

  • cottage cheese - four hundred gr;
  • carrots - about a kilogram;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • half a glass of semolina;
  • a glass of milk;
  • two testicles.

Cutlets with dried apricots and apple

To make it you will need:

  • two carrots;
  • two medium apples;
  • 20 g butter;
  • eight pieces of dried apricots;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • testicle;
  • three tablespoons of semolina.
  1. Peel the apple and carrots and grate them on a small grater.
  2. The dried apricots are soaked and then cut into small pieces.
  3. Heat the milk, add carrots, apples, dried apricots and cook over low heat for a couple of minutes.
  4. As the ingredients become significantly softer, semolina is added. Mix everything thoroughly and add butter.
  5. The prepared fruit and vegetable mass is cooled, and an egg is driven in.
  6. Form cutlets, place them on a baking sheet, and place them in the oven for 17 minutes at 180 degrees.


For production use:

  • half a kilo of carrots;
  • 160 ml milk;
  • testicle;
  • semolina - three tablespoons;
  • two tablespoons of breadcrumbs;
  • half a teaspoon of sugar;
  • salt;
  • small spoon of butter.
  1. Peel the carrots, grate them, large.
  2. Transfer to a small saucepan, pour in milk, add sugar, salt, butter and put on fire.
  3. After the milk boils, turn up the heat and simmer the carrots over low heat for about 15 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. After this, add semolina to the pan and continue cooking for another eight minutes.
  5. After this, remove the pan from the heat and leave for a while to allow the dish to cool.
  6. The yolk is added to the carrot mass, everything is thoroughly mixed, and cutlets are formed.
  7. You can dip it in whipped egg white and roll it in breadcrumbs.
  8. The cutlets are steamed and take about 10 minutes to prepare.
Read also:  Semolina pancakes

Now you understand how to prepare carrot cutlets for children. Try to bake or create steamed products, they will retain more of the necessary vitamins and microelements, and such food is also the most gentle for the child’s body.

Carrot cutlets like in kindergarten


Butter – 20 g

Semolina – 30 g

Chicken egg – 1 pc.

Breadcrumbs – 2 tbsp.

Vegetable oil – for frying (optional)

  • 92 kcal
  • 1 hour
  • 1 hour

Photo of the finished dish

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Step-by-step recipe with photos

So, let's prepare all the products, remember our childhood and create the most delicious carrot cutlets, just like in kindergarten.

Peel the carrots from the outer skin and grate them on a large grater. Place the grated carrots in a saucepan and add milk.

Let's also add a little butter. Let's salt the carrots, just throw in a pinch, it's not enough, we're cooking for the baby.

Place the saucepan over low heat and simmer the carrots until tender, about 20 minutes.

When the carrots are ready, add semolina to the saucepan and continue cooking the contents of the saucepan for another 7 minutes.

After this, take the carrots out of the saucepan, let them cool a little so that you can take the carrot mince with your hands and not get burned.

Add the chicken egg to the minced meat and mix the minced meat well.

I cook some of the cutlets in the oven, and some in a frying pan. For children, it is better to bake the cutlets, it will be much healthier.

We take a little minced carrot, form a cutlet and roll it in breadcrumbs, place the cutlets on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C for 15 minutes.

Place the frying pan on the heat, add vegetable oil and fry the cutlets until golden brown, 3-4 minutes on each side.

Carrot cutlets are ready like in kindergarten. We serve the cutlets in portions; for children it is better to serve carrot cutlets with sour cream. My husband loves these cutlets with balsamic cream.

Carrot cutlets for children

  • The benefits and harm of carrots
  • Introducing carrots into the diet
  • Dish recipes

To create a menu for a young child that is healthy, tasty and varied, he is introduced to different vegetables and fruits. Carrots are very useful for complementary feeding. It is rich in carotene, which stimulates growth and increases visual acuity. The root vegetable contains coarse fiber, which is needed for normal digestion. In addition, the vegetable contains vitamin (a low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) .

You can prepare a lot of necessary dishes from carrots: purees, soups, pancakes, etc. But cutlets are one of the most favorite dishes. They can be steamed, in the oven, in a slow cooker, and for older children, fried in a frying pan. There are a huge number of recipes, but parents need to know when to treat their baby to a fragrant orange cutlet and how to cook it correctly.

The benefits and harm of carrots

The reddish root vegetable is a storehouse of essential substances. Thanks to the vitamin-mineral complex, fiber and dietary fiber, carrots have the following qualities:

• When applied externally, the vegetable accelerates wound healing and relieves pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensations) .
• Carrot juice relieves inflammation in the oral cavity.
• With constant use, the root vegetable helps cleanse the body of parasites.
• The juice helps prevent tooth decay and helps with sore throats because it has antibacterial properties.
• Dietary fiber in the vegetable has a choleretic and diuretic effect.

Juice and puree from the freshest carrots strengthens, and in combination with apple helps restore digestion.

Despite the benefits of carrots, you should keep in mind that this product can cause allergies. It manifests itself as lethargy, nausea (Nausea is a painful sensation in the epigastric region and pharynx, often precedes vomiting) , vomiting (Vomiting is mainly caused by contraction of the abdominal muscles) . In this case, you should give up the root vegetable. In addition, you should not give your baby a huge amount of carrots, because it can cause yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, this condition is called carotene jaundice. If it appears, then you need to give up carrots for some time, then these symptoms (Symptom from Greek - case, coincidence, sign - one separate sign, frequent manifestation of a disease, pathological condition or disorder of any vital process) will disappear without the help of others.

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Introducing carrots into the diet

Almost all parents are interested in the question of when carrot cutlets for children can be introduced into the menu. In order for the product to bring only benefit to the child, the following rules must be observed:

• From 6 to 7 months, the baby is introduced to snow-white or green vegetables, because they are considered less allergenic. After the usual reaction to zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower, you can switch to the most fragrant and catchy product.

• From 8 – 9 months , add 2 – 3 drops of carrot juice to a small amount of breast milk, consistency or vegetable puree. Then you need to monitor the baby’s reaction for 2 days. If there are no allergies or digestive disorders, then you can treat your baby to carrot juice and puree, but not more than 2-3 times a week. The next time, the baby is given ½ teaspoon of juice, uniformly increasing the volume to 50 - 100 g.

• From 1 to 2 years old, raw carrots and dishes made from them can be introduced into the diet. At 3–4 years old, you can treat your baby to the freshest, clean carrots; the main thing is to make sure that he doesn’t choke.

It is best to steam carrot cutlets for a 1-year-old baby, although you can bake them in the oven. For older children from 3 to 5 years old, cutlets fried in vegetable or butter are suitable, just make sure that the baby does not get carried away with the treat, because during frying, carcinogens that are unsafe for the body are formed.

Dish recipes

There are many recipes for carrot cutlets for children. So that the usefulness of the root vegetable does not fade before the harm, it is necessary to follow the rules for its production.

Recipes for savory carrot cutlets for children:

1. Traditional carrot cutlets:

• Boil 700 g of clean carrots, check readiness with a knife or fork.
In order for the vegetable to retain the greatest amount of essential substances, it is better to steam it. • The finished carrots must be cooled, peeled, and chopped using a small grater.
• Pour ¼ cup of semolina, 1 egg, 2 teaspoons of sugar into the carrots, stir.
• Make cutlets from the purchased minced meat and roll them in semolina.
• Place the cutlets in a heated frying pan with vegetable or butter, fry on both sides.

This recipe is suitable for children over 3 years old, because the dish is cooked in hot oil.

2. Carrot cutlets in a slow cooker:

• Grind 500 g of carrots or chop using a blender.
If desired, carrots can be boiled ahead of time. • Add 50 ml of milk, 1 tbsp to carrot puree.
a spoonful of vegetable oil, 1 pinch of sugar, stir everything and simmer over low heat for 10 - 15 minutes. • Later add 2 tbsp to the mixture.
spoons of semolina and another 10 ml of milk, simmer for another 10 minutes. • Later, remove the mixture from the stove, and when it has cooled, add 1 yolk.
• Form cutlets, place them on the multicooker rack and cook for 20 - 25 minutes.
If you don’t have a multicooker at home, you can cook the cutlets in a water bath.

This recipe is suitable for children aged 1 year and older. If desired, the dish can be supplemented with cottage cheese, dried fruits, apples, beets, etc.

3. Carrot cutlets in the oven:

• Grind 150 g of apple and 250 g of carrots through a small grater.
• Soak 6 or 7 pcs. in hot water.
dried apricots, grind it in a blender or grind it. • Put 150 ml of milk on the fire, add carrot, apple puree and dried apricots to the pan, stir everything, simmer for 10 - 15 minutes.
• When all the ingredients become soft, add 3 tbsp to the mixture.
spoons of semolina and 5 g of butter. • When the carrot mixture has cooled, add 1 egg and stir.
• Make cutlets, place them on a baking sheet, greased with oil or a silicone mold. Bake for 20 minutes at 180°.

The finished dish can be seasoned with sour cream or natural yogurt.

4. Carrot cutlets with apple and raisins:

• Pour hot water over the raisins and leave for 20 minutes.
• Finely chop 3 medium apples, add raisins, a couple of tablespoons of water and place on low heat.
Simmer them until the apples become soft, then add 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar. • Grind 700 g of carrots, pour ½ cup of milk over it, add 30 g of butter, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
• Later add a little semolina and cook for another 10 minutes.
• When the carrots have cooled, add an egg and a little cinnamon and stir.
• Form cutlets, roll them in breading.
• Place the apple-raisin filling in the center of each cutlet.
• Place the cutlets on a greased baking sheet and cook for 20 minutes at 170°.

Now you understand how to prepare tasty and healthy carrot cutlets for children. It is recommended to cook the dish in a slow cooker or in the oven, this way it retains more of the necessary substances. In addition, food prepared in this way is the most gentle for the child’s body.

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