Minus 5 kg per week

Minus 5 kg per week. We lose weight on Bonn soup

A tasty and healthy dish that can be prepared in less than an hour. Bonn soup will help you lose up to 5 kg of excess weight in a week. You will find the recipe, menu for 7 days and reviews of those who have lost weight in this material.

Excess pounds gained during vacation or winter upset almost all ladies and from time to time even guys. It’s impossible to put on your favorite things; your former harmony and lightness have disappeared. But not everyone has the desire to go on a strict, exhausting diet, and I would really like to lose weight quickly. Therefore, you can try turning to the usual and most gentle way of getting rid of excess weight - losing weight with the help of Bonn soup.

To whom and for what is the “magic” diet recommended (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism)

Bonn soup for weight loss is the latest invention of American nutritionists. His recipe was made specifically for those who suffer from excess body weight and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The problem of fast food and poor nutrition is in the foreground for doctors in this country. Therefore, the purpose of creating this product was very effective weight loss in a short period of time without harm to human health. The menu was developed taking into account the use of a product set that is closer to the classic one.

The news that you can eat deliciously and lose weight spread, as if by magic, throughout the world. Within a few years, almost all the people who tried this dish for themselves were delighted with the fruits they acquired. The Bonn recipe really worked, but not many people complained about hunger and discomfort.

Advantages of the system

Before implementing any strict dietary restrictions, you should consult a nutritionist. In the latter case, with the attending doctor. Diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) using Bonn soup, unlike almost all others, actually has no contraindications. The advantages of its implementation include the following:

  • The human body is not subject to the stress that occurs in the absence of real nutrition and favorite goods.
  • You can eat soup as many times a day as you wish.
  • Certain products from the daily diet of every person are allowed for consumption.
  • All the ingredients included in the recipe are a storehouse of vitamins, microelements and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system, strengthening the human immune system and active weight loss.
  • With the right combination of components, you can lose up to 5 kg per week.
  • The weight that you lose does not come back immediately after the end of the diet (Diet is a set of rules for a person’s consumption of food) , as happens in almost all other nutrition systems.

Ladies who leave reviews of Bonn soup on the Internet unanimously say that it is truly an effective and tasty means for losing weight. But everyone has their own body, and no matter what nutritional system it acts on everyone differently. Therefore, do not be upset if your total is less than 5 kg per week.


As is clear, no matter what diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) is a severe test for the human body. By limiting ourselves, we realize that we really need it at the moment. But our body refuses to starve and asks for even more tasty and ordinary food. This option is also no exception. Among the shortcomings of this recipe are the following:

  • The active process of cleansing the body (losing weight) involves the appearance of inconveniences such as flatulence or diarrhea.
  • In addition, this remedy has a powerful diuretic effect.
  • Eating the same food while losing weight quickly becomes boring. But if you have a great desire to lose weight, then you can overcome yourself.
  • The dish has a very rich typical smell that not many people like.


There are few contraindications to the use of this product for weight loss, but they do exist. The following categories of people are not allowed to eat soup:

  • children under 14 years of age;
  • elderly people;
  • unhealthy sweet diabetes, stomach ulcers, gastritis;
  • pregnant ladies.

Bonn soup recipe


To prepare Bonn soup, take the following ingredients:

  • onions (medium-sized heads) - 6 pcs.;
  • carrots (medium size) - 4 pcs.;
  • celery - 1 large bunch;
  • sweet pepper (medium size) - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • fresh tomatoes (large) - 6 pcs.;
  • cabbage (no matter what kind) - medium-sized forks;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • ginger - 1 pinch;
  • Bay leaf;
  • curry - 1 tsp;
  • cumin - 2 tsp;
  • dark, reddish or chilli pepper of your choice and in any quantity.


  1. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in sunflower or olive oil.
  2. The moment it turns golden, add curry, cumin and crushed garlic to it. Turn up the heat on the stove and simmer the ingredients over low heat.
  3. Cut other vegetables as you wish, place them in a deep saucepan and fill with water so that the liquid covers them by 1-2 fingers.
  4. Turn on medium heat and simmer the vegetables until completely softened. Usually, this takes at least 40 minutes.
  5. At the very end, combine all the ingredients and add spices.
  6. There is no need to add salt to the soup, but it is acceptable in small quantities. You can create this directly on a plate before serving.

Usually, Bonn soup is eaten as it is prepared. But some people prefer, without changing the recipe, to use a blender to create a puree soup. You can eat it this way. This amount of soup should be enough for 3 days. It is best to prepare the freshest soup once a day, so reduce the amount of ingredients proportionally and cook a new dish every morning.

Video recipe

Diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) by day of the week

The main dish of this food system is Bonn soup. You can eat it when you feel hungry, but at least 3 times a day. In addition to this dish, the menu includes the following products:

  • Mon. Any fruit except bananas.
  • Tuesday . On this day you are allowed to eat vegetables. These include: cucumbers, green peas, beans in pods. For an afternoon snack, you can bake one potato in the microwave and pour a teaspoon of olive oil over it.
  • Wednesday On the 3rd day, all vegetables and fruits are allowed (except potatoes and bananas).
  • Thursday . During the day you can eat three bananas and drink a glass of 1% milk.
  • Friday . On this day the menu is even more varied. You can eat half a kilo of boiled, steamed or baked dietary meat (veal, chicken, turkey). In addition, you can eat tomatoes - fresh or salted (6 pcs.).
  • Saturday . Eat large quantities of boiled meat and any vegetables.
  • Sunday . All fruits and vegetables are allowed, plus boiled brown rice.

Rules and tips

  1. An indispensable requirement is to eat this vegetable soup every day.
  2. The main condition for using a diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) is that the menu must contain a lot of water. It is recommended to drink regular non-carbonated water - at least 1.5 liters per 24 hours.
  3. You can also additionally drink tea (without sugar or sweeteners), unsweetened coffee, and cranberry juice.
  4. It is not allowed to consume all of the listed products in one day. You must definitely adhere to the established order and eat only what is allowed on a certain day.
  5. Drinking alcohol (even in the smallest quantities) is strictly prohibited.
  6. As in any other diet for weight loss, flour products, sweets, and spicy foods are prohibited.
Read also:  Chicken and egg soup recipe

Reviews of Bonn soup

I really liked the Bonn soup! More precisely, not the dish itself (its taste is quite specific), but the results of its consumption as food. Moreover, the recipe is very ordinary. This is truly a fat-burning diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) , which is 100% effective!

An accelerated diet (a diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) is not my favorite option. After completing the course, in almost a few weeks I gain weight, which is even more than the original. I decided to try losing weight with this soup. This is the fourth week in a row that I have not gained even one extra kilogram.

I heard very excellent reviews about the miraculous Bonn soup from a friend who lost 4 kilograms in a week with its help. She gave me the recipe. I'm ecstatic! Diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) is very effective. I understand that it is not allowed to abuse this product, so I use it on special holidays to get my figure in order.

This soup is very difficult to eat. On the 3rd day I was simply sickened by the aroma of celery. That’s why I was able to withstand only 5 days. Lost 1.5 kg.

If you approach this method of losing weight wisely, Bonn soup will be an effective and harmless recipe for you. Eat the “magic” soup and get slim!

Bonn soup for weight loss: a great excuse to get back in shape

The vacation was a success, but your beloved skirt does not want to button up, and your tummy seems to have grown, if not twice, then literally one and a half? We will tell you how to get your waist back quickly and without much stress. The super-popular Bonn soup will help you lose weight and get rid of swelling! Have you really never heard of this recipe?

Bonn soup is like a lifesaver

Don’t rush to get upset about the extra few kilos you’ve gained, for example, during the holidays or on vacation! You have a completely real chance to get rid of them quickly, without even bothering yourself with grueling workouts in the gym.

But before we tell you about the famous recipe for the so-called Bonn soup for weight loss, as well as the results and risks of the mini-diet given to us, we suggest you make some easy but curious calculations in your head. At the very least, they will assure you that the extra pounds gained during a vacation or, say, a barbecue weekend are not as terrible as you imagine.

So, 1 kilogram of subcutaneous fat contains about 7 thousand kilocalories (accordingly, 2 kg - 14 thousand, 3 - 21 thousand). It is unlikely that you managed to absorb so much during the holidays or vacation days, even if your physical activity was limited to the movement of your jaws.

Thus, when talking about excess weight, most likely, we are talking not so much about fat, but about edema. Water is inevitably retained in the body if we eat a lot of salty foods (smoked fish, caviar, pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, cheeses, sausages - the list goes on and on) and drink alcohol. But isn't this how we usually eat during the holidays? As annoying as it may sound, most often this is exactly the case.

So here it is: there is no better method to quickly get rid of swelling and not yet “thickened” fat than Bonn soup. The main advantage of which, of course, is that you don’t have to limit yourself in terms of eating time and portion sizes!

Eat Bonn soup whenever you feel hungry. If there were not so many excesses during the holidays, it may be that 3 days will be enough for you to get in shape. For those who are particularly demanding, they are allowed to extend the Bonn soup diet up to 7 days.

Bonn soup recipe for weight loss

Required products:

  • 6 onions;
  • 6 new large tomatoes (you can take a can of tomatoes in your juice);
  • 1 fork of white cabbage (or any other - Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, kohlrabi or cauliflower);
  • 2 huge bell peppers;
  • 1 bunch of celery greens (can be replaced with tubers);
  • 1 bunch of parsley.

How to prepare Bonn soup:

Finely chop the vegetables, put them in a saucepan and add water so that they are completely submerged, and let them boil. After 10 minutes, reduce the heat and leave the soup to simmer over low heat until the vegetables are cooked. Pepper (reddish, dark, snow-white, chili), curry, Tabasco - to taste. You can arm yourself with a blender and transform Bonn soup into puree soup. Just no thickeners or flavor enhancers such as cream, flour or starch.

Diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) on Bonn soup (“Bonn Diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) ”)

Diet (Diet - a set of rules for the consumption of food by a person or other living organism) on Bonn soup ("Bonn Diet (Diet - a set of rules for the consumption of food by a person or other living organism) ") has been among the 10 most popular nutrition systems for almost all years . Such constancy, despite the fact that almost every year the fashion for diets (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) changes, means that the “Bonn Diet (Diet - a set of rules for human consumption of food) ” has a lot of advantages, and first of all, effectiveness.

The range of goods for the Bonn Diet is quite diverse, so it is easily transferable. The main thing is that you like its main ingredient - that miraculous soup that helps you lose extra pounds.

It’s hard to say what relation the soup has to the German town of Bonn and whether it has anything to do with it. Nevertheless, the name stuck, and when they talk about Bonn soup, most people who have ever been interested in diets understand what they are talking about, although there are several recipes for this soup.

The ability of soup to reduce weight is based on 3 of its qualities: low calorie content, diuretic and fat-burning effect. The extreme is obtained due to the huge amount of “warming” spices that speed up metabolism, and vegetables such as cabbage and celery, which contain substances (for example, methionine) that promote the breakdown of fat.

In addition to Bonn soup, the diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) includes fruits and fruit juice, green vegetables, potatoes, lean meat (fish, chicken or beef of your choice), brown rice.

The main condition for the effectiveness of Bonn soup is serious adherence to the recipe. True, it is difficult to realize how several variations of this very recipe could appear. Be that as it may, nutritionists recommend carefully reviewing the list of ingredients for each option, choosing the one that best suits your taste preferences and sticking to it in the future. As experience shows, this approach works, and if a person strictly follows the advice of the diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person) , it gives a good effect regardless of which specific recipe is taken as a basis.

The diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) on Bonn soup is designed for a week, but given that it is quite balanced, it can be extended for another weekly cycle if you need to lose significant weight. In this case, after the seventh day of the diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food), the cycle should begin from the beginning, from the first day. If for some reason the diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) was interrupted, then when it is resumed, you also need to start again, from the first day.

In a week on the “Bonn Diet” you can lose from 2 to 6 kg. The speed of the plumb line depends on almost all reasons, including the duration of the diet (Diet is a set of rules for a person’s consumption of food) : at first the weight constantly disappears faster, then the speed of the plumb line decreases. This is normal and doesn't have to be scary.

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Pros of diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) on Bonn soup

The advantages of the Bonn soup diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) are its effectiveness, balance and fairly easy tolerability. The diet is quite varied, the body receives the substances it needs, which means the condition of the skin, hair and nails will not worsen.

The diet for the most part consists of vegetables, and these are not only vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and minerals, but also fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestinal tract. Therefore, a diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) on Bonn soup allows you to avoid constipation - a problem that often accompanies the process of losing weight. Among other things, fiber helps cleanse the body of toxins, improve its health and normalize metabolism.

Disadvantages and contraindications of the diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) on Bonn soup

The disadvantage of the Bonn soup diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) is the absence of fermented milk products, which are considered one of the important parts of a healthy diet, a source of calcium and necessary microbes. Therefore, for people suffering from dysbacteriosis, such a diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) is not recommended.

The disadvantages of a diet (Diet is a set of rules for a person’s consumption of food) include a diuretic effect due to the inclusion in the diet of several products with suitable properties. Due to increased excretion of water, weight decreases very rapidly. Unfortunately, in this case it’s all the water that’s lost, not the fat. In conditions of dehydration, the body, on the contrary, is very unwilling to part with fat, because fat is also a strategic supply of water for the body. In addition, dehydration leads to sagging skin, wrinkles and age spots. To replenish the diuretic effect of the “Bonn Diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) ”, it is recommended to drink at least 6 cups of water per day.

When following the Bonn soup diet, salt, sugar and alcoholic beverages are prohibited.

And in extreme cases, a huge amount of fiber and spices can harm people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: lead to their aggravation.

If you have any acquired diseases, you should consult with your doctor before starting a diet (Diet is a set of rules for a person’s consumption of food) .

What products are allowed?

Naturally, the number one dish of this diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) is vegetable soup. Here are two of his recipes that are more popular. The first recipe is considered unusual, making Bonn soup famous throughout the world.

1st version of the recipe

  • 6 medium onions;
  • 4 medium carrots;
  • 2 greenish bell peppers;
  • 2-3 small tomatoes or 1 large one;
  • small forks of cabbage;
  • 20 g chopped garlic.
  • a large bunch of celery greens;
  • a bunch of green coriander (cilantro);
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • a bunch of green onions.
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 tbsp. l. curry;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground cumin;
  • 1 tbsp. l. ground coriander seeds;
  • 1-2 finely chopped hot burgundy peppers;
  • a little grated fresh ginger.

You also need 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for frying.

Thinly cut the onion into half rings, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, add curry, cumin, garlic, add a little water and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes.

Then add chopped vegetables: carrots, celery, bell peppers, cabbage and tomatoes. Fill with water a little above the level of the vegetables, add bay leaf, coriander, reddish pepper, remaining herbs and ginger.

Cook until the vegetables are ready - 10-15 minutes from the moment of boiling.

2nd version of the recipe

  • 250 g onions;
  • 100 g of tomatoes or the same amount of natural tomato juice;
  • 100 g celery;
  • 70 g white cabbage;
  • 70 g cauliflower or broccoli;
  • 70 g carrots;
  • 70 g sweet bell pepper;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • green onions, parsley and dill to taste.
  • 1 g allspice (peas);
  • 1 g dry reddish hot pepper;
  • 2 bay leaves.

This quantity of goods is designed for a 3 liter pan.

You will find a detailed and clear recipe for Bonn soup at the link given to us .

Recipes vary quite significantly, especially when it comes to spices. In the 2nd option there are fewer of them, so it is preferable for those who do not like spices or cannot use them for medical reasons (for example, if they are prone to allergies or heartburn). Also, the 2nd recipe is the most familiar to our taste, which is why almost everyone prefers it specifically.

If desired, the soup can be pureed using a blender.

In addition to Bonn soup, the diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) includes fruits and fruit juice, green vegetables, potatoes, lean meat (fish, chicken or beef of your choice), brown rice. Drinks include water, skim milk, tea and coffee without sugar. Lemon and cranberry juice can be used as seasonings for vegetables, meat and rice.

What products are prohibited?

When following the Bonn soup diet, salt, sugar and alcoholic beverages are prohibited.

It is strongly recommended to adhere to the recommended products and not to expand your diet without the help of others, since the effect of the diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) in this case can be significantly reduced. It is also not allowed to remove any products from the menu, otherwise your health will inevitably worsen and the diet will be more difficult to maintain, and health problems are not excluded.

It is forbidden to change the order of days or replace one day with another, for example, create two second days and exclude the third.

Diet menu (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) on Bonn soup

In the diet given to us there is no division into breakfast, lunch and dinner on all days, not counting the second, which includes dinner. During the day, as many meals as desired are allowed, namely, soup can be eaten without restrictions.

Bonn soup, fruits, except bananas.

Breakfast and lunch: soup, green vegetables.

Dinner: soup, one boiled or baked potato with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Soup, fruits and vegetables, except bananas and potatoes.

Soup, 3 bananas, skim milk.

Soup, fresh tomatoes, 400-500 g of lean boiled meat of your choice.

Soup, boiled beef and greenish vegetables.

Soup, brown rice, vegetables, not including potatoes, natural fruit juice without sugar.

Useful tips

Tip 1. To avoid getting tired of the soup, you can alternate - from time to time prepare it using the usual method, and from time to time in the form of puree soup.

Tip 2: Besides celery, which is a must, leafy greens can vary depending on taste. So, if a person does not like coriander (cilantro), it is permissible to replace it with dill.

One of the traditional diets, the effectiveness of which has been proven over time. Diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) is generally balanced; it helps not only to lose weight, but also to get rid of constipation, swelling and skin problems.

Diet trait (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) final grade
Duration: 7 or 14 days
Recommended frequency: once every 3 months
Weight loss rate:

Abundance of goods:

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) on Bonn soup: a popular and effective method for rapid weight loss

Diet (Diet is a set of rules for the consumption of food by a person or other living organism) on the Bonn soup, or Bonn, has been popular among recognizable global food systems for decades, but it is still topical to this day. Its effectiveness is based on 3 effects of vegetable soup: diuretic, fat-burning and low-calorie.

  • Main principles, recommended duration
  • Impact on the body
  • Pros and cons, contraindications
  • Sample menu by day, tips for preparing
  • Soup recipes
  • Advice from nutritionists during compliance
  • Description of results and methods for saving them

Main principles, recommended duration

The basis of the Bonn diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) is the ability of spices to speed up metabolism, and vegetables containing methionine to break down fat.

Its essence is as follows:

    Vegetable soup prepared according to certain recipes can be eaten unlimitedly, but at least 3 times a day.

In addition to it, you should drink a couple of liters of purified still water. per day Unsweetened tea, coffee, fruit juices (lemon, cranberry), and skim milk are also allowed.

Physical overload is recommended only a quarter of an hour after eating.

There is a taboo on salt, sugar, and alcohol.

There are several options for Bonn soup, taking into account personal taste values , but you must follow them without fail. For contrast, the dish can be pureed, and different amounts of herbs and spices (due to the tendency to allergies, heartburn). Their list may vary slightly.

The list of bonus products includes:

    Fruits (not counting watermelon, melon), bananas - with restrictions.

Greens, vegetables (not counting legumes, corn), and potatoes - limited.

Lean meats and fish.

In this case, after a couple of days of respite, they again begin the first day of the diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) . If it is interrupted, then unloading is resumed from the beginning of the cycle.

Impact on the body

The Bonn diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) has a beneficial effect.

With its help you can:

    Get rid of waste and toxins.

Remove excess fluid that creates edema (excessive accumulation of fluid in the extracellular tissue spaces of the body) .

Restore metabolism, water-salt metabolism.

Say goodbye to several kilograms forever due to fat reserves that have not yet had time to settle and thicken.

Get enough vitamins, minerals, fiber.

Reduce the load on the heart by losing weight.

Make your skin, hair, and nails look better.

Pros and cons, contraindications

The advantages of dietary soup are that it is an effective, balanced, simply tolerable diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) . The feeling of hunger is satisfied with fractional portions of soup, which you can eat as much as you like.

It is low in calories (about 30 kcal per 100 g of dish), but quickly fills you up.

It contains many minerals, vitamins, and fiber. All this contributes to a gentle cleansing of the body without constipation.

The weak points of the Bonn diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) include the lack of fermented milk products - a source of calcium and necessary microbes for the intestinal tract. Most of the ingredients in the fasting diet have a diuretic effect, which, if the drinking regime is not followed, can result in rapid dehydration.

Therefore, before such unloading of this group of “chronicles” and expectant mothers, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Soup is contraindicated:

    For those who suffer from allergies to their ingredients.

Athletes and people associated with physical overload (due to lack of protein in these products).

During lactation, because some vegetables can cause colic or allergies in infants.

Sample menu by day, tips for preparing

The distinctive highlight of the menu is the absence of the usual distinction between breakfast, lunch, and dinner (except for the second day). The number of meals - the main and most additional ingredients - is not limited , the number of portions of fractional meals is not specified.

A seven-day diet, taking into account the fact that it must include at least 3 servings of soup every day, looks something like this:

    Day 1. Fruits, excluding bananas, watermelon and melon.

Day 2. Breakfast and lunch include greenish vegetables. And for dinner, they also eat boiled or baked potatoes with a spoon of vegetable oil.

Day 3. Various vegetables and fruits, not including bananas and potatoes.

Day 4. Three bananas, 3 glasses of low-fat milk.

Day 5. Several new tomatoes, half a kilogram of at least some lean boiled meat or fish.

Day 6. Any greenish vegetables, boiled beef.

Day seven. Vegetables (except potatoes) with brown rice and freshly squeezed fruit juice without additives or fruit salad.

Depending on your preference, you can swap one variety of leafy greens for another. Coriander or cilantro can be replaced with dill or parsley. There are no exceptions only for celery: its characteristics of removing excess water and ridding the body of toxins are one of the “tricks” of the diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) .

Soup recipes

Below are 2 favorite options for making miracle soup.

1st recipe. Ingredients of vegetables: 6 onions, 4 carrots, 2 greenish sweet peppers, 3 tomatoes, a small fork of white cabbage, 3 cloves of garlic.

Greens: a bunch of celery, cilantro, parsley, green onions. Spices: 2 bay leaves, a spoonful of curry, ginger, crushed cumin, coriander, hot reddish pepper. And for frying you need 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Manufacturing development:

    Fry the onion cut into rings in sunflower oil.

Add curry, cumin, chopped garlic to it.

Simmer for ten minutes under the lid with the addition of a small portion of water.

Pour boiling water over the chopped vegetables in a saucepan, cook after boiling for 10 minutes until tender.

A few minutes earlier, add the remaining spices, herbs, ginger, and frying.

2nd recipe. Vegetables and herbs: 5 onions, 2 tomatoes, half a glass of tomato juice, a bunch of celery, a piece of white cabbage, the same amount of cauliflower or broccoli, 2 carrots, 2-3 sweet peppers, a couple of cloves of garlic, a bunch of green onions, parsley and dill .

Spices: a few peas of aromatic pepper, a pinch of reddish pepper powder, 2 laurel leaves. For frying vegetables - a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.

You will learn another fascinating recipe for making soup for weight loss from this video:

Advice from nutritionists during compliance

Experts recommend:

    It is not uncommon to drink plenty of water. You can add unsweetened fruit drinks to it, and from time to time allow yourself tea or coffee without sugar.

Remove skin and fat from meat before cooking.

If it's not the season, you can replace the freshest tomatoes with canned ones.

Additionally, choose vegetables and fruits that burn fat well: carrots, reddish beets, cucumber, olives, grapefruit, apples, pears, etc.

It is better not to drink during meals, but to drink it in between meals.

Find out what diets (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) are used in different countries of the world, for example:

Description of results and methods for saving them

In a week on this diet you can lose up to 6 kg , but a couple of kg will return later. In addition, the skin cleanses, bags under the eyes disappear, edema (excessive accumulation of fluid in the extracellular tissue spaces of the body) , brittle nails, and hair stops falling out.

But to consolidate the result, you should follow these rules:

    Switch to a regular diet evenly, include in the menu porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal) with water, cottage cheese, vegetable or meat soup with low-fat broth, low-fat boiled fish, meat, and the freshest salads.

Do not stop drinking a lot and often, preferably unsweetened green tea, still water.

Lead an active lifestyle with constant walking, yoga, swimming or other exercises.

Completely avoid processed foods, sausages, carbonated drinks, alcohol and cigarettes.

The last time to eat is 2 hours before bedtime.

Diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) is an effective method of unloading the body: with it you can achieve significant weight loss without starvation. To prevent it from returning after completing the week-long course, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet, not give up physical activity, and not forget about real sleep.

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