Roll with poppy seeds

Roll with poppy seeds

Recipes: 16

creamy margarine – 100 gr.
flour – 2 tbsp.
drink – 100 ml.
sugar – 1/4 tbsp.
salt – 1 pinch

  • 2
  • 5


  • 01 March 2019, 18:49

for dough:
125 ml.
hot milk 50 gr.
butter 30 gr.
sugar 1/2 tsp.
salt 2.5 tsp. dry active yeast

  • 5

Natalia Mashika

  • 28 October 2017, 18:26

puff pastry yeast - 500 gr.
poppy seed - 100 gr.
walnuts - 7 tbsp.
honey (watery) - 4 tbsp.
chicken egg - 1 pc.

  • 1

Katerina Vredina

  • 12 June 2017, 06:51

puff pastry without yeast - 500 gr.
poppy seed - 150 gr.
pumpkin - 450 gr.
raisins - 150 gr.
butter - 3 tbsp.
sugar - 50 gr.

  • 13
  • 11

Irina Burkun

  • 01 February 2016, 17:00

500 gr.
apricots 2 tbsp.
poppy seeds 250 gr.
puff pastry 1 egg
sweet powder for sprinkling

  • 23
  • 17


  • 06 August 2014, 00:38

flour – 4.5 tbsp.
milk – 1 tbsp.
eggs – 2 pcs.
butter – 50 gr.
sugar – 1 tbsp.
salt – 1 tsp.

  • 11
  • 24


  • 07 April 2010, 14:36

yeast – 20 gr.
milk – 300 gr.
sugar – 150 gr.
butter or margarine – 100 gr.
eggs – 4 pcs.
salt – 10 gr.

  • 13
  • 44


  • 16 February 2010, 15:57

2 eggs
100 gr.
butter 1 tbsp.
warm milk 3 tbsp.
– 5 tbsp. sugar 1 p. vanilla sugar
7 gr. dry yeast

  • 26
  • 66


  • 19 March 2009, 13:14

400 gr.
flour 50 gr.
drain butter 100 gr.
sugar 2 yolks + 1 yolk for greasing the roll
25 gr. yeast

  • 17
  • 45


  • February 22, 2009, 11:29 pm

milk – 1 tbsp.
dry yeast – 7 gr.
eggs – 2 pcs.
sugar – 4 tbsp.
salt 0.5 tsp
butter – 50 gr.

  • 34
  • 84


  • 15 February 2009, 11:46

flour 1.2 kg.
fresh yeast 20 gr.
milk 700 gr.
creamy margarine 250 gr.
4 testicles.
sugar 200 gr.

  • 11
  • 29


  • 22 January 2009, 04:24

for dough:
butter 100 gr.
yeast 30 gr.
milk 200 gr.
flour 500 gr.
egg 2 pcs.

  • 17
  • 45


  • January 18, 2009, 01:30

cups of flour – 4–4.5 tbsp.
dry yeast - 1 pack (7-11 gr.) or 25-30 gr.
new warm milk – 1 cup
sugar – 3 tbsp.
eggs – 2 pcs

  • 15
  • 39


  • 19 November 2008, 01:24

1 packet of dry yeast
500 gr.
flour 2 yolks
150-200 ml.
milk 100 gr. butter or margarine

  • 8
  • 26


  • October 20, 2008, 21:55

4 tbsp.
flour 5 tbsp.
vegetable oil 1.5 packets of dry yeast
5 tsp.
sugar a pinch of salt
2 bags of confectionery poppy seeds, 200 g each.

  • 34
  • 63


  • 31 January 2008, 14:14

2 eggs
113 gr.
margarine 200 ml.
milk 4 tsp.
dry yeast 1 tsp.
salt 250 gr. Sahara

  • 36
  • 57


  • January 26, 2008, 21:47

Nina and Ulyana Tarasova “And we have cookies!”

Step-by-step recipe for making poppy seed rolls

My family simply loves various baked goods with poppy seeds, especially a roll made from yeast dough, which I prepare according to a quick recipe. It comes out very soft, airy and indescribably delicious.

Once upon a time, about 10 years ago, my neighbor, a professional pastry chef, shared with me a recipe for poppy seed roll made from yeast dough. Since then, I often bake it for my family and friends who love to drop by for a cup of tea. I suggest you prepare a very tasty poppy seed roll from yeast dough according to my quick and simple recipe with step-by-step photos. Rest assured, you will succeed in everything perfectly the first time!

Yeast dough roll recipe with poppy seeds


Margarine 150 g
Dry yeast) 4 tbsp. l.
Medium sized testicles 5 pieces.
Poppy (dry) 300 g
Vanillin 1.5 g
Flour 1 kg 200 g
Milk 500 ml
Sugar 220 g
Salt 2-3 pinches
Semolina 40 g
Butter 70 g
Sunflower oil 50 g

Tips for choosing ingredients

  • To make yeast dough, buy only the highest grade wheat flour . It is with it that the products are fluffy, soft, and finely porous. It doesn’t have to be too moist – squeeze a little flour into your fist and unclench it – the mound of flour should crumble. Taste the flour – there should be no crunch (this indicates impurities) or a sweetish taste (this indicates that the flour was made from sprouted grains).
  • I use dry instant yeast . Be sure to check the expiration date on the packaging - expired yeast can completely ruin the entire manufacturing process if the dough does not fit. Dry yeast can be replaced with the freshest, taking it by weight three times more than dry.
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Step-by-step production

Preparing the dough for the dough

  1. Pour 250 ml of warm milk into a deep bowl.
  2. Add 4 tablespoons of dry yeast.
  3. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.
  4. Sift 200-300 grams of flour into a bowl.
  5. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  6. We wait until the dough rises perfectly. A “fluffy cap” should form on it.

Preparing the dough

  1. Add 3 eggs and one yolk to the dough. We set the whites aside for now - we will grease the rolls with it before baking.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and one and a half grams of vanillin.
  3. Pour in the remaining sugar (approximately 100 g).
  4. Pour in 100 grams of melted margarine.

Preparing the filling

  1. Pour 250 ml of milk into a saucepan.
  2. Add 40 grams of semolina.
  3. Add the egg.
  4. Add 70 grams of sugar.
  5. Add 70 grams of butter.
  6. Bring this mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly with a whisk.
  7. Remove the boiled mass from the heat and add 300 grams of poppy seeds to it.
  8. Mix everything and leave the filling until it cools completely. During this period of time the poppy will swell.

Forming and baking rolls

  1. Lightly grease your hands and table with vegetable oil. Knead the risen dough.
  2. We divide it into 4 parts.
  3. Roll out any piece of dough into a layer 7-8 mm wide.
  4. Lubricate the layer with melted margarine (50 grams for 4 rolls), not reaching its edges.
  5. We spread the fourth part of the poppy inside. Distribute it moderately over the entire surface of the formation.
  6. Roll up the roll. It should not be very dense so that the dough has room to rise.
  7. Place it on a baking sheet lightly greased with vegetable oil, seam side down.
  8. Form the remaining three rolls. You can create this slightly differently. We cut the rolled out layer of dough from the 1st edge, making parallel cuts about 10 cm long, at a distance of 3-4 centimeters from each other.
  9. Place the filling on the uncut side of the layer, distributing it moderately, and roll the roll up to the cuts.
  10. Place the cut strips of dough over the roll and fold them down.
  11. Place this roll on a baking sheet in a crescent shape. Let all the rolls rise for 15-20 minutes.
  12. Add a tablespoon of water to the protein and beat lightly.
  13. Carefully grease the rolls with it.
  14. Bake at 180 degrees for approximately 20 minutes (until golden brown).


We remove the finished products from the oven and cover them with a clean towel or napkin so that they “breathe” steam and become softer. After cooling, cut the rolls into pieces and serve with tea, coffee, compote, kefir or your other favorite drinks. Before serving, the finished rolls can be sprinkled with sweet powder.

Video recipe for making a poppy seed roll from yeast dough

To make a delicious roll with poppy seeds simply, quickly and without hassle, I recommend watching this video before starting cooking. Pay special attention to kneading the dough and making the inside.

Roll with poppy seeds

Poppy seed roll is good for any holiday, especially Easter.

Perhaps a poppy seed roll is the most comfortable, warm, deliciously homemade pastry you can imagine. Maybe that’s why this particular poppy seed roll in my family often appeared on the festive table during Easter and Christmas, no one prepared it better than my grandmother, it is so delicious that among ourselves we still call it magical.

When cooked correctly, it melts in your mouth like rivers of sweetness, breaks up into millions of amazingly crispy particles, and explodes with the tenderness of butter dough. It is light and savory, pleasant and appetizing, spicy and wonderful.

Chances are you have your own poppy seed roll recipe in your notebook. Most likely, it is quite good and tested. I assume that the beloved is your whole family. But I’m willing to bet that grandma’s version is still better. Try it - the dough according to this recipe turns out to be indescribably comfortable to work with, it does not “age” for a long time, remains soft and pleasant even after a certain number of days (once a crust from a roll that was 5 days old was lost in the bread bin - tested: it does not get stale and remains tasty!) .

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  • 400 g flour;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • 7 g dry yeast;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 1/3 tsp. salt;
  • 1 testicle.

For the poppy inside:

  • 250 g poppy seeds;
  • 2/3 cup sugar;
  • if desired - nuts, dried apricots, raisins;
  • 1 egg for brushing the dough.


Heat the milk a little (to a comfortable 37 degrees – just right), pour dry yeast into the saucepan.
The “instant”, “moment” and other fast-acting comrades remain on the shelf, I have “SAF-Levure”, look for analogues. In the same company - sugar. We put it in a warm space (this time in my case there was a stool next to the radiator, in the summer nothing is needed - the air temperature in the room is enough).

While the essence is still important, let's sift the flour.
Let’s not be lazy, like me (I sifted it only this time - to show you how it should be), we enrich the flour with air and eliminate possible lumps of garbage. There is also salt. Of course: it emphasizes the taste of sweetness, it completely emphasizes any taste, so don’t push the advice and add it to any dough, and especially to sweets.

After 10-15 minutes the yeast will begin to “play” - proceed to the next step.

Melt the butter, wait a few minutes until it cools slightly. Pour into a bowl with flour.

Next is the usual use of physical force: roll up your sleeves and knead a homogeneous, fairly dense dough. Knead for at least 10 minutes: yeast consistency loves to be touched, turned over, kneaded and pressed.

I’m a lazy housewife, and besides, I don’t like it when dough ends up under my nails, it’s kind of a terrible nightmare! For this reason, I take out the mixer, the appropriate attachments and press the sacred button. One, two - and you're done. Hands are unstained, the dough is completely kneaded.

We form a ball, put it in a bowl, cover with a towel and put it in a warm space (remember, right? a stool next to the radiator or a window sill on the sunny side of the house).

While the dough grows and rises, let's work on the insides.
Pour the poppy seeds into a saucepan.

And pour boiling water over it – just enough to cover the poppy with a small top.

Leave for 10-15 minutes - during this period of time the poppy will absorb a certain amount of water.

Place on the stove, add sugar and simmer over low heat for about 5-7 minutes. We remove and thoroughly rub the poppy seeds with a blender - snow-white poppy milk should appear.

My insides came out a little runny, so I added a handful of nuts and additionally worked with the blender.

Instead of nuts, you can take raisins, prunes, dried apricots, a couple of tablespoons of starch and ordinary crackers.

The dough grew as it should - at least doubled in size.

Place it on the table and roll it into a rectangle. The thickness of the dough is 5-7 mm.

We spread the poppy seed filling along the long side - not over the entire surface of the dough, cover approximately 2/3 of it. Also leave a 1 cm gap on the sides.

We cut the remaining “canvas” into strips about 1 cm wide.

We start wrapping the roll with poppy seeds from the side of the “whole” dough.
We carefully press the edges. The dough is very flexible and very comfortable to work with, so in this roll you will be able to avoid thick “butts” with a large amount of dough and a complete absence of interior.

Don't forget to fix the edge after each turn of the roll.

We wrap until the very end, then carefully transfer the roll to a baking sheet.

Cover with a clean towel and leave to proof for about half an hour – the roll should visually increase in size. After proofing, brush with a little beaten egg and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

We look at the color - the baking time may depend on the personal characteristics of your oven, do not miss the moment of readiness. Absolutely, of course, it will not change, and even 5-10 minutes can significantly spoil the mood with the help of a burnt crust.

After taking the poppy seed roll out of the oven, do not rush to brew the tea - the yeast dough must cool down. Well, at least a little! Place the baked goods on a wire mesh or wooden board, cover with a towel and forget about it for an hour. Well, okay, I went too far, I won’t be able to remember, the smell will be stupefying. Okay... then walk the dog. Go to the nearest store for the freshest milk. Take a walk in the park.

But when you return home, cut off a piece of roll and enjoy the taste of youth, grandmother’s baking, comfortable holidays and family gatherings.
Bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipe for making poppy seed rolls

My family simply loves various baked goods with poppy seeds, especially a roll made from yeast dough, which I prepare according to a quick recipe. It comes out very soft, airy and indescribably delicious.

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Once upon a time, about 10 years ago, my neighbor, a professional pastry chef, shared with me a recipe for poppy seed roll made from yeast dough. Since then, I often bake it for my family and friends who love to drop by for a cup of tea. I suggest you prepare a very tasty poppy seed roll from yeast dough according to my quick and simple recipe with step-by-step photos. Rest assured, you will succeed in everything perfectly the first time!

Yeast dough roll recipe with poppy seeds


Margarine 150 g
Dry yeast) 4 tbsp. l.
Medium sized testicles 5 pieces.
Poppy (dry) 300 g
Vanillin 1.5 g
Flour 1 kg 200 g
Milk 500 ml
Sugar 220 g
Salt 2-3 pinches
Semolina 40 g
Butter 70 g
Sunflower oil 50 g

Tips for choosing ingredients

  • To make yeast dough, buy only the highest grade wheat flour . It is with it that the products are fluffy, soft, and finely porous. It doesn’t have to be too moist – squeeze a little flour into your fist and unclench it – the mound of flour should crumble. Taste the flour – there should be no crunch (this indicates impurities) or a sweetish taste (this indicates that the flour was made from sprouted grains).
  • I use dry instant yeast . Be sure to check the expiration date on the packaging - expired yeast can completely ruin the entire manufacturing process if the dough does not fit. Dry yeast can be replaced with the freshest, taking it by weight three times more than dry.

Step-by-step production

Preparing the dough for the dough

  1. Pour 250 ml of warm milk into a deep bowl.
  2. Add 4 tablespoons of dry yeast.
  3. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.
  4. Sift 200-300 grams of flour into a bowl.
  5. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  6. We wait until the dough rises perfectly. A “fluffy cap” should form on it.

Preparing the dough

  1. Add 3 eggs and one yolk to the dough. We set the whites aside for now - we will grease the rolls with it before baking.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and one and a half grams of vanillin.
  3. Pour in the remaining sugar (approximately 100 g).
  4. Pour in 100 grams of melted margarine.

Preparing the filling

  1. Pour 250 ml of milk into a saucepan.
  2. Add 40 grams of semolina.
  3. Add the egg.
  4. Add 70 grams of sugar.
  5. Add 70 grams of butter.
  6. Bring this mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly with a whisk.
  7. Remove the boiled mass from the heat and add 300 grams of poppy seeds to it.
  8. Mix everything and leave the filling until it cools completely. During this period of time the poppy will swell.

Forming and baking rolls

  1. Lightly grease your hands and table with vegetable oil. Knead the risen dough.
  2. We divide it into 4 parts.
  3. Roll out any piece of dough into a layer 7-8 mm wide.
  4. Lubricate the layer with melted margarine (50 grams for 4 rolls), not reaching its edges.
  5. We spread the fourth part of the poppy inside. Distribute it moderately over the entire surface of the formation.
  6. Roll up the roll. It should not be very dense so that the dough has room to rise.
  7. Place it on a baking sheet lightly greased with vegetable oil, seam side down.
  8. Form the remaining three rolls. You can create this slightly differently. We cut the rolled out layer of dough from the 1st edge, making parallel cuts about 10 cm long, at a distance of 3-4 centimeters from each other.
  9. Place the filling on the uncut side of the layer, distributing it moderately, and roll the roll up to the cuts.
  10. Place the cut strips of dough over the roll and fold them down.
  11. Place this roll on a baking sheet in a crescent shape. Let all the rolls rise for 15-20 minutes.
  12. Add a tablespoon of water to the protein and beat lightly.
  13. Carefully grease the rolls with it.
  14. Bake at 180 degrees for approximately 20 minutes (until golden brown).


We remove the finished products from the oven and cover them with a clean towel or napkin so that they “breathe” steam and become softer. After cooling, cut the rolls into pieces and serve with tea, coffee, compote, kefir or your other favorite drinks. Before serving, the finished rolls can be sprinkled with sweet powder.

Video recipe for making a poppy seed roll from yeast dough

To make a delicious roll with poppy seeds simply, quickly and without hassle, I recommend watching this video before starting cooking. Pay special attention to kneading the dough and making the inside.

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