Recipe: Korean Spicy Chicken Feet – Dakbal / Takpal with Beer

Recipe: Korean Spicy Chicken Feet – Dakbal / Takpal with Beer

In Korea and China, a very popular snack for beer and local vodka is Takpal - spicy chicken feet. Moreover, it is especially popular among women, because it is believed that this dish contains a lot of collagen. And he, as is understandable, is responsible for the youth of our skin.

If you put aside all prejudices and disgust, then the dish is very tasty and goes well with beer!

First, soak the lapuli in warm water, let them soak for 30 minutes.

The paws are usually sold already cleaned, with the top rough and scaly skin removed, but if it remains somewhere, then naturally it needs to be removed; it can be removed quite simply.
My paws are unstained, so we do a manicure right away. Imagine that you are the Chief of the Yakuza and punish the guilty)))

Turn the foot over and make a cut along the pillow

We put all the paws in a bowl, add salt and a little vodka or, in the latter case, vinegar and massage for about 5 minutes, massaging the paws perfectly. It doesn’t matter how much salt you add, you’ll wash it all away anyway.

We wash the paws and set to cook for 40-50 minutes; in a pressure cooker, 30 is enough.

While the paws are cooking, prepare the sauce.

Mix sesame oil (or any kind of vegetable oil), soy sauce, oyster sauce (you can skip it), Kochudian pepper paste, sugar, ground hot pepper and chopped garlic and ginger.

After half an hour, remove the paws and rinse with cool water. This is necessary in order to wash off the broth from the surface; otherwise, after cooling, the paws will stick very much to your hands/lips and to each other.

Pour the sauce into a bowl with lapuli, rub them well and place them on a baking sheet. In fact, at the moment I would like to put them on the grill, on the coals, but as annoying as it may sound, oh, I don’t want them in a frying pan because of the huge amount of oil. So it’s better to put it in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. So that the sauce “sticks” to the paws, so to speak.

Transfer to a plate, sprinkle with onions and serve. You can eat them both hot and cool.

Korean spicy chicken feet: recipe with photos

It is very difficult for lovers of Asian cuisine to find a suitable recipe on the Internet. Korean-style spicy chicken feet is just such a dish; any modern housewife can master the recipe for making it with photos.


  • chicken feet – 1 kilogram;
  • no matter what kind of vodka - 50 milligrams;
  • sweet sand – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt – 50 g;
  • ground reddish pepper – 1 tablespoon;
  • soy sauce – 2 spoons;
  • hot pepper paste – 1 tablespoon;
  • ginger - to taste;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • sesame oil – 20 milligrams;
  • oyster sauce – 1 tablespoon.

Recipe for making a dish at home

Chicken feet in spicy sauce or Takpal is a popular snack for local vodka and beer in China and Korea. It is believed that this dish contains a huge amount of collagen, which is why it is very popular among ladies.

  1. Place the chicken legs in a deep bowl, fill with warm water and leave to soak for 30 minutes.
  2. We clean each paw with a knife from the upper thick skin. Carefully cut off the tips of the paws along with the claws. We make a small cut along the back of the pillow.
  3. Place the paws in a deep bowl, pour vodka over them, add salt and begin massaging with your fingers for 5 minutes.
  4. We wash the finished product under running water and place it in boiling water to cook for 40 minutes.
  5. To make the sauce, mix soy sauce, sesame oil, sweet sand, sesame paste, ground hot pepper, and also crushed ginger and garlic.
  6. After the designated time, we remove the chicken legs from the bubbling broth and rinse them in running water, otherwise they will stick to your hands.
  7. Mix the paws with the prepared sauce, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
  8. Place the paws on a huge platter and serve, sprinkled with chopped green onions.

We recommend:

Helpful Tips:

You can serve the finished paws with any side dish.

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Recipe for a common Chinese dish: chicken feet in soy sauce

This delicacy (and the Chinese, when talking about this dish, interpret it specifically as a delicacy) is popular throughout China, regardless of the classical cuisine of a particular province.

It is usually served with beer, and even without it; in general, this is an ordinary dish; I think almost everyone here in Russia will like it.

There are several cooking options offered online, but I haven’t found a single one that would be prepared the way I was taught. This is exactly the option we will prepare now.

The calculation is given for 1 kg of paws, but I would recommend preparing at least two, because 1 kilogram will obviously not be enough, especially for a good football game, with a glass of cool beer.

  • 1 kg chicken feet;
  • 50 gr. naturally fermented soy sauce;
  • 50 gr. vodka (with a larger number of legs, the amount of vodka remains constant);
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar (without top);
  • 4-5 bay leaves;
  • 200 gr. chicken broth (can be replaced with water) (for 2 kg. 350 gr.);
  • 150 gr. refined vegetable oil (200-250 g per 2 kg).

1. First, prepare the chicken feet . If you purchased them not perfectly cleaned, then we clean them of the yellow coarse skin (it is very easy to clean), then manicure.

In some recipes I have read, it is suggested, in the style of Don Corleone, to stupidly chop off the last phalanx on the paws, but we will not do this.
Simply holding the unremoved claw with a knife, we sharply pull it off, leaving a soft pink nail.

In general, the cooked paws should look like this.

2. Wash and dry with a napkin or towel.

To make 1 kilogram of paws, the volume of the pan must be at least three liters, preferably iron. For example, I cook 2 kilograms in a five-liter pan, and then it will become clear why.

3. Place an empty, dry pan on high heat, heat it up, and pour oil into the perfectly heated pan, which we heat to the “snow-white smoke” stage.

4. Then, pour the cooked chicken legs into the pan, cover with a lid and shake vigorously.

The whole manufacturing process consists of this “shaking”, and for this you need a larger pan.

5. The fire remains at its highest all the time; from time to time we open the lid to release steam. After 5-7 minutes, pour out the vodka, after another 5 minutes add the sugar. When the moisture has evaporated and the paws have already acquired a slightly “fried” appearance (5-7 minutes), add soy sauce.

Don’t forget that you don’t need to stir anything, but you must constantly shake the pan with a lid, preventing the dish from burning.

6. After adding the soy sauce, after 5 minutes add broth or water, let it simmer for 10 minutes, turn off the heat, add the bay leaf and let it sit without heat for another 5-10 minutes (but you still need to shake). And here it is the apotheosis of our efforts.

The dish is ready, now you can sit comfortably in anticipation of the pleasure of a new taste, take out a bottle of cool beer from the refrigerator, along which a sweaty “tear” is slowly rolling down from impatience, and, imagining yourself somewhere on the bank of Haihe, under the shade of an old linden tree, experience it, without any hesitation, a fascinating, but no less tasty delicacy...

It is better to eat paws hot or warm.

Societies › Delicious to eat › Blog › Delicious chicken feet. Chinese delicacy

鸡爪 - Ji zhua, this is the name of the dish in Chinese.
Chinese delicacy. The most delicious chicken feet.

If you take an appraising glance at chicken feet, you may not realize at all what use they are.
Just skin and bones. But it turns out that the tendons that connect joints contain collagen. This is a protein that makes our skin more elastic and prevents it from aging in advance. If we look at the chemical composition, we will see that there is more protein in the paws than fat (19 grams versus 14 - a good indicator).
Most of all, this by-product contains vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) B4.
It is responsible for metabolism, intestinal tract and liver function. The favorite mineral substance in the composition is copper. It helps the iron to be better absorbed and thus improves the characteristics of the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) .
Also, during periods of infectious diseases, copper protects us from colds and flu, strengthening the immune system. The most unusual thing is that doctors recommend that pregnant women include boiled paws in their diet. This way the joints and skin will be in order throughout the entire fruiting period.

For athletes, chicken feet can be a good addition to a healthy diet.
Due to the enormous loads, as is clear, the joints and nervous system suffer. The use of this product will allow you to recover after exercise even faster than usual. Please note that only after sufficient heat treatment will the protein in the paws be perfectly absorbed by our body.

Those who are not familiar with Chinese cuisine will say that it is forbidden to eat chicken feet either in some other way or with a sharp edge. But the most delicious chicken feet are a delicacy. Wherever you are in China, you can buy everything in any hypermarket.

And you can talk about the usefulness of this dish for hours. Those who are curious can read it on the Internet.

chicken feet 1 kg
candy sugar 8 pcs
soy sauce 50 g
rice wine 2 tbsp.
sugar 1 tbsp
onion 1/2 pcs
garlic 4 cloves.
star anise 2 pcs
Heat the water, add the paws and wait until it boils.
Then cook for 10 minutes. Then drain the water. Pour oil into the pan, add sugar.
We wait for the sugar to caramelize and change color. Add chicken feet, stir constantly and add other ingredients. Add rice wine, onion, ginger, garlic, star anise.
and add soy sauce.
Mixed, add 200 gr.
Water. Mix.
Cook for 10 minutes.
Add candy sugar. Cook for another 20 minutes and you are ready to serve. Simply drain the remaining water.

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