Homebrewing for Beginners

Home brewing for beginners. Beer production steps and recipes

Do you want your first beer to be tasty, foamy and fragrant?

Then read this article. In it, we will clearly tell you about the main steps of making beer, give some useful tips for making it at home, and at the end we will provide several common recipes.

Maybe they will open the way for you to the interesting world of home brewing!

  • Step 1. Malt selection and preparation
  • Step 2. Filtering
  • Step 3. Boiling the wort
  • Step 4. Wort fermentation
  • Step 5. Bottling for carbonation
  • Step 6. Popular regular beer recipes at home
  • Result

Step 1. Malt selection and preparation

Necessary equipment and ingredients:

Malt is where brewing begins. In fact, malt is grain sprouted in a special way:

  • barley;
  • rye;
  • wheat.

Malt can be prepared independently, or purchased ready-made. For newbies, I would recommend purchasing a ready-made one - it’s even faster and easier.

Malt can be basic or special. To create your own recipe with a unique smell and taste, you usually use a combination of these types in various proportions.

Then the finished malt is ground and mashed. For crushing, it is best to use a burr mill or a special grinder. They can make the correct grind without damaging the shells, which is very important for high-quality extraction of the necessary substances.

Mashing is a process where malt is placed in a mash kettle, combined with water (in a ratio of 4 to 1), heated to a temperature of 40-80°C and left for approximately 2-3 hours. During this period of time, enzymes contained in the malt break down starch into sugars. It is they who are destined to become beer in the future.

Step 2. Filtering

Necessary equipment and ingredients

  • Overflow siphon
  • Mixing paddle (optional)

This step requires very good separation of the wort from the grains. If you used a special wort kettle or brewer for mashing, there will be no problems with drainage. If you used an ordinary saucepan, it is better to stock up on an overflow siphon in advance.

The draining process itself is divided into 3 steps:

  • Mash Out;
  • recycling;
  • washing.

Mash-out is a step that stops the breakdown of starches. The wort is heated to a temperature of 78°C, so all the sugars in the wort are preserved intact, and the mixture itself becomes the most watery.

Then the wort is recirculated, resulting in the formation of a filter layer that promotes the natural separation of the wort from grain particles and other impurities.

Rinsing is a final step in which the filtered spent grain is rinsed again with warm water. Made for maximum extraction of sugars.

Step 3. Boiling the wort

Necessary equipment and ingredients

  • Hop
  • Chiller

To disinfect the wort, it needs to be boiled. Usually the whole process lasts no more than 1.5-2 hours. During boiling, the wort is hopped, that is, hops are added to it.

Hopping is necessary in order to give the future beer the desired taste, bitterness and aroma. The final properties depend on the moment of laying. If you add hops at the beginning of the boil, the beer will be at its most bitter: the longer the hops are boiled, the more bitter it will be. To give the most catchy taste, hops are added in the middle of cooking, to enhance the taste and aroma - at the end.

The fundamental step is rapid cooling of the wort at the end of cooking. Speed ​​is very important, because pathogenic bacteria can leak into the wort and spoil the entire drink. Faster cooling speed means less chance of contaminating the wort.

Step 4. Wort fermentation

Necessary equipment and ingredients

  • Brewer's yeast
  • Fermentation container

After cooking, the wort is poured into a fermentation container disinfected in advance and yeast is added. The fermentation step begins - converting sugars into alcohol. Depending on the type of yeast used, you get either ale or lager.

Fermentation lasts on average 10-14 days. The average fermentation temperature is 15-20°C for ales and 10°C for lagers.

Step 5. Bottling for carbonation

Necessary equipment and ingredients

  • PET bottles
  • Glucose

The fermented wort needs to be bottled and carbonated - saturated with carbon dioxide. There are 2 carbonization methods - forced and natural.

The most common is 2nd. Glucose (6-9 g per 1 liter) is poured into bottles of foamy drink and screwed tightly. Carbonization lasts approximately 1 month on average. After the expiration date, the beer is completely ready for consumption.

Popular ordinary beer recipes at home

There are a lot of recipes for making beer. As a result, almost all brewers end up inventing their own unique recipes, combining malts and adding hops in their own proportions.

But the first beer is best prepared using proven methods. There are 2 options for the path: ordinary and very ordinary.

The usual one is to make a one-stop beer. Only one pause will be needed to mash the malt.

A very common one is to make beer from malt extract. In this case, the manufacturer has done a huge part of the work for you by preparing a ready-made concentrated mixture. All you need to do is boil it and send it out for fermentation.


I hope this information will help you understand how homemade beer is made. In fact, cooking is not as difficult as almost everyone thinks. And if you join the process evenly, starting with the most common recipes, you won’t even notice how in a couple of months you will become a strong connoisseur of homemade beer. And there it’s already not far from the master.

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The Book of Knowledge is a unique collection of recipes and scientific research papers prepared by the professionals of our company. Here you will find practical advice on home and commercial alcohol and cheese production from leading distillers, brewers and cheesemakers

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Be your own brewer: three of the most common homemade beer recipes

Last update 06/13/2015

Brewing beer is, in general, not difficult. You just need to find a very huge saucepan, preferably enameled, and stock up on malt and hops. In general, the yeast is replaced from time to time.


This is exactly what makes beer beer. There will be no malt, and you will drink mash, mead, wine or kvass. Anything, but not beer.

Malt can be made from any grain: rye, barley, wheat malt. To obtain malt, the grain is first sprouted, and then dried and ground.

To get malt, you need to take any grain, place it on a large baking sheet and add water. Leave in a warm place. In 2-3 days the grain will germinate. It needs to be slightly dried and ground into coarse flour with a rolling pin. You will get malt.

But there is a simpler method - you can buy ready-made malt, you can even buy a ready-made brewer’s kit with the necessary type of malt, hops and yeast, as well as beer recipes. This will make life a lot easier.


This is a climbing plant; for beer we use only its fruits - cones. Hops give beer a special, bitter taste. Participates in the clarification of the drink and the formation of strong foam.

Hops are sold dry; they can be purchased in pharmacies, markets, or in stores - they come in brewing kits. When choosing hops, pay attention to the color; it should be yellow-green. Gray is unripe, and red is overripe.


For beer, it is best to take glassware. You can use enamel pans, but only without chipping. Stainless steel containers are suitable. Plastic is contraindicated for beer.

The container must be slightly larger than the planned size of the beer, because it needs space for fermentation.

It is better to bottle beer in black bottles. Champagne bottles with plastic caps work very well. Corks can be sterilized and bottles sealed. They will let in a little air, and fermentation will not stop.


Beer is alive. It is constantly in a state of unhurried fermentation. When fermentation stops, the beer dies. But at first, beer ferments, like other alcoholic drinks. It is then that its taste and smell appear.

Therefore, it is very important to maintain the necessary conditions, the main thing being temperature. The standard is -18-20 C, slightly below room temperature. If it is higher, up to 25 degrees, then fermentation begins very intense. At temperatures above 36 degrees, the yeast dies and the beer dies.

Homemade Beer Recipes

Black beer

    500 g grain consistency (wheat, rye, oats and barley)

Step 1 . Fry the grain in a frying pan until it turns coffee brown, grind in a coffee grinder.

Step 2. Add chicory to the grain, boil everything with a third of water.

Step 3 . Later add the rest of the water, add sugar, hops and zest and turn off.

Step 4. Leave for a few hours, then strain the infusion through cheesecloth, pour into bottles and place in a cold space.

Mint beer

  • 1 bunch of mint
  • 3 liters of water
  • 3 cups sugar
  • Yeast stick
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • Dark bread crust

Step 1. Pour boiling water over the mint, cover the pan with a tight lid and leave for 1 hour.

Step 2 . Meanwhile, sprinkle the yeast with sugar and wait until it rises.

Step 3 . Strain the infusion, add sugar, bread crust and yeast.

Step 4. Leave for fermentation. When foam appears on the surface, add vanilla sugar, pour into bottles and store.

Honey beer

For this recipe, you will need some kind of container from which burning water can flow continuously. A samovar is the most convenient because boiling water in it does not cool down, but continues to boil.

  • 3 cups rye malt
  • 2 cups honey
  • 100 g hops
  • 1.5 sticks of yeast
  • 1 tbsp. sugar 10 liters of bubbling water

Step 1 . Grind the malt, grind it with hops very carefully and put it in a linen bag. Sprinkle the yeast with a spoonful of sugar and leave to rise.

Step 2 . Place honey in a large saucepan. Place a samovar with bubbling water on the table. The water must flow through the bag of malt into the pan. While it is pouring, the malt must always be stirred.

Step 3 . When the required amount of water gets into the pan, you need to mix everything, let the water cool and add yeast to the future beer.

Step 4 . Wait until all the yeast goes down, then pour the beer into bottles and place it in a dark place. Leave it for 3-4 days and you can drink it.


  • 1.6 kg rye bread
  • 300 g rye malt

Step 1. Cut the bread into thin pieces and dry.

Step 2 . Mix the crackers in a large saucepan with malt, salt, pepper, yeast diluted in a glass of warm water, and a glass of sugar.

Step 3 . Scald the hops with boiling water and also add to the pan.

Step 4 . Pour water, always stirring the mixture so that a creamy mixture comes out. Cover the pan with a towel and leave overnight (that is, in the dark) .

Step 5 . Dilute a glass of sugar in 9 liters of water and add to the mixture. Mix. Cover with a lid and leave for 2 days in a warm place.

Step 6 . Drain the liquid from the sediment. Add 1.5 liters of boiling water to the remaining grounds. Cool. And pour off the sediment again for the first batch of beer. Stir and boil.

Step 7. Skim off the foam, cool slightly and strain. Pour into bottles. Cork. Keep in a cool place for 2 weeks.

How to make homemade beer

How to make homemade beer

Live, home-made beer, fragrant and tasty, is even better than store-bought beer, since you literally understand what products were used during the production process. It’s nice to treat friends and family with this kind of beer, because home-brewing beer is a very rare phenomenon in our lives.

How to quickly and easily brew beer at home?

There is a worldview that the development of homemade beer requires special equipment. In fact, it is absolutely not necessary to take a home brewer; you can completely get by with ordinary utensils, unless, of course, you are going to open a brewing creation. There is no need to brew malt from barley or wheat and dry hop cones; it is even easier to purchase ready-made ingredients in the store. There are various recipes for homemade beer, and to make a traditional drink you will need malt or malt extract, hops, yeast and water. In some recipes you can see molasses, honey, salt, jam, corn flour, dark pepper, bread and other products, since beer is a multifaceted drink that allows you to experiment with flavors.

Homemade malt beer according to an ancient recipe

It is malt that gives beer fullness of taste, richness, pleasant color and persistent foam. To make beer, malt is combined with water and heated to 75 °C in a large saucepan. Then the resulting malt porridge is filtered through a sieve to separate undissolved grain particles. This is how beer wort comes out - plant material, ready for fermentation, to which crushed hop cones are added. The wort is boiled for another 2-3 hours with constant stirring, and later it is cleaned again through a sieve - this time to remove any remaining hops. To save time and effort, you can put the hops into the wort in a gauze bag, and then you won’t have to filter. The resulting drink is infused for several hours, and then filtered again.

When the time comes to add yeast, you need to decide what kind of beer you want to brew - top or bottom fermentation. If yeast is introduced into the wort at a temperature of 20–22 ° C, top fermentation begins, with the help of which the beer is prepared faster. Bottom fermentation lengthens the production process (and, accordingly, shelf life) and gives the beer the most hoppy taste.

The ideal temperature for active yeast activity is 18 °C, so cover the pan with a lid and leave the beer for a week. If after two days foam appears on the surface, it means you did everything right, but if there is none, place the pan in the warmest space, remembering to remove the foam from time to time. After about 5 days, the beer will acquire a familiar beer taste, then all you have to do is pour it into bottles without shaking, and leave it in a cool place for two weeks. There are different versions of malt beer: often sugar, salt, raisins are added to the wort, and hops are sometimes added to bottles after fermentation is complete; the order of adding goods and fermentation methods may also change.

Homemade beer with unusual recipes

There are a huge number of technologies for making beer without malt, and such recipes are more suitable for home use. In almost all recipes, honey is dissolved in water, mixed with hops and boiled for an hour, and later fermented and kept warm. Beetroot beer is very unusual - in this case, finely chopped beets are boiled in water with salt, later hop cones and juniper berries are added to the pan, then everything is boiled again and fermented for 2 weeks. Beer made with molasses has a rich taste, which is prepared using the same technology as traditional beer, only molasses in this recipe replaces malt.

Beer without yeast has a dark brown color and a special taste, as it is made from ground grains of wheat, barley and rye, fried in a frying pan. Next, the grain mixture is boiled in water with chicory, and later lemon zest, hops and sugar are added to it. After 6 hours of brewing, the beer is bottled and stored in a cold place. From time to time, hops are ground with flour and sugar, mixed with water and boiled, and yeast and molasses are added later.

You can make beer from pea pods, hops and sage, and for a festive table, ginger beer or beer from wine, orange juice and zest is suitable. Beer can be oatmeal, buckwheat, pumpkin, corn, carrot, smoked, chocolate, fruit and even milk. Making beer is a creative process in which any experience is appropriate!

Brewing secrets

Water for beer must be fresh, clean and soft, so the best option is filtered or boiled water, and if possible, from natural sources. In bad water, beer tastes bad. The same applies to yeast, so to make beer you should use special brewer’s yeast, fresh or dry, not food yeast.

To brew beer, we use both malt, obtained by sprouting grains of barley, rye or wheat, and malt extract, which is an evaporated or concentrated malt emulsion. The choice of malt certainly affects the taste and aroma of the beer. In addition to the usual types - wheat, barley and rye - there are other varieties of malt. Caramel malt imparts sweet colors to beer, stewed malt can yield honey notes, smoked extract produces a drink with the smell of a campfire, roasted malt has a coffee-chocolate flavor, and melanoidin malt has a catchy and appropriate taste.

Beer wort is a suitable environment for the proliferation of microbes, therefore all utensils used for brewing beer must be sterilized beforehand. Strict hygiene rules must also be observed during the manufacturing process.

During brewing, beer needs to be saturated with oxygen, which is facilitated by intensive stirring and pouring the wort into the pan from a high altitude. But during fermentation and after it, aeration will only do harm, because while the beer is fermenting, it should not be disturbed - carry it, stir it and open the lid unnecessarily. The only thing that can be done is to skim off the foam, which can later be used as yeast.

In almost all recipes there are completely unimaginable quantities of ingredients for beer, for example 30 liters. water and 3 kg of malt. You can reduce the proportions depending on how much beer you need to brew.

Properly prepared beer, bottled in plastic bottles, can be stored for 2 to 6 months, depending on its strength. Glass bottles with corks keep beer fresh for up to a year, and the best methods for storing homemade beer are in the cellar and refrigerator. In general, if you have learned how to brew homemade beer, you won’t have to store it for a long time, since this tasty and fragrant drink always runs out very quickly!


Homemade beer without malt

Ingredients: 10 liters of water, 1/3 cup of hops, 1 cup of watery brewer's yeast, 0.5 liters of molasses.

1. Pour water into a saucepan, add molasses, mix well, bring to a boil and cook until the aroma of molasses disappears.
2. Dip hops wrapped in cheesecloth into the liquid and boil for 10 minutes.
3. When the contents have cooled, add watery yeast to the pan and mix very thoroughly.
4. Pour the beer into bottles and throw without closing the lids until foam appears on the surface.
5. Remove the foam, cork the bottles and leave them in a cool place for 4 days.

Beer Khmelnoye

Ingredients: 900 g sugar, 90 g hops, 1 kg malt extract (or 8 kg malt), 9 liters of boiling water, 50 g brewer's yeast.

1. Pour boiling water over sugar, hops and malt and cook for an hour.
2. Add water to the original size (9 l) and add yeast.
3. Leave the liquid for 3 days in a sealed container at a temperature of 18-20 degrees.
4. Strain, bottle, cork, secure the caps with wire and store for a week in a cool place.

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