Light soup in a slow cooker for weight loss

Light soup in a slow cooker for weight loss

A healthy diet and a proper menu for weight loss must certainly include first courses. Specifically, they are responsible for good digestion.

Those who always start their lunch with soup do not suffer from gastritis and ulcers, heartburn and other gastrointestinal diseases, do not overeat, which means they feel great and maintain good physical shape. This is due to the fact that stews and broths are easily digestible, do not cause irritation to the mucous membranes of internal organs, nourish, but do not contain excess calories. This is the perfect healthy food for weight loss. Therefore, most diets aimed at reducing body weight certainly include watery food, and some consist entirely of it.

But soups are different. If they are cooked in a fatty, strong broth, with a huge amount of meat, dumplings, ground spices, seasoned with sour cream, they can hardly be classified as dietary - they are worthless for losing weight. But a light soup, whose recipe includes vegetable, chicken, fish broth, with the use of vegetable oil, or even completely without fat, with vegetables and herbs, is a delicious meal for everyone who cares about their health and figure.

Dietary soups are correct and real

Almost everyone considers diet food and products created for weight loss to be the same and tasteless. But this is absolutely not true. Proper and authentic nutrition for weight loss implies a huge abundance of goods, preservation of their taste properties, a wide variety of ordinary and affordable recipes, and the introduction of a huge number of spices and seasonings.

Any low-calorie soup can be prepared in such a way that it will satisfy the taste of the most demanding gourmet. After all, there is nothing tastier than high-quality, new goods, correctly prepared and served.

A light soup is also good because it gives you a feeling of fullness forever, which means that the diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) does not become stress (Stress from the English stress - pressure, pressure, pressure; oppression; load; voltage) . After all, when you are hungry, your body begins to more actively “store” nutrients for future use, which interferes with your weight loss goals. The soup mostly consists of water, which means that it contains a maximum of necessary substances with a minimum of calories. By the way, watery food is easily digestible, but takes a long time to digest, which is why stews and broths forever suppress the feeling of hunger and are so good for losing weight.

Another plus of such food is that any recipe can be prepared very quickly and simply. After all, the main principles of preserving the necessary substances in products say that the less time the heat treatment takes, the more vitamins and minerals are preserved in vegetables, cereals and meat.

The main principles of making light first courses

  • Introduction of a huge number of new vegetables and herbs. Greens, especially dill, restore and stimulate metabolism.
  • Cereals are better than pasta, vegetables are better than cereals, because they contain fiber, which stimulates digestion, metabolism, and cleanses of toxins and waste.
  • It is better to replace reddish meat (beef or pork) in the recipe with lean chicken, turkey, fish or bunny meat - they are better digestible, contain less fat and have a higher percentage of protein.
  • Introduction of peas and legumes - sources of plant protein.
  • A small addition of hot seasonings (pepper) to the recipe, which irritate the mucous membranes and increase appetite, causing you to eat more than necessary.
  • All vegetables are placed raw in a common container; they are not fried - this way the nutrients are better preserved, and the finished dish will contain less oil.
  • Any recipe is prepared very quickly, served with a huge amount of greens to get maximum nutrition and taste.
  • The soup, created for dietary and healthy eating, is best prepared in a slow cooker. This modern housewife's assistant is specially adapted for quickly preparing food while preserving all the necessary substances and introducing a small amount of fat. The sealed container in which food is prepared and high pressure in the multicooker help reduce the time it takes to prepare food, while maintaining the beneficial properties of the goods. In addition, almost all modern appliances are equipped with modes for preparing dishes in a multicooker at a reduced temperature, which also helps create healthier food. The basic recipe for a light diet chicken soup in a multicooker requires a cooking time of no more than an hour. For 4-6 servings of this healthy and tasty dish we will need:
  • half a kilogram of lean chicken (breast fillet),
  • 3-4 small potatoes,
  • 1-1.5 carrots,
  • a handful of rice or small pasta,
  • a tablespoon of butter,
  • salt, herbs, spices - at your discretion.


  1. Wash the meat, cut into small pieces.
  2. Wash and peel the vegetables.
  3. Cut the potatoes into cubes, carrots into slices, finely chop the onion.
  4. Wash the rice.
  5. Place meat, vegetables, cereals in a container, add water to the slow cooker and add salt.
  6. Set the multicooker to “Soup” or “Stew” mode.
  7. Before the end of cooking, add dill, finely chopped and heated in melted butter, to the soup in a slow cooker - it will give an excellent smell to the chicken broth.
  8. Let the dish brew in a closed slow cooker for 5-10 minutes.
  9. Serve with fresh herbs, croutons or white bread croutons. This food is great for everyday menus, weight loss, and children's meals.
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Tips and advice

  • It is very tasty to add green peas to such food for weight loss. Frozen is placed in a container in a multicooker together with all the vegetables, canned - at the end of production. This addition is also excellent because it increases the protein content of the dish without actually increasing its calorie content.
  • Dietary pea soup in a slow cooker requires preparatory soaking of the peas (it is better to use crushed peas - they cook faster).
  • It is very beneficial for the stomach to add oatmeal or barley - their mucous mixture has a beneficial effect on digestion. In addition, they are rich in proteins and fiber.
  • If you want to create a soup with even less calories, one hundred percent created for weight loss, you can prepare the recipe in water, completely without using oil. In this case, slightly increase the amount of cereal, and you can replace some of the potatoes with zucchini - it is low in calories, but will give the dish thickness and richness.
  • Adding celery to a recipe will greatly increase its effectiveness for weight loss.
  • Stews prepared without fat and meat, or with lean meat, are very tasty even when cooled, especially in the summer when it’s hot.
  • A dressing made from natural low-fat yogurt is a great substitute for sour cream in a low-calorie meal.
  • Spicy herbs and various cereals will help you vary the initial recipe.
  • By adding bell peppers and tomatoes to the recipe, you will give the product a special piquancy.

Diets (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) 100%

Diets (Diet - a set of rules for human consumption of food) for weight loss and dietary recipes

Vegetable diet soup in a slow cooker - fast, simple and delicious!

Almost all people try to eat healthy meals prepared from ordinary and natural products. Properly prepared food gives the body the necessary energy and nourishes every cell, bringing only benefits.

The benefits of vegetable soup

Vegetable soup is a fairly common dish, but it is necessary both for people leading a healthy lifestyle and for those who are on a diet. Vegetable soup has many positive features:

  • it is low in calories, is easily digested, retains valuable substances and vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature) ;
  • regulates water balance in the body;
  • nutritious, satiates forever and relieves hunger;
  • cleanses of toxins;
  • has a good effect on the digestion process;
  • indispensable for weight loss.

This first dish is especially suitable for eating:

  • small children;
  • old people;
  • those who are overweight;
  • to everyone who looks after their own figure.
  • unhealthy (difficulties in the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) , after surgery)

Rules for making vegetable diet soup

Dietary soup can be prepared using any watery base: water, meat or mushroom broth, vegetable broth. From time to time, diet rules (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) prohibit the use of broths, then the dish is cooked in water. Naturally, it will not be as tasty and fragrant as cooked in broth. But even with ordinary vegetables and water you can make a pretty good soup.

For a cook, this dish is great because you don’t need to specially select ingredients. Basic vegetables for this soup:

  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • onion.

They can be supplemented with any other products (tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants, peas, and so on). Sour cream and herbs are perfect as a dressing.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Modern “smart” and functional technology greatly simplifies the process of preparing dishes. The multicooker is gaining immense popularity every year. Vegetable diet soup in a slow cooker is much tastier and healthier than soup cooked on the stove. The whole point is that in this kitchen appliance the first dish does not boil, but simmers little by little. All ingredients must be cut, placed in a slow cooker and filled with liquid. The “Soup” function allows you to prepare a tasty and nutritious dish without constant control.

Broccoli soup

The recipe for the dish is completely ordinary:

  1. Several potatoes, carrots, half a celery root, and peel the onion.
  2. Cut the potatoes into large cubes, celery and carrots into small pieces, and the onion into half rings.
  3. Place the prepared foods into a multicooker container, season, salt and add water (as much as necessary).
  4. Close the lid and turn on the “Extinguishing” mode (1 hour and 20 minutes).
  5. A quarter of an hour before the end of cooking, throw in 300 g of frozen broccoli.

Soup without potatoes

This dish is perfect for those who want to lose a couple of pounds, but not starve themselves.

  1. Peel 3 onions and a couple of cloves of garlic.
  2. Prepare a small fork of cabbage, a little celery, a couple of bell peppers, 5 tomatoes. Finely chop all the vegetables and dump them into the multicooker bowl.
  3. Add salt, pepper and turmeric.
  4. Fill with water to the limit.
  5. Turn on the “Soup” mode for 60 minutes.
  6. The finished soup can be blended and sprinkled with dill and parsley.

Pea soup

This soup is easier to prepare than usual.

  1. Wash a glass of peas 3-4 times and leave in water for an hour and a half.
  2. Prepare vegetables: 0.5 kg of potatoes, carrots and onions. Peel and cut as desired.
  3. Place all ingredients in a slow cooker, add water (3 liters) and salt.
  4. Turn on the “Soup” mode for 25 minutes.
  5. Serve the dish sprinkled with herbs.
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These recipes are surprisingly easy, so anyone can make them. Diet (Diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism) - this does not mean being hungry and eating tasteless food. Even dietary dishes can be tasty, and soups in a slow cooker eloquently confirm this.

Soup for weight loss in a slow cooker

Preparing the most common weight loss soup in a slow cooker will take about an hour. With all this, it will take about 15 minutes to peel, wash, and cut vegetables, and the rest of the time the smart machine will cook, and you will go about your business. By the way, while the “stove” is running, you can do a small workout and take a shower. So the multicooker is not a wasted invention at all. Experienced housewives know that most of the culinary activity goes into frying vegetables, if required. But this does not threaten us with weight loss soups - in most recipes no frying is required. This is why time and effort are saved.

Advantages of making soup for weight loss in a slow cooker

Manufacturers of multicookers insist:

  • vegetables cooked in their creations retain more vitamins than simply boiled ones;
  • You can greatly vary your sense of taste using different temperature conditions.

Skeptics say that no matter what dish you cook in a slow cooker, you will end up with a vegetable stew, only with a large or small amount of water. And to be honest, the taste of vegetable soups, which most often come with the tag “for weight loss,” depends very much on 2 reasons:

    How do you boil the vegetables? Overcooked cabbage is not the first horror for any Russian child. So don’t be like the catering goddesses of the once great country. It takes about 35-45 minutes to cook vegetables for weight loss soup in a slow cooker, while the actual time depends on the model and brand of the kitchen assistant. Start your experiments with the shortest time, and increase slightly if the vegetables seem very crunchy;

  • what spices will be used. Weight loss soup without spices is bland, uninteresting and resembles boiled cabbage from the memorable spring diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) , so use spices intensively. At the same time, it is better not to put greens in the multicooker itself; it is better to make do with a portion in a plate.
  • If things don’t work out and the vegetables are overcooked, don’t despair. The soup can be pureed using a blender and served with, for example, whole grain croutons, herbs and low-fat yogurt.

    Soups with meat broth are prepared according to a somewhat more complex scheme. The meat for the broth can be cooked either in the stew mode, cutting the meat very thinly, or simply boiled in an ordinary saucepan, and then use the broth to make soup in a slow cooker, and add the meat itself, if necessary, to the finished dish.

    If you want to cook everything together, it is better to take chicken breast or white fish, or shrimp, or other types of protein products that cook relatively quickly. If you use beef, vegetables should be added 15-20 minutes after the meat starts stewing.

    What you shouldn’t do with soup is to adore it so much that you only eat it. The same rules apply to culinary masterpieces made from a slow cooker as to ordinary soups. You can eat them, or you can replace them with something else, but eating only them for weight loss is not at all necessary.

    Recipes for soups for weight loss in a slow cooker

    All soups are prepared in the “stew” mode; the “baking” mode is used only where it is specifically indicated in the recipe.

    Traditional cabbage soup

    1 fork of cabbage, 1 bell pepper, 1 carrot, 1-2 large burgundy tomatoes, 1 tablespoon of already boiled coffee rice, a pinch of asafoetida and dark ground pepper, plus a little sea salt.

    Chop the ingredients, place in a bowl, add water so that it just covers the vegetables, turn on the “stew” mode. Season the finished dish with salt, pepper, and asafoetida. Can be served with herbs and yogurt.

    2 beets, 1 carrot, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste without added sugar, or Krasnodar sauce, adjika on the tip of a knife, 200 g of celery root, diced, 150 g of greenish asparagus beans.

    The production method is simple - everything is chopped, placed in a bowl and stewed for 45 minutes. Spices are added immediately.

    200 g each of pumpkin, zucchini and carrots, 1 tomato, 1-2 bell peppers, 1 medium-sized onion.

    To begin with, place the pumpkin and onion in a greased bowl, and turn on the “baking” mode for 10 minutes. Then other chopped vegetables are added, water is added, and the soup is simmered for 45 minutes.

    3 onions, 250 g white cabbage, celery, tomato, carrots to taste, coriander, ground ginger, asafoetida, sea salt as seasonings. Yogurt and greens for serving. 1 tablespoon olive oil for onion prep.

    Grease the multicooker bowl with oil, chop the onion, place in the bowl, and turn on the baking mode for 10 minutes. Chop other vegetables, add, add water, add spices, cook for about 40 minutes. Then turn on the heating mode for 10 minutes so that the soup reaches the desired degree of readiness.

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    Mushroom soup with green beans

    400 g of champignons or oyster mushrooms, 200 g of green beans, 1-2 onions, 1 carrot, 1-2 tablespoons of previously boiled coffee rice, ready-made seasoning for mushroom soup, or a little fresh rosemary.

    Place the mushrooms and onions in a multicooker bowl, previously greased with a small amount of oil, and heat for 10 minutes in the “baking” mode. Add other ingredients and water or vegetable broth and simmer until tender, about 35 minutes.

    200 g of snow-white fish - cod fillet, for example, 100 g of peeled, washed shrimp, 1 package of miso concentrate, 3-4 sheets of nori or dried kelp, 1-2 tablespoons of ready-cooked coffee rice, 1 tbsp. sesame oil.

    Place all ingredients, excluding nori and miso concentrate, into a bowl, having previously cut into strips. Warm lightly in sesame oil using the “heat” setting for 10 minutes. Dilute the miso paste with water according to instructions, add broken nori into the bowl, pour in the miso, and simmer for 30 minutes. Then turn off the multicooker, switch it to heating mode and leave for another 10 minutes.

    1 bunch of fresh young nettles, 2 eggs, boiled soft-boiled or “in a bag”, 150 g of young potatoes, 1 carrot, 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice or a small bunch of sorrel, 1 snow-white onion.

    Pour boiling water over the nettles in a colander, let the water drain, chop the greens, discard the hard branches. Wash the new potatoes and cut them into cubes with the skins. Chop the carrots and cut the onion into rings. Place all ingredients except eggs in a multicooker bowl. Simmer for 30 minutes, then switch to heat mode and leave for another 15 minutes. Serve with low-fat sour cream, herbs, adding 1 egg to the plate.

    Red bean and curry soup

    2 tablespoons cooked coffee rice, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon mild curry, 1 onion, 4 tablespoons red beans, 2 cups celery-based vegetable broth.

    Grease the multicooker bowl with oil. Place the onion and curry there, turn on the baking mode for 10 minutes. Turn off the multicooker, add rice, add half the broth, and turn on the stew mode for 15 minutes. Turn off the multicooker, add the beans and the rest of the broth, and turn on the simmer for 30 minutes. Puree mixture as needed, leaving on heat for 10 minutes.

    Dietary soups in a slow cooker: recipes

    01/6/2015 Lyubov Briman

    Last update: 10/05/2019

    Dietary soups are a beautiful solution for housewives to prepare a tasty, healthy dish for all family members.
    These include vegetarian soups, as well as dishes with lean meat, fish and generous amounts of fresh vegetables and herbs. Making dietary soups takes up to half an hour. In the question of how to prepare dietary soup in a slow cooker, the following tips will help:

    • all vegetables needed for production should be washed and peeled;
    • vegetables (carrots, onions, potatoes and others) should be cut into cubes or strips;
    • when using meat in a dish, you need to carefully wash it and get rid of the veins;
    • Before putting the meat in the slow cooker, cut it into pieces, boil for 1 minute in a saucepan and remove any scale that has formed. Then wash the meat again, straining it through a sieve. This method will help get rid of the nasty black foam and achieve transparency of the broth.

    Dietary soups in a slow cooker: recipes:

    1. Turkey soup includes:

    — carrots – 2 pieces,
    — onions — 1 piece,
    — potatoes — 3 pieces;
    - poultry meat - turkey (0.5 kg);
    - ½ can of canned peas;
    - one bay leaf;
    - no matter what kind of greens (parsley, dill, onion);

    Place the meat, washed and boiled for a minute, on the bottom of the appliance. Add water to the bowl with the meat up to the maximum mark. Cut the vegetables into cubes, add to the contents of the multicooker, add salt to taste. Place the washed bay leaf in a bowl, close the lid of the kitchen appliance, and set the cooking program to 20 minutes. After cooking time, add green peas. Cook the dish without closing the lid for 10 minutes. At the end of the cooking process, let the dish sit for 20 minutes. Pour turkey soup into a bowl and add chopped herbs.

    2. Creamy mushroom soup includes:

    - a kilogram of new mushrooms (champignons);
    - fresh vegetables: 4 potatoes, 2 pcs.
    onions, 2 carrots; — drain.
    butter up to 70 gr., cream 10% - 4 tbsp. spoons; - 1 bay leaf;

    Cut the peeled vegetables and mushrooms into cubes and place them in a multicooker bowl with melted butter, add salt and simmer the resulting mass for 10 minutes. Next, add water and set the soup making time to 20 minutes. At the end of the time, release the steam, transfer the soup to a deep container, pour the broth into a separate bowl with a ladle, and remove the bay leaf from the soup. Beat the resulting mass with a blender, add cream to it. Adjust the thickness of the dish with broth poured into a separate container. Add croutons and herbs to the bowl of soup.

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