Homemade pork sausage

Homemade pork sausage

Homemade sausage is a 100% natural product made from meat, lard and spices, in a natural casing. Previously, it was prepared for all important holidays, such as New Year, Christmas or Easter. Now, even without having a household and without raising pigs, you can buy everything you need in the store and prepare sausage at home, without checking your watch with the festive calendar.

  • Adviсe
  • Ingredients
  • Recipe with step-by-step photos

It is only at first glance that the process seems complex and lengthy; in fact, the development is ordinary: a shell of painstakingly cleaned intestines, finely chopped minced meat with spices and heat treatment. I wrote down for you the recipe for homemade pork sausage in the intestines very carefully and provided every step with a photo so that the manufacturing process was simply reproducible. Please follow the advice, then the meat snack will definitely turn out tasty and fragrant.

Tips for choosing products

  1. Natural gut. For sausages, the casing used is thin pork intestines. You can arrange at the local market for traders to bring them for you to order. Or purchase them in a large hypermarket, where they are sold already peeled, salted or frozen. In any case, the intestines will need to be examined - to check whether the integrity is broken, then washed and properly cooked.
  2. Pork pulp. Meat from any part of the carcass is suitable: neck, shoulder, back. You don't have to pay much attention to fat content. The main thing is that the pork is fresh and not frozen.
  3. Salo. It is unprincipled which part of the carcass the lard will be used from. Backbone, thin trimmings, and so on will do. It is better that it is raw and not frozen, certainly fresh, not yellowish or old, without a specific aroma. If there is no raw lard, you can eat salted lard, but in this case it is necessary to carefully regulate the amount of salt added to the minced meat.

– Total making time: 2 hours + 3 hours for marinating
– Making time: 2 hours / Yield: 1.5 kg


  • pork pulp – 2.5 kg
  • lard – 0.5 kg
  • pork small intestines – 5 m
  • cognac – 2 tbsp. l.
  • garlic – 1 large head
  • basil, thyme, oregano, coriander - 0.5 tsp each.
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l. with a slide or to taste
  • dark ground pepper – 1 tsp. or to taste


Pork small intestines, regardless of where they are purchased, must be processed in advance. If frozen, defrost at room temperature. Then wash it thoroughly, turn it inside out, scrape it out with the back of a knife, remove the mucus and wash it again. To make cleaning more convenient, you can immediately divide the intestines into sections of approximately 1 meter. I clean it in the following way: I make a 2-3 centimeter turn from the edge and place the resulting pocket under a stream of water; under the pressure of the stream, the intestine is very easily twisted inside out. I clean off the mucus on a wooden board, again placed under a stream of water. I soak the cleaned and prepared intestines for at least 1 hour in salt water to disinfect (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water).

I remove the skin from the lard. I cut it into small cubes, the size of an Olivier salad. The smaller the pieces, the more fat will be rendered in the end. The ratio of meat and lard for homemade sausages can be found as 1:5 (conditional ratio, can be changed at the discretion of the cook). If you use pork with a huge amount of fat, then add a little less fat, and on the contrary, if the meat is lean, then the percentage of fat should be increased.

I painstakingly remove bones and cartilage from the pork; under no circumstances should they get into the sausages. If there is fat or fatty films, then there is no need to remove them. I cut the pulp into pieces - approximately 2-3 times larger in size than lard. There is no need to grind it, because the meat must be present in the sausage clearly. Yes, and a very large tenderloin will not work, otherwise it will be difficult to stuff small intestines, and the sausages will turn out to be the least juicy. So you look for a middle ground.

In a large bowl I combine the chopped meat and lard. I add pepper, salt and dry fragrant herbs: basil, oregano, coriander and thyme. If desired, you can add a little ground bay leaf (I don't add it). And I definitely put garlic in the filling, peeled and put through a press. Use the amount of garlic at your discretion; the sausage should smell delicious, but not too much. If you use salted rather than raw lard, then carefully adjust the amount of salt in the recipe. To taste, the minced meat should be spicy, with a pronounced smell of pepper, quite salty - on the verge, even slightly more than it costs, because the salt will partially boil off during cooking.

I pour a couple of spoons of good cognac into the filling for a special smell and juiciness. I mix thoroughly with my hands so that all the spices are evenly distributed. Use only high quality alcohol. If you are not convinced, then it is better to skip this step, otherwise you risk spoiling the product.

Now comes the most crucial moment - you need to stuff the sausage. For this purpose, it is most convenient to use a meat grinder with an attachment in the form of an oblong tube. If there is no special device, then you will have to make do with the means at hand, for example, a spoon. I alternately pull the cooked intestines onto a tube fixed to the meat grinder. I tie the edge and fill it with minced meat not very tightly, otherwise there is a risk that the intestine will rupture during cooking. I tie the pork sausages stuffed into the intestines and put them in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, so that they marinate and the minced meat matures.

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Then I roll them up and connect them together into rings (not necessary, but it’s easier to boil and bake this way). I prick it over the entire surface with a needle, every 1-2 centimeters, to release all the air. If this function is not performed, the hot air will expand during production and the sausages may burst, so do not ignore the needle pricking!

At the same time, I bring water to a boil in a large saucepan (size 5 l or more). Once it boils, add a little salt and bay leaf. I carefully lower the semi-finished product into boiling water and immediately reduce the heat to low. During cooking, you can play it safe and additionally prick the sausages with a needle. I boil it in portions for 40 minutes in slightly bubbling water (if you cook all the sausage at once, many portions at a time, then increase the cooking time to 1 hour). I take it out and dry it.

I grease the baking sheet with lard (or vegetable oil), lay out the preparations and send them to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 40 minutes, turning a couple of times so that the products are browned on all sides. When baking, a lot of fat will be rendered - it can be used as ordinary lard, for example, fry potatoes on it or pour the same sausages for the longest possible storage.

From the indicated amount of ingredients I got 4 medium rings. The total weight was a little less than 1.5 kg, because the meat had significant layers of fat and almost all the fat was rendered, the homemade sausages came out dense and dry. You can take a sample immediately after production or wait until it cools down - it’s equally tasty both hot and cool.

Homemade pork sausage will keep perfectly in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. If you want to stock up for future use, you can fill the sausages with lard (rendered fat from lard). In this case, it is necessary to free them from the threads, place them in hot clay pots or glass jars, and then carefully pour bubbling lard over them. This preparation can be stored for more than a month in the refrigerator; it can be reheated if necessary. Bon appetit!

Dried pork sausage

Cheap ham maker

Buy a ham maker for 690 rubles
Buy nitrite salt for sausage
Buy natural casings for sausage
Buy an attachment for sausage
Buy a set of attachments for sausage Buy Crystallut for sausages and hams Buy a molding mesh 100 mm Bags for salting meat 30x40 cm Temperature indicator for the oven Twine for binding sausages Decree atelier temperature for meat with probe Selected alder wood chips for smoking Buy pork casings 32/34 mm Buy protein casing for sausage 45 mm Attachment for a meat grinder with a seat ring 5.8 cm Buy lamb casings 20/22 mm for sausages

No feast is complete without a classic appetizer - a meat plate, which certainly includes some tasty sausage.

Homemade dry-cured sausage will occupy a venerable space among your favorite snacks.

This recipe belongs to Belarusian cuisine, where virtually every housewife understands how to prepare dry-cured sausage from pork.

There are a huge number of variations of this sausage at home, but the manufacturing principle is the same.

  • pork neck – 3 kg
  • garlic - 4 heads
  • reddish hot and dark ground pepper - to taste
  • marjoram – 10 g
  • alcohol (96%) - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 90 g
  • narrow pork intestine – 150 g

A very tasty dried sausage comes out if you add intercostal fat to the meat in a ratio of 1:4 to the meat.

The alcohol in the recipe can be replaced with cognac for a wonderful color and special smell.

Dried pork sausage recipe

1. Slice the meat for the sausage jerky. This can be created using 2 methods. Twist in a meat grinder with a large net or chop with a knife into pieces measuring 1x1 centimeter.

In the traditional recipe, dry-cured sausage is made specifically from trimmed meat, rather than minced meat. In order to chop the meat into approximately similar pieces, we first cut it into similar strips, and then chop it crosswise with a huge knife.

2. Put a small mesh on the meat grinder and pass through the previously peeled garlic.

3. Add it to the chopped meat, add salt at the rate of 28-30 g per 1 kg of meat.

This proportion must be strictly maintained; otherwise, the sausage may deteriorate during drying.

4. Pepper the minced meat to taste, stir and leave it in a bowl on the table for 5 hours, covering the top so that the meat does not dry out or darken.

While the minced meat is infused, it is necessary to stir it from time to time so that the salt and spices are moderately absorbed.

5. After curing the meat, add marjoram and alcohol to it (to preserve the reddish color and preservation), stir again.

6. Remove the mesh from the meat grinder, and put a sausage attachment on its space and secure it with a ring.

7. Wash the intestine under the tap, running water through it. Check that there are no holes, cut into pieces approximately 50 cm long.

8. Place such a piece on the nozzle and tie it at the end with thread.

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9. Pass the minced meat through a meat grinder, evenly removing the intestine from the tube as it is filled.

When stuffing the sausage, hold it with your hand, adjusting the density and uniformity of the inside so that it does not burst. When the intestine is moderately full, tie the second end with a thread. Form all the sausages in this way.

10. Pierce the finished sausages with a needle in several places to let the air out.

11. Soak a bandage in a salt solution (3 teaspoons of salt per glass of water), wrap it around the sausage and hang it to dry.

The place for drying sausages should have access to the freshest air, but there should not be drafts. The temperature should be around +10…+15 degrees. If possible, the room should be bright.

12. After 2-3 days, when the sausage is slightly dry, remove it and slightly roll it out with a rolling pin, giving it a flattened appearance. Then hang it out to dry again, but without the bandage.

13. After 2 weeks, remove the sausages and put them in the refrigerator, they are ready to eat.

14. Try cutting the sausage; if it is not completely dry in the middle, let it rest in the refrigerator in the fresh meat compartment at a temperature of +2 degrees for about another week.

Ready-made dried pork sausage is served both at a formal table and just for breakfast.

Homemade sausage cuts go well with both wine and beer.

Thinly slice the sausage and serve.

Homemade pork sausage in intestines

Homemade pork sausage in the intestines is most often prepared for Easter. It is included in the list of the festive menu along with colored chicken eggs and rich Easter cakes. But you must admit, pampering yourself with homemade sausage only once a year is a wild injustice, so I strongly recommend taking the recipe into service and, at the first opportunity, preparing such a meat delicacy for your loved ones.

At first glance, it may seem to novice cooks that making sausage at home is a troublesome and indescribably difficult task. In fact, everything is completely opposite. Firstly, the main thing is to approach the matter with desire, and you probably have it if you came to this page. Secondly, arm yourself with a proven and detailed recipe. This is exactly the recipe I offer for you, and I dare to convince you that it has been tested not only by me, but by almost all of my acquaintances and friends.

To make sausage we need the following products: pork meat, lard, garlic, salt, spices, bay leaves and pork intestines. Regarding the last ingredient, almost everyone has a question about where to get pork intestines. In fact, you simply did not set a goal, or did not pay attention to the fact that they are sold in any meat pavilion of the market. Even in huge hypermarkets, you can already find them.

The subsequent acts of cooking are also very ordinary. All of the above ingredients must be chopped using a meat grinder or food processor and stuffed with the resulting minced meat through a special nozzle. As a result, you end up with real sausage rings, which all you have to do is bake them in the oven. Homemade pork sausage in intestines takes about half an hour to cook in the oven, which will still be enough time to clean up the kitchen.


  • 2.5 kg pork
  • 400 g lard
  • 2 intestines (already cleaned and washed, approximately 4 m each)
  • Coriander
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • 6 huge cloves of garlic
  • Chalked bay leaf

Making a dish step by step with photos:

  1. Pork meat must be washed well and all films, vessels, etc. removed. Pat it dry with cardboard towels.
  2. Cut the washed meat into pieces the size of small beans.
  3. Pour the meat into a deep bowl.
  4. Take the lard out of the freezer and let it melt slightly. If you have the opportunity, you can use fresh lard.
  5. Cut the lard with a knife as finely as possible.
  6. Mix the lard and meat well.
  7. Mash the pepper and coriander in a mortar.
  8. Add spices and pressed garlic to the “fat-meat” mass.
  9. We wash and chop the intestines. They should be about 1 meter long.
  10. We install a special attachment on the meat grinder. We put a pork intestine on it one hundred percent, and tie its edge with thread. We begin to turn the handle of the meat grinder and fill the intestine with meat. Use your hand to adjust the thickness of the future sausage, because it does not have to be very thick and dense.
  11. When finished, we also tie the second end of the intestine with thread.
  12. Using a toothpick, poke holes in the sausage. If you forget to do this, the sausage will crack during cooking in the oven.
  13. Pour water into a saucepan, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Carefully place the sausage ring into boiling water for 5 minutes.
  14. Grease a baking sheet with sunflower oil and transfer the sausage onto it. Place the baking sheet with homemade sausage in the oven for 30 minutes. Cooking temperature 170 degrees.
  15. If appearance is important to you, then turn the sausage a couple of times during cooking, so it will have an appetizing golden brown color on all sides. But even if you don’t twist it, it will bake perfectly.
  16. After you take the sausage out of the oven, it will look the same as in the photo.

Homemade pork sausage in the intestines is a meat dish that will be appreciated by all lovers of home cooking. A nourishing, savory, fragrant and appetizing meat delicacy is perfect not only for lunch or dinner with the family, but it would also be a shame to serve it to guests at a gala table. In the end, as always, I would like to give a few tips so that your homemade pork sausage comes out tasty the first time:

  • Carefully select the meat and lard for your sausage. It must be fresh, and it must not emit unpleasant odors;
  • Before insertion, do not be lazy and carefully wash the pig intestines a couple of times;
  • When the homemade sausage is ready to go into the oven, do not forget to pierce it in several places with a toothpick;
  • While cooking minced meat, you can experiment with spices, herbs and seasonings. This way you can prepare sausage with different flavor colors every time.

Dried pork sausage

Cheap ham maker

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Buy a ham maker for 690 rubles
Buy nitrite salt for sausage
Buy natural casings for sausage
Buy an attachment for sausage
Buy a set of attachments for sausage Buy Crystallut for sausages and hams Buy a molding mesh 100 mm Bags for salting meat 30x40 cm Temperature indicator for the oven Twine for binding sausages Decree atelier temperature for meat with probe Selected alder wood chips for smoking Buy pork casings 32/34 mm Buy protein casing for sausage 45 mm Attachment for a meat grinder with a seat ring 5.8 cm Buy lamb casings 20/22 mm for sausages

No feast is complete without a classic appetizer - a meat plate, which certainly includes some tasty sausage.

Homemade dry-cured sausage will occupy a venerable space among your favorite snacks.

This recipe belongs to Belarusian cuisine, where virtually every housewife understands how to prepare dry-cured sausage from pork.

There are a huge number of variations of this sausage at home, but the manufacturing principle is the same.

  • pork neck – 3 kg
  • garlic - 4 heads
  • reddish hot and dark ground pepper - to taste
  • marjoram – 10 g
  • alcohol (96%) - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 90 g
  • narrow pork intestine – 150 g

A very tasty dried sausage comes out if you add intercostal fat to the meat in a ratio of 1:4 to the meat.

The alcohol in the recipe can be replaced with cognac for a wonderful color and special smell.

Dried pork sausage recipe

1. Slice the meat for the sausage jerky. This can be created using 2 methods. Twist in a meat grinder with a large net or chop with a knife into pieces measuring 1x1 centimeter.

In the traditional recipe, dry-cured sausage is made specifically from trimmed meat, rather than minced meat. In order to chop the meat into approximately similar pieces, we first cut it into similar strips, and then chop it crosswise with a huge knife.

2. Put a small mesh on the meat grinder and pass through the previously peeled garlic.

3. Add it to the chopped meat, add salt at the rate of 28-30 g per 1 kg of meat.

This proportion must be strictly maintained; otherwise, the sausage may deteriorate during drying.

4. Pepper the minced meat to taste, stir and leave it in a bowl on the table for 5 hours, covering the top so that the meat does not dry out or darken.

While the minced meat is infused, it is necessary to stir it from time to time so that the salt and spices are moderately absorbed.

5. After curing the meat, add marjoram and alcohol to it (to preserve the reddish color and preservation), stir again.

6. Remove the mesh from the meat grinder, and put a sausage attachment on its space and secure it with a ring.

7. Wash the intestine under the tap, running water through it. Check that there are no holes, cut into pieces approximately 50 cm long.

8. Place such a piece on the nozzle and tie it at the end with thread.

9. Pass the minced meat through a meat grinder, evenly removing the intestine from the tube as it is filled.

When stuffing the sausage, hold it with your hand, adjusting the density and uniformity of the inside so that it does not burst. When the intestine is moderately full, tie the second end with a thread. Form all the sausages in this way.

10. Pierce the finished sausages with a needle in several places to let the air out.

11. Soak a bandage in a salt solution (3 teaspoons of salt per glass of water), wrap it around the sausage and hang it to dry.

The place for drying sausages should have access to the freshest air, but there should not be drafts. The temperature should be around +10…+15 degrees. If possible, the room should be bright.

12. After 2-3 days, when the sausage is slightly dry, remove it and slightly roll it out with a rolling pin, giving it a flattened appearance. Then hang it out to dry again, but without the bandage.

13. After 2 weeks, remove the sausages and put them in the refrigerator, they are ready to eat.

14. Try cutting the sausage; if it is not completely dry in the middle, let it rest in the refrigerator in the fresh meat compartment at a temperature of +2 degrees for about another week.

Ready-made dried pork sausage is served both at a formal table and just for breakfast.

Homemade sausage cuts go well with both wine and beer.

Thinly slice the sausage and serve.

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