The best coffee liqueurs

The best coffee liqueurs

The cult of “coffee” is not weakening, but only becoming stronger. What this is connected with is unclear, but maybe the point is that we increasingly need to feel the invigorating surge of strength that comes from just one smell. How often in our age we desire something “the same as always, but new.” In that case, it's time to get a new habit.

How could this be possible?

Working people's mornings most often begin with coffee, so let's end it with coffee! In the evening after dinner, a glass of coffee liqueur should bring maximum pleasure to all coffee lovers. It's hard to imagine a better way to end the day. And, yes, this is not only possible, but also useful. It is believed that this liqueur contains a huge amount of vitamins, and therefore a small amount of liqueur per day will only improve health (at least, it will not harm).

The best liqueurs

If you are going to drink coffee liqueur, then take the real, tasty and tested version, and therefore we will tell you about the most popular brands.

Sheridan's – We rightfully put this liqueur, made on the basis of Irish whiskey, at the top. After all, not enough people don’t understand this famous bottle, which contains two liqueurs at once - cream and coffee (they complement each other perfectly). The fact that this drink has been chosen and preferred for many years speaks for itself.

Kahlua is a Mexican coffee liqueur that is considered the best in almost all countries! Its composition is worthy of special attention - the best coffee beans are used - Arabica, as well as the best quality Mexican rum.

Bols – Dutch brand of liqueurs in various flavors. The brand stands firmly on its feet and has a long history! So, when buying coffee liqueur of this brand for us, you literally don’t have to worry that you will get a worthwhile product. But, if we associate it with the previous 2 nominees, this one will perform better in cocktails than in solos.

Bomb coffee dessert

We take freshly brewed coffee, fill ice trays with it and put it in the freezer. After the coffee has turned into ice, mix it in a blender with coffee liqueur (you can add creamy liqueur), milk and ice cream (cream, chocolate or coffee).

Other articles from the “Liquor Guide” section

Surely, there is no person who does not understand about this liqueur. This is the base of almost all favorite cocktails and is a pleasant drink in itself. This liqueur is Italian, bitter-sweet with the smell of marzipan.

Liqueur is usually associated with something pleasant, creamy, coffee or fruity (later, however, bitters come to mind). But there are liqueurs that, as it seems to us, will not give you pleasure, well, or will at least cause surprise.

For almost everyone, this balm is a throwback to the times of the USSR (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia) , when not a single cup of evening tea was complete without Riga balsam. To this day, for almost all grandmothers, a sideboard has no meaning or special significance if it does not contain a spare bottle of Riga Balsam. For any disease or ailment (especially spiritual ones) - the Riga balm is the best remedy.

DIY coffee liqueur

Coffee is one of the most favorite drinks in the world. It is logical that alcohol products also arose on its basis. Coffee liqueur is a drink with a strength of up to 20 degrees and has a rich brown color. It can be used both in pure form and as part of various cocktails. The most popular of them are: B-52, dark Russian and snow-white Russian. It was thanks to them that the liqueur became widespread.

These cocktails contain a common Mexican drink called Kahlua. But there are a huge number of other options for coffee liqueur. Typically it includes: coffee, alcohol, sugar and spices. Other ingredients vary depending on the recipe. Thanks to such abundance, anyone will be able to select and prepare liqueur to their own taste.

Tips before the start

The most basic issue and subject of heated debate is the choice of coffee for making liqueur. Most people prefer natural Arabica beans. It has a soft, but at the same time quite rich taste with light sourness and nutty notes. But as a contrast and to simplify the recipe, instant coffee is also used. This liqueur will be the cheapest, but not as fragrant. Although this shortcoming is simply compensated for by adding various spices.

Coffee liqueur can be prepared at home using various alcohols. The most common option is vodka or alcohol. In the 2nd case, it is best to use grain raw materials diluted with water to 40 degrees. Another option for an alcoholic base is cognac. It has the richest bouquet, so the liqueur will be rich, with a long aftertaste. Rum is considered a good option for making. It mixes well with coffee and complements it. When choosing an alcohol base, you can save money, but doing this with coffee is strictly prohibited.

It is quite common to find natural vanilla or vanilla extract among the ingredients in recipes. It is not always possible to purchase this spice in a nearby store. A good substitute for it would be vanilla sugar. It is constantly on the same hypermarket shelf with confectionery products and is cheap. 5 ml of extract are replaced with 15 grams of vanilla sugar.

Homemade coffee liqueur allows for experiments in production. You can change the sugar or spice content up or down according to your taste. In addition, the composition often includes milk, cream or condensed milk. In any case, you will get a new, unique drink that has its own personality. Therefore, you can safely turn on your imagination and create.

Basic recipe with the introduction of instant coffee

Creating coffee liqueur from a soluble base is much easier and faster than from beans, because all the ingredients are ready for production. We will need:

  • Instant coffee – 20 – 25 g (approximately 10 teaspoons);
  • Any alcohol of your choice – 1 liter;
  • Water – 700 ml;
  • Cane sugar (crumbled) – 700 g;
  • Vanilla extract – 30 ml;
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In a small saucepan, mix sugar and coffee and add water. The solution is brought to a boil over low heat, after which the burner temperature is reduced to a low level and the drink is brought to readiness within 1 hour. The resulting coffee syrup should be cooled and covered with cling film to prevent dust and dirt. In this state, the mixture is infused for about 12 hours.

After the time has passed, the remaining ingredients are added to the drink and thoroughly mixed. After that, the alcohol can be poured into prepared storage containers and stored in the refrigerator. The coffee liqueur will be completely ready in 3 days. The lifespan of this product is from 2 to 3 months, after which it will lose its taste and deteriorate. Therefore, you should not prepare it in large quantities.

Basic recipe using ground coffee

To prepare coffee liqueur according to this recipe, you need to choose dark roasted beans. If there is none, then it can be replaced with any other one. Natural coffee will already give a rather distinctive taste and smell. For production you will need:

  • Ground coffee – 25 g (approximately 10 – 12 teaspoons);
  • Rum or vodka – 1 liter;
  • Water – 800 ml;
  • Cane sugar – 700 gr;
  • Vanilla extract – 30 ml.

The composition of this recipe, as well as the development of production, are practically no different from the previous one. In this case, you will only need to prepare the coffee in advance. It is filled with water and cooked over low heat until cooked. After this, the coffee is filtered from the solid sediment and cooled.

The rest of the recipe is completely no different from the previous one. You need to brew coffee syrup, infuse it and mix it with the remaining ingredients. The liqueur will be ready after three days of aging in a cool place.

Liqueur a la Kahlua

Before creating Kahlua liqueur, you need to pay attention that this drink is quite sweet. It is not suitable for consumption in its pure form, but it mixes perfectly with cocktails. Therefore, there is no need to prepare it in huge quantities. For the recipe you will need:

  • Instant coffee – 230 ml;
  • Light rum – 350 ml;
  • Water – 250 ml;
  • Cane sugar – 180 – 200 g;
  • Snow white sugar – 120 gr;
  • Vanilla – 1 gr.

You need to make syrup from two types of sugar and bring it to a boil. After that the gas is reduced and coffee is added to the mixture. It is cooked over low heat until completely dissolved. The purchased syrup is cooled and mixed with the remaining ingredients. The mixture is tightly sealed and infused for 1 month in the refrigerator. The finished liqueur must be filtered from sediment and bottled for future storage.

Espresso liqueur

The recipe for coffee liqueur called espresso contains coffee of the same name. To make it you will need a coffee machine or Turkish coffee machine. The liqueur contains:

  • Espresso – 250 ml;
  • Rum – 500 ml;
  • Sweet sand – 500 gr;
  • Vanilla extract – 15 – 20 ml.

A syrup is prepared from coffee and sugar, cooled and combined with the rest of the ingredients. The purchased mixture is infused first at room temperature for 1 week, and then in the refrigerator for another 2 weeks.

Spicy coffee-chocolate liqueur

A very tasty liqueur comes out with the addition of chocolate and a huge amount of spices. For production you will need:

  • Instant coffee – 15 g;
  • Rum – 500 ml;
  • Bitter chocolate – 50 g;
  • Sweet sand – 250 gr;
  • Water – 250 ml;
  • Cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • Vanilla – 1 small pod;
  • Star anise – 1 star;
  • Allspice – a pinch.

Coffee is mixed with sugar and water and syrup is boiled. At this time, chocolate is heated in a water bath. Once it becomes watery, it is mixed with cooled syrup, alcohol and spices in a separate container. The purchased mixture is infused in a warm place for a week. After time, the drink is filtered, bottled and kept in the refrigerator for 2 weeks before drinking.

Coffee liqueur with condensed milk

  • Ground coffee – 6 g;
  • Rum – 400 ml;
  • Water – 300 ml;
  • Condensed milk – 200 ml;
  • Sweet sand – 100 g;
  • Vanilla extract – 10 gr.

A syrup is made from a third of water, sugar and vanilla extract. The rest of the water is boiled with coffee and filtered. Both cooled waters are mixed with alcohol and infused in a warm place for 24 hours. After this, condensed milk is mixed into the liqueur until a homogeneous substance is formed. Before drinking, the drink is kept in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Express coffee liqueur

This coffee-flavored liqueur recipe is the quickest and easiest to make. We will need:

  • Ground coffee – 10 g;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Sweet sand – 200 gr;
  • Vodka – 1 liter.

Coffee is mixed with water and boiled until a very strong drink is obtained, after which it is filtered. After this, it is placed in a water bath and mixed with sugar until smooth. The purchased mixture is combined with vodka and cooled. After this, the drink is ready to drink, but to fully develop its taste, it needs to be kept in the refrigerator for about a week.

Alcohol-based coffee liqueur

  • Water – 1 liter;
  • Ground coffee – 100 g;
  • Sweet sand – 1 kilogram;
  • Vanilla – 1 stick;
  • Alcohol (96%) – 0.5 liters.

The alcohol is infused with vanilla for a week. When it is ready, brew coffee in 250 milliliters of water and filter. Create a syrup from the rest of the water and sugar. Mix all three resulting waters, mix and, taking out the vanilla, shake thoroughly and filter. Before drinking, the liqueur must be kept cool for 3 months. In the absence of alcohol, the drink can be prepared with vodka. It will be the least strong, but the softest.

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Coffee liqueur with cognac

  • Coffee – 50 g;
  • Water – 0.7 liters;
  • Sugar – 500 gr;
  • Cognac – 600 ml;
  • Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon.

Brew strong coffee from half the water and leave for 1 day; use the rest to make sweet syrup. Mix strained coffee, syrup, lemon juice and cognac. Leave in the refrigerator for 2 weeks before use.

Coffee liqueur has a huge number of interpretations. Get acquainted with the recipes, study the videos and choose the drink that suits your taste the most.

Coffee liqueur at home: 5 common recipes

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Subtle connoisseurs of the drink say that liqueur is a philosophy and a lifestyle. Winter evening, best friends in a slow conversation by a crackling fireplace, candles and a low, pot-bellied bottle of viscous, fragrant liqueur. Definitely coffee and only homemade. Every sip gives you indescribable pleasure. A unique clove-vanilla or citrus wave gives way to a generous coffee velvet with a slightly perceptible, sweetish, milky-creamy trail and, in the end, ends with the pleasant warmth of the alcohol base spreading throughout the body. Do you think it’s impossible to make a drink of this quality at home? Prepare coffee liqueur according to at least one of our recipes, and you will see that it works.

Tips before production

All homemade liqueurs, to a greater or lesser extent, are imitation of unique products made by famous alcohol producers. It is naturally difficult to argue with giants in achieving the impeccable taste of a drink, but it is all the more exciting. As practice shows, with some effort, a liqueur prepared with your own hands simply competes with its eminent relatives.

Do you want the output to be something really worthwhile? To get started, take note of a few important tips:

  1. For the production of coffee extract, the most suitable Arabica beans are medium roasted, coarse or medium grind, brewed using a cool method. Compliance with the above technology will allow you to reveal even the most subtle colors of coffee, which will naturally be reflected in the liqueur.
  2. Vanillin is an essential ingredient in all recipes. In order not to spoil the taste of the liqueur with “chemicals”, it is better to avoid cheap powdered vanillin. Opt for vanilla extract or natural vanilla bean. In the latter case, use vanilla sugar.
  3. First make your own liqueur, make it strictly according to the recipe. This will help to “capture” the essence of the process. Later, you can experiment with coffee strength, spices and sugar. Maybe even do something new, your own.

In some recipes, instead of natural coffee, instant coffee is indicated. Of course, the sublimate will never change, and certainly not overshadow the taste of the natural product, but coffee liqueur is, after all, the imagination of its creator. Try it!

Now let's get down to business.

Traditional coffee liqueur

The liqueur takes almost three weeks to prepare. Be patient and don’t rush to taste it ahead of time. The longer the drink infuses, the tastier it will be.

Another small, but very important, digression before describing the recipe. Developing the production of traditional coffee liqueur involves infusing the alcohol base not with coffee extract, as in most recipes, but with ground beans. Make the grind a little finer than average, but not completely dusty. It is often called “small sand” in recipes because of its external similarity to grains of sand. Small particles of ground coffee will better release the compounds they contain, which form the taste and smell of the liqueur.


In a suitable container, mix 200 g of natural ground coffee with a pinch of vanilla sugar, pour in a liter of vodka (the liqueur for this recipe is also made with moonshine). Mix well, then tightly close the container with a lid and leave for 7 days in a warm, dark place. Shake the liquid well once a day. By the end of the period, the alcohol base should turn into the appropriate coffee-brown color.

After a week, strain the liquid through a fine strainer or several layers of gauze to completely get rid of coffee grains.

Prepare other ingredients:

  • regular store-bought milk - 2 huge glasses;
  • sugar – 1.8 kg (you can experiment with the sweetness of the drink);
  • water - 1 large glass (aimed at obtaining a drink strength of 18-20%).

Add sugar to water and milk, stir until completely dissolved. Slowly, stirring constantly, pour the resulting mixture into the alcoholic part of the liqueur.

Pour into a huge jar, seal it tightly, put it in a black space at room temperature, and “forget” about it for 10-12 days.

Filter the finished liqueur through cotton pads, pour into bottles, and cap tightly. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months.

Homemade Kahlua

The imitation is very close to the unique Mexican coffee liqueur, both in taste and in the production method.

Pour 100-120 g of natural ground coffee (hard grind is more suitable for this recipe) with 750 ml of filtered water, close the container and leave to infuse for 13-18 hours.

Strain thoroughly. Please note that after filtering, the water size is less than the initial one. To maintain the same proportions (750 ml), a little water should be added to the coffee extract. Add 600 g of cane sugar, if possible. Stir until completely dissolved.

Carefully pour 1 liter of rum into the resulting coffee syrup (vodka will do, you can experiment with brandy) and 8 teaspoons of vanilla extract (you can replace it with 2 peeled and cut lengthwise, 10 cm pods). Close the container tightly. The period of infusion of the liqueur depends on the form in which you will use vanillin. If in an extract, it is enough to withstand 3-5 days; if in pods, from 3 days to 2 weeks, with repeated sampling.

During infusion, the liqueur should be lightly shaken once a day.

Strain the finished liqueur through cotton pads, pour into bottles, cap tightly and leave to “rest” for another 2 weeks.

The shelf life of homemade Kahlua coffee liqueur is up to 1 year, but it is better to consume within 3-4 months, until the specific coffee-vanilla bouquet fades away.

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Liqueur with condensed milk

You can turn to the recipe for this liqueur if you don’t have the time or desire to wait several weeks for the drink to “ripen”. This one is prepared in almost 3 days, and its taste is not inferior to the most unique desserts.

Brew strong coffee in the proportion of 100 ml water, 2 tbsp. spoons of good natural ground coffee. Leave to cool.

Pour 100 g of sugar, a pinch of vanillin into a small saucepan, and pour in a huge glass of water. Boil over low heat for 1-2 minutes. Afterwards, cool to normal room temperature.

Combine brewed coffee and syrup and pour into a huge jar prepared in advance. Add 2 pcs there. cloves, on the edge of a cinnamon knife, 1 pc. star anise. Pour in 300 ml of vodka or skate.

Close the jar tightly and leave it in a warm, dark place for a day.

Filter through cotton pads.

Add 200 g of condensed milk, mix well, cover and leave for another day. Coffee liqueur with condensed milk is ready. Now it can be bottled.

The shelf life of the liqueur is 3 months (store in the refrigerator). Strength, about 12-14%.

Creamy coffee liqueur

If the expression “quickly” is applicable to the creation of liqueur, then this is about it. Prepare this creamy coffee at home - coffee magic will happen in just a few minutes.

Mix half a teaspoon of vanilla and 50 g of coffee sugar with 20 g of natural ground coffee.

Bring to a boil over low heat and immediately skim off the cream and pour it over the prepared coffee-sweet mixture, leave under the lid until it cools completely.

Filter, combine the resulting syrup and alcohol base (this recipe contains 400 mg of whiskey, but variations are possible).

Coffee liqueur with a soft, creamy taste is ready to drink.

Coffee-orange liqueur

Carefully wash and dry 2 medium-sized oranges. Make 12 small cuts in each skin and carefully place them in the coffee beans.

Place the “stuffed” oranges in a jar, pour 500 g of sugar and a pinch of vanilla on top. Pour 1 liter of alcohol base (vodka 40% is suitable).

Close the jar hermetically. Infuse the liquid for at least 40 days. To make the sugar dissolve faster, shake the jar once a day.

After the specified period has passed, remove the oranges and squeeze them back into the liqueur. Strain through several layers of gauze.

Adjust the sweetness of the drink with sweet syrup and let it rest for another 3-5 days.

Coffee liqueur with cool, fresh citrus notes is ready. No one will believe that you prepared this indescribably delicious drink without the help of others.

The first mentions of coffee liqueurs are found in ancient Egyptian texts. During the time of alchemists in the Middle Ages, the drink was endowed with magical qualities and was often used in various potions and witchcraft potions. Liqueurs are still popular at the moment, and you see, they are completely easy to prepare. Treat yourself and your loved ones to the magical taste of a homemade delicacy.

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The best recipes for homemade coffee liqueur

In this article, we will look at how to create homemade coffee liqueur using two proven recipes: with regular milk and condensed milk. Vodka, cheap but natural cognac (light tannic notes will appear), ethyl alcohol diluted with water to 40-45%, or any moonshine without aroma are suitable as an alcohol base. Manufacturing development is relatively simple and does not take much time.

Traditional coffee liqueur


  • insoluble ground coffee – 200 g;
  • fresh milk (preferably low fat) – 2 cups;
  • vodka (diluted alcohol, cognac) – 1 liter;
  • sugar – 1.8 kg;
  • water – 1 glass;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 pinch.

To make coffee liqueur, I advise you to use freshly ground, slightly roasted coffee (Arabica is perfect).


1. Pour alcohol (vodka) into the coffee and vanilla, close the lid tightly, leave for 7 days in a warm, dark place, shaking once a day. During this period of time, the alcohol will acquire a corresponding brown color.

2. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth or a fine strainer to get rid of sediment.

3. Add sugar, milk and water. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

4. Close the jar hermetically and place it in a cold, black space for 10-12 days. Shake once every 1-2 days.

5. Filter the finished homemade coffee liqueur first through cheesecloth, then through several layers of cotton wool.

6. Pour the drink into bottles and cap tightly. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months, because it contains milk. Strength – 18-20%.

Coffee liqueur with condensed milk

A drink of fascinating color with an inimitable aroma and rich creamy taste. A significant advantage of the recipe is its fast preparation. The liqueur will be ready in 3 days.


  • insoluble ground coffee - 4 teaspoons;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • condensed milk – 200 gr;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • vanillin – 1 g;
  • vodka (cognac) – 300 ml;
  • cloves - 2 jokes;
  • cinnamon – 1 pinch;
  • star anise - 1 piece.


1. Brew coffee in 100 ml of water.

2. Add sugar, vanillin and remaining water (200 ml) to a separate pan. Bring the mixture to a boil, simmer over low heat for 1-2 minutes, then remove from heat and cool to room temperature.

3. Mix spices, brewed cool coffee, sweet syrup and vodka in a jar or glass bottle for infusion. Close the lid tightly and leave for a day in a dark, warm place.

4. Filter through cheesecloth.

5. Add condensed milk, stir or beat until smooth, close and place in a dark, cold space for a day. Liqueur with coffee and condensed milk is ready. Shelf life: up to 3 months in the refrigerator. Strength - 12-14 degrees.

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