Pizza with salami

Pizza with salami

I have not found the traditional version of the recipe for pizza “diabola”; even among the Italian classics there is no agreement. Everyone agrees on one thing - pizza with diabola salami must be made with yeast dough, with mozzarella, tomatoes, pepperoni or salami, and the best olive oil. As for the rest, as they told me sentitevi liberi, which apparently means “don’t be shy.”

They say that the prototype of pizza was still among the old Greeks and was called “πλακουντος” - placenta, thin baked bread. Fragrant herbs, olives, onions and garlic in combination with olive oil were laid out on such bread. In the modern world, the composition of pizza is usually much more complex.

For example, a pizza with sausage and cheese usually contains up to 10 ingredients in addition to the sausage. And the sausage itself may actually not matter what it is. Sausages in the inside of a pizza are, perhaps, a field for the culinary imagination and can be used as desired and according to the situation. Smoked sausage is simply replaced with boiled sausage or chicken - pizza with smoked chicken, or fried chicken.

The Greeks believed that the Gods of Olympus sent bread to people. And bread was often dedicated to the Gods. Ancient warriors baked thin bread on their own shields, abundantly decorating it with various available delicacies. The Romans, famous lovers of eating abundantly and deliciously, as well as combining various products, even in ancient times, returning from one of their countless campaigns of conquest, brought from Palestine a dish called “pisea”. Picea is unleavened bread with vegetables, herbs and seasonings laid out on it.

But in Italy there is a different worldview. The old Roman (Italian) bread flatbread "focaccia" - focaccia or focaccia with cheese, very similar to pizza, farmer's food. Literally translated as flatbread.

And only a couple of centuries ago, Neapolitan masters began to prepare food for the poor - pizza. This is usually a flatbread of dough, sprinkled with oregano and basil, with tomatoes, olive oil, and the main food products of the local market - fish, meat, vegetables, etc. You need to realize that pizza with salami, like no matter what homemade pizza , is almost entirely determined by the characteristics of the local market and, not least, the season.

Ingredients for pizza with salami

  • Pizza dough 400 g
  • Salami 100 g
  • Hot pepper 1-2 pcs
  • Greenish basil 4-5 sprigs
  • Cherry tomatoes 6-8 pcs
  • Dark olives 8-10 pcs
  • Parmesan 2 tbsp. l.
  • Mozzarella 100 g
  • Tomato sauce 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil, oregano to taste

How to make pizza with salami

  1. Pizza with salami, like any other pizza, begins with the most basic part - making the pizza dough. Yeast pizza dough is easy to prepare, just follow the proportions and take your time. After the dough has risen, simply knead it and stretch it on the pizza pan. If you want your pizza with salami to have a thin and crispy dough, you can add the filling right away. You can cover the dough on the form with a napkin and let it sit for half an hour, then the dough will become soft and fluffy.

Prepare the pizza dough and place it on the pan

Ingredients for the pizza interior

Brush the dough with tomato sauce

Arrange basil, salami and sprinkle with oregano

Arrange cherry tomato halves and olives

Arrange hot pepper strips and sprinkle with Parmesan

Bake the pizza until done, garnish with basil and cut into pieces

Pizza with salami - delicious pizza with a special taste

Watch my video on how to make pizza dough

Pizza Dough Easy and guaranteed to make delicious pizza dough

Pizza with salami, olives, olives and cheese

Homemade pizza may be no less tasty and delicious than in a pizzeria. Plus, you literally understand that the ingredients are fresh and high quality, and such a treat for the whole family costs much less on your wallet. We will prepare the pizza dough according to a very common, but time-tested and time-tested recipe by a huge number of housewives. And for the inside we use olive salami, olives and two types of cheese.

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Products (for 6 servings)
For the dough (for 3 pizzas with a diameter of 40-45 cm):
Flour – 450 g + for working with dough
Fresh yeast – 20 g
or dry yeast – 10 g
Water – 250 ml
Sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons
Salt – 1 teaspoon
Olive oil – 3-4 tbsp. spoons
For the inside:
Salami – 100 g
Fresh basil – 2-3 sprigs
Parmesan cheese (or any hard cheese) – 50 g
Mozzarella cheese – 50 g
Tomato – 1 pc. (150 g)
Olives (pitted) – 8-10 pcs.
Olives (pitted) – 8-10 pcs.
Sweet pepper – 1 pc. (100 g)
Cherry tomatoes – 8-10 pcs. (100 g)
Tomato sauce – 6 tbsp. spoons (150 g)
Dried oregano – 1 teaspoon
Vegetable oil – for preparing molds

Prepare all ingredients for the dough. This is perhaps the most recognizable recipe on the internet; the dough comes out all the time!

Heat the water slightly in the microwave or using another comfortable method (up to 30-35 degrees), add sugar to it and dissolve (dissolve) the yeast.
If you are using dry yeast, add it to the dough along with the flour.

Gradually add sifted wheat flour (450 g = 3.5 cups of 200 ml each), and begin kneading the dough with a whisk.

After half the flour has been added, add salt and olive oil to the dough and stir.

Add the remaining flour to the dough and place the resulting unkneaded lump of dough on a flat table surface dusted with flour.

Using floured hands, knead the dough well on the counter.
(I press down the dough and turn it over, and so on again and again. The dough kneads perfectly if you have done this about 200 times.) Naturally, you can use a food processor or bread maker for kneading.

Place the finished soft dough ball in a bowl, cover with cling film and place in a warm space to mature for 1.5 hours. During this period of time, I kneaded the dough (kneaded it with my hand, releasing air) three times.

The finished dough does not have a pronounced yeast aroma, it is soft and flexible.
We divide the bun into three parts of 250-260 g each, because we will have three round pizzas with a diameter of 40-45 cm.

Grease the mold or baking sheet with vegetable oil and, using your hands, stretch the ball of dough over the surface into a round layer 40-45 cm in diameter and approximately 0.5-0.8 cm wide. The
remaining dough can be tightly wrapped in cling film and sent to the freezer for storage.
The dough can be stored for several weeks. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.

Now prepare everything for the inside.
Thinly slice the salami into slices.
Wash and dry vegetables and herbs.
Drain the marinade from the olives.
For the sauce, I used tomatoes cut into pieces and stewed in a frying pan with salt, pepper and dry oregano.

Spread tomato sauce over the surface of the dough.
To prevent the inside from sliding off a piece of pizza when cutting, grate mozzarella onto the sauce.

Cut a large tomato into thin slices.
Cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Peel the sweet pepper from seeds and cut into strips.
Place salami and tomato slices on cheese.

Spread olives, olives and cherry tomato halves over the surface of the pizza.
Finely chop the basil and place on the sausage and vegetables.

Place strips of sweet pepper on top.
Grate Parmesan (or any hard cheese) on a small grater and sprinkle over the filling.

Bake pizza with salami, olives, olives and cheese in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 6-7 minutes. The cheese will melt, the edges of the dough will brown, and the vegetables will bake and become soft.

Transfer the pizza from the pan to a wire rack or cutting board and let it cool slightly.
If you leave the pizza in the pan, the dough will become soggy. The freshest basil will decorate the finished pizza and give it an Italian taste and pleasant smell.

Read also:  Brown rice

Cut the pizza into segments with a knife and serve.

Pizza with salami is delicious, easy and kids really like it! These are the prerequisites for preparing it, don’t you think?)

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Pizza with salami

Pizza with salami

To make a good pizza, you need to follow several rules. The main thing is a savory base. It must be narrow. It is not allowed to overload the pizza with the inside, making the filling high. And one more tip - prepare the dough not for one (for one pizza you will need from 300 to 400 grams of dough), but for 2, 3 or 4 servings at once, divide into bags and put in the freezer. And when you have the desire to amuse yourself and your loved ones with pizza, take out the dough, defrost it and put the filling to taste on the dough, put it in the oven for 15 minutes and enjoy! I prepared the filling with salami, tomatoes and cheese! The narrow base of the pizza and the delicious interior will not leave anyone indifferent.


Manufacturing stages

To make the dough we need flour, salt, water, olive oil and yeast.

Combine warm (but not hot) water with olive oil and place it in the bread maker bucket.

Then add flour, salt and yeast. Turn on the yeast dough kneading mode (in my bread machine the dough is kneaded in 1 hour 50 minutes).

Place the dough from the bread machine into a fermentation container. Cover the top with a plastic bag.

When the dough has doubled in size, it is ready. Punch it down and place it on the work surface.

For those who don’t have a bread machine, I’ll write how to make the dough by hand.

Sift flour into a deep bowl, sprinkle with salt and sprinkle dry yeast on top. Make a depression in the center. Pour warm (not hot) water mixed with olive oil into the well. Insert the spoon into the recess and begin to move the spoon in a circle, combining the flour with water. The flour from the edges will evenly combine with water. You will end up with a sloppy lump of dough. Lightly knead it in a bowl, then put it on the table and start kneading vigorously. Try to add not enough flour. The dough should be very soft and tender. My grandmother said that yeast dough should be like an earlobe - tender and soft. Grease the container in which the dough will ferment with vegetable oil and transfer the dough into it. It should be larger in size, taking into account that the dough will increase by 2 or 2.5 times. Cover the top with cling film. Place in a warm space. I put it in the locker. After about an hour - an hour and 10 minutes, the dough will double in volume. Place it on the table, knead it (let the air out of it).

Grease a baking tray with oil.

It is better to stretch the finished dough with your hands according to the shape of the baking sheet. The thickness is no more than 0.5 cm. Leave the dough for 15-20 minutes so that it grows a little.

Dilute tomato paste with water (1 to 1). Grease the dough with diluted tomato paste.

Grate the cheese on a large grater. Sprinkle pizza with tomato paste and half the cheese. Set aside the second half of the cheese.

Place sausage slices on the cheese.

Place slices of mushrooms and pieces of pepper between the sausage circles.

Place tomato halves between the mushrooms. Sprinkle with pizza spices and the other half of the cheese. You can lightly sprinkle oregano instead of spices.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Bake the pizza with salami for 15 minutes. Be guided by your own oven. For my friends, at 220 degrees it bakes in 10 minutes.

Cut it into pieces and treat your family and friends with an appetizing, savory pizza with salami.

Bon appetit!

Pizza with salami and cheese

Delicious pizza with a fragrant interior for everyone! Pizza is a consistently successful choice. A tasty and satisfying dish for the whole family or a group of friends. And you can always experiment with the choice of interior. Help yourself!

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Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 6 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml


Composition weight: 100 gr
251 kcal
Belkov: 10 g
Zhirov: 12 g
Carbohydrates: 27 g
Used: 20 / 25 / 55
H 4 / C 0 / B 96

Production time: 2 hours

Step-by-step production

Step 1:

To make pizza, prepare all the necessary ingredients. Sift premium flour through a sieve to saturate it with oxygen. Thanks to this, the yeast dough will be more airy.

Step 2:

Heat the water until warm and dissolve the yeast in it. Why heat water? This is necessary so that the yeast starts working faster. If the water is very hot, the yeast will lose its activity. Test the water with your hand. If the water is comfortable and warm, then you can pour yeast into it. Stir everything well.

Step 3:

Then pour this liquid into the bowl in which you will prepare the pizza dough. Add salt, sugar and vegetable oil to the bowl.

Step 4:

Then add the sifted flour evenly and knead the dough. To knead, you can use a dough mixer or knead the dough by hand.

Step 5:

Depending on the quality of the flour, you may need a little more or less of it. Be guided by the mixture of the finished dough. It must be soft, tender and, in fact, not stick to your hands. Cover the finished dough with a towel and place in a warm space to rise. This will take 1-1.5 hours.

Step 6:

Divide the finished dough into 2 or 3 pizzas. Roll each piece into a circle and place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.

Step 7:

Spread the dough over the entire surface with tomato paste and spread the sliced ​​salami. It can be laid out in the form of circles or cut into strips.

Step 8:

Place thinly sliced ​​tomatoes in between the sausages.

Step 9:

Sprinkle the pizza generously with grated cheese on top. Place the prepared pizza in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. The inside of the pizza is ready, you only need to bake the dough. Now there will be enough to make it. Be guided by your own oven.

Step 10:

Remove the finished pizza from the oven and remove from the baking sheet.

Step 11:

Cut into pieces and help yourself. It's recklessly delicious when roasted. Bon appetit!

Be prepared for the fact that you may need more or less flour than indicated in the recipe. Focus not on the amount of flour, but on the desired thickness of the dough. Read a lot of useful information about flour and its properties in this article for us!

Keep in mind that everyone's oven is different. Temperature and cooking time may vary from those indicated in the recipe. To ensure that any baked dish turns out successful, use the useful information in this article for us!

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