How to fry flounder in a frying pan

How to fry flounder in a frying pan

  1. Individual manufacturing
  2. Individual selection of ingredients / Substitution of ingredients
  3. Vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature)
  4. Recipe video

Flounder is a luxurious large fish weighing 1.5-2 kg. If you come across one, you don’t need to write anything. Just fry it in a frying pan . In terms of preparation and frying, it is perhaps the least labor-intensive of all. And its taste cannot be confused with any other.

Production time: 20-25 minutes excluding defrosting time. It is best to defrost fish at room temperature or in the refrigerator in advance.

  • Flounder 1000 G.
  • Wheat flour 100 g.
  • Vegetable oil 120 g.
  • Salt

Individual manufacturing

When cleaning flounder, you don’t have to cut off the tail and fins, because some people love to crunch on them when fried.

There is also no need to remove scales and skin, although almost everyone strongly recommends doing so. It will be quite simple to scrape the fish with a knife. When fried, the scales will not be felt.

On the contrary, if the skin is removed before it is hot, the fish will burn. Well, to create this without damaging the delicate pulp is very difficult, in fact impossible. If desired, the skin can simply be separated with a fork from the already prepared flounder.

An undeniable advantage of the fish given to us is the absence of small bones. Apart from the ridge and fin bones, you won’t have to choose anything else.

To remove the specific smell, sprinkle the flounder with lemon juice and place one slice inside the belly. You can also throw a slice into a frying pan during frying so that there is no pronounced fish aroma in the kitchen.

Instead of lemon or in addition to it, as you wish, you can use lemon zest, which is added to the breading. For this purpose, the fish is sprinkled with chopped parsley and a few sprigs are also placed inside.

Dried rosemary covers the smell of fish. But not everyone is used to using the grass given to us. There is a method and the most common one is a lot of onions. Immediately with the flounder in a frying pan, you can fry the onion, cut into half rings, until golden brown.

When the fish is ready, place it on a dish and place fried onions on top. It will draw a pungent odor from the flounder and give off its own odors.

There is no need to add dark pepper. Flounder is a self-sufficient fish, and it has enough of its bitterness and other flavors.

Fry the fish in a frying pan on the back, and then turn it over to the side where the belly is located. This way the fish will lose less juice. Because the back is the most compacted, it takes longer to fry and holds water inside.

The flat fish cooks very quickly. It’s important not to miss a moment so as not to dry it out. In terms of time, production in the heat takes from 7 to 10 minutes, not more.

Individual selection of ingredients / Substitution of ingredients

It’s striking that flounder, halibut and sole are relatives. They belong to the same species. There are several varieties of flounder.

The most common types of flounder that appear on sale are white-bellied (with a light lower part) and spotted flounder - with corresponding specks on the back. There are Kamchatka, Far Eastern, Baltic, Murmansk, halibut flounder, etc.

When choosing, give preference to carcasses without heads. There is nothing edible in the head of a flounder, so there is no point in overpaying.

Pay attention to the integrity of the carcass, dents, stains, and damage to the skin. If the skin peels off the fish on its own, this means that the product has been frozen and thawed a couple of times, so there is no question of freshness in this case.

Flour or breadcrumbs are usually used as breading; this is a matter of taste. If the fish is compact, strong, and you are convinced of its quality, then you can fry portioned pieces without any breading.

Alternatively, you can try rolling the flounder in corn or rice flour. It would be appropriate to serve such fish even at a formal table if you roll it in crumbled corn flakes and fry it as usual.

This fried flounder recipe can be Mediterranean-style or Southeast Asian-inspired. In the first case, the fish is fried in olive oil and served with capers and olives. In the 2nd stage, the flounder must be marinated in soy sauce with the addition of lemon juice and ginger, and sprinkled with sesame seeds during frying.

An exotic option is to soak the flounder in a mixture of cream and pineapple or orange juice. Keep in this marinade for no more than 15 minutes. Because the acid contained in the juice can cause the fish to begin to fall apart even before production.

Flounder is very fond of oil. You will need a lot of it. It is necessary that the oil covers the fish by one third. If possible, fry the flounder using the consistency of butter and vegetable oil. It will acquire noteworthy flavor notes reminiscent of nuts.

You can serve potatoes as a side dish in any form: boiled, baked, fried. Fish usually goes with rice. Flounder mixes well with legumes: beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas. You can experiment with bulgur, corn grits, and couscous.

Almost all vegetables are mixed with flounder. We especially recommend baked pumpkin and zucchini. Tender, neutral-tasting zucchini will perfectly highlight the fishy taste and slightly smooth it out. Pumpkin will provide a sweetness that flounder lacks.

But flounder doesn’t go well with cheese. In the dish they will compete with tastes, in the end no one will be able to win, and a harmonious union will not work out.

Flounder is not inferior in taste and healthiness to chicken or beef. It is recommended for diet and is included in the diet of athletes, pregnant women, children and people engaged in heavy physical labor.

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Be sure to include it in your menu and enjoy the unusual, unique taste.

Flounder fried in a frying pan, cooking rules

Fried flounder is a classic from southern France. Even the famous Turbot is nothing more than a baked or fried version of flounder with potatoes and a special sauce. This fish is really very tasty. And it’s not difficult to cook flounder even in the most ordinary home kitchen. You only need to know certain aspects and a few small tricks.

Preparing flounder for frying in a pan

Cutting flounder is quite simple. Wash the fish and place it on a cutting board with the belly facing up (light side). After this, you need to separate the head from the carcass, and then remove the entrails. Now you can work on the tail and fins. It is better to cut them off with a sharp knife. The skin of the flounder should be carefully scraped with a knife, removing scales and spines.

In principle, the above procedures are already sufficient. Fish prepared using this method can be immediately fried. True, there is one aspect: the skin of flounder is quite... fragrant, and can somewhat spoil the taste of the finished dish. Therefore, it is better to remove the skin from the carcass before it gets hot. Removing the skin is relatively easy. To do this, you need to create a shallow cut in the lower part of the carcass, pick up the skin with the tip of a knife and pull it towards the head. After this procedure, the fish needs to be rinsed with cool water.

If for some reason you don’t want to remove the skin, you can remove the specific aroma from the fish by regular marinating. As a last resort, you can use a mixture of mustard (a teaspoon) and lemon juice (4 tablespoons). The indicated quantity of goods is enough to marinate 1 kg of fish. You need to keep the fish in the marinade in the refrigerator for about 2 hours.

If you don’t have such time, you can simply roll the pieces of flounder in a breading of flour and spices (turmeric, herbes de Provence, nutmeg, salt). This will also help remove excess odors. It is believed that breading in rice flour can remove the smell. But in an ordinary kitchen such a product is rarely found, and it makes no sense to take it for the sake of experience.

Frying flounder in a frying pan in flour

Like any other fish, the easiest way to fry flounder is by rolling it in flour. To do this, cut the cooked fish into portions, lightly add salt and pepper and leave for 20 minutes at room temperature. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, add a little salt and heat. Carefully roll any piece of flounder in flour and fry over medium heat for 7 minutes on each side. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid. That's all! The tasty, browned flounder is ready.

The fish will turn out tastier and more aromatic if you melt a little butter in a frying pan along with vegetable oil. The recipe could still be improved a little. To do this, while it is marinating, you need to cut the onion into half rings and fry it in hot oil. Then put the onion in a plate, and fry the flounder in the same oil. At the end of cooking, place the fried onions on the pieces of fish and simmer the ingredients together under the lid for a few more minutes.

Frying flounder in a frying pan completely

Frying flounder in a frying pan whole is as easy as frying it in pieces. Problems can arise only with the lack of a suitable sized frying pan. The fact is that flounder is not such a small fish. Its commercial sizes range from 20 to 25 cm. And there is nothing to say about large specimens. But if it is possible to fry the fish completely, then it is worth creating.

Experienced chefs do not recommend breading whole fish. It is usually fried in its natural form. The cooked flounder must be thoroughly washed, dried with napkins and sprinkled with salt and pepper. You can flavor the fish with other spices, for example: special seasoning or Provençal herbs. By the way, in this case it is better not to remove the skin.

Place the oil in a frying pan and fry for 10 minutes on each side over medium heat without a lid. Then turn the fish over again, reduce the heat to low and fry for another 5 minutes on each side.

It is best to serve fried flounder with mashed potatoes or other vegetables. In the latter case, rice can be used as a side dish. Although this rule applies not only to whole carcasses, but also to fish fried in separate pieces.

Frying flounder in a frying pan in batter

The fillet of the fish given to us is best served in a frying pan in batter. In general, not just fillet. Pieces of fish in batter also turn out indescribably tasty. In this form, the flounder becomes significantly more tender and, most importantly, juicier.

In principle, the usual mixture of flour with milk and eggs, flavored with spices and seasonings, can be used as a batter. But since we first talked about French cuisine, you can create the most interesting version of the batter - based on snow-white table wine or beer. It is done very simply.

Carefully crack a couple of eggs into a bowl and separate the whites from the yolks. To the extreme ones add half a glass of wine or light beer and a glass of flour. Mix the mixture thoroughly until smooth and leave to infuse for half an hour. Then add the whites whipped until foamy and mix again. The batter is ready. By the way, while the mixture is infusing in the refrigerator, the pieces of fish should be salted, peppered and also allowed to sit for a little while. Then everything is even simpler.

Place pieces of cooked flounder into the resulting mixture, turn so that they are coated with batter on all sides, and place in heated oil. Fry over medium heat for approximately 5-7 minutes on each side. A sign that the dish is ready will be the appearance of a pleasant golden crust.

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In this form, the fish is best served with vegetables, topped with a special sauce. Making the extreme one also won’t take much time. Mix crushed garlic (a couple of cloves) with a tablespoon of lemon juice and 100 ml of mayonnaise. A beautiful fish sauce is ready.

How to deliciously cook flounder in a frying pan

There are a lot of subtleties and aspects to making seafood, which depend on what kind of fish you want to feed your household. How to cook flounder deliciously in a frying pan so that the fillet turns out juicy and the fish itself is perfectly fried? Following the tips and advice of experienced chefs, which are collected below, even a novice cook can prepare a healthy and tasty flounder dish.

Preparing the fish

Frying flounder in a frying pan will always be successful if you properly prepare the fish for cooking. Where to start? By performing the following steps step by step, you will be 100% convinced of the excellent result, which will be surprisingly tasty, juicy and tender sea fish meat.

  1. To prevent fried flounder from becoming bitter, it must be properly cleaned. The black part of the carcass has a nasty bitter taste, so that it does not ruin the finished dish, we carefully remove the black film.
  2. Before preparing fresh or frozen fish, be sure to remove all the insides and cut off the fins and head.
  3. We clean the flounder from scales. This can be done quickly and efficiently if you move against the direction of growth and use a special knife to clean the fish.
  4. We remove the thorns from the carcass, which are usually small in size.
  5. After all manipulations, be sure to wash the fish under running water.

Preparing the fish

Making flounder in a frying pan involves a number of aspects. Eg:

  1. Before frying fish, you need to rub it with lime or lemon to remove the specific fishy smell.
  2. Dried lemongrass leaves can be added to vegetable oil for frying fish, which will give the finished dish a wonderful smell.
  3. When cutting fish, they try to cut it quite thinly, then carefully salt it.
  4. You can fry the flounder completely, but for this you choose small fish. Large fish are usually first cut into portioned pieces, then sent to the frying pan.
  5. If you plan to cook frozen fish rather than fresh fish, take the trouble to defrost it in advance on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Flounder fish fry quite quickly, so it is necessary to heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan before cooking and cook the fish over high heat.

Flounder in a frying pan

To make delicious flounder in a frying pan, the following ingredients will be useful:

  • Flounder - a carcass measuring about 0.5 kg;
  • Onion;
  • 4 tbsp. flour;
  • Salt and pepper;
  • Vegetable oil (refined) for frying.

Flounder in a frying pan


  1. Defrost the fish in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf or at room temperature. After that, rinse it well under running water and remove the insides. Remove black film.
  2. We remove the head, tail and all fins from the fish carcass.
  3. Wash the flounder again and dry it with a cardboard towel. Now you can cut it into portioned pieces, then rub them with salt and let them pickle for about half an hour.
  4. Roll the flounder pieces in flour. Chop the onion and also roll the flounder in it. Heat the frying pan over high heat.
  5. When the frying pan is perfectly hot, sprinkle its bottom with salt, then pour in vegetable oil. And only later we lay out the pieces of flounder, which we fry on each side for 7 minutes.

Place the fried fish pieces on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess oil. After the flounder with a side dish, the delicate taste of the fish is best complemented by boiled rice or potatoes in combination with a salad of fresh vegetables, served to the table.

Flounder in batter

Tender flounder meat in thick batter is a truly delicious dish for lunch or dinner with the family.

To prepare fish according to this recipe, the following ingredients will be useful:

  • 0.5-0.6 kg. flounder fillet;
  • 100 ml. water;
  • Testicle;
  • 0.5 tbsp. flour;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt and pepper.

Fish in batter turns out surprisingly tasty and tender, and the crispy crust is the main highlight of a dish prepared in this way. The batter turns out to be the most tender if you use sour cream or milk to knead it. The dough cooked in water comes out the crispiest.

Flounder in batter


  1. Break the egg into a container and beat with a fork to combine the yolk with the white.
    Add 100 ml of water to the egg, then add a pinch of salt to the resulting mixture and mix with a whisk.
  2. The next step is adding flour. We add it to the dough in several portions, stirring continuously. It is normal for the purchased batter mixture to be similar in structure to pancake batter.
  3. Cut the previously defrosted fish into portions, salt them and add pepper to taste.
  4. Take a frying pan and heat vegetable oil in it (about 150 ml). In this particular recipe, you should not reduce the amount of oil; this is its highlight and the key to the special fishy taste of the dish.
  5. Place the previously salted fish on a paper towel so that it absorbs the remaining water. Dip the flounder in the batter, piece by piece, then place it on the already heated oil and fry for 3 minutes on each side. The fish must acquire a wonderful golden brown crust and be perfectly cooked inside.
  6. Place the fried flounder on a paper towel so that it absorbs excess vegetable oil.

We serve the fried fish with a side dish of fresh vegetables and a lot of greens. Flounder in batter has a wonderful taste both hot and cold. During frying, the pieces of fish must be placed at a sufficient distance from each other so that the batter does not become one cake. Another trick is that it is more convenient to twist the fish if you use two forks or two spatulas at once.

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Flounder in sour cream in a frying pan

A surprisingly tasty and tender fish dish can be prepared in a frying pan.

The following ingredients will be useful for this:

  • 600 g flounder;
  • 2 pcs. onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 4 tbsp. sour cream;
  • Juice of half a lemon;
  • Pepper (mixture);
  • Salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Oil for frying.

Flounder in sour cream in a frying pan


  1. We begin preparing the dish by defrosting the fish. Then cut it into portions, squeeze out the juice of half a lemon, salt and pepper. Let marinate for about an hour.
  2. We use the time while the fish is marinating to its advantage and prepare the vegetables. Peel the onions and carrots, wash them, then cut them: the onions into half rings, and the carrots can be grated or cut into strips. First put the onion in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil, when it turns golden, add the carrots. Next, add sour cream and water to the vegetables; when the sauce boils, reduce the heat, add salt and pepper, and leave to simmer with the lid closed.
  3. Heat another frying pan. Fry pieces of flounder on each side on it. Add the sauce to the finished fish, put a bay leaf in a frying pan and simmer over moderate heat for about half an hour.
  4. Serve the finished fish to the table with the freshest herbs.

The fish with sauce comes out very tender, it melts in your mouth. The combination of flounder with a side dish of young potatoes or regular mashed potatoes will be especially tasty. The tasting will be made with a catchy salad of new vegetables.

Tips for making flounder in a frying pan

If you want to prepare a tasty and fragrant fish dish, then use the advice of experienced chefs:

Tips for making flounder in a frying pan

  • For breading tender fish fillets, it is better to use rice flour rather than wheat flour. This gives the dish a special signature taste and makes the dish even more healthy.
  • It is best to add spices to the breading; this will make the finished dish especially fragrant. It is not recommended to season the fish itself with seasonings. Nutmeg and ginger are best combined with the taste of flounder; thanks to turmeric, the breading mixture acquires a pleasant color; the finished fish in batter will also look especially appetizing.
  • Before frying, the flounder must be marinated. To do this, use lemon juice and mustard. For 500 g of fish fillet, only 2 tbsp is useful. lemon juice combined with ½ tsp. mustard.
  • Flounder fries very quickly. Therefore, you should not keep it in the frying pan for a very long time.
  • It is best to fry fish pieces over high heat. This is necessary so that the batter sets well and comes out with a crispy crust. Inside, the fish will remain juicy and tender.

Flounder should be served hot. The smell of freshly cooked fish will not leave anyone indifferent. With a side dish of boiled potatoes and fresh vegetables, this dish will be remembered forever.

Flounder dishes, Fried fish

Recipes for main courses → Fish dishes → Fried fish

Flounder dishes

The flounder is lightly marinated with lemon juice and then fried. Nothing superfluous, just the natural taste of fish and the slight smell of lemon - what could be simpler and better?

Fried flounder served with garlic chips and rosemary.

According to the rules of traditional French cuisine, the dish, whose title mentions Grenoble (a city in southeastern France), is served with a sauce of butter, capers, parsley and lemon slices. This is how this delicious fish called sole is served. (The recipes for making sole are the same as for making flounder.) Tender meat with the fewest bones distinguishes sole. Recipes for dishes from the fish given to us can be different, but fried sole in Grenoble is a particularly tasty dish.

Flounder in batter, in sweet and sour sauce, with special rice.

Pieces of fish are breaded and fried in oil until golden brown.

Beautiful kebabs of shrimp and cuttlefish, also fish: grilled flounder and dorado. What could be simpler? On summer days, seafood kebabs are just what you need! And the men are at work, and we don’t have to stand at the stove!

The flounder fillet is fried in a matter of minutes, and the sauce is prepared using butter with the addition of sorrel, snow-white wine and lemon juice.

Shall we fry fish for lunch? Now we have purchased glos - this is a small river flounder.

Fried flounder is served with orange, grapefruit and fried bacon; spinach is a great side dish.

Flounder fillet is baked under a special crust and served with fried tomatoes and homemade sauce.

Flounder fillet is fried in breading, and fried flounder is served with oven-baked tomatoes.

Fried flounder is served with a tasty and very common tarragon sauce.

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