Cherry jam for the winter - 5 regular recipes with and without seeds

Cherry jam for the winter - 5 regular recipes with and without seeds

Now we are making cherry jam. I offer 5 recipes that differ from each other in manufacturing technology. Cherry jam can be made with or without pits. You can add gelatin for thickness. And for an explosive taste, jam is made with chocolate. I think you will like these recipes and will keep them in your bookmarks.

It doesn’t matter what type of cherry is suitable for jam. The berries should be of medium ripeness, elastic and not putrefactive. So be sure to pick out the cherries.

Also, be sure to sterilize jars and lids and dry them beforehand. You can sterilize the jars over steam for 10-15 minutes, or in the oven. If you make this in the oven, then place the jars in a cool oven, turn on the heat to 150 degrees and after heating, keep them there for 15 minutes.

Cherry jam without seeds in half an hour

This is a fun recipe and quite frisky. There is no need to let the jam sit for several hours; it cooks right away. But the highlight of the manufacturing technology is that sugar is not added immediately, but evenly.


  • cherry – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg (5 glasses of 250 ml)

1. Rinse the cherries and remove pits. Place in a saucepan in which you will cook the jam. Place over medium heat and bring the berries to a boil. As they heat, they will release a lot of juice. Stir the cherries carefully so as not to crush them.

2.When the cherries boil, you need to add one glass of sugar. Stir gently, bring to a boil and cook for 2 minutes. Then add another glass of sugar, wait until it boils again and cook for 2 minutes. And do this 5 times.

For 1 kg of cherries you need to add 5 glasses of sugar in 5 approaches. If you take 2 or more kg of cherries, then sugar is also added 5 times. But in this case, for 2 kg it will be necessary to add 2 cups at a time, for 3 kg - 3 cups, etc.

3.After adding sugar for the 5th time, boil the jam and cook for 10 minutes. Stir from time to time, but not too often, so as not to destroy the berries. Always remove foam as it is created.

4.When the jam has been boiled for 10 minutes, reduce the heat to low and pour the jam into sterilized jars while bubbling. Screw on the lids immediately.

5. Turn over all filled jars, wrap them in something warm and let them cool one hundred percent.

6. The jam will become thicker when it sits. This is a very tasty recipe, the cherries remain whole, the syrup is beautiful and clear.

Five-minute cherry jam with agar-agar: video recipe

If you do not want to boil the syrup for a long time, you can use agar-agar. This is a plant analogue of gelatin, which is made from aquatic plants. Unlike gelatin, it can and must be boiled for several minutes for it to work perfectly. I offer a simple and quick recipe for making jam, which will cook for only 5 minutes after boiling.

It will be useful for him:

  • pitted cherries – 2 kg
  • sugar - 1.6 kg
  • agar-agar - 10-40 gr.

You should be aware that agar comes in different strengths and properties. If you run into a weak one, it will be more useful than a powerful one (strength 900). The more of this thickener, the more jelly-like the syrup becomes. The minimum you need to take is 10 grams (for the traditional thickness of the jam).

Watch the video to see how to cook this delicious dessert:

Making cherry jam according to an ancient recipe from 1907

This recipe was published in Zinaida Nezhentseva’s book in 1907. The jam comes out very tasty, the syrup is thick.


  • cherry – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • vodka - 10 gr.

1. Wash the cherries and place in a sieve to drain. Remove the seeds. To do this, you can use a pin - it is very convenient. Simply insert the back of the closed pin into the cherry where the stem was attached and remove the pit. With all this, the berry remains intact and does not break.

2. Weigh the peeled cherries to calculate how much sugar is needed. And you need one and a half times more sugar.

3.Place half the cherries on a baking sheet and sprinkle lightly with vodka. This can be done comfortably by inserting a spray bottle into the bottle. Cover the berries with half the sugar. Place the remaining cherries on top, sprinkle with vodka again and add sugar.

4.Place the baking sheet with the preparation in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. The original source says: it must be put on ice.

5.Pour the berries into the pan or basin where you will cook. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Stir the jam so that the sugar does not burn during the day.

6.After boiling, cook the jam for 5 minutes over medium heat. Be sure to skim off the foam.

7. Turn off the heat, cover the jam with a lid or towel and leave for 8 hours or overnight (that is, in the dark) . If you covered it with a lid, condensation will appear on it. Remove the lid carefully and drain this water.

8. Boil the jam again and cook for 5 minutes. Cover and leave to steep for several hours.

9.And for the 3rd time, bring the cherry jam to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and you can pour it into jars. Don’t forget to sterilize and dry the lids too. Close the lid as soon as you pour the jam.

10. That's all. Turn the jar upside down to check if the lid is leaking. To make such jam, you need to spend quite a lot of time infusing the cherries in syrup. But the end result will be worth it. In winter, you will enjoy eating this jam, remembering the warm summer days.

Step-by-step recipe for cherry jam with pits

Jam can be cooked with seeds. Although the seeds contain hydrocyanic acid, it is destroyed during cooking, and sugar is its antidote. Therefore, cherry jam with pits will not be poisonous. But you need to be careful, if such jam costs more than 1 year, then it is better not to eat it. Cherry liqueurs with pits are not allowed to be consumed; they can actually cause poisoning.


  • cherry – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

Making jam with seeds:

1. First you need to wash the cherries, remove spoiled berries and dry them on a sieve.

2.Pour the dry berries into the pan in which you will cook the jam. Add sugar to the cherries and stir so as not to crush them.

3. Leave the berries in sugar overnight (that is, in the dark) so that they release juice.

4.You can make jam during the day. Place the pan on a slow fire so that the sugar that is on the day does not burn. Use a spatula to pry up the sugar and stir from bottom to top. The sugar will dissolve evenly.

Read also:  Prague cake recipe

5.When the sugar has dissolved, increase the heat to medium and wait until it boils. Skim off all foam.

6.Cook for 20 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

Take a huge pan, because the foam rises when boiling and can “run away”.

7. Pour the hot jam into pre-sterilized jars. Pour carefully so that the jar does not crack. And roll it up. If you store it in the refrigerator, you can cover it with a clean nylon lid.

8. Cool the jam at room temperature, and then store it. Savory, sweet, simple and quick to come out.

How to make cherry jam with chocolate

Apart from traditional jam, which contains only cherries and sugar, you can make an unusual chocolate dessert that will be very tasty. And kids are simply brainless from such jam. Try boiling cherries in chocolate and you won't need any candy. The composition also contains a small amount of cognac, which is needed for the most catchy smell. All the alcohol will evaporate during cooking, so the jam will be non-alcoholic.


  • cherry – 1 kg
  • sugar - 0.5 kg
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp.
  • cognac or brandy - 2 tbsp.
  • dark chocolate 75% - 90 gr.
  • gelling mixture - 40 gr.

How to make cherry jam with chocolate:

1. Rinse and sort the cherries. Remove the seeds.

2.Pour the berries into the pan and place over medium heat. Stir and wait for the berries to release juice.

3.Add in the gelling mixture, stir and bring to a boil.

4.Add sugar, stir again, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and cook for 4 minutes.

5.Pour in lemon juice, cognac and grated chocolate. Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Bring to a boil and pour the jam into sterilized jars.

6. Roll up with sterile lids, turn over and cool. This is how you can quickly make thick cherry jam with chocolate. This is quite tasty!

You see, making cherry jam is easy. Just repeat the steps in these recipes. And get a savory and sweet treat that makes home comfort on cool winter days.

Cherry jam

Cherry jam is a recipe familiar from my youth. Read more about cherry jam .

A recipe for those who love fruit and berry preparations with a small amount of sugar. This is the five-minute cherry beloved by almost everyone; it is also called “cherry for tea.”

“Pyatiminutka” cherry jam is especially excellent not only because it cooks quickly, but, more importantly, during rapid heat treatment a minimum of vitamins are destroyed, which is why such jam is even healthier than that prepared using the usual method. In addition, “Pyatiminutka” cherry jam perfectly preserves the color and shape of the berries.

Cherry and chocolate are like the moon and stars. Like tomato sauce and spaghetti. Like Chip and Dale. Only even better. And chocolate-cherry jam is actually an impeccable alliance between them.

Cherry chutney is a worthy competitor to ketchups and fruit sauces for meat, croutons, hard and processed cheeses. Usually cherry chutney is boiled for quite a long time (1 kg of cherries - about 1 hour). We suggest preparing an analogue of Indian cherry sauce in just 10 minutes.

I will share with you the usual recipe for preparing it for the winter - pitted cherry jam, which is prepared with the addition of gelatin. Savory cherry jam will be able to conquer every gourmet.

There are recipes for cherry jam both with and without pits, with pitted cherry jam considered the highest quality. There are many hand tools available for pitting cherries. If they are missing, the bones are removed with a wire pin. For 1 kilogram of fruit take 1.2 kilograms of sugar. Cherries with pits are certainly pricked.

Cherry jam recipe for the winter. Agar-agar is used as a thickener. Cherry jam is a good addition to pancakes, pancakes and toast.

Making cherry jam with pits is both more difficult and easier than without pits. With this method, you won’t have to waste time removing seeds, but the recipe for cherry jam with pits is the most labor-intensive because whole berries are more difficult to absorb sugar. Therefore, when cooking cherries with pits, the jam is prepared in 2-3 steps, between which the berries are infused in syrup.

Cherry and currant jam is a recipe for a very winning composition for the winter.

Cherry jam can be used {by itself}, or can be used as an inside. Seedless jam is of the highest quality.

The most common recipe for preparing cherries in syrup for the winter. In Russian times, this preparation was called compote for baby food. The scheme is quite common: preparing berries, preparing syrup, combining with syrup, sterilization, cooling. The main thing here is the sorting of the berries themselves; they must be without flaws.

It's time to prepare for the winter. Now we will tell you a recipe for delicious cherry jam with gelatin. Thick, fragrant and surprisingly tasty - these are the clearest properties of this cherry jam. The main advantage of this jam recipe is that it does not require a huge amount of time or special skills.

When making jam from cherries with pits, the recipe requires a longer cooking time than when cooking pitted cherries, because the berries are soaked in sugar more slowly. But such cherry jam with pits cannot be overcooked, so it will not turn out tasty. If you cook the berries over high heat, the berries will shrink, be hard, and not have the best flavor.

My favorite, very tasty and fragrant cherry jam. You'll have to tinker a little, but in winter this cherry jam is a godsend.

Even if you have a favorite recipe for jam from cherries or pitted cherries, you may need some tips offered in the recipe below.

Cherry jam for the winter, gelled with pectin powder.

Cherry jam can be prepared from fruits with or without seeds. In this recipe you will find tips for making both types of cherry jam, choose!

Cherry jam can be made with or without pits. Both options are described here.

The recipe for cherry jam with pits is easier and quicker to make. The jam comes out with a special taste and smell thanks to cherry pits. But, despite all its deliciousness, you should keep in mind that cherry jam with pits cannot be stored for a very long time, because over time it becomes harmful to health.

Pitted cherry jam makes a good interior for pies.

I love making cherry jam with pits. Less hassle and more taste. Maybe it’s just me, but jam with a seed is more flavorful :)

Overcooked jam is tasteless. But if you cook the jam for a short time, you will get a beautiful version, which grandmothers lovingly call “five minutes.” Vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) are almost all preserved, and the taste is good.

According to this recipe for cherry jam with pits, the jam is cooked in two stages and preserved hot without pasteurization.

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Our grandmothers knew how to make cherry jam. The recipe for cherry jam is simple and depends on whether you are making cherry jam with pits or cherry jam without pits. The rest all depends on your imagination. Thick cherry jam or thin cherry jam, recipe with lemon, cinnamon or chocolate - there are a huge number of options, choose according to your own taste.

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8 recipes for fragrant cherry jam

Frisky five-minute ones with and without seeds, thick versions with gelatin or currants, unusual combinations with cherries or chocolate.

If you want to prepare a delicacy for the winter, distribute the hot jam immediately after making it into sterilized jars. Then roll them up, turn them over and wrap them in something warm.

When the jam has cooled one hundred percent, transfer it to a dark, dry, cold space for storage.

1. Five-minute cherry jam with pits


  • 1 kg of cherries (weight of whole berries with seeds);
  • 1 kg sugar.


Sprinkle layers of sugar over the cherries and leave for at least 4-5 hours so that the berries release juice. Shake the container slightly from time to time so that the sand dissolves faster.

Place over moderate heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Skim off the foam from the jam during production. Cool it completely.

Repeat cooking two more times. If you are making jam for the winter, after the third cooking, do not cool it, but immediately put it in jars.


  • 9 cherry pies with a catchy smell and pleasant sourness

2. Five-minute jam from pitted cherries with watery syrup


  • 1 kg of cherries (weight of peeled berries without seeds);
  • 500 g sugar;


Sprinkle layers of sugar over the berries and stir gently. Leave for 4-5 hours so that the cherries release their juice and the sand dissolves.

Bring the mixture to a boil over moderate heat and cook for 5 minutes, skimming the foam from time to time.

Treat your friends

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3. Five-minute jam from pitted cherries with rich thick syrup


  • 1 kg of cherries (weight of peeled berries without seeds);
  • 1 kg sugar.


Sprinkle layers of sugar over the cherries and stir gently. Leave for 4-5 hours so that the berries release juice and the sand dissolves.

Then place on low heat and bring to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes over moderate heat, skimming off the foam from time to time, and cool completely.

Boil the jam in the same way two more times. If you are preparing it for the winter, do not let it cool after the third time, but immediately put the mixture into jars.

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4. Thick pitted cherry jam with gelatin


  • 700 g sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons instant gelatin;
  • 1 kg of cherries (weight of peeled berries without seeds).


Combine sugar and gelatin and add this mixture to the berries. Place in the refrigerator for 12 hours to allow the cherries to release their juice.

Then place on low heat and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes after boiling.

In order for the jam to become jellied, after cooling it must be placed in the refrigerator for some time. If you are making a dessert for the winter, also keep the jar in the refrigerator for a little while before taking a sample.


  • 6 recipes for fragrant raspberry jam

5. Pitted cherry jam with chocolate and vanilla


  • 400 g cherries (weight of peeled berries without seeds);
  • 250 g sugar;
  • ¼ vanilla pod;
  • 70 g high quality dark chocolate.


Cover the berries with sugar. Place over low heat and bring to a boil. Add vanilla and cook, stirring, for about 30 minutes.

Finely chop the chocolate and add it to the berries. Stir and cook for 1-2 minutes. The tile must dissolve.

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6. Cherry and pitted cherry jam


  • 1 kg of cherries (weight of peeled berries without seeds);
  • 1 kg of cherries (weight of peeled berries without seeds);
  • 1½ kg sugar.


Cover all the berries with sand and stir. Place over moderate heat and bring to a boil.

Remove the cherries with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat and simmer the syrup for about 30 minutes. It should become quite thick.

Place the berries back into the pan, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes.


  • 7 recipes for fragrant cherry jam

7. Thick jam made from pitted cherries and black currants


  • 1 kg black currants;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 kg of cherries (weight of peeled berries without seeds).


Puree the currants with a blender. If some berries remain intact, nothing terrible. Add half the sugar and bring to a boil over low heat.

Add cherries and remaining sand. Stirring occasionally, bring the mixture to a boil again. Then cook the jam for another 10–15 minutes.


  • 10 sweet and sour currant pies

8. Cherry and red currant jam


  • 500 g reddish currants;
  • 300 ml water;
  • 1 kg of cherries (weight of peeled berries without seeds);
  • 750 g sugar.


Pass the currants through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Pour the puree into a saucepan, add half the water and cook over low heat for 20–25 minutes. The mass should thicken.

Grind the cherries using a meat grinder or blender. In a separate saucepan, combine cherry puree and remaining water.

Boil over low heat for 7-8 minutes, add sugar and stir. Cook, stirring constantly, for 15–20 minutes.

Combine the cherry mixture with the currants and cook for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Cherry jam

Jam “Black Forest”

If you have already tried the cake according to this recipe [url]http://www.pova w/17160/[/url], then the taste of this jam will immediately remind you of it. Well, if you haven’t tried it yet, then try this jam by spreading it on a fresh bun with butter, then you can say that you have already experienced the taste of this cake in miniature. You can start baking the cake.

Cherry jam without sugar

Previously, there was virtually no sugar in Russia. The first small beet processing plant was built in the Tula province only in 1801, and the sugar coming from abroad was so precious that even very wealthy people could not afford to use it for jam. Sugar was often replaced with honey. In the old days there was a lot of it, and it was much cheaper than imported sugar. But they made the jam without honey, evaporating the berries until thick for 5-6 hours. They did this without open fire, heating a Russian stove, which “keeps” a fairly high temperature for several hours. At the moment, as annoying as it may sound, you rarely see ancient magic furnaces. But we are inquisitive and corrosive people. Here is a recipe for making sugar-free cherry jam at home, in the most ordinary kitchen. Dedicated to those who love cherries, do not eat sweets, are on a diet, and also to those for whom sugar is simply contraindicated. I accidentally came across a recipe, I became terribly curious, tried it and was pleased with the result. Thanks for the recipe Yulenka (La Perla))

Cherry jam

Fragrant jam with a distinctive taste. Moderately sweet and easy to make.

Jam “Cherry in jelly”

This is not just jam, it is a ready-made dessert. All that remains is to get a jar of this yummy in winter and enjoy. The recipe was found on the Internet and I am happy to share it with you, dear cooks.

Cherry jam “Countess-cherries”

The cherry season will soon end, so I’m in a hurry to bring you my experienced recipe. And it was born from an idea that was firmly ingrained in my head: to create a preparation of berries for the winter that could be used to decorate future confectionery products, so that it would be both tasty and beautiful. What came out, in my opinion, was a fascinating cherry in shape and taste, a very fragrant and attractive one! The entire vase left for testing and evaluation was tasted and evaluated in the next 5 minutes!

Cherry jam with melon

Jam is not just a method to preserve the harvest of fruits and berries. If you show a little imagination, you can get a unique delicacy. I would like to offer you a recipe for an unusual, very tasty and fragrant cherry and melon jam. Its appearance will also not leave anyone indifferent. Once upon a time, my independent journey into the sweet world of jams and preserves began with this particular recipe. The recipe was taken from an old German magazine, and now I am happy to share it with you. Cooking time is 5-7 minutes. The time for preparing the berries is not taken into account in the recipe.

Cherry jam “Oriental delicacy”

I love fresh cherries and have long wanted to try the jam of this berry. The most delicious cherry jam came out! Do you want something sweet and not obvious? Try this oriental delicacy. Jam made from snow-white cherries has an amber-honey color, a gentle cherry taste and a subtle aroma. And the jelly-marmalade thickness will be given to him by Quittin from HAAS.

Cherry jam with chocolate

This is my family's favorite jam! The cherry season is not over yet, and I suggest we make a small jar of this jam for you to try. And if you no longer have cherries, then you can cook it from all other berries (for example, from plums) or from frozen cherries. In any case, this jam will not disappoint, but will pleasantly warm you on cool autumn evenings!

Cherry jam “Black Forest”

The jam resembles the taste of a cake “Black Forest”, “Dark Forest”, “Dark Prince”. The recipe is taken from the magazine “Canning”, in the original one adds gelatin and boils it, but I added agar. In the absence of it, you can use pectin (zhelfix, etc.)

Cherry jam

Cherry jam with pits.

Cherry jam . Cherry jam is a pleasant sweet dessert with appropriate sourness, which can be preserved for the winter and enjoyed during the cool period of the year.

Jam is made from cherries and sugar. From time to time, other ingredients are added, for example, citrus fruit juice and their peels. Cherries can be in the consistency of fruit and berry jam. But usually it is cooked separately from theirs, because it has its own unsurpassed tart, fragrant taste, which is also preserved in cherry jam.

Cherry jam is prepared using different methods. Options for making cherry jam: with and without pits, five-minute jam, thick jam that is cooked for a long time, jam that is boiled a couple of times, then rolled into jars.

You can make delicious jelly and jam from cherries. But most often, it is used to make jam from whole berries.

Housewives make delicious fruit drinks from cherry jam by stirring it with water and adding ice to the drink. This jam can also be used to make sweet pies, decorate cakes and homemade cakes with berries. Cherry jam syrup is excellent for soaking cake layers or serving it with various soufflés, puddings, curd masses, cheesecakes, and other dessert dishes.

Cherries for making jam should be carefully selected so that among the berries there are no spoiled, putrid, or wrinkled ones. Cherries do not have to be very overripe, and unripe cherries should not be used in making jam.

To remove pits from cherries, some housewives use ordinary hairpins. Also now on sale are a lot of different mechanical and electronic devices for extracting pits from cherries.

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