Cake Prague

Cake Prague

Cake Prague

Cake Prague

For TWO biscuits!
  • Testicles – 12 pcs.
  • Sugar – 300 g
  • Flour – 230 g
  • Cocoa powder – 50 g
  • Butter – 80 g
For cream
  • Yolk – 2 pcs.
  • Water – 40 g
  • Condensed milk – 240 g
  • Butter – 400 g
  • Vanilla sugar – 20 g
  • Cocoa powder – 20 g
For impregnation
  • Water – 150 g
  • Sugar – 100 g
  • Cognac – 1 tbsp. l.
Additionally, but certainly
  • Apricot jam/confiture – 300 g
For smoothing
  • Dark chocolate – 300 g
  • Cream 33% – 300 g
  • Black food coloring (optional)
For decoration
  • Snow white chocolate – 200 g
  • Dark chocolate – 30 g
  • Food colorings
  • Vodka
  • Meringues
  • Confectionery sprinkles

Prague cake is a famous Russian cake! Detailed step-by-step recipe with photos! A modern version of decor, secrets and useful tips for cooks! Everything will work out!

Now I will tell you and show you how to make Prague cake , a famous Russian cake that is still very much loved by almost everyone. I have a special relationship with him. I hesitated for a long time about how exactly to perform it. The options are a wagon and a small cart - invent your own or not invent a big one and cook according to the old GOST recipe? After struggling and experimenting to my heart's content, I decided to add only a couple of my own, very small, touches to the original. Still, I am a dignified reactionary and do not support the worldview that any chocolate shortcakes with chocolate cream can be called a Prague cake.

The Prague cake in my execution is almost traditional, the difference is in the assembly: on any shortcake I apply a thin layer of homemade apricot jam and only later - cream. There are also a lot of cakes: I like the highest cakes, but this, of course, is not for everyone. And the most important thing is that I soak the cakes with sweet syrup and cognac, whereas in the unique recipe there is no soaking, which is why this cake seems dry to almost everyone. Honestly, I like it even without impregnation: it has its own beauty, it’s no coincidence that one of the best Russian confectioners made Prague exactly like that. But our people, according to my observations, still adore moist cakes more, so deliberate dryness can simply be attributed to the ineptitude of the pastry chef or housewife. But who wants such a reaction to their works? In general, I am soaking up Prague. And this seemingly insignificant detail greatly influences the perception of the cake. As if he were already different. But very, very tasty! All my tasters are in ecstasy specifically from this slightly humid, rainy Prague with thin, fragrant apricot layers.

In addition, I will share how to create amazing strokes on a cream cake. I honestly didn’t expect them to cause such enthusiasm among my Instagram friends, so I didn’t film the process, but believe me, everything is so simple that there’s nothing to illustrate, you’ll see for yourself. And be amazed :)

Let's prepare the form!

As I have said more than once, I use a transforming ring. No matter what it looks like from the outside, it’s very comfortable! The shortbreads turn out extremely tall and even, better than in other types of baking dishes. Miracles, that’s all! In addition, the diameter can be adjusted, which saves money and space. I will create a very tall cake weighing at least 2.5 kg, so I will need two sponge cakes. But I have only one pan, and the oven is weak, which means I’ll take turns baking and kneading the dough too. If you need a small cake, you can completely get by with just one sponge cake. We adjust the diameter (18 cm), line the bottom of a flat baking sheet with foil, put a sheet of baking paper on it, and then place a ring on it. We lift the edges of the paper and foil, as if “hugging” the ring, pressing it tightly at the base. Ready. Don't be afraid - the dough won't leak! The main thing is that the surface of the baking sheet is even.

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Let's make biscuit dough!

For each biscuit we will need 6 new eggs of the 1st group. Separate the yolks from the whites. Make sure that the yolk or water does not get into the whites. Place 6 yolks in a mixing bowl.

Add 75 g of sugar to them.

Beat with a mixer at high speed...

...until the mixture becomes fluffy, light and creamy.

Next, you need to carefully wash the mixer beaters with dishwashing detergent to degrease them. And then wipe dry with cardboard towels. Everything to ensure that the whites are perfectly whipped.

Now we take 6 proteins. Place them in another bowl - clean and dry. And beat with a mixer at high speed into a fluffy foam. Don't overdo it: about a minute, maybe a little more, is usually enough.

Add 75 g of sugar to the whites. And beat again...

...exactly until the whites become glossy and dense. They should sit firmly in the bowl and not fall out of it when turned over. But here it is important not to overcook, otherwise the biscuit will not rise, it will be dense and simply spoiled. In other words, while whipping, check the readiness from time to time: tilt the bowl as soon as you see that the whites have finished flowing and are firmly seated in the bowl - turn it off!

Carefully, using folding movements, from bottom to top, preferably with a silicone spatula, mix the whites into the yolks.

It goes something like this. It is important for us to preserve the airy structure of the proteins.

Next, sift (of course!) 115 g of flour and 25 g of cocoa powder into a separate dry bowl.

In a separate container, melt 40 g of good butter. In the microwave or on the stove, whichever is more convenient for you.

Gently, piece by piece, mix the flour and cocoa into the egg-sugar mixture.

We do this with the same folding movements as when we mixed the whites into the yolks. From bottom to top, quite quickly, painstakingly, but at the same time carefully: it is important not to crush the whites, then the dough will rise better, and the sponge cake will be shaggy, airy and very tasty!

This is how the almost finished dough falls from the spatula like a ribbon.

Now carefully pour in the butter along the edge. And again mix with movements from bottom to top. Without fanaticism!

Pour the finished dough into our mold. How this can be, we level the surface. Place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Times may vary depending on the personality of your oven! For the first 10 minutes, or better yet longer, do not open the oven, otherwise the biscuit may fall off. If your biscuits are burning on the bottom, I recommend placing a heat-resistant container with water on a lower level. If they are flaming on top and raw inside, place the biscuit pan with the foil shiny side up. If the integrated temperature controller is lying, buy a temperature indicator for the oven, they are cheap, but they help out a lot!

We check the readiness of the biscuit with a dry splinter or simply press lightly in the middle: if it springs back and springs back into space, it’s ready. It’s better not to take it out of the oven right away. Turn it off, open the door slightly, and let it sit. So it will fall less. But if time is running out, get it right away.

Then the biscuit needs to stand for 5-10 minutes at room temperature. Later, we carefully run a knife between the walls of the mold and the sides of the biscuit.

Prague cake - recipe at home

For the base:

 For cream:

For the glaze:

For impregnation and coating of cakes:

Back to the Land of Soviets? Mega chocolate cake Prague, the recipe of which can be brought to life at home, will transport lovers of nostalgia to the Russian Alliance. The dessert was very popular in the last century, when the trees were big and the queues at the shops were endless. The accessible composition, devoid of frills, and the harmonious taste made the invention of the first metropolitan culinary specialist the property of an entire nation.

Three chocolate shortcakes are coated with a tender cream made from condensed milk, butter and yolks with cocoa. The entire cake (top and sides) is generously coated with apricot jam, then topped with a thick layer of chocolate glaze. The original is fudge, but it’s easy to make at home. And substituting ganache does not spoil the taste. Therefore, in 80 percent of cases such a change is still made.

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The history of the traditional Prague cake recipe at home

Time passed before the housewives were able to master the recipe for the savory sweet. Everything is in order. There are several theories about the origin of sweetness.

Version 1 is incorrect

The name of the cake came from the capital city of Czechoslovakia. To exchange experiences, Czech confectioners came to the capital's Prague restaurant and brought with them the recipe for a delicious dessert. It consisted of chocolate sponge cakes soaked in porridge. They were smeared with 4 types of cream, to which cognac, Chartreuse, and Benedictine liqueurs were added. Russian chefs simplified the recipe and the Prague cake arose.

In the cuisine of the Czech Republic, however, there is no similar dessert.

Version 2 is correct

Most likely, in this very restaurant, the confectionery department was headed by V. M. Guralnik. Now he is known as a professional inventor who came up with “Bird's milk”, “Wenceslas” cake and about 3 10 non-trivial recipes.

Specifically, Vladimir Mikhailovich came up with the idea of ​​combining three chocolate biscuits, coating them with butter cream on yolks with cocoa, covering the masterpiece with apricot jam and pouring chocolate ganache on it. Patterns of cream or fondant were usually applied on top. Russian citizens liked the delicacy. And over time it became the calling card of the country. The recipe for the Prague cake was issued in accordance with GOST and began to be sold in cookeries throughout the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia) .

Housewives have come up with a huge number of options on how to make sweet dreams at home.

Prague cake at home - a delicious recipe with photos

We invite you to create a famous dessert in your kitchen. It will take little time, but the result will amaze you with its chocolatey, tender and airy quality. The cake is truly delicious, beautiful and unusual. Its only minus or plus is that you can’t eat too much of this sweetness: it’s very filling and sweet. Maybe that's great. One cake can serve 12-16 people.

Our external appearance differs from the traditional one, because we wanted pomp and circumstance. In the original, the surface of the Prague cake is decorated with cream patterns or an inscription. Ordinary recipes at home are not bad because you can move away from the canons and give free rein to your imagination. We prepared our own masterpiece for the Birthday of a little princess with a sweet tooth, who wanted to receive a lot of candy as a gift. That’s why the decor includes sweets and sweets of all sizes and stripes. If desired, it is possible to do without.

Cake “Prague” - the most frisky and ordinary recipe

I bake this cake for children's parties.
The ease of production will amaze you. Juicy, chocolate shortcakes do not need any soaking. And the tender, airy cream will appeal to both children and adults. This recipe is much simpler than the usual one, a quick treat, so to speak.

What will be useful:


I knead the dough.
I simply beat the eggs with a whisk and poured them into the condensed milk. I mix everything well. I mix flour, soda and cocoa and sift the whole mixture. Stirring constantly, add this mixture to the milk and eggs and knead the dough into a biscuit.

I divide the dough into two equal parts. For this cake we need four shortcakes. If there are two molds, then bake both parts at once. If there is only one mold, you will have to bake one at a time.

I bake for 25 minutes. in an oven preheated to 180 g.

I leave the shortcakes to cool.

In the meantime, I’ll prepare the cream:
I beat the eggs into a small saucepan and add a little milk. I beat it well, add the flour and pour in the rest of the milk. I put the saucepan on the fire. Without stopping stirring, I bring it to a low boil and thicken.

I remove the cream from the heat and pour it into a bowl. I cover the bowl with film. Let it cool down.

I combine butter with cocoa and sweet powder. Beat the mixture for a couple of minutes until smooth. Later I start adding the cooled cream to the butter one spoon at a time. I continue to vigorously whisk.

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I put the cream in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes so that it cools and thickens.

In the meantime, I’m preparing the shortcakes:
I cut off the top “cap” (unevenness) of the biscuits. I cut any biscuit into two flat cakes. There were four shortbreads and two “crumbs”.

I place the shortcakes on the dish one by one and coat them with any thick layer of cream.

I also coat the top and sides of the cake with cream and smooth it out. I let it harden slightly in the refrigerator. At this time, I grind the tops of the cakes into small crumbs.

I take out the cake and sprinkle the edges and sides with crumbs. And on the top I draw cells with dark, melted chocolate.


You see, our Prague cake at home turned out much better than any store-bought one. It is the highest, due to the fact that it contains four thin cakes and a thick layer of cream between them. The shortcakes will quickly become saturated with cream and the cake will be very tender and juicy.

Recipe: Prague cake homemade recipe with photos step by step


Manufacturing stages:

“Prazhsky” is a tender, richly flavored cake that could become a decoration for any special occasion.

In my childhood, the range of cakes was not as wide as it is now; Napoleon, honey cake, sour cream or Prague cake were often prepared.

The title of the cake already promises something amazing. In fact, everything is much simpler, the name of the cake is not connected with the capital Prague, the cake was named like the Russian restaurant whose chef prepared the cake for the first time.

Now, I’ll tell you how to prepare Prague cake at home.

1. First, you need to beat 3 eggs with 1.5 cups of sugar until smooth using a blender, mixer or whisk.

2. Then add 1 cup of sour cream and beat.

3. 1 tsp. quench soda 1 tsp. vinegar, it is better to use apple vinegar. Add soda to the sour cream-egg mixture, whisking without stopping.

4. Pour 1/2 can of condensed milk (150-70 g) into the blender container.

5. Add 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa, maybe with a slide.

6. Add 2 cups of flour, beat. The dough should be a mixture like thick sour cream.

7. Next you need to set the oven to warm up to 180 degrees.

8. Line a baking pan with parchment paper.

You can use two baking dishes at once and bake two cakes at once, so the cake will cook faster, but if you don’t have this ability, you can bake one cake at a time.

9. Pour ½ of the dough into one pan lined with parchment paper, spreading it sparingly throughout the pan.

10. Place in the oven for 50 minutes until done. You can check readiness with a toothpick.

11. After leaving the cake to cool slightly, cut it horizontally into half. At home, this can be created using ordinary thread.

12. Next, you need to prepare the second shortbread in the same way. As a result, we get four chocolate shortcakes.

13. While the shortcakes are baking or cooling, you can make the cream. To do this, mix 300 g of butter at room temperature in a blender with ½ can of condensed milk, 1-2 tbsp. l. Rum or cognac, 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa until smooth.

14. Mix 1 spoon of cognac and 50 g of water, sprinkle on 3 shortcakes.

15. Lay out the 1st cake, coat it with butter cream, sprinkle with nuts, top with the 2nd cake, butter cream and nuts, top with the 3rd cake, cream and nuts, top with 4 cakes (without soaking). Let it sit for 10 minutes.

16. At this time, prepare the chocolate glaze; for this you need to mix 3 tsp. cocoa, 50 g soft butter and 30 g milk, mix in a water bath, stir until smooth

17. Cover the cake with icing starting from the top, level it over the top layer, grease the sides. You can decorate with nuts or chocolate.

18. Place our cake in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours so that the glaze hardens faster. Since the Prague cake comes out quite soft, it can be served on the table on the same day, but if you let the cake sit in the refrigerator for at least a night (that is, in the dark) , it will be simply divine.

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