Milk pudding: recipe with photo

Milk pudding: recipe with photo

Pudding is a delicate dessert that is a common representative of British cuisine. It has a lot of advantages. Affectionate, airy, breathtakingly delicious. With all this, it is prepared from the most ordinary goods in almost a matter of minutes. Now let's look at the recipes for milk pudding. Definitely try to cook one of these. It will become a favorite in your cookbook.

A little picky

It's no secret that kids occasionally love healthy food. Sweets, chips and crackers are always welcome. But drinking milk before bed requires some convincing. No more. If you understand the recipe for milk pudding, then you have already found an option on how to feed your own baby a healthy dessert. By the way, you can prepare several servings at once, because dad won’t refuse such sweets either.

Dish characteristics

Of course, this is a necessary and high-calorie dessert. Below we will look at milk pudding recipes, among which you will certainly find the one you like the most. Calorie content per 100 g – 110 kcal. But try to resist eating several of these servings. But for children, given their mobility, this will only benefit.

  • The dessert is simply absorbed by the body and does not irritate the mucous membranes. It is useful for good blood circulation (internal environment of the human and animal body) , restoration and growth of bones, as well as rapid metabolism.
  • It helps keep the body in good shape, promotes tissue regeneration and stimulates appetite.
  • Naturally, you can literally say about the characteristics of a dish only by analyzing a specific recipe. Milk pudding can be made with chocolate, berries and fruits, and condensed milk. All these components change the calorie content and vitamin and mineral composition.

Main Ingredient

Naturally, it's milk. At the same time, you can change the calorie content by adding butter or cream. In this case, the dessert will turn out even more tender. Eggs, sugar and starch are also often used for production. Sometimes swollen gelatin is added to the mass. Puddings can be boiled or baked, or cooked in a water bath. After this, the mass is poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator to cool.

Tender milk pudding

A recipe with a photo makes it possible to evaluate the result in advance and decide for yourself whether this dish is worth preparing. But since it is eaten very quickly, there is a reason to create several servings at once. Let's look at the manufacturing method:

  • Soak a teaspoon of gelatin in a quarter glass of water. Leave until it swells.
  • Pour 400 ml of milk into a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and vanilla. Cook until sugar dissolves.
  • Beat the yolks of 2 eggs and add to 100 ml of milk. Pour the mixture into the pan.
  • Keep on fire for 2-3 minutes, stirring continuously.
  • Pour the mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator.
  • After hardening, you can decorate it with chocolate.

Vanilla, creamy pudding

Most people like the traditional version, but some prefer the most tender and creamy treat. For this option, let’s look at the recipe step by step with photos. The milk pudding looks like a ice cream. The difference is that cream and butter are used. Another highlight is the introduction of vanilla and cinnamon. Thanks to them, the dessert acquires a special smell. Do not skimp on the quality of goods, this is the only way you can amuse your loved ones with a tasty and healthy dish.

  • Take 250 g of milk and cream.
  • 2 tablespoons each of cornstarch and sweet powder.
  • Yolks from 3 eggs.
  • Vanillin.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Butter. Approximately 30 g.

Pour half the milk and yolks into a cup. Add powder, starch and spices. Stir thoroughly. Bring the rest of the milk and cream to a boil, remove the pan from the heat and combine both parts. Now put it back on the heat and bring to a boil. Add butter. After a minute, pour the mixture into molds and put in the refrigerator.

Recipe with starch

Milk pudding can be prepared with a small addition of starch. But if you like a hearty dessert, then be sure to try this option. You will need half a liter of milk and a bag of pudding powder. You can take different ones, almond, vanilla, coconut. Dilute the contents of the sachet in a small amount of milk.

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Place the rest of the milk on the fire, add sugar, salt and butter. Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Now pour the starch diluted in water and boil again. Remove from heat again and boil again. But don’t cook the pudding, otherwise it will become like rubber. The pudding should be served by pouring chocolate or sprinkling with coconut.

Pudding for tea

It is prepared very simply, from a small set of goods. The result is a good pie, which is perfect for tea drinking. At the same time, it will look good not only as a dessert for evening tea, but also on a formal table. Moreover, you already have all the ingredients for dessert in your refrigerator.

Let's look at the manufacturing method:

  • Pour a glass of milk into a saucepan, add 3 teaspoons of leaf tea and bring to a boil. Now it needs to be strained and cooled slightly.
  • Beat one egg with 3 tablespoons of sugar and add to the mixture. You can add a little vanilla.
  • Pour the pudding into the molds and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. The temperature must be set low, 130 degrees. The finished dessert must be poured into molds. Before serving, you can decorate with tender cream.

Treats for kids

If a holiday is approaching, then every mother wants to amuse her baby with something delicious.
Why not make milk pudding for your one year old baby. The recipe can be slightly modified to suit your own baby, so that the end result is a healthy treat that takes into account his personal personality. The pudding has a particularly delicate thickness than ordinary porridge. Therefore, the baby occasionally refuses such treats. The baby will eat this dish with great pleasure. You can cook it on the basis of milk rice or semolina porridge. If it's left over after breakfast, it'll go great. The production is quite ordinary. You need to add the yolk and raisins to the porridge, mix well and add the whipped white. This mass must be placed in a baking dish and baked in the oven until golden brown.

Pudding for baby based on starch

Do not forget that when cooking for children, it is imperative to heat treat the goods, so jelly options are not suitable here. Try the traditional version of milk pudding for a 1 year old baby. The recipe consists of the most common items.

  • Dissolve 15 g of starch and one yolk with sugar in 100 g of milk. Whisk everything and add a couple of tablespoons of flour.
  • Separately, bring 300 ml of milk to a boil and pour the prepared mass into it. At the end, add a little butter and whipped egg white.
  • The pudding is baked in the oven for 5 minutes.

This dish will help you vary your table and prepare a new and exciting dessert quickly. Change the design, add berries and fruits - and get a perfect option every time.

Milk pudding

The recipe couldn't be simpler. I am exhibiting it because not all cooks have the opportunity to purchase semi-finished dry pudding in the store. Yes, without chemicals, and healthier. And you can endlessly fantasize about its options! Add to both filling and creams.

Ingredients for “Milk Pudding”:

  • Milk – 0.5 l
  • Egg yolk - 1-2 pcs
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla (powder (or bean)) - 2 tsp.
  • Starch (finely ground) - 2 tbsp. l.

Production time: 10 minutes

Number of servings: 2

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
653.8 kcal
19.5 g
10.7 g
131.8 g
326.9 kcal
9.8 g
5.4 g
65.9 g
100 g dish
96.1 kcal
2.9 g
1.6 g
19.4 g
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Milk pudding recipe:

Pour approximately 400 g of milk into a saucepan, put on low heat and stir in sugar + vanilla. Boil.

Dilute the starch in 100 g of cool milk, add the yolk (yolks, if the eggs are not large) and evenly pour, always stirring, the yolk-starch mixture into the pan with milk and sugar.

Bring to a boil and cook, stirring, for 1-2 minutes. Remove from stove. Add flavorings to taste (I used Amaretto syrup).

If you prefer the pudding frozen, then you need to pour the hot mixture into molds rinsed with cool water. Cover with foil or film. Place in the refrigerator.

When fried, it makes a beautiful “sauce” for sweet dishes such as apple pies, etc.

This is what I have already done, at the request of the cooks, the second indicative version. The photo shows a freshly cooked, still hot pudding. This is how thick it is.

This pudding gets its own color thanks to 2-3 tablespoons of egg liqueur.

And here I use the still hot pudding as a sauce for pastry made from puff pastry (plum and apple strudel).

Be careful that the milk doesn't burn!

Try to separate the yolks from the whites more carefully, otherwise the remaining whites will turn into flakes.

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  • Reviews

August 13, 2019 kvakyschka #

April 19, 2019 Mariaelena #

December 5, 2018 Mature Persimmon #

March 7, 2018 lisa s24 #

March 13, 2017 raiska_280585 #

I made your pudding - neither my husband nor I liked it =( I did everything literally according to the recipe, it came out kind of tasteless, although I added cognac for the smell. It also doesn’t look like the store-bought stuff from a bag.
The taste and color.

All the best for you!

July 20, 2016 Olchen-7 #

July 19, 2016 Olchen-7 #

July 20, 2016 molohovez # (recipe creator)

July 12, 2016 Irsana A #

June 10, 2016 JeSeKi # (moder)

June 10, 2016 alsunchik #

June 10, 2016 JeSeKi # (moder)

June 10, 2016 JeSeKi # (moder)

July 20, 2016 molohovez # (recipe creator)

May 22, 2016 molohovez # (recipe creator)

April 7, 2016 Mature Persimmon #

April 7, 2016 dasok8 #

March 3, 2016 Pulchra #

March 4, 2016 molohovez # (recipe creator)

March 1, 2016 Tigona #

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Milk pudding “Zebra”

Recipe from: Julia

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A very wonderful and delicious milk pudding - recipe sent by Lena Lebed. It’s very simple to prepare, requires a minimum of ingredients, and looks beautiful and festive!

The recipe has been around for many years; my mother used to cook it this way for the holidays. But time-tested things do not age, so this pudding is like the movie “The Drama of Fate” - you can eat it and watch it again and again.

Milk pudding “Zebra”


large glass – 300 ml

  • 2 glasses of milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 3 tbsp. heaped spoons of flour
  • 2 tbsp. level spoons of cocoa powder (can be replaced with carob)
  • vanillin (on the tip of a teaspoon)
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of butter
  • a handful of nuts (all)

How to make milk pudding - recipe with photo:

  1. Mix flour and sugar in a saucepan, add milk evenly and stir thoroughly.

Formula milk

Put on fire. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly. It’s better to stir with a whisk, so the mixture immediately whips a little and comes out the most airy.

Cooking milk pudding

  • Remove from heat, add butter, stir. (It comes out almost like custard for Napoleon.)
  • Divide the mixture into two approximately equal parts (pour half into another saucepan). Add vanillin to one of the parts, and cocoa to the other (if desired, you can add more sugar to the part where the cocoa is).

    Milk and chocolate mixture

  • Put both mixtures back on the heat and simmer briefly until thickened, stirring constantly with a whisk. When ready, remove from heat and cool slightly. Cools down quickly.
  • Prepare glasses and chop nuts.
  • Arrange both consistencies in layers, alternating snow-white and chocolate and sprinkling nuts on either layer.

    Preparing Zebra pudding

  • You can also sprinkle the milk pudding with nuts, crushed chocolate, etc.
  • Milk pudding is ready

    Milk pudding: recipes

    Text: Evgenia Bagma

    Pudding can compete with other signs of England for the right to be first. But milk pudding has its own advantage - it is not so difficult to prepare, but it is very tasty to eat!

    How to make milk pudding?

    In order to prepare milk pudding , you can use a dry ready-made mixture or independently prepare it from new and proven products - milk, yolks, sugar, and also starch or gelatin, which are used to thicken the pudding. Milk pudding is prepared in a water bath, baked or boiled, and then poured into molds and sent to the refrigerator to harden. Vanilla - beans, in the form of vanillin or vanilla sugar - gives milk pudding a gentle taste. You can also prepare milk pudding with fruit juice, pieces of fruit or dried fruit, etc.

    Milk Pudding Recipes

    Milk pudding.

    Ingredients: 500 ml milk, 2 yolks, 2 tbsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. starch, vanilla sugar, 1 tsp. gelatin, 50 ml water, coconut, cocoa.

    Production: soak the gelatin until it swells, pour 400 ml of milk into a saucepan, add sugar, then vanilla sugar and gelatin, slowly heat until the sugar and gelatin dissolve. Dissolve the starch in the remaining milk, add the beaten egg yolk, and pour the mixture into the milk in a narrow stream. Cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring vigorously, pour the mixture into molds, cover with film, refrigerate for 2 hours, when serving, sprinkle with coconut flakes, grated chocolate, cocoa or ground nuts.

    Vanilla milk pudding.

    Ingredients: 800 ml milk, 200 ml 23% cream, 2 tbsp. sweet powder, 2 tbsp. corn starch, 3 yolks, 2 tbsp. butter, vanilla, cinnamon.

    Production: mix starch, powder, vanilla, pour in 6 tbsp. cool milk, add the yolks, stir well. Mix the rest of the milk with the cream, bring to a boil, remove from the heat, stirring in the prepared mixture. Bring to a boil again, add cinnamon, butter, cook for another minute. Fill the molds moistened with cool water with hot pudding and leave to cool in the refrigerator.

    Potato starch milk pudding with kiwi.

    Ingredients: 1 liter of milk, 5 tbsp. milk, 5 tbsp. potato, 4 tbsp. Starch sugar, 4 kiwis, 2 pieces of chocolate.

    Preparation: pour 800 ml of milk into a saucepan, place on low heat, stir well so that the milk does not burn. Stir the starch and sugar, pour in the remaining cool milk, stir. Pour the mixture with starch into the boiling milk in a narrow stream, stirring constantly. Once the pudding thickens, turn off the heat. Place kiwi slices on the bottom of the molds, fill with pudding, after 10 minutes decorate with kiwi again and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

    Tea and milk pudding.

    Ingredients: 1 egg, 3 tbsp. sugar, 1 glass of milk, 3 tsp. tea leaves, vanilla.

    Preparation: mix milk with tea leaves, bring to a boil, cool. Beat the egg with sugar, add to the milk, add vanilla, pour into molds and put in the oven for half an hour to bake.

    Milk pudding is served cool. Before serving, you can sprinkle it with coconut flakes or grated chocolate, serve custard or any sweet sauce to taste with the pudding.

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