Homemade halva


Halva, the most popular oriental sweet, has been known since the 5th century BC. The homeland of halva is Iran, from where various methods of its production spread throughout the Middle and Near East. Real halva is prepared by hand. There is even a special culinary specialization: a cook who knows how to cook halva is called kandalatchi. The main components of halva are sugar (or honey), soap root (licorice root) and oily seeds or fruits: walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds (tahini halva), peanuts, hemp, etc.

Seed halva

From ordinary seeds you can prepare homemade halva, the composition of which you will be 100% convinced of. You can even adjust the amount of sugar to your own taste. Buy seeds for halva either already peeled or in husks. In the 2nd case, take seme.

Semolina halva with walnuts

There are many types of halva. And if the traditional one is made from sugar, nuts and seeds, then in this recipe we cook halva from the consistency of semolina with walnuts and raisins. It turns out an extraordinary homemade dessert that will appeal to everyone who loves oriental sweets. .

Oatmeal halva with honey and sesame oil

There are a lot of recipes for oriental sweets! Halva is the most widespread and beloved by almost everyone. It is prepared from various nuts and seeds. Halwa made from carrots and semolina is widespread in India. Additionally, poppy seeds, raisins, and pistachios are added to this dessert. There is a r.

Homemade oatmeal halva

No matter how much “halva” you say, it won’t be sweeter in your mouth. Therefore, try to prepare homemade halva, which contains only healthy ingredients. Well, there is a short list of those in the halva recipe: oatmeal, natural honey and sunflower oil are not deodorized.

Homemade halva with honey and cranberries

Homemade halva made from seeds is a tasty and necessary sweetness. It contains only natural ingredients. In this recipe, honey is used in place of sugar and sweet syrup. .

Peanut halva

Peanut halwa is a good way to vary your daily menu and treat your family and friends with a natural sweet made by yourself. Despite the apparent difficulty, even a novice cook can make peanut halva. Eastern cuisine

Nut halva

After the nuts simmer under the lid for 35-40 minutes in a consistency of milk, butter and sugar, you will get a viscous nut mass - halva. .


Sllu is a Moroccan sweet similar to halva. Made from almonds, sesame seeds, flour and butter. It is better to grind the nuts in a mortar. This is labor-intensive, but with tea it’s very tasty, when the nuts will come across small pieces in the finished product.

section: Moroccan cuisine

Moong Dal Halwa with nuts and raisins

moong dal (hulled mung bean), ghee (or ghee), greenish cardamom, unsalted pistachios (pista) or cashews, almonds (badam, peeled, chopped), raisins (kishmish), milk (whole), water, sugar, cashews, almonds, raisins.

section: Indian cuisine, Halva

Chocolate halva

flour, peeled peanuts, vanillin, bitter chocolate, vegetable oil, water, sugar

Halva in Greek

sugar, water, vegetable oil (or butter), large semolina, peeled almonds, cinnamon

section: Greek cuisine, Halva

Pistachio halva

pistachio nuts (hulled), water, milk, sugar, butter or ghee - 5 tsp, vanilla essence

Halva recipes at home

Halva is a confectionery product that came to our world from eastern countries. The age of existence of recipes dates back to the 5th century BC. Manufacturers of the product in specialized places are called kanda-latchi. This profession is associated only with the production of sweet products and requires grueling training. Excellent specialists enjoy great respect among the people.

Over the past couple of thousand years, hundreds of types of halva have been produced. Now this product is being made in production. But we provide you with halva recipes for making at home. Until now, in countries for which halva is a folk food (Afghanistan, Turkey), it is made by hand and is significantly superior in taste to the sweetness produced by mechanized methods.

The main ingredients in the sweet are:

  • Sugar;
  • Honey;
  • Soapwort root;
  • The remaining ingredients have a high content of oils, which is why halva gets its full name (nuts, seeds, sesame, hemp, etc.).

In almost all countries, instead of flour, various cereals and even grated vegetables are used as a base.

Tajik halva recipe

  • A glass of sweet sand;
  • 3 tablespoons water;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour or substitute;
  • A teaspoon of melted butter;
  • A teaspoon of lemon juice or a pinch of similar acid.
  1. Mix water with added sweet sand and cook in a saucepan;
  2. After some time, add acid or juice and continue cooking until thick, stirring frequently;
  3. When a suitable mixture is achieved, pour everything onto a baking sheet and try to stretch it until it turns snow-white;
  4. Pour the melted butter into the prepared container, mix with flour and cook until a yellowish mass forms;
  5. We combine the purchased blanks using the method of uniform distribution and stirring;
  6. The resulting halva must be rolled out and cut into small equal parts, after which you can begin the meal.

Flour halva recipe

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • Half a glass of sweet sand;
  • Half a glass of water;
  • Briquette of butter (250g).
  1. Pour sugar into a container with boiling water and simmer until syrup forms;
  2. Prepare flour and butter separately, then mix and add to syrup;
  3. Once a single mass is obtained, you can transfer the product to a wide surface;
  4. Transfer the prepared consistency to a tray or plate;
  5. Flatten, cool and cut. Ready!
Read also:  Georgian eggplants for the winter: the most delicious recipe with photos

Halva recipe with added nuts

  • 2 cups flour, water and sweet sand;
  • 3 tablespoons butter (preferably fat);
  • Half a glass of nuts to your taste.
  1. The nuts must be peeled, fried and crushed before production, the butter must be melted, and the flour must be sifted;
  2. Place butter, flour in a saucepan and bring to a coffee color;
  3. Sugar should be melted in boiling water and brought to a syrup;
  4. Combine both preparations, level and mix, adding nuts;
  5. After the mass has cooled, cut the resulting halva into even pieces.

Armenian halva recipe

  • 3 cups flour;
  • butter briquette (200g);
  • 7 spoons of honey.
  1. Add flour to the melted butter, mix and cook until a crumbly mass forms;
  2. Add all the honey at once and continue to fry;
  3. After 5 minutes, remove the dish from the pan, level it and cut into even pieces;
  4. Let the halva cool, then you can eat it.

Vanilla halva recipe

  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • Half a glass of melted butter (preferably fat);
  • Half a teaspoon of vanilla.
  1. Combine butter and flour in a saucepan;
  2. The consistency should be boiled and stirred until a coffee color is formed;
  3. Dissolve the prepared sugar in hot water and start cooking to obtain syrup, first on high, and after 10 minutes on low heat;
  4. When mixing both preparations, add vanilla;
  5. Carefully mix and crush the ingredients, cut into even pieces and cool;
  6. Ready! Can be served.


Indian halwa recipe

  • A glass of semolina;
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter;
  • Half a glass of sweet sand;
  • A handful of raisins;
  • A handful of nuts to taste;
  • A quarter of a bag of vanilla.
  1. Before all this, you need to peel and crush the nuts, and carefully inspect the raisins for mold, wash and soak for half an hour in warm water;
  2. Place the butter and semolina in a heated frying pan and fry, stirring, until the cereal is golden brown;
  3. Add other ingredients and continue stirring until done (

30 min) over low heat;

  • Place the resulting mass in a separate container and let it cool;
  • Once cut into small pieces, the dish can be considered ready to eat.
  • On the shelves of confectionery departments you can see a variety of types of halva. Manufacturers of sweet products offer treats made from sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, peanuts, cocoa and other additives. We have offered step-by-step halva recipes with photos for making at home. After all, when done this way, it has a wonderful smell, taste and keeps the warmth of your hands.

    Cooking halva at home

    Cooking halva at home

    Halva is an oriental delicacy familiar to everyone since youth, which is prepared from sugar, molasses, honey, nuts or seeds. Halva comes in sunflower, peanut and tahini (sesame), although any nuts are suitable for this delicious dessert - almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios, pine nuts and walnuts. For the first time, halva began to be created in Iran in the 5th century BC, and to this day in almost all eastern countries this dish is prepared only by specially qualified confectioners - kandalatchi. Industrial methods for making halva also use licorice or marshmallow root, soap root or egg white - so-called foaming agents, which give halva a layered texture and friability.

    In homemade halva recipes you can find butter, flour, milk, corn starch, eggs, cereals, dried fruits and even potatoes. For taste and smell, cocoa, chocolate, vanilla and various spices are added to the halva. In the East they say: “No matter how much you say “halva,” your mouth will not become sweeter,” so it’s time to move from words to action. Now we will learn how to prepare halva at home and master several homemade halva recipes.

    How to prepare sunflower halva at home

    Sunflower halva in our country is considered a classic, although in fact the true halva has always been nut halva, simply because of the complexity of nuts they began to be replaced with sunflower seeds. Everyone has become accustomed to halva made from sunflower seeds, so nut sweets have only become variants of sunflower halva.

    Fry ½ kg of peeled seeds in a dry frying pan, then carefully grind them in a blender or food processor. In the frying pan given to us, saute 1½ cups of flour until creamy, mix it with seeds and grind the mass in a blender again - it should turn out smooth, homogeneous and gentle.

    Cook sweet syrup from 70–80 ml of water and 1 cup of sugar. Do not make the heat very high - keep it on medium until it boils, then turn the burner down to low. Boil the syrup for about 5 minutes, making sure to remove any foam that forms. Carefully pour 150 ml of sunflower oil into the hot syrup, mix well and add the seeds ground with flour to the mixture. Place the dish in greased ramekins or a large pan and refrigerate for at least 4 hours. You can also place the halva under a press so that it hardens faster. Before serving, cut the dessert into pieces and let your loved ones enjoy the generous sweetness.

    Homemade pistachio halva

    Try to prepare this unusual, but very tasty halva, which your household probably hasn’t tried yet. Soak 1½ cups of peeled pistachios in boiling water for half an hour, then drain the water and grind the nuts in a blender with 2 tbsp. l. milk until small crumbs.

    Add ½ cup of sugar to the halva and mix the nut mixture well again. Melt 5 tsp in a frying pan. butter or ghee, reduce the heat to low, and then fry the halva in the oil, stirring constantly for 15 minutes. The nut butter should boil down and thicken, then it should be placed in a greased form. Cut the cooled pistachio halva into pieces and try it - you will definitely like the subtle smell and special taste of this oriental sweet!

    How to Make Homemade Peanut Chocolate Halwa

    This halva is unusually nutritious and satisfying, and is prepared simply - according to the usual recipe. Peel 2 cups of peanuts, fry them in a frying pan until golden brown and grind them into powder in a blender. Fry 1½ cups of flour separately until it acquires a pleasant golden color, add a packet of vanilla sugar and stir with nuts. Melt 50 g of dark chocolate separately in a water bath. Pour 1 cup of unflavoured vegetable oil into the resulting nut-flour mixture and mix well. Boil sweet syrup from ⅓ glass of water and 1 glass of sugar until it becomes a “soft ball”, when a drop of syrup forms a soft lump in cool water. You will need to cook the syrup for about 8 minutes, then combine it with peanuts and melted chocolate, mix well and cool. You can create balls from the halva, serve it completely on a platter, or cut it into pieces.

    How to make homemade halva with oatmeal, honey and seeds

    Very warm and pleasant-tasting halva will appeal to all adherents of a healthy lifestyle. You can eat this halva without worrying about extra centimeters on your waist - naturally, if you follow the measure. You will need oatmeal, honey, sunflower seeds and a very small amount of sunflower oil.

    Prepare a syrup from 60 ml of water and the same amount of honey - to do this, heat the water with honey, but do not bring it to a boil, but immediately remove from the heat once the honey has dissolved. Fry 80 g of flour until creamy and have a pleasant nutty smell, add 30 ml of sunflower oil to the flour, stir everything, add 200 g of crushed seeds, roasted or raw - as you like. Fry the mixture for 5 minutes and pour honey syrup into it. Place the halva in a greased form, cover with baking paper, place a weight on top, for example a jar of flour, and leave for an hour. Place the halva in the refrigerator overnight (that is, in the dark) and serve the desired dessert with fragrant tea for your morning breakfast!

    Recipe for semolina halva at home

    Semolina halva comes out very tender and melts in your mouth. It can be a lovely alternative to semolina porridge, which not all kids adore. This halva can simply be prepared in a slow cooker. Melt 200 g of butter in a multicooker, setting the heating mode, pour 100 g of pine nuts into the bowl, set the baking or frying mode for 30 minutes. After 5 minutes of frying the nuts, add 500 g of semolina to them and stir it from time to time - as a result, the cereal should acquire a golden color. Pour 500 ml of milk into the semolina and add 500 g of sugar. Soon the halva will thicken, and when the multicooker gives a signal that the dish has finished cooking, turn it off and wait 15 minutes. Place the semolina mass in a mold, put it in the refrigerator and, after hardening, cut into pieces. You can roll the halva into balls or cool it in molds. This dessert looks very beautiful and appetizing, so it’s impossible to resist tasting it!

    Sesame-coconut halva: royal dessert

    Sesame halva is very necessary, because sesame is the record holder for calcium content. It turns out that you can eat sweets and immediately benefit. So, melt 250 g of butter in a frying pan, add 150 sesame seeds and fry until it turns golden. After the sesame seeds are cooked, let them cool slightly, pour 25 g of coconut flakes into the pan and stir. Add 100 g of sweet powder to the mixture and stir again, and then add 100 g of milk powder. After thorough mixing, let the mixture sit slightly until it swells, put it in a mold covered with cling film, and leave it in the refrigerator for several hours. Cut the hardened halva and enjoy this unique dessert!

    A pleasant tea party together with the “Eat at Home” store!

    Pieces of the finished halva can be dipped in melted chocolate, rolled in coconut flakes, sesame seeds, nuts or poppy seeds. Children like to cut out various shapes with molds or make balls. Make halva more often, because it is simple to prepare, can be stored for a long time, and is also very tasty, healthy and original! This dessert will be perfect for any tea party, even a celebratory one. And with tea from the branded online store “Eat at Home”, this holiday will be even more memorable for your guests. Loose leaf tea has a unique, amazing taste and fresh smell, it gives you strength and gives you a good mood! The teas do not contain artificial flavors or additives. Enjoy your tea!


    Halva “My beloved”

    Now I would like to bring to your attention a very tasty and quick-to-make halva. I have been making this recipe for many years. It is equally good from both sunflower seeds and nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts). Help yourself!

    Shortbread cookies with halva cream

    Hello, dear friends! And here we are indulging in cookies! I warn you right away: DO NOT look hungry! And I invite the well-fed and satisfied to gawk and at the mental level to bite into the most delicious two-color cookies with halva cream. The cookies are very dangerous, they are prepared quickly, simply, pleasantly, and disappear even faster. At the same time, even if you didn’t eat enough, you got a lot of calories! I’m sitting here, drinking tea with cookies, and I catch myself not washing down the cookies with tea, but snacking on the tea with cookies. Eh, it's time to quit this sweet-calorie business!

    Cupcake with halva and cocoa

    Baking with halva is very tasty. This smell and taste cannot be confused with anything! Try baking this wonderful cupcake and you will fall in love with it from the first bite!!

    Pie with halva

    I offer a recipe for a fragrant, tender and very tasty pie, with a pronounced taste of halva.

    Oriental halva with coconut

    As everyone understands, in the east one of the favorite desserts is halva. There are a huge number of recipes, halva is made from semolina, starch or flour with various additives. Now I would like to show you a recipe made from semolina and coconut. It is very easy and quick to manufacture, and most importantly, it does not require huge costs.

    Rolls with halva

    Especially delicious halva rolls. The rolls turn out very tender and crumbly. Try it and you will certainly like it.

    Roll with cottage cheese and halva

    Delicate biscuit dough and curd inside with halva - in this recipe the hardest thing to withstand the day) then you will be rewarded - the biscuit with insides will actually combine into a single whole and you will get real pleasure! The recipe was taken from the Internet quite a long time ago, so I won’t name the creator - many thanks to him!

    Hot chocolate with halva

    This divine drink with its rich taste, velvety chocolate color and natural halva smell will amuse you on cool winter days.

    No-bake cake “Halva”

    Delicious, necessary cake. Perfect for a post.

    Sesame-peanut halva

    Insanely delicious and satisfying halwa that can be prepared in 20 minutes. Moderately sweet, not cloying and very fragrant. Sesame and peanuts are a real storehouse of microelements and dietary fiber. So enjoy yourself with usefulness!

    Halva . Halva is an oriental sweet, which is a solid mass consisting of ground seeds, beans or nuts and caramel mass.

    Nowadays you can find various types of halva on store shelves. So, there is sunflower, peanut, sesame, pistachio halva, etc. It is clear that any type of halva has certain beneficial qualities.

    Thus, consuming halva made from sunflower seeds has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system. It contains a huge amount of natural preservatives, which extends its shelf life. It contains a lot of vitamins and essential substances. It is excellent to use sunflower halva for those who have enormous physical overload - it promotes rapid restoration of strength.

    Peanut halva is a storehouse of vitamins and essential substances. It is especially rich in folic acid. Thanks to this, peanut halva is very useful for pregnant women. In addition, frequent consumption of peanut halva improves memory, helps lower cholesterol (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) , and increases potency.

    Sesame halwa tastes quite nice. Useful for people who suffer from problems with the respiratory system and musculoskeletal system. Thanks to the highest content of calcium and antioxidants, it slows down the aging process.

    Pistachio halva is found very rarely. It is very tasty, rich in microelements and vitamins.

    It is not difficult to prepare halva at home. It is important to note that during production all the beneficial characteristics of seeds and nuts are preserved. Halva is a high-calorie product, so it should not be consumed by those who are watching their figure.

    To make halva at home, you will need a blender so that all the ingredients are painstakingly crushed. First, crush the seeds, then add raisins to them and continue crushing, then pour in sunflower oil and continue combining for about another minute. Wrap the resulting mixture in a bag and put it in the refrigerator to harden. After about an hour, the halva is ready. The seeds can be replaced with peanuts, sesame seeds, almonds, pistachios, etc. In addition to raisins, you can add any dried fruits (for example, prunes, dried apricots).

    It is better to store halva not in cellophane, but in glass containers and in the refrigerator. Thus, the product can not spoil for two months.

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