Kvass from dark rye bread at home

Kvass from dark rye bread at home

In hot weather, real kvass perfectly relieves thirst, eliminates lethargy and quickly restores strength. This tasty natural drink is also easy to prepare at home, following centuries-old technology. I bring to your attention two recipes for kvass made from bread: one with yeast, the other without.

  • You can make kvass from any type of bread, but the best drinks are made from dark rye loaves without the addition of caraway seeds, dill, etc.;
  • use only glass, plastic or enamel containers;
  • prepare breadcrumbs for kvass without oil and spices;
  • During fermentation in tightly closed containers, do not forget to monitor the level of carbon dioxide so that the high pressure does not break the bottles.

Kvass from bread with yeast

The usual traditional option.


  • rye bread – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 5 l.;
  • sugar – 250 gr;
  • compressed yeast – 20 g (or 5 g dry).

Lovers of sweet drinks can increase the amount of sugar added in the eighth step by 2-3 times.


1. Cut the bread into small pieces and fry in the oven until golden brown. The more the bread is dried, the more bitterness is felt in the kvass and the darker the color, but you should not overdry it.

2. Boil water, then cool to room temperature and pour into a fermentation container.

3. Add crackers, cover the neck of the container with gauze and place in a black space at room temperature for 48 hours. If you need to create kvass quickly, you can boil the mixture for 20-30 minutes, then cool it to 25-30°C.

4. Dilute the yeast according to the directions on the packet.

5. Filter the kvass wort through cheesecloth, squeezing out the crackers well.

6. Pour the filtered wort into a fermentation container, add 200 grams of sugar and diluted yeast, mix well.

7. Cover the container loosely with a lid so that carbon dioxide escapes freely, then place it in a black space with a temperature of 18-25°C for 14-16 hours.

8. Pour the kvass into a storage container, for example, plastic bottles or jars, add the remaining 50 grams of sugar, stir. If several bottles are consumed, distribute the sugar sparingly; it is needed to create carbon dioxide in the drink.

9. Seal the containers hermetically and place them in a black space at room temperature for 4-5 hours.

10. Cool homemade bread kvass to a temperature of 8-11°C, transferring the bottles to the refrigerator or basement. This is necessary to stop the fermentation process. After 3-4 hours you can start tasting. Shelf life – up to 3 days.

Kvass with dry yeast

Bread kvass without yeast

A natural drink without the aroma or taste of yeast. Raisins are used as a starter.


  • dark bread – 0.5 kg;
  • sugar – 300 gr;
  • water – 5 l.;
  • unwashed raisins – 50 gr.


1. Cut the bread into pieces and dry it in the oven, the main thing is that the crackers do not burn, otherwise the kvass will turn out bitter.

2. Boil water, add crackers and 250 grams of sugar, stir.

3. Cool the purchased wort to 22-25°C, then pour into a fermentation container, filling a maximum of 90% of the size.

4. Add raisins, then mix again, cover the neck with gauze and transfer the jar to a black space with a temperature of 18-25°C.

5. If the raisins are of high quality, fermentation will begin in 1-2 days, the crackers in the jar will move, and later foam, hissing and a slight sour smell will appear on the surface.

6. Two days after the start of fermentation, filter homemade kvass through cheesecloth, add 50 grams of sugar, mix, pour into bottles for storage, add 2-3 raisins to each and close tightly with lids.

7. Keep the drink for 8-12 hours in a dark, warm place to collect gas, then transfer it to the refrigerator or basement. After the bread kvass has cooled to 8-11°C, you can move on to tasting. Shelf life up to 4 days.

Kvass with raisins instead of yeast

Bread kvass

Bread kvass with honey and raisins

And the starter for this kvass. I have been making this kind of kvass for more than 15 years. At first, my mother-in-law gave me sourdough, and she told me how she makes kvass herself. But I used an experimental method to figure out the rest of the proportions and technology. And the kvass began to turn out tastier than hers. And my mother-in-law already learned how to create it. And later I adapted to making sourdough. The kvass comes out moderately sweet and similar to the barrel kvass that was sold during the Soviet Union. At the moment, I absolutely cannot drink store-bought kvass. Some of it is very sweet and unreal. By the way, for those who watch their figure. The calorie content of such kvass is approximately 25 Kcal per 100 g. So, 2-3 glasses a day is completely acceptable for yourself! Well, God himself commanded us to take a bottle on a picnic!

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Bread kvass and endless leaven

I’ve been using this recipe for I can’t remember how many years! In my opinion, this was the only thing I knew how to cook when I got married. The kvass comes out unsurpassed, I’ll tell you. Refreshing, vigorous, sharp. And it will relieve thirst and become the basis for the most delicious okroshka. Kvass is prepared using sourdough, which can be stored forever. From year to year, I make sourdough in March and until November (or even longer!) There is always delicious homemade kvass in the house. If you're curious, come in.

Bread kvass

Hooray!! In the end, a warm spring arrived, almost like summer. And I immediately wanted to drink. I propose to celebrate the coming of spring with real, bread kvass - similar kvass was previously sold from barrels on the street for 3 kopecks! All from natural products!

Homemade bread kvass

Spring is in full swing, summer is coming, and in the summer the best way to quench your thirst is to take a sip of good, hearty homemade kvass. There are many methods for making it, and any kvas-maker considers his own method to be the most correct. And all because kvass is not a bad field for experience; imagination has no limits here. I added apple, cranberry, pear to the classic sourdough - everything turned out delicious. But the main thing is what kind of sourdough you will get. It's all about her. It provides a basis for experience. Therefore, I give the recipe below as a basic one, then experiment for your health! Proportions are based on the size of a three-liter jar.

Bread kvass without yeast

This is the most ordinary kvass, without any pretense of originality or exclusivity. I looked at the recipes for kvass here, and there is literally none. Maybe some people do it this way, but most of them, like me earlier, thought that making kvass is still a hassle. But it turns out it’s not at all troublesome! I found out about this kvass from my neighbor’s grandmother, it turns out that all the grandmothers around us make this kind of kvass and don’t bother with yeast, boiling and other difficulties! The okroshka on it is just super tasty! You can create any size. I have a 1.5 liter jar in the winter. And 3 liters in the summer.

How to prepare bread Kvass

From time to time we want to remember, well, that one, specifically that one, little forgotten, little arousing our nostalgia - TASTE. The taste of grandmother’s dishes, mother’s incomparable cuisine and those savory, so difficult to convey in words now, dishes from youth; let's remember barrel kvass - 3 kopecks per glass. + prize from me

Bread kvass plus alum for baking bread

Two reasons prompted me to prepare kvass. The first one is completely everyday – I just really wanted kvass and okroshka. The second reason is that I want to clarify for the cooks what alum is (my recipe for alum bread uses kvass grounds, but it turned out that virtually everyone who commented on the recipe did not know what alum is and asked where they could get it and even purchase, which led me to the deepest amazement). So, a recipe for the most delicious kvass and kvass (kvass grounds). PS The recipe for kvass is on the website, but it uses, in my opinion, a very huge amount of yeast (60 g), and even when re-making kvass, the creator also allows you to use yeast. In my recipe there is a minimum of yeast and when re-incorporating kvass, they are not used at all.

Bread kvass (table)

I present to your attention a recipe for kvass that my grandmother used to prepare. Kvass is mainly used to make other dishes. Perfectly suitable for making okroshka, borscht and jellied meat. You can also use it as an independent drink, it has a pleasant bready taste, it is moderately sour and sharp. From time to time I enjoy drinking a glass))).

Bread kvass . Bread kvass is an invigorating cold drink that can be made independently at home. Housewives often prepare the first dish using bread kvass - like okroshka. Bread kvass can also serve as a marinade for fish and meat.

But mainly it is consumed in food as a cool, necessary tonic drink.

The most common method of making your own homemade bread kvass is to purchase such kvass at the market and, after it is drunk, use its wort to make the next portion of the drink, adding only to it some ingredients from culinary recipes for bread kvass.

But if the housewife does not have this ability, she adds a little ground breadcrumbs, a little well-fried whole crackers, sugar, yeast, and maybe raisins to ordinary cold water. The kvass is covered with a lid or a napkin and placed in a warm space in the kitchen (for example, on the windowsill of a window on the sunny side) so that the kvass becomes warm and ferments. 8 hours after the kvass starts fermenting in a warm place, you can strain the drink through cheesecloth and put the kvass in the refrigerator to cool. In the jar in which the drink was fermented and made, small portions of the ingredients for bread kvass should be added. You don’t need to add yeast at this point - kvass will ferment just fine on old sourdough.

Read also:  Okroshka on kefir with mineral water

Homemade kvass, its taste and color can be varied if desired, adding different ingredients to it - pieces of beets, dried fruits, different types of fried bread, and so on.

Homemade bread kvass with yeast


Rye bread – 3-4 slices

Dark strong tea – 1 cup

Dry yeast – 0.5 tsp.

  • 22 kcal
  • 1 hour
  • 1 hour

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Homemade bread kvass with yeast is a savory and fragrant drink that you can taste within a day. Thanks to the addition of yeast, the drink is created faster; it does not need to be infused for 2-3 days at room temperature. Determine the sweetness of kvass according to your own taste - 100 g of sweet sand per 2-2.2 liters of boiling water is enough for me, but you can add more or less. Instead of sweet sand, you can use a sweetener or honey, but honey will need to be added only after the wort has cooled.

Under no circumstances should you pour yeast into a hot liquid - it will simply die and not be activated. The highest temperature for adding yeast is 30 C.

It is best to choose rye bread for kvass, but remember that dark bread with caraway seeds will give the drink a slight bitterness, and we don’t want that! If you replace dry yeast with fresh ones, then calculate their mass at approximately 1:3, in other words, 1 part dry yeast to 3 parts new.

So, let's prepare the necessary ingredients and start cooking!

Cut the rye bread into cubes or bars, fry in a frying pan until crusty - the darker the crackers, the more saturated the color the kvass will acquire.

Boil water in a container and pour sweet sand into it, mix thoroughly until it dissolves, and add fried crackers. Brew dark tea without additives or flavorings, pour into a container, strain through a strainer. Leave the container until it cools.

Once the contents of the pan have cooled to an appropriate temperature of 25-30 C, add dry yeast to it and mix again. Cover with a towel or gauze and leave for 2 hours.

After this, strain the contents of the container through a colander, removing the bread.

Then strain again through a small-mesh strainer or a double layer of gauze. Then again cover the container with a towel or gauze and leave it for 12-14 hours at room temperature - during this period of time the yeast will be “fed” with sugar in the water and the drink will begin to ferment.

After the designated time, pour homemade bread kvass with yeast into a jug or jar, pour into glasses and serve.

If you want to get the most aged kvass, place it in the cold, but remember that every day the drink will become less sweet - the yeast will eat the sugar.

Solert › Blog › Kvass. Real, monastic kvass made with rye sourdough and rye crackers!

I promised to share the recipe for this kvass.

We constantly took similar kvass at the Dunilovsky Monastery, it took me a long time to find the recipe, and finally I found it...
Recipe for Real Monastery Kvass, with rye sourdough.

Recipe from the web, the creator did a lot of work to develop this recipe, we got the already tested final result.
The database contains a recipe for monastery kvass, modified and brought “to reason”, because cunning monks (I understand it myself;)) never give away all the secrets of production...)) The entire text is the author’s, I did not change the course and sequence of actions.

So we read, delve into it and do it...
...This kvass contains only natural products, no chemicals or acids!
Only live fermentation of natural goods.
These are rye crackers from sourdough bread! Next comes water, sugar, rye malt (malt can be omitted) and raisins.

1. It is prepared super quickly
2. You can create a lot of it right away and this does not affect the speed of production in any way
3. It is made from small and affordable goods.

The recipe is simple to make, available in larger quantities and from available goods.
So, what is still needed to make REAL kvass:
Firstly, you need ready-made rye sourdough. Without it, you won’t be able to read further.

Secondly, you need rye, toasted or dried crackers from sourdough bread.
(I baked the bread for the crackers using the sponge method, but without rising - just for leavened crackers)

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Thirdly, you need ordinary, untainted raw tap water or spring water.
If yours is truly pure, of course. If not, then filter it, clean it or freeze it. Boiled water is dead water, it won’t work.

Fourthly, you need sugar.

Fifth, you need raisins.

Rye malt, if desired, for tinting the kvass, if it is necessary for it to be dark.
And even without it, the golden color of kvass is completely pleasant and beautiful.

Now it’s important.
I would like to draw your attention to the very first production of this kvass, as it differs from the following ones.
If the first time you add 1 glass of ready-made starter, then the next times you will use the kvass wort remaining after fermentation of the kvass.
In other words, when you carefully poured the prepared kvass into jars, the remainder of the thick, snow-white slurry and also the slurry from the crackers should be poured into a separate jar, closed with a lid and placed in the refrigerator.
This is the mixture that will make your next portion of kvass ferment.
Later you drain this wort again.
and so on and so forth. In a word, the creation of kvass will turn into serial production.
Which is not so bad in the summer heat.
But that is not all. At times, once every 3-4 days, this leaven must be fed with either 1-2 tablespoons of rye sourdough, or 1-2 tablespoons of rye flour.
I have this leaven that constantly plays at +6C in the refrigerator, carbonates and bubbles, lives...
One more piece of advice.
When you run out of kvass in your jar, do not throw away the sediment; also pour it into your kvass starter. To do this, you need a huge 1.7 liter jar for sourdough starter.

Here's how to make kvass for the first time:
For 10 liters.
water: 1 glass 250 ml.
Ready-made rye sourdough 1 cup 250 ml.
sugar (it will be a little sweet) or a little less so that the sweetness is present. 3 small handfuls of crackers.
A handful of raisins, 20 pieces.

I made it for 3 liters
- 85 g of sourdough
- 85 g of sugar
- 1 fist of crackers
- I still added a handful of raisins

We take a 10-liter container, glass, enamel, clay, wood.

Later we throw in the crackers.

We give them some time to soak and swell, about 30 minutes.
During this period of time, the water will cool down and become barely warm, so that the starter does not eventually burn.

Next, pour 1 cup of starter into the pan and stir.

Throw in a handful of raisins and stir

And we put the container in a more or less warm space, wrapping it in something.

The degree of readiness of kvass is determined by the floating of raisins.
This usually occurs after approximately 12-15 hours at 26-28C.
In other words, we make kvass in the evening, and by noon the next day it is ready.
But you can keep it a little longer, but not more than 30-36 hours, otherwise it may turn sour!
When the kvass is ready, I catch the top crackers with a sieve and throw them away.

Later we take a huge 3 litas.
a watering can with a small strainer inside and pour the kvass into jars and put them in refrigerators. It is better for those who love carbonated kvass to keep it in the refrigerator for at least 2 days so that it ripens and gains strength and gases.

A little more than a day of waiting and you're done. A beautiful drink in the refrigerator, ready to quench your thirst and, most importantly, improve your body’s health!

This kvass is REAL. It is indescribably delicious, fresh, but also very healthy. Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract - the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) with a bang!

What happened for me:
The kvass comes out soft, not sharp in taste.
Light amber, but the color depends on the degree of frying of the crackers and the use of dried fruits. I also had dried apples and pears, you can take prunes and dried apricots. The first kvass comes out with very weak carbonation, the starter has not yet gained strength.
From the 2nd batch, almost the next morning, I was already pouring the kvass into bottles.
He was already wandering around at full speed.
The bread and raisins floated up and down, and large bubbles came from below. Pour the kvass into bottles, add 5 raisins and a little sugar.

We cork the bottle and let it stand on the table for 4-6 hours to collect carbon dioxide.
The raisins will begin to “play”, this is an indicator that everything is going as it should.

Then we put the kvass in the refrigerator, preferably for a day, but you can drink it after two hours, after it has cooled.

To the chagrin of the creator of this delicious recipe, I have no longer found it and cannot provide a link to it:(((I
saved the recipe a long time ago, even before I started baking sourdough bread:(((

Expect recipes for kvass:
Kvass on rye bread crumbs
And berry kvass, on sourdough made from rye bread crumbs.

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