How to cook chicken carpaccio according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

How to cook chicken carpaccio according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

Dear chefs, now we are going to look at a recipe for making the famous chicken carpaccio at home. We are already accustomed to the fact that recipes from different parts of the world travel around the world and we can enjoy them without visiting expensive restaurants.

This also applies to this method of preparing meat, which was invented not so long ago, at first it was served only in expensive restaurants, but now anyone can cook it, because it is so simple and incredibly delicious.

The first time I tried carpaccio was in one of the restaurants in our country. It was served separately, and it was also part of a plate with various types of tenderloin and sausage. I really liked this raw meat prepared using this method and I found its recipe from those people who prefer only home-cooked food and practically make all the products themselves. So, I am sharing with you a detailed recipe for making tasty meat without heat treatment.

Spicy chicken carpaccio with garlic


Chicken fillet 4 things.
Dry garlic 4 tsp.
Salt 8 tsp.
Coriander 4 tsp.
Ground pepper mixture 2 tsp.
Paprika 5 tsp.
Cayenne pepper powder 2-4 tsp.
Italian herbs 2 tsp.
Sugar 2 tsp.

Choosing the right ingredients

  • Eating raw meat is unsafe, unless you yourself have raised the animal that was slaughtered. For this dish, take 4 chicken breasts from a regular, proven store and keep them in the freezer for 4-5 days to destroy all the simple ones, if any.
  • You can also let the meat lie in salt for several hours, which will help remove excess microbes from it. In this case, there is no need to add salt to the seasonings, because the meat will already be quite well salted.
  • Before use, the breasts must be thawed, washed and dried.
  • Be sure to replenish your spice supplies so that you have everything at hand when preparing the dish. Not a single carpaccio can do without coriander and paprika. You can also use any mixture of peppers, spices for meat, chicken and others.
  • It is better to take dry garlic so that the freshness does not overwhelm the taste of all other spices.

Step by step recipe

  1. In a deep bowl, mix 4 tsp. dry garlic, 8 tsp. salt, 4 tsp. coriander, 2 tsp. consistency of peppers, 5 tsp. paprika, 2 tsp. cayenne pepper, Italian herbs and sugar. Our mixture will be sweet-spicy-salty and perfect for meat.
  2. Carefully rub the chicken breasts with it, place in a deep bowl and set the press for 4 hours (you can put a plate on the breasts and place a three-liter jar of water).
  3. String the finished breasts on a wire, hang them in the refrigerator and put on a fan. Also, any other cold, ventilated room is suitable for drying them. If possible, you can hang it in the kitchen, covering it with gauze. After 3 days you can take a sample!

Video recipe

Dear chefs, I bring to your attention a short video that carefully explains how to create chicken carpaccio. You will see how to properly apply spices to meat.

Here is another very simple and delicious recipe for chicken breast carpaccio at home. Naturally, such a dish can be purchased in a store, but taking into account the fact that the entire process of making it is very simple, you can create it at home even without special culinary skills.

Can you imagine how amazed and delighted your guests will be with your culinary capabilities? So let's get started creating a dish that everyone who tries it will thank you for.

Chicken carpaccio


Chicken fillet 500 g
Salt 300 g
Paprika 30 g
Ground dark pepper 10 g
Ground coriander 10 g
Hot reddish pepper 5 g

Step by step recipe

  1. Beforehand, salt the chicken fillet well, place tightly in a deep bowl and leave for 12 hours. Before consuming it, keep the meat in the freezer for 3-4 days so that all unnecessary bacteria are killed.
  2. Sprinkle 500 g of chicken fillet, thawed at room temperature or in the refrigerator, generously with salt and leave for 12 hours.
    After this, wipe the meat with a napkin. In a bowl, mix 30 g of paprika, 10 g each of ground coriander and ground pepper, 5 g of reddish pepper.
    You can also adjust the amount of spices without the help of others.
  3. Roll the fillet in the acquired consistency, wrap each piece separately in parchment, tie it with thread and send it to a cold, ventilated room for three days.

Video recipe

And now I invite you to watch a video that carefully describes the entire process of making the most delicious meat.

Carpaccio is a famous appetizer from Italy that can be prepared at home using chicken.

Italian cuisine is replete with an abundance of unique and inimitable-tasting dishes and drinks. One of the most interesting and special is carpaccio. It comes in different variations, but in Russia it is most often prepared from chicken or reddish meat.

How to cook chicken carpaccio correctly, and what do you eat with the state Italian product? We'll tell you in our article!

  • History and description
  • Personality and consumption traditions
  • How to create at home
  • Selection of ingredients in the store
  • Traditional recipe: how to make it from chicken breasts
  • Other options
  • Submission and tips

History and description

Carpaccio is a relatively young dish from Italy. In 1950, one of the bars in Venice called “Bar Harry” was visited by a lady from the count’s family, Amalia Nani Mocenigo.

She was prescribed an unusual diet that excluded fried meat, which made her sad.

Then the owner of the establishment, Giuseppe Cipriani, in order to slightly cheer up the visitor , cut several thin slices from the frozen beef fillet, poured over it with lemon juice, added grated horseradish root and mayonnaise.

The Countess really liked the dish and Giuseppe put it on the menu . But the dish didn’t have a name.

Then Amalia Mocenigo, remembering a recent exhibition of paintings, told Cipriani that in the works of the Renaissance artist Vittore Carpaccio, bright red and snow-white colors predominate, like a dish, and suggested that carpaccio be named after the artist .

Traditionally, the dish is prepared from beef . The reddish meat fillet is cut into thin slices and marinated in a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil and vinegar.

But having undergone different changes over half a century, carpaccio began to be prepared not only from livestock and poultry meat, but even from vegetables .

Have you heard about the classic Italian dish called gnocchi? Find some exciting crafting recipes on our website!

In the following article you will find a traditional recipe for making Italian Minestrone - a light summer soup.

We’ll also tell you a few secrets from Italian chefs about how to properly prepare ravioli with meat here:

Read also:  Homemade yeast bread recipe

Personality and consumption traditions

Any type of carpaccio is an appetizer that whets your appetite. Therefore, they eat the dish before eating the main course.

For example, Washington politicians eat traditional carpaccio for breakfast to maintain tone and health. It is also a powerful aphrodisiac.

A small portion consisting of 5-6 pieces of chicken fillet will prepare the body to accept the heaviest meal , thanks to its low calorie content and inflammatory dressing, adapted to improve digestion.

To make the food especially spicy, there are several secrets in preparing the dish:

    Only chilled or fresh poultry breast is suitable for carpaccio.

For a unique smell, reddish pepper, a mixture of seasonings, coriander, ginger and cloves are added to the chicken.

To achieve the desired color - the main highlight of the dish - the fillet is painstakingly seasoned with paprika.

How to create at home

Every dish has its own cooking rules.

Sliced ​​raw chicken breast is no exception:

    Because chicken meat has a weak taste, you need to add a very spicy sauce to carpaccio made from this meat.

Considering that the main ingredient must remain raw, there is a possibility of infection by harmful microbes. To avoid this, fresh meat is frozen in the freezer .

For the convenience of cutting translucent pieces, use either a very sharp knife or a special machine - a slicer.

Poultry is frozen not only for hygienic reasons . Cutting a frozen product is the easiest and the plates come out even.

Translucent plates should be placed on a dish immediately. Otherwise, they will crumble and lose their shape.

Selection of ingredients in the store

When preparing dishes that differ from the usual ones, it is quite difficult to choose a more suitable product so that the dish is very similar in taste and appearance.

You should be careful when selecting poultry for this appetizer , because this is the main ingredient:

    For this dish you only need cleaned fillet.

Freshness is the main feature of the product. Only the freshest or freshly frozen fillet will produce a good carpaccio.

No fat. It will bring a bad taste.

The bird does not have to be fed with added drugs and other chemicals. It will not be fried and therefore you will simply become infected with salmonella from the chicken.


    Cherry tomatoes are desirable. They look more aesthetically pleasing and taste better.

Herbs and spices for dressing:

    Freshness is also important . It is better to use the product cut on the same day.

Arugula leaves should be young.

For dressing according to a unique recipe, you should choose young, fresh horseradish root.

Freshly ground pepper is preferable . Therefore, you need to take peppercorns. It will be amazing if it comes in bulk.

Traditional recipe: how to make it from chicken breasts

You can deviate from the traditional recipe for making chicken carpaccio appetizer. But for this you need to know the original version.


    chicken breast fillet - 150 g;

extra virgin olive oil - 2 tablespoons. spoons;

light rum - 1 table. spoon;

arugula - 2 sprigs;

snow-white and reddish peppercorns - to taste;

parmesan - 30 g;

capers - 7-9 pieces;

paprika - 2 tbsp. spoons;

ginger - 1 teaspoon;

coriander - ½ teaspoon.

How to make chicken carpaccio:

    Place the whole fillet in the freezer for 2 hours.

After time has passed, remove the bird and rub with coriander, ginger and paprika.

Cut into thin slices until translucent.

Place on a plate.

Sprinkle with freshly ground pepper and a pinch of salt.

Create the sauce: mix the oil with the juice of half a lemon, lime juice and rum.

Drizzle the dressing over the tenderloin.

Place cherry tomatoes cut in half on top of a dish.

Carefully place the capers around the slices of the bird.

Sprinkle with grated Parmesan.

Tear up the arugula and serve as an appetizer.

Traditional chicken carpaccio is ready!

You've probably heard of Parma ham? In Italy they call it prosciutto: we will tell you everything about the rules for making the product on the pages of our website.

In this article we will tell you about a unique dish of Sicilian cuisine - arancini, as well as a recipe for making rice balls with cheese.

Would you like to find out how to make real pesto sauce at home? Find the step-by-step recipe here:

Other options

It happens that you want to try something exotic , but for one reason or another the necessary ingredients are not available.

In this case, you can change them:

    For example, chicken meat can be replaced with turkey meat.

The space of arugula will be perfectly occupied by parsley or basil, which will give the dish an equally interesting and special taste.

If you change olive oil to refined sunflower oil without aroma, then there will not be much of a difference.

You can avoid lime by using only lemon.

Without rum, carpaccio will be no less exciting appetizer.

A medium dacha tomato, cut into 6 pieces, will be a wonderful candidate for cherry tomatoes.

And instead of Parmesan you can use Russian cheese.

By substituting the traditional composition, you can get a great opportunity to create a new carpaccio, which may become a signature dish of your kitchen.

From the following video you will learn how to prepare chicken carpaccio at home:

Submission and tips

When serving carpaccio correctly, it is important to sprinkle the dish with the freshest torn herbs, sprinkle with lemon, add capers, tomatoes and grate a little Parmesan.

Sauce options may vary. By replacing any products, it is possible to get a completely new and unique taste.

For lunch, it is recommended to serve carpaccio before soup , because the dish is a cool appetizer.

This is a portioned food, therefore it is served in a personal flat plate with wide brims , which is previously heated to enhance the smell, and it must be eaten from the same dish with a fork.

The freedom to develop dressings and sauces for dishes will help you become the best chef for your family. And a funny story of its origin will improve the mood of eaters and give a new unforgettable taste!

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Chicken carpaccio – a dietary version of the famous Italian dish

Probably everyone has heard the word “Carpaccio” at least once in cooking, but not everyone knows what kind of dish it is, and even more so, they don’t know how to prepare it correctly. In essence, this is a fairly ordinary and unique appetizer, consisting of thinly sliced ​​raw meat, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil.

The traditional version of this Italian dish involves cooking specifically from beef. But over time, a huge number of “modernized” recipes have emerged, one of which is chicken carpaccio. This dish has the lowest calorie content, and the process of its production is simple and quick. It will amuse both smoked meat lovers and weight watchers. Let's look step by step and with photos on how to create chicken carpaccio so that it turns out no worse than in a restaurant.

Regular Chicken Carpaccio Recipe

Before you cook chicken carpaccio at home, be especially careful when choosing meat. Buy it only in proven places and preferably chilled or frozen. It is better to find out whether the bird had any diseases during its life, and whether there were any harmful substances in its diet, because the meat will not undergo additional heat treatment during production.

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And for this recipe you will need:

  • One chicken fillet;
  • Juice from 1 fresh lemon;
  • A tablespoon of olive oil;
  • Pepper and add salt to taste.

The cooking diagram looks like this:

  1. We wash the fillet well, remove all veins and membranes, then dry it with cardboard napkins;
  2. Wrap the dried meat in cling film and place it in the freezer until it is completely frozen. But you shouldn’t overcook the chicken until it turns into a piece of ice. Freezing is necessary so that the chicken can simply be cut into thin slices;
  3. Combine lemon juice with olive oil and whisk, add salt and pepper the mixture;
  4. Free the frozen chicken from the film and cut it thinly with a sharp knife;
  5. Let the meat thaw a little, then put it on a plate and pour over the prepared dressing;
  6. As an option for decoration, you can use arugula, parmesan “petals” and lemon slices.

"Dried version of Carpaccio"

This homemade chicken carpaccio recipe will please herb and spice lovers.

For 8 servings of food you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • 5 garlic cloves;
  • Chicken fillet – 3 pcs;
  • Coriander and a mixture of dried herbs - 1.5 huge spoons each;
  • Paprika and freshly ground pepper mixture - 2 tablespoons each;
  • Salt – 5 huge spoons.

{Instructions} for cooking are as follows:

  1. Combine salt, all the spices and herbs, and garlic in a plate and mix until smooth. Thanks to paprika, our chicken will acquire an appetizing reddish color;
  2. We cut each washed and dried fillet lengthwise into small pieces and roll each fillet well on all sides in the previously prepared consistency;
  3. We put our preparations in a saucepan and place them on top of their load. The chicken must marinate and release the juices. This will take about 3-4 hours;
  4. After this time, place each slice on paper towels to remove excess water;
  5. Then we string the pieces onto a thread or wire (you can also use a skewer) and hang them in a dark, cold space (for example, under a table). Don’t forget to make sure that flies or other insects don’t land on the meat;
  6. After three days, check the workpieces. They should become dry, but at the same time not completely hard;
  7. The meat can be served by sprinkling a little lemon juice and garnishing with herbs and Parmesan.

Chicken Carpaccio for diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) according to Dukan

This recipe is perfect for those who eat healthy or are on a diet.

  • 5 chicken breast halves;
  • 2 huge spoons of salt;
  • Herbs optional;
  • A teaspoon of aromatic and dark pepper.

The manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Combine all the spices. Place some of this consistency on the bottom of the saucepan where the meat will be marinated. The remaining part is coated with the fillet and placed in a container, and a weight is placed on top;
  2. The chicken is left in this state for a day until the juice begins to stand out, then it needs to be transferred to the refrigerator for another day;
  3. After marinating, the meat must be thoroughly washed to remove spices, wiped and dried. Serve after a few hours, cutting into thin slices.

Carpaccio option for smokehouse

To make an indescribably tasty and fragrant Carpaccio, a device such as a smokehouse will help you.

To do this you will need:

  • One chicken breast;
  • Cognac – 30 ml;
  • Large table salt - 3 large spoons.

Now let's look at how to cook chicken carpaccio using a smoker:

  1. The washed and dried chicken meat should be sprinkled with cognac and rubbed moderately with salt. Next, place it in a container, cover with a lid and leave for a couple of days at room temperature;
  2. We carefully rinse the chicken under running water to remove salt and dry it, then string it on a skewer or wire and hang it in a room with good ventilation for 24 hours. In the summer, you can carefully wrap the workpieces in gauze to protect them from insects;
  3. Next, we place the chicken in linen fabric (a medical system of cells and intercellular substances united by a common origin, structure and functions) or gauze and put it in the refrigerator for another day;
  4. After this, you can finally proceed to the finishing step. Place the pieces in the smokehouse and cook in the “Cool Smoking” mode for 20 minutes with the lid closed. After this, the food is cut into slices and served to the table.

Watery Smoke Carpaccio Recipe

Another “smoked version” of chicken breast carpaccio, no less exciting than the previous one.

To prepare the brine you need:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • Peeling from 1 kg of onion;
  • 3 huge spoons of watery smoke;
  • 3 bags of natural dark tea without additives;
  • Sugar – 4 tablespoons;
  • Salt – 8 huge spoons.

For this amount of brine, you can take up to 1.5 kg of chicken meat from the breasts. It is important that it be very fresh.

  1. Remove skin and veins from the breast;
  2. Wash the onion peels well, add sugar and salt, slip in tea bags, pour in some water;
  3. Bring to a boil and continue to simmer on low heat for another 15 minutes, then cool completely. Do not remove the bags and husks yet;
  4. Add watery smoke to the cooled brine and immerse the meat in it;
  5. We put a weight on top so that the breast is completely immersed in the liquid. Leave in a cool place for approximately 8 hours. You need to stir the brine several times so that the meat is moderately marinated;
  6. We dry the workpiece on cardboard napkins and hang it to dry in a cold place in the room for about a day and a half;
  7. After this, remove, place in a bag and put in the refrigerator overnight (that is, in the dark) . This is enough time for the delicacy to “arrive”;
  8. Cut the workpiece into slices and serve.

Chicken carpaccio is easy to make at home without any help. This appetizer will amuse you and your loved ones, without the need to visit Italian restaurants.

Video: Chicken breast carpaccio recipe

Carpaccio is a famous appetizer from Italy that can be prepared at home using chicken.

Italian cuisine is replete with an abundance of unique and inimitable-tasting dishes and drinks. One of the most interesting and special is carpaccio. It comes in different variations, but in Russia it is most often prepared from chicken or reddish meat.

How to cook chicken carpaccio correctly, and what do you eat with the state Italian product? We'll tell you in our article!

  • History and description
  • Personality and consumption traditions
  • How to create at home
  • Selection of ingredients in the store
  • Traditional recipe: how to make it from chicken breasts
  • Other options
  • Submission and tips

History and description

Carpaccio is a relatively young dish from Italy. In 1950, one of the bars in Venice called “Bar Harry” was visited by a lady from the count’s family, Amalia Nani Mocenigo.

She was prescribed an unusual diet that excluded fried meat, which made her sad.

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Then the owner of the establishment, Giuseppe Cipriani, in order to slightly cheer up the visitor , cut several thin slices from the frozen beef fillet, poured over it with lemon juice, added grated horseradish root and mayonnaise.

The Countess really liked the dish and Giuseppe put it on the menu . But the dish didn’t have a name.

Then Amalia Mocenigo, remembering a recent exhibition of paintings, told Cipriani that in the works of the Renaissance artist Vittore Carpaccio, bright red and snow-white colors predominate, like a dish, and suggested that carpaccio be named after the artist .

Traditionally, the dish is prepared from beef . The reddish meat fillet is cut into thin slices and marinated in a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil and vinegar.

But having undergone different changes over half a century, carpaccio began to be prepared not only from livestock and poultry meat, but even from vegetables .

Have you heard about the classic Italian dish called gnocchi? Find some exciting crafting recipes on our website!

In the following article you will find a traditional recipe for making Italian Minestrone - a light summer soup.

We’ll also tell you a few secrets from Italian chefs about how to properly prepare ravioli with meat here:

Personality and consumption traditions

Any type of carpaccio is an appetizer that whets your appetite. Therefore, they eat the dish before eating the main course.

For example, Washington politicians eat traditional carpaccio for breakfast to maintain tone and health. It is also a powerful aphrodisiac.

A small portion consisting of 5-6 pieces of chicken fillet will prepare the body to accept the heaviest meal , thanks to its low calorie content and inflammatory dressing, adapted to improve digestion.

To make the food especially spicy, there are several secrets in preparing the dish:

    Only chilled or fresh poultry breast is suitable for carpaccio.

For a unique smell, reddish pepper, a mixture of seasonings, coriander, ginger and cloves are added to the chicken.

To achieve the desired color - the main highlight of the dish - the fillet is painstakingly seasoned with paprika.

How to create at home

Every dish has its own cooking rules.

Sliced ​​raw chicken breast is no exception:

    Because chicken meat has a weak taste, you need to add a very spicy sauce to carpaccio made from this meat.

Considering that the main ingredient must remain raw, there is a possibility of infection by harmful microbes. To avoid this, fresh meat is frozen in the freezer .

For the convenience of cutting translucent pieces, use either a very sharp knife or a special machine - a slicer.

Poultry is frozen not only for hygienic reasons . Cutting a frozen product is the easiest and the plates come out even.

Translucent plates should be placed on a dish immediately. Otherwise, they will crumble and lose their shape.

Selection of ingredients in the store

When preparing dishes that differ from the usual ones, it is quite difficult to choose a more suitable product so that the dish is very similar in taste and appearance.

You should be careful when selecting poultry for this appetizer , because this is the main ingredient:

    For this dish you only need cleaned fillet.

Freshness is the main feature of the product. Only the freshest or freshly frozen fillet will produce a good carpaccio.

No fat. It will bring a bad taste.

The bird does not have to be fed with added drugs and other chemicals. It will not be fried and therefore you will simply become infected with salmonella from the chicken.


    Cherry tomatoes are desirable. They look more aesthetically pleasing and taste better.

Herbs and spices for dressing:

    Freshness is also important . It is better to use the product cut on the same day.

Arugula leaves should be young.

For dressing according to a unique recipe, you should choose young, fresh horseradish root.

Freshly ground pepper is preferable . Therefore, you need to take peppercorns. It will be amazing if it comes in bulk.

Traditional recipe: how to make it from chicken breasts

You can deviate from the traditional recipe for making chicken carpaccio appetizer. But for this you need to know the original version.


    chicken breast fillet - 150 g;

extra virgin olive oil - 2 tablespoons. spoons;

light rum - 1 table. spoon;

arugula - 2 sprigs;

snow-white and reddish peppercorns - to taste;

parmesan - 30 g;

capers - 7-9 pieces;

paprika - 2 tbsp. spoons;

ginger - 1 teaspoon;

coriander - ½ teaspoon.

How to make chicken carpaccio:

    Place the whole fillet in the freezer for 2 hours.

After time has passed, remove the bird and rub with coriander, ginger and paprika.

Cut into thin slices until translucent.

Place on a plate.

Sprinkle with freshly ground pepper and a pinch of salt.

Create the sauce: mix the oil with the juice of half a lemon, lime juice and rum.

Drizzle the dressing over the tenderloin.

Place cherry tomatoes cut in half on top of a dish.

Carefully place the capers around the slices of the bird.

Sprinkle with grated Parmesan.

Tear up the arugula and serve as an appetizer.

Traditional chicken carpaccio is ready!

You've probably heard of Parma ham? In Italy they call it prosciutto: we will tell you everything about the rules for making the product on the pages of our website.

In this article we will tell you about a unique dish of Sicilian cuisine - arancini, as well as a recipe for making rice balls with cheese.

Would you like to find out how to make real pesto sauce at home? Find the step-by-step recipe here:

Other options

It happens that you want to try something exotic , but for one reason or another the necessary ingredients are not available.

In this case, you can change them:

    For example, chicken meat can be replaced with turkey meat.

The space of arugula will be perfectly occupied by parsley or basil, which will give the dish an equally interesting and special taste.

If you change olive oil to refined sunflower oil without aroma, then there will not be much of a difference.

You can avoid lime by using only lemon.

Without rum, carpaccio will be no less exciting appetizer.

A medium dacha tomato, cut into 6 pieces, will be a wonderful candidate for cherry tomatoes.

And instead of Parmesan you can use Russian cheese.

By substituting the traditional composition, you can get a great opportunity to create a new carpaccio, which may become a signature dish of your kitchen.

From the following video you will learn how to prepare chicken carpaccio at home:

Submission and tips

When serving carpaccio correctly, it is important to sprinkle the dish with the freshest torn herbs, sprinkle with lemon, add capers, tomatoes and grate a little Parmesan.

Sauce options may vary. By replacing any products, it is possible to get a completely new and unique taste.

For lunch, it is recommended to serve carpaccio before soup , because the dish is a cool appetizer.

This is a portioned food, therefore it is served in a personal flat plate with wide brims , which is previously heated to enhance the smell, and it must be eaten from the same dish with a fork.

The freedom to develop dressings and sauces for dishes will help you become the best chef for your family. And a funny story of its origin will improve the mood of eaters and give a new unforgettable taste!

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