Grilled chicken in the microwave: how to cook

Grilled chicken in the microwave: how to cook

Grilled chickens constantly attract lovers of savory and satisfying food. Obviously, such a product can be purchased at any time in a store or special kiosk. But we would like to note that in similar places they do not always eat high-quality meat. Moreover, in order to reduce the smell of a spoiled product, a huge number of different spices and seasonings are added to it.

In connection with all of the above, I would like to note that grilled chicken tastes best at home, when only natural and fresh ingredients are used in their production. Only in this case you will receive a tasty and fragrant dish that can be served at any formal table.

Grilled chicken in the microwave

Modern microwave ovens (microwave radiation, ultra-high frequency radiation - electromagnetic radiation, including the decimeter, centimeter and millimeter range of radio waves) have a huge number of additional programs. Unlike their predecessors, such devices are designed not only for heating or defrosting goods. For example, some housewives cook various muffins, omelettes, etc. in the microwave. If your device has a “Grill” program, then you can create a hearty second course in it. For this, only certain products and a special mesh on legs will be useful to you, which is usually included in a set of microwave ovens (microwave radiation, ultra-high frequency radiation - electromagnetic radiation, including the decimeter, centimeter and millimeter range of radio waves) .

Grilled chicken in the microwave is especially tasty if you use the following ingredients:

  • frozen broiler chicken - 1 medium carcass;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil) - 3 huge spoons;
  • spices and seasonings for poultry - 4 huge spoons;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 large spoon.

Meat preparation

Grilled chickens bake very quickly. But before placing them in the microwave, the main component is well processed. The bird carcass is defrosted one hundred percent, and then painstakingly washed inside and out. Also, various elements that are unfit for consumption are removed from the meat. After this, dry the chicken well using paper towels. Then they start making the marinade. To do this, vegetable oil is combined with spices and seasonings (including salt). Also add freshly squeezed lemon juice and garlic cloves grated on a small grater to the ingredients.

Having received a homogeneous fragrant gruel, it is immediately rubbed over the entire processed carcass. Moreover, they do this not only outside, but also inside. In this form, the broiler chicken is left aside for a couple of minutes.

Heat treatment process

As mentioned above, grilled chickens are cooked in a microwave using a special mesh on the legs.

To prevent the meat from sticking to this device during cooking, lightly rub it with a slice of lemon. Then the marinated carcass is carefully placed on the mesh, breast side up. In this form, it is immediately sent to the microwave oven.

To prevent the juice from staining the kitchen appliance, be sure to place a small plate under the mesh.

The chicken is cooked by selecting the “Grill” program at the highest power. Typically, the meat product becomes suitable for consumption after 50 minutes. With all this, the meat must become one hundred percent soft and also covered with a golden brown crust.

We present it to the table correctly

You see, grilled chicken cooks in the microwave quite quickly and easily. After the bird is baked, it is carefully removed along with the net and placed on a flat dish lined with green lettuce leaves. In this form, rosy and soft meat is presented to the table. After cutting the chicken into portioned pieces, it is served to guests along with any side dish or simply with the freshest vegetables and a piece of bread.

Step-by-step recipe: grilled chicken in the oven

As with the microwave oven, modern ovens also have a “Grill” program. But, unlike the first device, the set of the second does not include a mesh on 3 legs, but a special twist. Thanks to it, the chicken is moderately baked on all sides, coming out very rosy, soft and tasty. To make sure of this, we suggest creating such a dish right now.

So what ingredients do we need to bake a bird? Grilled chickens cooked on a spit require the introduction of products:

  • Frozen broiler chicken - 1 large carcass;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil) - 3 huge spoons;
  • any spices and seasonings for poultry - 4 huge spoons;
  • tomato paste – 2 dessert spoons;
  • fresh honey (thick or watery) – 1.5 dessert spoons;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - large spoon.

Preparing the meat product

How are grilled chickens baked? The recipe for this dish first requires processing the meat product. Large frozen chicken is thawed one hundred percent and then washed in cold water. At the same time, all unnecessary elements are cut off from the carcass (tips of wings, legs, neck, tail, etc.). In addition, all existing entrails (veins, films, veins, lungs) are removed from the chicken. Then the carcass is rinsed again in cool water and dried using cardboard napkins.

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Making marinade and pickling process

Grilled chickens cook quickly in the oven. But before this, the meat product should be marinated. To do this, place grated garlic cloves, olive oil, tomato paste, various spices and seasonings into a deep cup. In order for the chicken to bake perfectly, become rosy and beautiful, freshly squeezed lemon juice and watery honey are added to the above ingredients in an indispensable order. After this, all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The resulting homogeneous and fragrant gruel is carefully coated with the entire bird carcass (inside and out).

Due to the fact that it was decided to cook this product on a spit, after marinating it is tightly tied with thick threads. This is necessary so that during the cooking process the legs and wings of the bird do not hang down. In this form, the chicken in spices is left aside for 35-50 minutes.

Making in the oven

How to prepare a tasty dish? Grilled chickens baked in the oven turn out wonderful. After the poultry carcass absorbs the odors of the marinade, it is strung on a twist. Then the product is placed in the oven. To prevent the dish from staining the entire device during baking, install a tray in the lower part of the cabinet.

In this form, the chicken is cooked in the “Grill” mode for one and a half hours. With all this, the temperature in the oven does not have to be higher than 170 degrees. This is the only way you will get a fragrant and tasty chicken, perfectly covered with a golden brown crust.

Serving the meat dish to the table

Once your kitchen is filled with the smells of marinated meat, you can safely remove the chicken. It is better to get this product together with a spit. Then it is carefully removed and placed on a flat plate. After this, the bird is decorated with lemon slices, fresh lettuce leaves and a mayonnaise mesh. This is how the dish is presented to guests. Then it is cut into portioned pieces and split into plates, along with a separately prepared side dish and a piece of bread.

Let's sum it up

So, in the article we told you about delicious chicken recipes (how to cook). Grilled chicken is not difficult to do, especially if you have a kitchen device with a suitable mode. It must be emphasized that, in contrast to ordinary roasting of poultry, when using the “Grill” program it comes out much more aromatic, juicier and tastier. Moreover, such chicken looks even more appetizing and attractive than a meat product baked in a culinary sleeve or foil.

Thus, properly cooked grilled chickens will serve as a good hot dish for any festive table.

How to Cook Grilled Chicken Without a Stove

Grilled chicken in the microwave with a grill comes out juicy and tender, not dry: a recipe with photos will help you understand step by step the process of making it. At the preparation step, you need to select a carcass of a suitable size in a store or market so that it fits in a microwave oven. By the way, this method is perfect for those housewives whose kitchens are not equipped with ovens.

In terms of time, it comes out almost the same as in the oven, or even a little faster.


  • chicken - 1.8 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 18 g;
  • spices for chicken - 2 tsp.

How to cook grilled chicken in the microwave

Prepare the chilled chicken carcass for marinating. Rinse it thoroughly, remove all excess - remnants of feathers, skin, fat, etc. Rinse it outside and inside, dry with napkins.

Pour salt and spices into a bowl for pickling - you can use a special ready-made set, or take ground dark pepper, ground coriander, ground paprika (plain or smoked), fenugreek.

Pour refined vegetable oil into the bowl and stir everything thoroughly. Now you can move on to marinating the chicken.

Place the bird in a deep bowl and coat it well with the fragrant oil, salt and spices. Cover with cling film or a lid, leave to soak for several hours or overnight (that is, in the dark) , if possible. It is better to twist the chicken from time to time or pour marinade over it.

Place the chicken on a plate or on a special mesh in the microwave. Bake for 10 minutes at highest power. Then turn on the Grill + microwave mode (Microwave radiation, ultra-high frequency radiation - electromagnetic radiation, including the decimeter, centimeter and millimeter range of radio waves) for 20 minutes. After this, turn the chicken over.

Cook the chicken in the Grill + Microwave mode (Microwave radiation, ultra-high frequency radiation - electromagnetic radiation, including the decimeter, centimeter and millimeter range of radio waves) for another 15 minutes. Then just on the Grill mode for 15 minutes.

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Check the chicken for doneness by piercing the breast or thigh with a wooden skewer. If clear fat flows out, the chicken is ready. Serve it whole or cut it into portions.

Grilled chicken in the microwave


Chicken legs – 2 pcs.

Black soy sauce – 1 tsp.

Light soy sauce – 1 tbsp.

Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.

Snow white vinegar 6% – 1 tbsp.

Salt - optional

Pepper, h.m. - taste

Seasoning for chicken – 1 tsp.

  • 162 kcal
  • 30 min.
  • 30 min.
  • 1 hour

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

The products needed to make grilled chicken in a microwave with grill are in front of you.

Rinse the chicken legs under running water and place in a deep, comfortable bowl.

Add oil, sauces, vinegar and seasonings.

Stir everything well and leave for 30 minutes to marinate.

Lower the bottom grill in the microwave, it is located on the back wall. Every microwave appliance with a grill function is sure to include a stand and a baking tray. Place the legs on this baking sheet and place it on a rack.

Set the weight of the chicken on a special button. The largest for my equipment is 0.8 kg.

Now press the “chicken legs” or “grilled chicken” button in the microwave. My maximum is 24 minutes, but it’s not a fact that during this period of time the legs or other parts of the chicken will be cooked)). When you hear the timer signal, pierce the leg: if completely clear and clear juice flows out of it, the chicken is ready. If with ichor, then you need to set the timer for another 5 minutes for complete production. In this way you can cook wings, legs, and drumsticks.

As for the whole chicken in the microwave (Microwave radiation, ultra-high frequency radiation - electromagnetic radiation, including the decimeter, centimeter and millimeter range of radio waves), do not flatter yourself, the distance between the baking sheet and the upper grill is about 10-15 cm.

From time to time the upper and lower grills are turned on, it is at this moment that the legs get a ruddy and appetizing color. If the distance is not maintained, the chicken will simply burn.

The grilled chicken legs are ready. They are very tasty and juicy!

How to cook grilled chicken in the microwave

Well, who doesn't love grilled chicken? Most likely, there will not be such a person, because this is an indescribably appetizing and savory delicacy. But what can you create if you don’t have the ability to light a fire and grill it over real coals? Run to the nearest store for something already prepared?

No, of course, it’s better to cook it yourself at home! In this case, it will definitely turn out hundreds of times tastier, and also healthier. And this is where an irreplaceable kitchen unit, such as a microwave oven with an integrated grill mode, comes to the rescue.

Ingredients Quantity
broiler chicken carcass – 800 g
sea ​​salt – 2 tsp
lemon pepper - taste
garlic - 1 head
mustard seeds - 0.5 tbsp
ground sweet paprika – 5 g
turmeric – ½ tsp.
Production time: 60 minutes Calorie content per 100 g: 187 Kcal

Making grilled chicken in the microwave:

  1. Wash the broiler chicken carcass and thoroughly dry it using cardboard towels;
  2. Rub the drained carcass with sea salt and lemon pepper (it will give a special smell);
  3. Next, combine turmeric, sweet paprika and mustard seeds. Rub the prepared spice mixture onto the chicken, both inside and out;
  4. Peel the head of garlic and divide it into 2 parts. Pass one part through a press, and chop the second using a knife. You need to rub the top of the carcass with garlic passed through a press, and stuff it with chopped garlic;
  5. Leave the cooked chicken for half an hour - let it marinate;
  6. Next, the marinated carcass needs to be placed on the highest rack (back to top - because it is the fattest). Under the grill, be sure to install a tray into which the rendered chicken fat will drain;
  7. Turn the microwave oven to grill mode and set the timer for 15 minutes. After the designated time has passed, turn the chicken over to the other side and continue cooking for another 10-15 minutes;
  8. Transfer the finished grilled chicken to a plate and serve. The juice released during the manufacturing process can be used as a base for sauce.

How to cook grilled chicken in honey marinade

  • chicken carcass – up to 1 kg;
  • fresh lemon - 1/2 part;
  • natural honey – 1 tbsp;
  • watery smoke – 25 ml (optional);
  • refined oil - 25 ml;
  • “Hot” mustard - 1 tbsp;
  • garlic cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • spice mixture “For grilled chicken” - 1 pack.

Cooking time: 60 min.

Energy value per 100 g: 190 kcal.

  1. Wash the chicken carcass and then blot it with cardboard napkins;
  2. Then prepare the marinade. Squeeze the juice out of ½ part of a lemon and pass the garlic cloves through a press. Combine lemon juice, garlic, refined oil and a mixture of spices “For grilled chicken” in a bowl. Beat thoroughly with a fork until smooth;
  3. Rub the prepared marinade over the chicken from all sides and from the inside. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes (turning from side to side from time to time);
  4. Place a special grill rack in the microwave oven and place a heat-resistant tray under it. Place the marinated chicken on a wire rack and turn the microwave on for 7-10 minutes. After this, switch the oven to grill mode and set the timer for 15-17 minutes;
  5. Meanwhile, prepare honey glaze: combine honey with mustard. Generously rub the chicken with the prepared glaze and return it to the grill, but with the other side facing up. Cook for another 5-7 minutes (not the most!);
  6. Place the finished grilled chicken with a delicious crispy, golden crust on a wonderful dish and serve. When serving, you can decorate it with pieces of smoked prunes and sprigs of fresh herbs.
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How to create grilled chicken with garlic in the microwave

  • broiler chicken – 1.2 kg;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • spice mixture “For chicken” - 20 g;
  • table vinegar – 25 ml;
  • olive oil – 75 ml.

Cooking time: 50 min.

Amount of kcal per 100 g: 127.

Step-by-step description of production:

  1. Broiler chicken must be chilled. If you have it frozen, you need to defrost it in advance on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Rinse the chicken under running water and immediately wipe dry with napkins;
  2. Prepare garlic marinade. In a small bowl, combine a mixture of spices, grated garlic, table vinegar and olive oil;
  3. Rub the drained chicken with the prepared garlic marinade, being careful to coat the inside. If possible, you can lubricate it under the skin;
  4. Place the greased carcass on the grill grate and place in the microwave (place a plate under the grate to collect the juices that are released);
  5. Bake the chicken on the grill for 20 minutes, then turn it onto its back and continue cooking for another 20 minutes;
  6. Grilled chicken baked in garlic marinade emits an incredible smell and has a nice golden brown crust. Serve, garnished with mashed potatoes and a salad of new vegetables.

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How to cook grilled chicken in ginger marinade

Ingredients for making:

  • chilled chicken – 1-3 kg;
  • ground ginger root (dry) – 2 tsp;
  • soy sauce “Ginger” - 50 ml;
  • sesame oil – 50 ml;
  • pepper mixture – ½ tsp;
  • garlic – 2 cloves.

Production time: 1 hour.

Nutritional value per 100 g: 187 kcal.

  1. To make ginger marinade, you will need a deep bowl. Place dry ginger and a mixture of peppers in it. Then add ginger soy sauce and sesame oil. Then add the garlic cloves crushed using a press. Carefully grind all the ingredients of the marinade until smooth;
  2. The cooled chicken carcass should be rinsed, dried, and then rubbed with ginger marinade. If possible, you can create “ginger injections” for her. To do this, you need to take a regular syringe with the largest and thickest needle, fill it with marinade and chop the carcass;
  3. Leave the chicken for 15-20 minutes - let it soak in the marinade as needed;
  4. Then place it back up on the grill grate, place it in the microwave and, turning on the grill mode, cook for 20 minutes. Afterwards, turn it breast side up and continue cooking for another 18-20 minutes;
  5. Fragrant, special grilled chicken in ginger marinade is ready. For those who love spiciness, Japanese horseradish “Wasabi” can be served as an addition - it will perfectly emphasize the piquancy of this meat delicacy.

Useful tips

How to create grilled chicken with a golden crust in the microwave? To do this, before baking, its top should be rubbed with the following spices: curry powder and reddish sweet paprika. By the way, these spices are included in the basic composition of almost all ready-made “For Chicken” mixtures. Therefore, you can use them with confidence when marinating poultry.

One of the main secrets to getting a golden brown crust is to rub the bird with honey glaze at the end of cooking. It is honey, during the grilling process, that creates that inimitable not only golden brown, but also crispy crust on the surface of the baked bird.

For the same purposes, you can use fatty homemade sour cream or thick tomato sauce. Simply rub one of these (your choice) over the surface of the chicken before roasting.

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