How to prepare manti with potatoes

How to prepare manti with potatoes

Manti with potatoes, the recipe for which is simple and accessible, is not inferior in taste to the dish of the same name with meat inside. This version of the dish is suitable for both a formal table and a daily one; it will also be perfect for a Lenten or diet menu.

Making the dough

For manti, literally the same dough is prepared as for dumplings. In fact, they are the same dumplings, only a couple of times larger in size. The highlight of the manti is the broth, which should seep freely inside during cooking and remain there until the dish is served.

According to the traditions of Asian peoples, manti are eaten without cutlery, with their hands. Having carefully bitten off the edge of the dough, first drink the broth, and then eat the remaining dough with the inside. Europeans most often eat manti using cutlery - forks (or spoons) and knives.

Tips for making and processing dough:

  • The dough will be elastic and manageable if you mix two types of flour for kneading: first and second.
  • The amount of water used for kneading is 2 times less than the amount of flour.
  • After kneading, the dough needs to rest for at least 60 minutes.
  • Manti flatbreads are rolled out to a width of no more than 1.5 mm.
  • Before cooking, the dough needs additional treatment with vegetable oil. Just dip the pieces in it and the manti will not come apart during cooking.

Kitchen utensils you will need are a bowl for making dough, a board, a sieve, a spoon, a whisk and a towel.

Water test option

In order to knead dumpling dough in water, the following set of products will be useful:

  • 500 g flour;
  • 1 stack clean unboiled water;
  • 1 tsp salt.

The kneading is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Sift the flour into a bowl, add salt, mix.
  2. Pour in water and mix thoroughly again. At this step, you need to control the correct ratio of water and flour. The dough should be stiff; if there is excess water, add flour.
  3. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave it on the table for 1-2 hours.

Testicle test option

Egg dough is considered the most successful and comfortable to work with.

To make it you will need:

  • 2 testicles;
  • 1 stack flour;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • ¼ – ½ cup. warm unboiled water.

The kneading is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. In a bowl, beat the eggs with a whisk, add salt, and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add flour evenly, sifting in parts through a sieve. After each serving, stir with a spoon to avoid creating lumps.
  3. Add water when the dough comes out thick. Depending on the mixture, adjust the amount of water.
  4. Cover the bowl with a napkin or towel and leave for 40 - 90 minutes at room temperature.

Making the inside

To prepare potato filling for manti with potatoes, the following products will be useful:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 3 onions;
  • 200 g plums. oils;
  • 1-2 tsp each salt and pepper;
  • 1-2 tsp. cumin.
  1. Cut the peeled and washed tubers into narrow strips or small pieces.
  2. Chop the onion very finely or grate it on a grater with small holes.
  3. Mix vegetables in a bowl, add salt and pepper and cumin, mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Melt the butter in a water bath and mix with vegetables.

How to make manti with potatoes step by step:

  1. To form manti, small pieces are plucked from the dough, which are then rolled into a flat cake.
  2. A generous amount of inside is placed in the center of each tortilla.
  3. The two reverse sides are connected with one tuck to create a semicircle.
  4. The free two sides are connected to each other in the same way, then they are connected once again with the past. As a result, a cube comes out with a seal on top.
  5. Steamed manti. To do this, place a colander on a pan of bubbling water, into which the preparations are carefully laid out. The colander is greased with oil beforehand - this is necessary so that the dough does not stick to the bottom and walls. To prepare manti with potatoes, you can also use a double boiler and a slow cooker.
  6. Steam the dish under a closed lid for 25-35 minutes at medium gas power.

Sauce for manti

Potato manti will be even tastier if you create sauces and marinades for them.

A regular sauce recipe requires the following components:

  • 1 tbsp. tomato paste;
  • 6 garlic cloves;
  • 150 g sunflower oil;
  • to taste adjika, salt, pepper.

How to prepare the sauce:

  1. Pour oil into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Pour tomato paste into a cool, dry frying pan, add a little adjika and other ingredients to taste, stir.
  4. Pour hot oil over the resulting mixture and leave the sauce for half an hour.
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Not many people like Asian tomato sauce, so manti is often served with any other dressing:

  • Sour cream and mayonnaise filling is prepared from a similar amount of main ingredients (3 tablespoons each), to which a clove of garlic and salt with spices are added to taste. All ingredients are mixed, the sauce is infused for 10-15 minutes.
  • Mushroom sauce is prepared from 2 cups of mushroom broth; sunflower oil and 2 tbsp of wheat flour are also taken. and salt and pepper to taste. Flour is poured into the heated oil and mixed so that there are no lumps, after which the broth is poured and the mixture is brought to a boil.
  • Diet sauce is made from 200-300 g of thick yogurt, which is combined with 2 crushed garlic cloves and salted. If desired, add chopped dill and stir.
  • Special fish dressing is made from 200 g of chopped smoked fillet, to which 4 tbsp is added. sour cream, 1 tbsp. grated horseradish and 1 bunch of finely chopped green onions. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then the sauce is added with salt.

Before serving, hot manti are placed on a huge flat dish. The sauce is served cool in portioned bowls.

Recipe: Manti with potatoes - without meat, with potatoes and onions

This is not a completely ordinary recipe for manti. These are manti without any meat. The filling includes only potatoes and onions. I tried these manti one day in a cafe of oriental cuisine and fell in love with them. Now making ordinary manti, I will certainly make several of these manti for my beloved.

Although my husband likes them too.
These are very tasty manti. For me, they are perhaps even tastier than with meat. Now my friend, originally from Georgia (half Georgian), came to visit me on these manti. She was ecstatic about them; she tried such manti for the first time. I immediately prepared manti with meat, which she also liked. After the meal, I asked her a question about which manti she liked best. And what did she answer me anyway?) - “I’m ashamed to admit, but with potatoes! I'm not the only one!) Well, now about the recipe. First, make the dumpling dough. Mix eggs, water and salt and mix with flour. It is better to add flour not all at once, but to bring the dough to a suitable mixture.

The amount of flour indicated is approximate. It is necessary to finish the dough with flour so that the dough is sufficiently tight, but elastic. So that the dough can be rolled out as thin as possible, and at the same time it does not tear.

Cover the dough (or in a bag) and leave to rest.
At this time, prepare the filling. Cut 5 medium potatoes into small cubes.

Grind three medium-sized onions in a blender to a paste. You can add more onions, but not less. If you don’t have a blender, you can simply chop it as finely as possible.

Then add salt, hops-suneli, dark ground pepper to taste. If there are spices specifically for potatoes, then you can add them too. And pour 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the filling (even unrefined oil is possible, it’s a matter of taste). And mix everything.

Now we are starting to sculpt manti. Grease steamer bowls with vegetable oil. Roll out a small piece of dough in the shape of a circle (or square, depending on how it turns out) as thin as possible, the size of a saucer.

Place the filling in the middle (approximately 1.5-2 tablespoons). And top the filling with a small piece of butter. Butter is very friendly with potatoes).

Next we form the manta ray. There are no words here. All the photos will speak for me).

Place the finished manti into the steamer bowl.
When all the manti are molded, we set them to steam. I add spices to the water in the steamer for more flavor.

After 40 minutes, the manti with potatoes are ready. Very tasty).

Serve plain or with greens). I advise that when you make ordinary manti, make a few of them to try. Maybe there will be a new addition to my regiment of manti and potato lovers.

Juicy manti with potatoes and minced meat - a step-by-step recipe for making very tasty manti

Have a nice day, friends!

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Uzbek cuisine again, you say! Crumbly pilaf, juicy minced lamb kebab, lagman with homemade noodles and a huge amount of meat, vegetables and spices, fragrant shurpa, everything is so familiar and loved from youth.

Now let's prepare another tasty dish - manti with potatoes and minced meat. This is an analogue of Russian dumplings, the only difference is in size and production method. The recipe for making dough and minced meat is approximately monotonous, but there are certain aspects without which truly juicy and very tasty manti cannot be obtained.

The usual interior of this dish is prepared from trimmed lamb meat, fat tail fat, a huge amount of onions, narrow dough and fragrant spices. We will prepare the most ordinary and frisky recipe for super tasty food for everyday life.

Savory versions of the inside can be prepared with the addition of potatoes, pumpkin or cabbage. If you don’t have enough time, make “lazy manti” khanum.

How to deliciously cook manti with potatoes and minced meat?

Step 1. Prepare the necessary ingredients:

  • pork + beef - 1 kg
  • onion - 600 gr
  • flour - 5 glasses of 250 ml
  • potatoes - 300 gr
  • boiled water - 0.5 l
  • salt, dark ground pepper - to taste
  • butter - 80 g

Step 2. Prepare a special pressure cooker. Usually the dish is cooked in it, although at the moment they have learned to cook in electronic steamers and multicookers. You can also use separate circles, which are used in an ordinary saucepan.

The circles on which the finished products are laid out have holes through which steam actually passes during cooking, and the dough flows into them. When taken out, the products tear (lose their presentation) and all the juice flows out. Want to find out how to avoid this? Read on.

The best recipe for elastic dough for manti so that it does not tear during cooking

Step 3. For almost all housewives, making dough is a stumbling block. I’m sharing my home-tested recipe on how to properly prepare the dough so that it is tender and soft, and at the same time elastic and does not tear during cooking.

1. We prepare this dough recipe without adding an egg. In warm boiled water, dilute a tablespoon (without top) of salt. A tender dough also comes out with milk.

2. Sift flour into a bowl and make a well.

3. Pour in warm salted water and mix evenly with flour. There is no need to force this process. The flour must take in as much water as it can. The elasticity of the dough will depend on this.

4. Form a soft, crumbly, sticky lump. Place it on the work surface and see if there is not enough flour, then add it specifically at this moment; you should not add excess flour.

5. Knead the dough with your hands until a ball is formed that does not fall apart, this will take 10-15 minutes.

6. Leave to rest for 20 minutes, covered with a bowl. Over time it becomes more elastic.

7. Next, knead until smooth, so that it does not stick to your hands, and leave to stand again for 20-30 minutes.

Previously, I didn’t understand why the dough rested for so long and so much. My grandmother used to say: “Take your time, kneading doesn’t like fuss. Natural yeast in flour should awaken, this will increase gluten, the dough will be obedient and elastic.”

8. Now it has become tight, elastic and elastic. Roll it into a sausage.

9. Cut into circles with a sharp knife. We put some of them in a bag so that they don’t get windy, others we roll out into any shape, depending on how we are sculpting.

How to create savory and juicy minced manti

Step 4. The traditional filling for manti can be made from any kind of meat, the main thing is to knead it well and correctly.

9. Take fatty pork and young lean veal, in a ratio of 1:1. The presence of fat in the meat is inevitable; it will give the insides extra juiciness. Pass it through the middle mesh of a meat grinder.

10. The next ingredient for the inside is onion. How much onion do you need for 1 kg of minced meat? You need a lot of it, let's take 600 grams (more is possible). Chop very finely with a knife. Never put onions through a meat grinder, otherwise you will end up with onion porridge.

11. Next are the potatoes. Clean, dry with a cardboard towel, cut into cubes by hand, 0.5 cm on a side.

Read also:  Potatoes in sour cream

12. Place the prepared ingredients in a huge cup, add salt to taste, and sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper for flavor. Add your favorite spices. I add a pinch of cumin, crushed in my palms (its smell gives it a unique oriental taste).

13. Gently mix all the ingredients from bottom to top. So, the inside of minced meat with potatoes and onions is ready.

14. The rolled meat absorbs the onion juice, and during steaming, a broth appears, just what is needed for the manti to be juicy inside.

15. Roll out the dough circles thinly, lay out the filling and mold using various methods.

16. We mold the side edges, leaving a small hole for steam to escape during cooking.

17. Dip the manti bottom side into a saucer with melted butter. We place them on the circles, having previously covered them with gauze (this way they will never stick).

18. Steam over moderate heat. Production time 40-45 minutes. As soon as a delicious tantalizing smell appears, remove the mantyshnitsa from the heat.

Place on a huge platter, garnish with herbs and serve hot with different sauces. We eat the delicacies with our hands, bite off the top, put a spoonful of sauce inside and enjoy the unusual taste!

Very tasty manti with minced meat, potatoes and pumpkin

The recipe for making it with pumpkin is similar to the previous one. The queen of the garden must be mature and sweet. Adjust the amount of ingredients to your own taste.

How to beautifully sculpt, decorate and what to serve manti with?

It is important not only to cook deliciously, but also to perfectly sculpt the products in order to get aesthetic pleasure when eating.

What to serve manti with, taking into account that this is a “heavy” dish? I offer two light sauces:

  • Garlic sauce: add finely chopped garlic, hot pepper, cilantro, and salt to a sour milk product (sour cream, yogurt). Mix everything well and let it brew.
  • Tomato sauce: fresh tomatoes without skin + garlic + cilantro + vegetable oil + salt + dark ground pepper. Beat everything with a blender until smooth.

Also serve onion rings pickled in vinegar and chopped vegetables: tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, onions. Bon appetit! How delicious it is!

That's all! I am sure that if you cook manti according to this recipe, you will be satisfied! I will be glad to see your comments.

Manti with potatoes


Potatoes – 4 pcs;

Flour – 3 cups (or a little more);

Water – 1 cup;

Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;

For the sauce:

  • 210 kcal
  • 1 hour 15 minutes
  • 1 hour 15 minutes

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Manti is a dish of oriental cuisine. Their insides are varied, but now I will cook them with potatoes. Usually, for juiciness, fat tail fat is added to the filling, I didn’t have it, I just added vegetable oil. You can also add a piece of butter. When serving manti, the main component is the sauce. Prepare sauces according to your own desire and taste, sour milk or tomato, with garlic, horseradish, herbs, spices, pepper or unleavened. And be sure to serve it with manti.

Knead the dough from flour, water, eggs and salt. You may need more or less flour, depending on gluten.

Therefore, it is better to add it evenly.

Knead the dough well so that it does not stick to your hands or to the table. Wrap the dough in film and place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes, approximately 4 x 4 mm.

Cut the onion into thin half rings.

Chop the greens and add to the filling, add salt and pepper. Rub the cumin and ground coriander with your palms and add to the filling. Pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide into parts. Roll some sausages and cut them into pieces. Flatten any piece to make a flat cake.

Roll out each flatbread, trying to make the center thicker and the edges thinner. Because potatoes provide a lot of water and it is necessary that the dough does not get soggy while waiting for it to be made. Place the filling in the center.

Close the manti using the method that is most comfortable for you. This time I chose one.

Place the manti on a greased sheet of mantyshnitsa. Cover with a lid and cook for 35 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. Mix sour cream and drink, add salt, crushed garlic clove, chopped herbs, pepper. I added a little homemade, vigorous horseradish.

Serve manti with sauce. Bon appetit!

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