Rolls with tuna and cucumber

Rolls with tuna and cucumber

Authentic Japanese rolls from affordable products. Amaze your family and friends with this extraordinary dish.


  • 180-200 g sushi rice
  • 120-150 g fresh tuna fillet
  • 4 sheets of nori
  • 25 g flying fish caviar
  • 50 g pickled ginger
  • 30 ml rice vinegar
  • 200 g cucumbers
  • 2 tsp wasabi
  • 100 ml soy sauce

Recipe for making a dish at home

  1. Wash the rice in warm water, add 250 ml of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes. Drain the rice in a colander, cool to a slightly warm temperature, place back in the pan, stir with rice vinegar.
  2. Place a sheet of nori on top of the makisu (roll mat). Spread rice in an even layer. Wash the cucumber and cut it together with the tuna into thin long slices. Place a thin line of wasabi in the middle of the rice and add slices of cucumber and tuna. Using makisa, roll the roll, cut it into several portions with a sharp knife, occasionally wetting the knife in cool water.
  3. Serve with pickled ginger, soy sauce and wasabi sauce.
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Rolls with tuna and cucumber

The extraordinary design of the Full Moon Tuna and Cucumber Rolls is breathtakingly easy to master. This recipe requires only basic knowledge of the rolling technique, some accuracy and the inside of just two ingredients: tuna and cucumber. It is unsurpassed for making at home. Make a dish that will take center stage in the composition of your Japanese-style festive table!

Take care in advance to prepare the rice for the roll and pay very close attention to the choice of fish.

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  • White sushi rice, prepared and seasoned ahead of time
  • Cucumber – 1 piece
  • Tuna fillet – 150-200 g
  • Nori sheets (seaweed) - several pieces


  • 1. Using a sharp knife, first cut the cucumber in half. Take one half and cut the cucumber lengthwise into four pieces. For this recipe, you will need eight parts of the cucumber, so literally cut the other half as well.

Prepare the tuna fillet. Place the knife 1.5 cm from the edge of the piece. Run the tip of the knife along the entire top of the piece, pressing lightly to cut through it. This will give you a straight cut. Since tuna steaks are usually quite narrow, for one roll you will need two oblong strips of square-section tuna about 1.5 cm wide.

2. Place one, whole sheet of Nori on your reed mat, shiny side down. Spread about 90g of pre-cooked and seasoned white sushi rice sparingly over a sheet of Nori. Leave approximately 1.5-2 cm of space at the bottom of the sheet and about 6 cm at the top.

Tip: When handling rice, it is recommended to first dip your fingers in cool water. This will prevent the rice from sticking to your hands.

Then take a strip of cucumber and place it on the Nori sheet over the rice. Lightly press the skin of the cucumber onto the rice. Place two oblong pieces of tuna on the rice in the center.

3. Holding the corners of the beech mat, lift the bottom end of the Nori sheet up and over the contents. Bring the top edge of the Nori sheet to the edge of the cucumber and press the Nori to it so that it sticks. Squeeze the roll by gently pressing the mat with your fingers and compacting the contents.

Unroll the mat and turn the roll over with your fingers so that the remaining Nori sheet wraps around the roll. Fold the mat over the roll again and compact it. We came up with a drop-shaped system with 2 straight edges.

Tip: If the bottom end of the Nori does not stick, then place a small amount of cooked rice between the sheets, this will act as glue.
4. Take a very sharp knife and wet it with cool water, this will prevent the rice from sticking to the knife. Then cut off both uneven ends of the roll. For a clean cut, place the tip of the knife at the top of the roll and cut through it in one clear motion. Before each new cut, clean and moisturize your knife.

Divide the roll into eight pieces, first cutting it in half, then into quarters and finally into eighths. This method ensures that your pieces will have a similar thickness.

To arrange the segments, simply turn them on their sides and place them next to each other to form a circle.

Serving tip: The Full Moon tuna roll is perfect for use as the centerpiece of a set of rolls. Like almost all the others, these rolls will go great with the flavors of pickled ginger, Wasabi and soy sauce.


  • 1. Using a sharp knife, first cut the cucumber in half. Take one half and cut the cucumber lengthwise into four pieces. For this recipe, you will need eight parts of the cucumber, so literally cut the other half as well.

Prepare the tuna fillet. Place the knife 1.5 cm from the edge of the piece. Run the tip of the knife along the entire top of the piece, pressing lightly to cut through it. This will give you a straight cut. Since tuna steaks are usually quite narrow, for one roll you will need two oblong strips of square-section tuna about 1.5 cm wide.

2. Place one, whole sheet of Nori on your reed mat, shiny side down. Spread about 90g of pre-cooked and seasoned white sushi rice sparingly over a sheet of Nori. Leave approximately 1.5-2 cm of space at the bottom of the sheet and about 6 cm at the top.

Tip: When handling rice, it is recommended to first dip your fingers in cool water. This will prevent the rice from sticking to your hands.

Then take a strip of cucumber and place it on the Nori sheet over the rice. Lightly press the skin of the cucumber onto the rice. Place two oblong pieces of tuna on the rice in the center.

3. Holding the corners of the beech mat, lift the bottom end of the Nori sheet up and over the contents. Bring the top edge of the Nori sheet to the edge of the cucumber and press the Nori to it so that it sticks. Squeeze the roll by gently pressing the mat with your fingers and compacting the contents.

Unroll the mat and turn the roll over with your fingers so that the remaining Nori sheet wraps around the roll. Fold the mat over the roll again and compact it. We came up with a drop-shaped system with 2 straight edges.

Tip: If the bottom end of the Nori does not stick, then place a small amount of cooked rice between the sheets, this will act as glue.
4. Take a very sharp knife and wet it with cool water, this will prevent the rice from sticking to the knife. Then cut off both uneven ends of the roll. For a clean cut, place the tip of the knife at the top of the roll and cut through it in one clear motion. Before each new cut, clean and moisturize your knife.

Divide the roll into eight pieces, first cutting it in half, then into quarters and finally into eighths. This method ensures that your pieces will have a similar thickness.

To arrange the segments, simply turn them on their sides and place them next to each other to form a circle.

Serving tip: The Full Moon tuna roll is perfect for use as the centerpiece of a set of rolls. Like almost all the others, these rolls will go great with the flavors of pickled ginger, Wasabi and soy sauce.

Rolls with tuna and cucumber: recipe

    • Preparation
    • minutes
    • Manufacturing
    • minutes
    • Complexity

      Recipes for Beginners

The extraordinary design of the Full Moon Tuna and Cucumber Rolls is breathtakingly easy to master. This recipe requires only basic knowledge of the rolling technique, some accuracy and the inside of just two ingredients: tuna and cucumber. It is unsurpassed for making at home. Make a dish that will take center stage in the composition of your Japanese-style festive table!

Take care in advance to prepare the rice for the roll and pay very close attention to the choice of fish.


  • White sushi rice, prepared and seasoned ahead of time
  • Cucumber – 1 piece
  • Tuna fillet – 150-200 g
  • Nori sheets (seaweed) - several pieces


  • 1. Using a sharp knife, first cut the cucumber in half. Take one half and cut the cucumber lengthwise into four pieces. For this recipe, you will need eight parts of the cucumber, so literally cut the other half as well.

Prepare the tuna fillet. Place the knife 1.5 cm from the edge of the piece. Run the tip of the knife along the entire top of the piece, pressing lightly to cut through it. This will give you a straight cut. Since tuna steaks are usually quite narrow, for one roll you will need two oblong strips of square-section tuna about 1.5 cm wide.

2. Place one, whole sheet of Nori on your reed mat, shiny side down. Spread about 90g of pre-cooked and seasoned white sushi rice sparingly over a sheet of Nori. Leave approximately 1.5-2 cm of space at the bottom of the sheet and about 6 cm at the top.

Tip: When handling rice, it is recommended to first dip your fingers in cool water. This will prevent the rice from sticking to your hands.

Then take a strip of cucumber and place it on the Nori sheet over the rice. Lightly press the skin of the cucumber onto the rice. Place two oblong pieces of tuna on the rice in the center.

3. Holding the corners of the beech mat, lift the bottom end of the Nori sheet up and over the contents. Bring the top edge of the Nori sheet to the edge of the cucumber and press the Nori to it so that it sticks. Squeeze the roll by gently pressing the mat with your fingers and compacting the contents.

Unroll the mat and turn the roll over with your fingers so that the remaining Nori sheet wraps around the roll. Fold the mat over the roll again and compact it. We came up with a drop-shaped system with 2 straight edges.

Tip: If the bottom end of the Nori does not stick, then place a small amount of cooked rice between the sheets, this will act as glue.

4. Take a very sharp knife and wet it with cool water, this will prevent the rice from sticking to the knife. Then cut off both uneven ends of the roll. For a clean cut, place the tip of the knife at the top of the roll and cut through it in one clear motion. Before each new cut, clean and moisturize your knife.

Divide the roll into eight pieces, first cutting it in half, then into quarters and finally into eighths. This method ensures that your pieces will have a similar thickness.

To arrange the segments, simply turn them on their sides and place them next to each other to form a circle.

Serving tip: The Full Moon tuna roll is perfect for use as the centerpiece of a set of rolls. Like almost all the others, these rolls will go great with the flavors of pickled ginger, Wasabi and soy sauce.

Japanese cuisine | Sushi | Rolls | Sashimi

Tuna rolls or Tekka Maki

Warm greetings to all connoisseurs of Japanese cuisine!

In this article for us, you will learn how to prepare rolls with the second most popular fish in sushi making - tuna. And as usual, in the supplement you will receive some fascinating facts, also the necessary advice and, of course, a recipe for tuna rolls. And for those with a sweet tooth, we will soon write recipes - sweet rolls, Japanese desserts and almost all other delicacies! Don't miss out - subscribe to blog updates!

Let's start with something fun: tuna rolls are called tekka maki in Japanese. Translated, the word “tekka” means “iron fire.” It may be that for this particular reason, tuna sushi is popular in Tokyo among the macho people.

A little about fish. Tuna belongs to the perch family and is found in the salty waters of the oceans. Imagine, tuna reaches a length of 5.5 m. And with such a long fish body, tuna can reach a weight of 1335 kg. How much sushi will it make? It is also interesting that tuna is an “aqua racer”; it reaches speeds of more than 60 km/h, even up to 80 km/h.

It is important that 80% of all tuna caught in the world goes to Japanese sushi restaurants. And at one point, a tuna weighing 325 kg was sold at auction for $84,000. It was then used to make 2,000 pieces of sushi, each of which was sold for $75, bringing total revenue to $180,000. Then this tuna entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most financially expensive fish.

But tuna can also be “listed” in the Guinness Book of Records for its “magic meat” and the incredible amount of necessary substances in it. Almost everyone still doesn’t realize that tuna is, after all, a kind of fish, but in terms of content it’s also meat... Tuna contains a huge amount of phosphorus, calcium, proteins, vitamins (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united by a sign of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) D, Omega 3 fatty acids and other necessary amino acids. Any jock will appreciate this meat.

Advice: make sure the tuna rolls are delicious!

We would like to give you a little advice on how to choose tuna fillet. Firstly, pay attention to the color of the fish. Tuna fillet must be transparent and catchy in color, as in picture No. 1. This means that the fish is fresh and the meat will be soft. Also, fibers should not be visible, but if they are, as in Figure No. 2, then the fish is stale and will be hard. Using this principle, you can also choose salmon for Philadelphia rolls!

Friends, let's get started with the easy process of making tekka maki. And based on the results, we will evaluate the beautiful taste properties of this roll!

And so, let's move on to the recipe - tuna rolls!

For one serving you will need:

  • half sheet of nori for sushi
  • rice (snow-white round-grain rice) 2.5-3 tablespoons + sushi vinegar (rice vinegar + sugar + salt)
  • tuna fillet, several long pieces
  • bowl of warm water
  • sharp knife
  • board
  • mat + cling film

Step 1. Preliminary.

First, you need to prepare everything you need for the upcoming convenience. By the way, tuna rolls won’t take you much time. Just 4 steps and you can appreciate the delicate taste of the rolls! On the left, the picture shows how Japanese sushi masters prepare their workspace before starting production. And it’s really quite comfortable; later you don’t have to “jump” all over the kitchen looking for some little things.

Let's start with rice. It needs to be washed, steeped in water and then cooked; how to create it correctly and comfortably, read the detailed article - how to cook rice for sushi and rolls. Next we prepare the tuna fillet. You will need a cutting board and a sharp knife. We place the fish fillets on a board and cut them using a suitable method for sushi; see what kind of cutting method this is - see here. And if you have uncut fish, then read how to cut it in “Cutting fish is easier than ever!”

Place a sushi mat on the table, having previously wrapped it in cling film, and place one sheet of nori on it, glossy side down. Lightly wet your hands in a bowl of warm water and spread the rice on the nori in a thin layer so that little of the nori shows through the rice. And be sure to leave a border of 1-1.5 cm.

After you have placed the rice on the nori, you need to place the tuna pieces in the middle. And roll the roll using a mat. In the picture you can see the step-by-step technique for rolling the roll.

All that's left to do is cut the tuna sushi into 8 pieces. Fundamentally! When you start cutting, constantly wet the knife in water. This will help your knife slide along the roll and prevent the rice from sticking to the blade itself. And so, we cut the purchased roll into eight parts: we cut the roll in half, then the halves in half again, and all the halves in half again. You should end up with 8 even dryers. Your tuna rolls are ready!

. Tuna rolls also come in sharpened versions. In Japanese it sounds like karai tekka maki. All you need is to add sauce. We prepare it in the following way: mix mayonnaise (Hellmans Light) with a tablespoon of chili sauce (if you like it spicier, you can increase the amount of chili), add a few drops of sesame oil (sesame oil) and mix everything well until smooth and color. Now your punish sauce is ready! The manufacturing process can be seen in the short video below. This sauce is either placed inside the roll or in a separate bowl and served on the table, just like soy sauce. We prefer to put the sauce inside the roll, but you choose.

We have our hopes up for the tuna rolls that caught your eye!

Bon appetit and see you soon on the newest articles!

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