How to make perfect homemade condensed milk

How to make perfect homemade condensed milk

Homemade condensed milk is very tasty and healthy. It contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and absolutely no artificial additives or flavors. Pamper yourself!

Due to the fact that during the production of condensed milk milk retains its beneficial characteristics, everyone’s favorite sweet consists of 35% protein and 8.5% saturated fatty acids. Condensed milk is completely digestible and enriches our body with useful substances. For example, vitamins A1, B1, B2, B12, C, B3.

100 g of condensed milk contains 323 kcal. It is best to consume no more than 25–50 g of sweets per day.

What you need to keep in mind

  1. For homemade condensed milk, fresh whole milk without additives is ideal. This could be village raw materials or a store-bought product with a fat content of more than 2%. Powdered milk can also be used. But then there will be even fewer necessary parameters in the delicacy.
  2. It is better to cook in a wide bowl with a thick bottom.
  3. To prevent the milk from curdling, add a pinch of soda to it. This will not affect the taste.
  4. To create the most tender and homogeneous finished condensed milk, beat it with a blender or whisk.
  5. To thicken the treat, place it in the refrigerator for several hours.
  6. The finished condensed milk is poured into sterilized jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Traditional homemade condensed milk


  • 5 glasses of milk of the highest fat content;
  • 2.5 cups sugar.


Pour milk into an enamel bowl with a thick bottom and place on low heat. Once the liquid is slightly warm, add and stir the sugar until it dissolves.

The milk will thicken faster if you add 3-4 cups of sugar, but it will be significantly sweeter.

Reduce heat to low and, stirring constantly, cook the resulting mixture for 2–3 hours until the milk thickens and the volume of the consistency decreases by two-thirds. The finished product has a creamy yellow color.

Homemade condensed milk in a bread maker


  • 5 glasses of milk of the highest fat content;
  • 1.5 cups sugar;
  • 1 packet of vanilla.


Pour the milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil on the stove, and then pour into a baking dish. Add sugar and vanilla.

Select the “Jam” mode and place the mixture in the bread machine for 1 hour. Then remove the bucket and let the milk cool for 5-10 minutes. This function will need to be repeated two more times. If you want to get the lightest condensed milk, the third time you can turn on the bread machine for half an hour.

Homemade condensed milk in a slow cooker


  • 2 glasses of milk;
  • 1.5 cups whole milk powder;
  • 2 cups sweet sand.


Place a deep saucepan over medium heat, pour milk powder and sugar into it, pour in the milk and stir the mixture with a whisk until smooth.

Then pour the milk and sugar into the multicooker bowl and start the “Soup” mode for 25 minutes, without closing the lid and stirring the milk mixture constantly. After the mixture boils, activate the “Baking” mode for 20 minutes.

Homemade condensed milk from powdered milk


  • 4 tablespoons of milk powder;
  • 4 tablespoons of dry cream;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 tablespoon of water or milk.


Pour water or milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Add butter and sugar and beat the mixture with a blender, mixer or whisk, gradually adding dry milk. Cook the resulting mass in a water bath until the milk thickens.

Homemade condensed milk in an air fryer


  • 3 cups sugar;
  • 1.5 glasses of milk.


In a separate saucepan, mix sugar and milk until smooth. Place the resulting mixture in the air fryer and cook in two steps. First cook for 30 minutes at the highest temperature and speed. Later, let the milk rise for 1-1.5 hours at medium speed and a temperature of 205 ° C.

Homemade condensed milk in a steam bath


  • 2.5 glasses of high-fat milk or cream;
  • 3 glasses of milk powder;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar.


Prepare two pans of different diameters in advance. Pour water into a large container and place on medium heat. In the smallest bowl, mix all the ingredients, except for the vanilla, which should be added at the end of production.

After the water boils, place the pan with the prepared mixture in it and cook for an hour, stirring occasionally.

Homemade condensed milk in 15 minutes


  • 1 glass of whole milk;
  • 1.3 cups sweet powder;
  • 20 g butter.

Mix milk, powder and butter in a saucepan. Place over low heat and heat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, stirring constantly. When the mixture begins to boil and foam appears on it, increase the flame to medium and continue stirring. In 10 minutes the condensed milk will be ready.

Homeland of condensed milk? No, not the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia) !

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I really remember a sweet moment of youth, when my mother took out a blue and white jar, opened it, bent the lid and from it stretched a thick thread of creamy color, which I immediately grabbed with a spoon and sent into my mouth... Perhaps, of all the more or less accessible delicacies, condensed milk was the one was especially loved by Russian children. But the world learned about this product a long time before the October Revolution.

It cannot be said that throughout the Russian country condensed milk was sold on every corner, but it was always included in ceremonial sets. Moreover, we were talking not only about milk, but also about condensed cream, cocoa and coffee. I wanted to eat all the condensed milk right away. But mothers usually had their own plans for it: it was intended for making simple celebratory cakes of that time, such as “Zebra” or homemade “Napoleon”. From time to time, cans of condensed milk were boiled for two hours in boiling water, as a result of which a new beautiful product emerged - boiled condensed milk (some adored it more than ordinary milk).

It is curious that almost all of our fellow citizens believe that condensed milk is a purely Russian (or Russian) invention. In fact, this is completely wrong. According to one version, the “godfather” of condensed milk is the French confectioner Nicolas Appert, who in the early 19th century, on the “order” of Napoleon Bonaparte himself, invented shelf-stable milk. Apper boiled the milk to 2/3 of the initial volume, packaged it in glass bottles, painstakingly sealed them and pasteurized them for several hours. Napoleon liked the taste of the purchased product, and the confectioner was generously rewarded. But the French themselves reacted rather coolly to Appert’s invention.

Condensed milk comes from Great Britain

But in Great Britain there were much more fans of condensed milk: the idea of ​​storing food for future use appealed to the residents of Foggy Albion. In 1810, Briton Peter Durand received a patent for a method of canning, also introducing tin cans for this. In 1826, sugar began to be added to condensed milk.

But the biggest popularizer of condensed milk was the South American industrialist Gail Borden. Regardless of the French and British, he obtained this very “long-lasting” milk by boiling and almost immediately thought of adding sugar to it. This way the product came out thickest and was stored longer. On August 19, 1856, Borden patented canned milk, and in 1858 he built the world's first plant for the production of sweetened condensed milk in America.

To be fair, we note that there is another version of the origin of condensed milk. According to her, it was invented in Argentina at approximately the same time as in France. And some scientists say that the inhabitants of Old India enjoyed condensed milk as much as 5000 years ago!

Russian condensed milk

Condensed milk came to Russia a little later. The first plant for its production was opened in Orenburg in 1881. And... it quickly closed because the products were not popular. Later, at the beginning of the 20th century, municipal officials realized the importance of condensed milk for the needs of the army, and they began to create the product in confectionery factories.

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During the Great Russian War, condensed milk, produced in limited quantities, was mainly supplied to the front. And after the victory, it was decided to release the sweet delicacy into the general creation. In 1952, a factory for the production of canned milk was built in the Krasnodar village of Korenovsk. And later GOST 2903-78 was developed for condensed milk.

As for boiled condensed milk: there is a legend that this product is the result of the prank of the son of the People's Commissar of Domestic and Foreign Trade of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia) Anastas Mikoyan. Out of curiosity, the boy tried to boil a can of condensed milk, it exploded, and the taste of the brown splashes delighted both the child and his father. But the creation of boiled condensed milk in Russia began only in the 90s of the 20th century. True, in the opinion of almost everyone, the industrial product is still very inferior in taste to the homemade one.

The love for condensed milk is ineradicable, both in our country and abroad. Condensed milk, “Russian” and “our own”, is loved in Germany, France and other European countries, also in both Americas (the USA (the United States of America is a state in North America) is the world leader in the production of condensed milk). And in Surgut, Yekaterinburg and Belarusian Rogachev, appreciative connoisseurs even erected monuments to their own beloved product.

How to choose the best condensed milk in the store?

First of all, pay attention to the title. The correct options are “Whole sweetened condensed milk”, “Sweetened condensed cream” or “Skinned sweetened condensed milk”. And no “Condensed Milk”, “Varenok” and “Condensed Special”!

The usual packaging for condensed milk is a tin can, although at the moment you can find this product in doypacks or plastic bottles. The choice, of course, is yours, but in extreme cases, there is a high risk of finding a milk-containing product inside.

If you are going to purchase condensed milk in a tin can, study the markings stamped on the lid. For a high-quality product, the first letter in the top row is the letter M - the code symbol of the product. The next 3 numbers are the code of the manufacturer, but special attention should be paid to the last ones - milk condensed with sugar without any additives is indicated by the number 76. Below is the date of production of the product. Know that the shelf life of natural condensed milk is only 12 months.

Let's look at the label. First of all, look for GOST R 53436-2009. If you see other numbers, letters or TU, then, most likely, this is a milk-containing product, and not whole condensed milk. Now let's study the composition. According to GOST, the product must be made only from whole cow's milk (cream), sugar and water. It is also permissible to add a preservative - ascorbic acid. Everything else, believe me, is from the insidious.

So, you brought the sacred jar home. Before you treat condensed milk to your loved ones, especially kids, try it. The taste of the product should be sweet and untainted, with a pronounced taste and a slight milky smell. The color is snow-white with a warm cream color (for skim milk it is blue). The condensed milk mixture must be evenly thick and homogeneous. If you find milk in a jar that is unnaturally snow-white, very fragrant or very sweet, with sugar crystals or lumps, it is better to avoid consuming the product.

Here’s what the expert thinks about the quality of condensed milk presented on the shelves of modern stores:

Ira Arkatova, leading expert, NP “Roskontrol”

What are the sins of the producers of the favorite brands of condensed milk? First, by adding excess sugar to the product. Which is completely understandable: sugar is much cheaper than milk, and this cunning move allows you to save a lot. In addition, phosphates are often added to milk products during production. This is not prohibited if two criteria are met. Firstly, the presence of phosphates must be indicated on the label, and secondly, their quantity must not exceed the permissible characteristics for a given type of product. In addition, some manufacturers are very cunning when indicating the protein content on the label (the error ranges from 14 to 53%).

Meanwhile, Technical Regulations TR CU 033/2013 allows a discrepancy of no more than 10% in these options. If there is a significant deviation of the mass fraction of protein in the smallest direction, one can speak of either intentional falsification or a violation of the production process. In addition, according to the requirements of the same technical regulations, a product with a protein content of less than 5% cannot be called condensed milk. But the funny thing is that large manufacturers of this product, as a recent examination has shown, actually make it from milk, without adding vegetable fats.

Condensed milk (condensed milk)

Condensed milk or condensed milk is concentrated milk, which usually contains sugar. Condensed milk is used both for making various confectionery products, drinks and cocktails, and is consumed separately, for example, with tea or coffee. Condensed milk is eaten together with pancakes, pancakes, cheese cakes, cottage cheese, cottage cheese or baked goods.

Currently in Russia condensed milk is produced according to the national GOST R 53436-2009 “Canned milk products. Milk and cream condensed with sugar. Technical conditions". Condensed milk made in accordance with GOST has a sweet taste with the smell of pasteurized milk or cream. Condensed milk is a homogeneous and viscous mass. According to GOST, the color of whole condensed milk with sugar should be snow-white with a cream color, and skimmed condensed milk with sugar should be pure snow-white or snow-white with a slightly blue color.

According to GOST, the product is specifically called “condensed milk”; manufacturers refer to condensed milk as a surrogate milk product that may contain palm oil and other vegetable oils - such a product is produced not according to GOST, but according to technical specifications and it usually has worse taste properties and is harmful to health. Also, condensed milk is often called condensed milk in colloquial form, so the name is shorter, but usually in such versions a person means ordinary condensed milk with sugar according to GOST.

Composition of condensed milk or condensed milk with sugar:

100 grams of condensed milk with sugar contains:

  • 8.5 g fat;
  • 7.2 g proteins;
  • 56 g carbohydrates;
  • 43.5 g sucrose.

The composition of sweetened condensed milk includes carbohydrates, proteins, fats, organic and fatty acids, water, cholesterol (an organic compound, a natural fatty, lipophilic alcohol contained in the cell membranes of all living organisms except nuclear-free ones) , ash, saccharides. Despite the processing of milk products during the production of condensed milk, vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature) found in milk, such as A, B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12), C, are retained in it , D, E, H, PP. Sweetened condensed milk contains the following macro and microelements - calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, iodine, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, choline, chlorine, fluorine, copper, selenium, cobalt.

Ordinary condensed milk contains at least 8.5% fat, and low-fat milk contains no more than 1%. The calorie content of sweetened condensed milk is 329 kcal per 100 g of product. The calorie content of condensed milk is distributed as follows: 222 kcal from carbohydrates, 77 kcal from fats, 30 kcal from proteins.

Types and systematization of condensed milk:

Based on fat content, condensed milk is divided into:

  1. Whole condensed milk with sugar - this is a traditional condensed milk used everywhere in cooking, colloquially it is specifically called condensed milk. The product contains at least 8.5% fat and at least 28.5% milk solids, with a protein content of at least 34%.
  2. Skim sweetened condensed milk - this is condensed milk, which contains no more than 1% fat and no less than 26% milk solids, with a protein mass of at least 34%.
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Based on its composition, condensed milk is divided into:

  1. Sweetened condensed milk is the traditional condensed milk that is discussed in this article.
  2. Condensed milk without added sugar - this product is usually called concentrated milk.
  3. Condensed milk with the addition of cocoa or coffee - this can be either true condensed milk with cocoa or coffee, or vegetable-dairy products under the heading “Condensed milk and cocoa” or “Condensed milk and coffee”.
  4. Condensed milk with added chicory is condensed milk with 7% fat content, to which chicory is added, among other things.

Based on the mixture, condensed milk is divided into:

  1. Ordinary condensed milk is condensed milk of an ordinary mixture with or without sugar, which is discussed in this article.
  2. Boiled condensed milk is a type of condensed milk that has the thickest consistency and is obtained by additional heat treatment. Boiled condensed milk has a caramel flavor and a brownish color.

Development of production of condensed milk with sugar:

The condensed milk production process consists of 10 steps:

  1. Reception and cleaning of milk is the step at which the properties of milk are checked, it is cleaned and cooled.
  2. Normalization of milk by fat and dry substances - at this step the level of fat content and dry substances is given in accordance with GOST. As necessary, the fat content of milk is increased by adding cream or reduced by diluting it with skim milk.
  3. Pasteurization - at this step, the milk is pasteurized at a temperature of 90 - 95 degrees Celsius, which allows you to destroy the smallest harmful organisms in the milk and stabilize the physical and chemical characteristics of the milk, which in the future ensures its thickening.
  4. Cooling down to 75 degrees Celsius.
  5. Storage before condensation.
  6. Adding sugar is a step in which sugar is added to milk in the form of syrup with 70% sugar content or in hard form.
  7. Condensation of milk is a step in which the mixture is placed in a vacuum evaporation unit, in which intensive mixing of the consistency occurs, its instant boiling and evaporation of water.
  8. Cooling of condensed milk is a step in which hot condensed milk is sent to cool to 20 degrees Celsius in 20 minutes, while it is constantly stirred, which helps maintain the homogeneity of the condensed milk.
  9. A seed is added to condensed milk - a step in adding lactose to the condensed milk, which prevents the formation of large crystals in it.
  10. Packaging and storage of condensed milk is the step at which condensed milk is packaged either in cans, or in polypropylene cups or in plastic packaging. In an ordinary tin can there are 380 grams of condensed milk. Condensed milk is stored in cans for 1 year, and in plastic packaging from 2 months to a year, depending on the manufacturer, see the packaging for details.

How to create condensed milk at home:

The recipe for making condensed milk at home is very simple, and at the same time, homemade condensed milk sometimes comes out tastier than store-bought milk. To make condensed milk at home, you need to purchase sugar and natural village milk, because nothing will work from store-bought milk. Homemade condensed milk is a natural and necessary food product for the body, because it contains only sugar and natural milk.

Ingredients for making condensed milk at home:

  1. 1 liter of natural village milk;
  2. 1 cup sweet sand.

Recipe for making condensed milk at home:

  1. Take an enamel pan.
  2. Pour 1 liter of milk into a saucepan and put on fire.
  3. Dump in 1 cup of sweet sand and mix well.
  4. Cook, stirring the mixture constantly until the milk has boiled down to approximately two-thirds of its original size.
  5. Once the mixture thickens slightly and acquires a creamy color, you can remove the condensed milk from the heat.

You have made condensed milk with your own hands - bon appetit!

How to replace condensed milk:

To make a confectionery product, condensed milk cannot always be replaced with another product. In some recipes, condensed milk can be replaced with regular milk, sour cream or cream with sugar, but the product will not have the unique taste intended by the creator of the recipe. In the absence of condensed milk, it is better to create it at home with your own hands, as mentioned above, but for this you need country-made natural milk and sweet sand.

Benefits of condensed milk:

Traditional condensed milk prepared according to GOST has virtually all the beneficial qualities of milk. The usefulness of condensed milk lies in the fact that it is easily digestible and enriches the human body with nutritional substances, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

The beneficial substances found in condensed milk improve brain activity, strengthen bone tissue (a medical system of cells and intercellular substances united by a common origin, structure and functions) and have a positive effect on cellular metabolism. One of the necessary parts of condensed milk is calcium, which strengthens bones and teeth. The usefulness of condensed milk also lies in the fact that it restores blood (the internal environment of the body, formed by liquid connective tissue. Consists of plasma and formed elements: leukocyte cells and post-cellular structures: erythrocytes and platelets) , increases immunity, restores hormonal levels. Condensed milk can quickly replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals in the human body, increase tone and provide a surge of strength.

But the fact that condensed milk has the necessary parameters does not mean at all that it must be eaten in cans, because excessive consumption of condensed milk can cause damage to the human body.

Harm of condensed milk:

Condensed milk, along with its beneficial properties, also has harmful properties. Condensed milk is a very high-calorie product, and if it is not consumed in moderation, a person can develop obesity and diabetes, which entail dire consequences for the body. Condensed milk can also harm a person’s teeth because it promotes the development of caries.

To maintain health and figure, it is not recommended to consume more than 2-3 tablespoons of condensed milk per day. Condensed milk is also not recommended for people with lactose intolerance. Condensed milk should also be consumed with special caution by nursing mothers, because with milk it can enter the baby’s body in greater concentrations, which is not yet adapted to assimilate this product, which can lead to tummy upsets and allergic reactions. Healthy children can begin to be given condensed milk only after 2 years of age and only without sugar and in strictly moderate quantities.

Which condensed milk is better:

It is best to take condensed milk according to GOST, it is called “Sweetened condensed milk” or “Skimmed whole milk with sugar”, and everything else is not real condensed milk, but a milk product containing food substitutes. You should not take a product called “Condensed milk”, “Condensed milk”, “Sweetened condensed milk” and so on - all this is a product of low quality. The best condensed milk is found in ordinary, non-deformed cans and other packaging; the slightest lack of density or bruising of the packaging indicates a violation of the production and storage technology of condensed milk, which worsens its properties. The best producers of condensed milk include “Alekseevskoye”, “Rogachev” and “Glavproduct”.

The benefits and harms of condensed milk - what producers of Russian sweets are silent about

How much condensed milk can you eat without harming your own health?

It's hard to live without milk. Since ancient times, people have been trying to preserve this rapidly perishable product - at first we learned how to ferment it, and then we began to pasteurize it.

You can also create condensed milk from it. The benefits and harms of this sweet should be considered in more detail so that we know how not to harm our health.

What is this anyway?

Condensed milk has a fascinating history. They began to create it in the middle of the 19th century in order to increase the shelf life of whole cow's milk. The first to carry out this process was the French inventor of canning, Appert, and a couple of years later his experience was repeated by the Yankee Borden, who brought the new product to the wide market.

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To obtain a condensed product, it is enough to evaporate the milk at a temperature of about 50 degrees, then, as necessary, add sugar (11%) to it and bring to a homogeneous mixture.

In Russia, the first plant for the production of such a product opened in 1881 in Orenburg, and its fame came during the Second World War.

Condensed milk comes in the following types:

  • without added sugar or concentrated;
  • with added sugar, best known as “condensed milk”;
  • with the addition of coffee, chicory or cocoa;
  • boiled - with additional heat treatment, it differs in caramel taste, dark color and greater thickness.

According to Russian GOST, true condensed milk contains only natural cow's milk and sugar, which acts as a preservative. The color of the sweetness given to us can be cream or brown.

The product contains about 44% sugar, 9% fat and 25% water, but there is also low-fat condensed milk.

Composition and calorie content

Condensed milk contains the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamin (low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) A - improves vision;
  • vitamin (low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) C – strengthens the immune system;
  • vitamin (low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) D - prolongs the youth of the body;
  • vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) of group B - are responsible for good metabolism and energy exchange;
  • phosphorus - increases brain activity and improves the properties of blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) ;
  • magnesium and potassium – normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • calcium – makes bone tissue (a medical system of cells and intercellular substances united by a common origin, structure and functions) , nails stronger;
  • fluoride – supports dental health.

Do not forget that this product is very high in calories. 100 grams contain about 330 kcal, and there are more than a thousand in a regular blue can.

Fundamentally! The uniqueness of condensed milk is the highest concentration of regular carbohydrates. They are unsafe because they lead to obesity and a sharp increase in blood sugar (the internal environment of the human and animal body) .

Useful Features

Condensed milk has the same beneficial properties as regular cow's milk, but thanks to additional processing, our body absorbs it more quickly.

Proteins accelerate the development of muscle mass, restore strength after physical labor, tone up and improve brain activity during excessive mental overload.

The glucose contained in the product allows the body to recover more quickly after serious illnesses and operations.

To get the desired drink, just dilute a little condensed milk in warm water.

As for sweet condensed milk, you should not delude yourself about its medicinal parameters - although this delicacy contains vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and microelements, it is not able to replace drug treatment.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

It is better to exclude nutritious condensed milk from the diet of pregnant women, as it will inevitably lead to excess weight gain. The largest permitted portion for women during this period does not exceed 100 grams per day.

Nursing mothers can drink one spoon of sweets with tea. This amount can be beneficial by increasing the mother's milk supply and helping to combat lethargy.

After the birth of your baby, you should give up frequent consumption of condensed milk. The baby's body is not yet ready to digest such heavy food. If the treat gets to him through mother's milk, then an upset stomach will be guaranteed.

At what age can it be given to children?

It's hard to find a baby who doesn't like condensed milk - it was my favorite treat as a child. But children should be given it only after 3-4 years and pay close attention to ensure that they eat no more than 100 grams per day. You understand how difficult it is to slow down and not eat the whole jar at once?

A small amount of such milk will help the growing body strengthen muscles, bones, improve immunity and regain strength. But this delicacy should be consumed with caution, otherwise the child is at risk of gaining excess weight, the formation of caries, and also the risk of developing diabetes.

Is it possible for gastritis and pancreatitis?

With such severe diseases as gastritis and pancreatitis, condensed milk can aggravate a person’s condition.

It will increase irritation of the pancreas, and there is a lot of fat in it.

It is believed that the maximum that people with such ailments can allow themselves is a couple of teaspoons a day.

Fundamentally! Be sure to consult your doctor before introducing condensed milk into your diet, so as not to harm your health.

When losing weight

Condensed milk cannot become part of the everyday menu if you decide to stick to a diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) and lose extra pounds. One package of this sweet contains more than 1000 kcal, and it does not fit into a healthy diet.

As an exception, you can add a teaspoon of sweetness to tea or coffee once a day instead of sugar.

Fundamentally! Condensed milk is strictly prohibited for diabetes, because it contains the highest sucrose content.

How to cook at home

If you and your loved ones have a true sweet tooth, try creating homemade condensed milk. It’s completely easy, and you’ll also protect yourself from store-bought counterfeits.

  • one and a half liters of milk;
  • 270 g sugar.

Bring the milk to a boil and keep on low heat for 10 minutes.

Add sugar and continue cooking for about 50 minutes.

When the milk reaches its deepest color, remove it from the heat, pour into a glass jar, let cool and close. Don't be surprised that out of one and a half liters. water you will get approximately 500 ml of sweets.

You can watch this recipe in the video tutorial.

Fascinating fact: the beneficial characteristics of ordinary and boiled condensed milk are identical, but when heated, some of the vitamins and minerals disappear. In addition, the boiled delicacy becomes the most nutritious, and microelements are more easily absorbed by our body.

Use in cooking

Condensed milk is an integral ingredient in such desserts as the “Anthill” cake, wafer rolls and “Nuts” cookies. Well, it’s also hard to imagine traditional pancakes and cheesecakes without this sweet cream.

Condensed milk is also added to tea or coffee: it gives drinks an unusually mild taste and replaces sugar.

I like to cook oatmeal and muesli with it - this makes my breakfast the most nutritious and tasty. Just don’t forget that in this case the calorie content of the dish will also increase, so I recommend that you move more actively during the day.

Harm and contraindications

The main danger of condensed milk is the large amount of sugar and fat content.

It is contraindicated for diseases such as:

  • obesity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • sweet diabetes.

Buy condensed milk only in stores that carefully monitor the quality of the products they sell, because this milk delicacy is often counterfeited.

Illegal products do not meet the requirements of GOST and may contain substances that are unsafe for the body. For example, milk fat is replaced with the most accessible palm oil, which increases the risk of blood clots in blood vessels.

In addition, counterfeits may contain harmful preservatives, thickeners and dyes.

Do not forget to check the expiration date of such milk and store it correctly.


Unfortunately, the presence of the necessary substances in condensed milk is not able to reduce its calorie content, which means that you need to eat this product little by little so as not to harm your own health.

Tell us in the comments about your favorite recipes with this delicacy.

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