Homemade wines from dark and red currants

Homemade wines from dark and red currants

Currant is a unique berry that combines usefulness with accessibility. Summer residents adore it for its ease of care and good harvest. There are seasons when there are so many fruits that there is nowhere to put them. If the family's supplies of jam and compotes have reached their maximum, I advise you to figure out how to create currant wine at home. We will look at two recipes: for dark and burgundy berries.

Currant wine cannot be prepared without sugar and water, since at first the berries lack sugar content and juiciness. But on the surface of the skin there is quite a lot of natural yeast, which is necessary for normal fermentation, so introducing starter cultures is not required.

The only drawback of currant wines is the lack of a rich aroma. When made correctly, the drinks are tasty and without cloudiness, but actually have no smell.

In order not to infect the wine material with pathogenic microbes, all containers and devices used in the work must be treated with boiling water, then wiped dry with a clean cloth (A collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) .

Darkcurrant wine recipe


  • dark currant berries – 10 kg;
  • sugar – 5 kg;
  • water – 15 l..


1. Sort through the currants, removing spoiled, unripe and moldy berries. Washing is not allowed; there is yeast on the surface of the fruit, which can be washed away by water and the wort will not ferment.

2. Chop the currants with your hands or with a rolling pin; any berry must be crushed.

3. Dissolve half the amount of sugar (2.5 kg) in water heated to 25-29°C (15 l).

4. Mix currant pulp (juice and pulp) with the purchased sweet syrup in a wide-necked container (saucepan or bucket). The container must not be filled more than 2/3 full; otherwise, the wort may splash out during fermentation.

5. Tie the neck with gauze (protection from insects) and place for 3-4 days in a black, warm space - the best temperature is 18-25°C. To prevent the wort from turning sour, it should be stirred 1-2 times a day with a clean hand or a wooden stick.

6. After 3-4 days, when signs of fermentation appear (hissing, sour smell), drain the juice from the sediment into a glass bottle.

7. Squeeze the pulp (pulp) through cheesecloth, then add 500 grams of sugar to the resulting liquid, mix, and pour currant syrup into a bottle with fermented juice. A minimum of 25% of the size must remain free, as space is needed for foam and carbon dioxide.

8. Place a water seal or a honey glove with a hole in the finger on the neck of the container.

Water seal designs for wine, mash and beer

9. Transfer the container to a room with a temperature of 18-28°C and leave for 30-50 days.

10. After 5 days from the moment of installing the water seal, pour 0.5 liters of wort into a separate container, add 1 kg of sugar, stir, pour the purchased sweet syrup back into the fermentation container and close the water seal. After another 5 days, repeat the function, adding the remaining sugar (1 kg).

If more than 50 days have passed since the start of fermentation, and the wine continues to ferment, you need to pour it through a straw into another container, leaving the sediment on the bottom. Then set it to ferment under the same criteria. Sitting on lees for a long time can cause bitterness.

11. After the end of active fermentation (the glove is deflated, the water seal does not let bubbles out, the wort has lightened, sediment has formed on the day), drain the young dark currant wine from the sediment through a narrow tube (from a dropper). Taste, add sugar for sweetness if desired, or fix with vodka or alcohol (2-15% of volume). Fortified wine stores better, but tastes harsher.

12. It is better to fill the container with wine to the top to minimize contact with oxygen, place it under a water seal and transfer it to a cold space (basement) with a temperature of 5-16°C. Leave for at least 60 days (the longer, the better).

Some winemakers advise not to install a water seal, but to seal the bottle with a cork. But if fermentation has not yet completely completed (it can be difficult for new people to find this), there is a risk that carbon dioxide will rupture the container.

13. At first, once every 20-25 days, later less often as sediment appears, 2-5 cm wide, filter the wine by pouring through a straw.

14. When sediment no longer occurs, the finished drink can be poured into glass bottles and tightly capped.

Homemade dark currant wine is best stored in a cool, dark place. Shelf life – 2-3 years. Strength – 10-12%.

Redcurrant wine recipe

It is prepared literally the same as the previous one. Only the proportions, fermentation and aging times differ. In order not to repeat myself, I will give a schematic recipe; if something requires clarification, see the previous technology.


  • water – 5 l.;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • red currant berries – 5 kg.


1. Sort through the reddish currants, removing leaves, scallops, spoiled and unripe fruits. Do not wash the berries.

2. Mash the currants (with your hands, a rolling pin or in a mixer).

3. Prepare syrup by mixing warm (25-29°C) water and sugar (1 kg).

4. Pour the berry mass into a container with a wide neck, pour in sweet syrup, and stir.

5. Tie the neck with gauze and place it in a black space at room temperature for 3-4 days. Stir 1-2 times a day, drowning the floating pulp in the juice.

6. After fermentation begins, filter the juice through cheesecloth, squeeze out the pulp, pour into a fermentation container (fill to a maximum of 75% of the size). Install a water seal or glove. Leave to ferment at 18-28°C for 20-45 days.

After 5 and 10 days, add 500 grams of sugar according to the technology described in point 10 of the previous recipe.

7. When fermentation is complete, drain the young wine from the sediment through a straw, add sugar to taste (optional) or fix with vodka (alcohol), and install a water seal. Transfer the container (preferably filled to the neck) to the basement for ripening for at least 50-60 days.

8. Remove the wine from the sediment every 25-30 days (until it forms), pour the drink into bottles and tightly cap it.

The shelf life of homemade red currant wine is 1-2 years. Strength -11-12%.

Red currant wine - Common recipes at home

It is not permissible to say that this drink has a specific creator. Most likely, it was created during tests and quite successful ones. After all, reddish currants, like any other berry, have their own inimitable bouquet of flavors. Mixes very well when making with other berries or fruits.

This wine is a beautiful addition to fish or cheese at a feast. And drinking wine absolutely has a beneficial effect on the body, but not in huge quantities, which cannot be said about homemade kvass. There are an endless number of varieties of this drink in the world. Each southern country with high humidity has its own inimitable tastes of this drink. Wine drinks saved the lives of the soldiers of Napoleon's army, diluting the poisoned water with them, thereby disinfecting it. This is how mulled wine began. In the villages, the harvested grapes were pressed in huge barrels and homemade wine was obtained, which in value cannot be compared with factory-made wine.

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Now I will tell you about the most popular methods for making homemade wine.

Redcurrant wine - Regular recipe without yeast


  • Red currant juice – 500 ml.
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Sugar – 500 gr.

Manufacturing method:

Place the currants in a deep container.

And we begin to crush each berry so that the juice comes out. There is no need to separate it from the branches and wash it, because they contain bacteria that cause fermentation.

When we have crushed everything, strain the juice into a saucepan in small portions through an iron sieve.

After everything is done and the juice comes out, add water and sugar in proportions (for 500 ml of juice, 1 liter of water and 500 grams of sugar), then stir until the sugar dissolves.

Pour into 3-liter, sterile jars. Approximately 2 liters. We close it with special wine lids (which are sold at household stores) they have holes. And put it in a warm space for 3-4 weeks. Don’t forget to shake it from time to time, every 1-2 days.

Then filter through cheesecloth 2 times. Happy consumption.

Redcurrant wine recipe with vodka


  • Red currant berries - 300 gr.
  • sugar - 150 gr.
  • vodka 40% - 0.5 l.
  • water – 0.5 l.

Manufacturing method:

Place the berries, cleared of twigs and dirt, into a jar.

Then add sugar, close the lid and shake.

Fill halfway with vodka and water. We put it in a warm space for 14-16 days. Shake every 3-4 days.

After some time has elapsed, pour it into a bottle through a gauze filter element. The wine is ready.

It can be stored for a year or more. It comes out very tasty with a note of red currant.

Savory currant wine - Regular recipe with glove


  • Sugar – 1 kg.
  • Water – 2 l.
  • Red currant berry – 2 l.

Manufacturing method:

1. Naturally, the berries do not have to be picked after rain or washed, and the water is not from the tap, but purchased.

2. In a deep plate, crush all the berries.

3. Transfer it all into a 3-liter jar.

4.Fill with water, add sugar and mix.

5. We pull a sterile glove over the neck of the jar (we make punctures with a needle at the tips of the glove).

6. We put the jar in a warm space and shake the jar every day so that mold does not develop.

7.When the glove deflates, after about 1 week, pour it through gauze into another jar and close it with an airtight lid.

8. After another week, sediment appears and you need to pour it again through some kind of filter element.

9.As soon as there is no sediment, the wine is ready.

How to make wine at home without fermentation


  • Red currant berries – 2 kg.
  • Sugar – 1 kg.
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Vodka – 1 l.

Manufacturing method:

1.Crush the berries in a saucepan, add sugar and add water.

2.Put on the fire, bring to a boil and set aside to cool.

3. Once everything has cooled down, strain through cheesecloth into a jar and pour in vodka.

4.After 5 days, pour into another jar, filtering through cheesecloth.

5. Let it brew for a certain number of days and you’re done.

The usual recipe is for 10 liters.

As is clear, reddish currants are quite sour and are not for everyone; some people make jam from them and add them to other berry desserts, various jams and jams, because they give a pleasant sourness. If you have a lot of currants, and you don’t understand where else to use this quite useful berry, then making excellent wine from it is the most suitable and win-win option; you will get a fragrant wine with a rich color and a luxurious sour taste, which you will delight yourself with loved ones.


  • Bucket of berries – 10 l.
  • Water – 9 l.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Manufacturing method:

1. Essentially this recipe is very simple. Our berries must be dry, in other words, under no circumstances should we collect them after it rains; it must wait two days, because the rains wash away the bacteria that are involved in the fermentation process.

2. In good sunny weather, we collect the ripest large red currant fruits.

3. Let's prepare a comfortable container; bottles, basins, made of high-quality food-grade plastic are ideal for your convenience.

4. You need to take a basin where you and I will turn the berries into mush, for this we will need our remarkable hardworking hands. By the way, in order to avoid irritation on your hands from the fruit juice, you need to prepare gloves. We put on gloves and start crushing the reddish currants, the branches also don’t need to be separated from the currants, everything will go into use.

5. After all our collected berries have turned into pulp and the juice has been released, we transfer it all into a 30-liter container and make a wort that will infuse for exactly 5 days, while the container itself with the contents must be covered with a towel.

6. To make the wort, we need 1.5 kg of sugar, which must be diluted in 9 liters of water, then we add all this to our 30 liter container with the squeezed berries and every day we carefully and painstakingly stir a couple of times, a wooden stick is suitable for this. We try very hard not to interfere with the natural fermentation process. The wort will start to play, a beautiful, thick foam should rise, which shows that the process has been successfully started, approximately on the 2nd day, you will see this for yourself.

7. After our wort is ready after the set period, we squeeze out the contents using gauze, throw away the pulp, and safely pour the remaining liquid into a bottle. Happy consumption.

9 simple step-by-step recipes for making redcurrant wine at home

Currants are considered a unique berry that combines accessibility and useful characteristics. Almost all summer residents grow currant bushes because they bear fruit well and are easy to care for. The collected mixture is often used to make a tasty compote or jam. Wine is also made from red currants. But before making such a drink, you need to familiarize yourself with how to create it correctly.

Subtleties of manufacturing

Before you start creating wine, you need to study in detail the intricacies of its production:

  • to truly create a dry semi-sweet wine, you need to add a small amount of sweet sand to it;
  • To make the drink, only ripe currants are used because they are less sour;
  • when developing alcohol, the proportions of adding water and sugar must be observed;
  • containers in which water fermentation will take place must be sterilized;
  • The prepared drink should be stored in a cold cellar.

Requirements for main ingredients

In order for the prepared wine drink to come out fragrant and tasty, you need to choose the right ingredients from which it will be made. The main component that is useful for creating an alcoholic drink is reddish currants. Experienced winemakers recommend using ripe berries. They are not sour and therefore you will have to add a small amount of sugar during the manufacturing process.

When choosing berries to create a drink, carefully examine their surface. There should not be any traces of dirt or mechanical damage on it. It is also forbidden to eat rotten currants, because they have a bad effect on the taste.

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How to make redcurrant wine at home

There are nine recipes with which you can create a fragrant wine from burgundy currants.

Regular recipe without vodka and yeast

This step-by-step recipe will help you prepare an alcoholic drink from currants. Before starting production, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 10 kilograms of berries;
  • 5 kilos of sweet sand;
  • 10-14 l. some water.

First, all the berries are poured into a saucepan, covered with sugar and heated to sixty degrees. Then the juice is squeezed out, and the remaining pulp is refilled with water. After two days, the juice is mixed with the settled cake and put on the first fermentation in jars with a glove. When the composition finishes fermenting, it is poured without sediment into the remaining containers. The filled container is transferred to a cold room to allow the liquid to settle. The settled wine is drained and left to ferment again for 2-4 months.

Recipe for 10 liters.

You can prepare a fragrant drink using this recipe. For this you will need:

  • 10 l. water;
  • 7-8 kilograms of berries;
  • 4-5 kilograms of sugar.

For the currants to release juice, they are poured into a bowl, combined with sugar and water and heated on a gas stove. After this, the juice is squeezed out, which is then painstakingly mixed with water and cake. The resulting mixture is left to ferment at room temperature. Then the fermented liquid is filtered, settled and left to ferment again. It should last 2-3 months.

With added cherries and sweet syrup

To make a tasty drink with your own hands, you can add sweet syrup and cherries to it. The drink is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • eight kilograms of burgundy currants;
  • half a kilo of cherries;
  • 450 grams of sweet sand;
  • liter of water.

To begin with, all the berries are pounded in a bowl and left to ferment for a week and a half. Then the composition needs to be compressed, and the extracted juice must be passed through cheesecloth. A sweet syrup is created from water and sugar, which is combined with currant and cherry juice. The mixture is infused for about forty days, after which it is bottled.

With vodka without water

Some winemakers make the drink without sugar or adding water. To make a drink according to this recipe, you will need:

  • kilogram of currant fruits;
  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • 1-2 liters of vodka;
  • mint for flavor.

At first, the berries are mixed with sweet sand and mint branches. Then everything is filled with vodka and covered with a lid. The mixture is infused for a month, after which it is filtered and bottled.

With raspberry sourdough

Currant wine can be made using raspberry sourdough. The following ingredients will be useful for this:

  • three kilograms of berries;
  • two kilos of sweet sand;
  • 250 g raspberries;
  • 5 l. some water.

First, a raspberry starter is prepared, for the production of which the berries must be covered with sugar and water. Then the mixture is covered with gauze and left for three days. After this, you need to grind the currants, mix them with syrup and place them in a dark room. After fermentation, the mixture is poured into a separate container and left to ferment for another month and a half.

From frozen berries

Homemade wine can be made from frozen currants. To do this, the following components are required:

  • three kilograms of berries;
  • 2-4 liters of water;
  • one and a half kilos of sugar.

Frozen berries are poured into a saucepan and heated for rapid defrosting. Then the defrosted berries are crushed in a meat grinder or blender. The prepared puree is mixed with water, sugar and left to infuse. The wort must be infused for a week, after which it will begin to ferment. The fermented liquid is filtered and passed through a colander.

From cake

Some winemakers prefer to create wine drinks from pomace. To help prepare the composition according to this recipe:

  • seven l. freshly squeezed pulp;
  • 5-7 l. water;
  • kilogram of sugar.

All the berry pulp is transferred in advance to a glass container and filled with sweet syrup. The container filled with the mixture is sealed with a water seal and transferred to a warm room with a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. After 2-3 weeks, the mixture is filtered and put for repeated fermentation, which lasts two and a half months.

The fermented wine is bottled and transferred to the cellar.

Fortified wine

To prepare a strong wine drink, the following ingredients will be useful:

  • 6 kilograms of currants;
  • kilogram of sweet sand;
  • 300 ml vodka;
  • one and a half liters of water.

All the berries are crushed and infused in a saucepan for about an hour. Then the juice is squeezed out of them, which is combined with water and sugar. The mixture is poured into jars and covered with a hydraulic seal. After fermentation has stopped, the liquid is combined into other containers, mixed with vodka and fermented for another 30-40 days.

From juice

To make a wine drink you will need:

  • 600-700 ml currant juice;
  • liter of water;
  • 500 g sugar.

The juice from the berries is mixed with heated water and sugar. Then the mixture is left to ferment for a month and a half in a room with a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius. When the composition has fermented, it is poured without sediment into unstained jars and transferred to a cold space for 60-70 days. After repeated fermentation, the prepared wine is poured into glass bottles and tightly capped.

Rules and terms of storage of the drink

The prepared wine drink must be stored correctly so that it does not spoil quickly. Experienced winemakers advise moving containers with wine to a black cellar, where the temperature will not exceed fifteen degrees Celsius. Such temperature characteristics are considered good for a drink made from red currants. Under these conditions, wine can be stored for several decades.


Red currants are used not only for preserving jams, but also for making wine. Before preparing the drink, you need to familiarize yourself with the main recipes that will help you make it correctly.

Currant wine: 12 recipes at home

It doesn’t matter what type of currant is suitable for making the drink: dark, reddish or even snow-white. It is better to eat the freshest berries. Frozen currants, due to the absence of wild yeast cultures on them, will require the addition of special wine yeast.

The main thing is, when making a drink, do not forget one of the important rules of the winemaker: all containers, tissues (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) and devices used during this process must be impeccably unstained (in the standard - previously scalded with boiling water)

Also made from currants: liqueurs, tinctures, liqueurs

  • 1 The usual recipe for dark currant wine
  • 2 Blackcurrant wine recipe with a little trick
  • 3 Redcurrant wine recipe
  • 4 Recipe for snow-white currant wine
  • 5 Recipe with the addition of cognac
  • 6 Wine from red and snow-white currants
  • 7 Redcurrant wine with unique ferment
  • 8 The usual redcurrant wine recipe
  • 9 Another dark currant recipe
  • 10 Wine from dark currants and grapes
  • 11 Wine from dark currants and apples
  • 12 Champagne made from dark currant leaves
  • 13 Some practical tips

The usual recipe for dark currant wine

Since blackcurrant wine tastes quite strong, it is recommended to sweeten it further, turning it into dessert or even liqueur.

List of ingredients

Dark currants – 10 kg

Preparation method

Carefully mash the sorted, devoid of plant excesses and certainly unwashed berries and transfer them to a capacious wide-necked container.

Heat water to a temperature of 25-29°C and dissolve 2.5 kg of sugar in it.

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Add the resulting solution to the berries, mix everything thoroughly and cover the container with gauze (with all this, the container should be no more than 2/3 full).

Place the container for 3-4 days in a black, warm space (a more suitable temperature is 18-25°C). Don’t forget to melt the pulp with a wooden spoon twice a day.

After the designated period, when the first signs of fermentation appear (foaming, hissing, sour smell), remove the wort from the pulp and pour into a glass narrow-necked vessel (for example: a bottle).

Carefully squeeze the pulp into a separate container, add 500 g of sugar there, dissolve it completely and pour the resulting liquid into a bottle with the main wort (with all this, you need to make sure that the fermentation container is no more than ¾ full).

Cover the bottle with a lid with a water seal or put a rubber honey glove with a tiny hole pierced in your finger over its neck and place it in the room where the preliminary fermentation took place.

After a week, decant approximately half a liter of wort, dissolve a kilogram of sugar in it and pour the resulting substance into a fermentation container.

After another week, repeat the above function.

After the complete disappearance of signs of fermentation (deflation of the glove, absence of bubbles from the water seal), carefully drain the wine from the sediment into a clean bottle (if after one and a half months from the start of active fermentation the process does not stop, it is necessary, in order to avoid the occurrence of bitterness, pour the wort into another container , without affecting the sediment, and allow it to ferment).

If desired, you can add sugar to the young wine to taste, and also fix the drink with vodka or diluted alcohol (up to 15% alcohol of the total volume of water).

Once filled to the top, the bottle is again equipped with a water seal and the drink is sent to the cellar for a couple of months for the upcoming (quiet) fermentation.

Whenever a 3-centimeter layer of sediment appears, drain the liquid from it into an equally clean container.

After 2 months, make sure that the wine has clarified and sedimentation has stopped, then bottle the drink.

The result should be stored in the same cellar for no more than one and a half years.

Blackcurrant wine recipe with a little trick

If you follow the technology below, the drink will be even more rich.

List of ingredients

Dark currants – 10 kg

Preparation method

Place the cooked, mashed berries in a wide-necked container.

Heat 7.5 liters of water to a temperature of 25-29°C and dissolve 1.25 kg of sugar in it.

Leave the container under gauze for 3-4 days in a warm black room for preparatory fermentation (obviously, stirring the pulp twice a day).

After fermentation begins, strain the liquid and pour it into a bottle with a water seal (cover the vessel with the pulp with gauze and leave it alone for a while).

Heat another 7.5 liters of water and also dissolve 1.25 kg of sugar in it.

Pour the resulting syrup over the remaining pulp, tie the container again with gauze and let the new wort ferment for a couple of days.

After the specified period, separate the liquid from the pulp and add it to the primary wort, already under the water seal.

Next, proceed according to the instructions outlined in the previous recipe, starting from the sixth step.

Redcurrant wine recipe

Redcurrant wine has a pleasant, balanced taste, but suffers from an almost complete absence of an aromatic bouquet. In connection with this, they try not to sweeten the mentioned drink too much, since dry and semi-dry versions of it can retain at least some flavor.

List of ingredients

Reddish currants – 5 kg

Preparation method

The main principle for producing redcurrant wine is practically no different from making a similar blackcurrant drink. Therefore, the recipe below will be presented in the most concise form.

Mash the prepared currants and place in a suitable container.

Prepare syrup - 1 kg of sugar per 5 liters of water.

Pour it over the berries and send them for primary fermentation.

Decant the wort into a bottle and squeeze out the pulp there.

On the 5th and 10th days of active fermentation, add 500 g of sugar, dissolving it in 500 ml of wort.

After fermentation has completely stopped, drain the wine from the sediment, fix it if desired and send it to the cellar to clarify.

The finished drink should be bottled and stored in a cold room for up to a year.

Snow-white currant wine recipe

The smell of this drink is also not very good, but it even tastes somewhat reminiscent of snow-white grape wine.

List of ingredients

Snow-white currants – 10 kg

Preparation method

Place the sorted currants on a clean cloth (a medical system of cells and intercellular substances united by a common origin, structure and functions) and keep in the sun for 3 days (this will allow the unripe berries to ripen).

Then, start making wine according to the second recipe.

It is better not to store the finished drink for longer than a year.

Recipe with added cognac


Reddish currants – 6 kg

Sugar – 125 g (per 1 liter of juice)

Cognac – 1 l (based on 12 l of juice)

Preparation method

Red currant berries are peeled from branches, washed, dried; placed in a wooden or stainless steel bowl and kneaded with a wood pestle.

The crushed berries are placed in a cold space and kept until fermentation begins. When the fermentation process is complete, filter the mass through a sieve, being careful not to touch it with your hands.

The juice is left to settle, then poured into a barrel or bottle, sugar is added and cognac is added if desired.

The contents are kept in a basement or cellar for 6-8 weeks, then the wine is bottled, sealed and allowed to stand for 3-4 months.

Wine from red and snow-white currants

Preparation method

Peel the collected berries of red and snow-white currants and let them lie for 2 days or several hours in the sun, and then press them and get the juice of the first fraction. Pour the pomace with water equal in quantity to the purchased juice, let it brew for 24 hours, then press it again and drain the juice with the first fraction. Find the acidity of the juice, which is usually the highest - up to 8%, after which the wort must be diluted with water until the acidity is no more than 1%.

Red currant berries do not give the wine any flavor, so strawberry or raspberry juice can be added to flavor the wine. It’s also great to add dried elderflower and toasted bitter almonds (50 g per 1 liter) to the fermenting wort, which are placed in a linen bag and dipped into the fermenting wort.

The wort is prepared using the usual method, adding 250–280 g of sugar per 1 liter, yeast mixture and other substances.

Fermentation must be carried out under a water seal, and after fermentation has stopped, close the bottle and keep the wine on the grounds for 2 months. After this, remove the wine from the sediment, bottle it and store it in the cellar or refrigerator.

Redcurrant wine with unique ferment

This wine recipe is suitable for those who have the opportunity to eat berries grown in their garden. Such berries do not need to be washed before making wine, and they can also be used to make fermented fermented yeast.

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