Vinaigrette with beans

Vinaigrette with beans

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

We prepare a regular, tasty and satisfying vegetable salad - vinaigrette. In this recipe, in addition to the classic beets, potatoes, carrots, pickles and sauerkraut, there will be canned beans. This delicious vinaigrette with beans is a salad for any table, but it’s especially good during Lent!

The proportions of ingredients and the composition of the vinaigrette can be changed to suit your own taste. For example, if you have beans, you can simply omit the potatoes. Sauerkraut (here is a detailed recipe) and pickled cucumbers (read how to prepare for future use here) – we definitely add more, and it’s better. I season my homemade vinaigrette with refined sunflower oil, but lovers can use fragrant oil, in other words, with a scent.


Making a dish step by step:

To make this tasty vegetable salad, we will need the following ingredients: beets, potatoes, carrots, pickles, sauerkraut, canned beans, onions, vegetable oil and a little ground dark pepper (if you like). In addition, before serving, you can add a little chopped herbs to the vinaigrette - for example, green onions, dill or parsley.

Vegetables for the vinaigrette must be washed and boiled in their skins. I advise you to cook beets (4 medium-sized pieces) separately from other vegetables, because the cooking time is different, and they can easily be colored. After boiling, the beets will be ready in 40-70 minutes - it all depends on the size and maturity of the fruit. It’s easy to check for readiness: if the root vegetables are simply pierced with a knife, drain the water and let them cool.

We also cook a couple of potatoes and medium-sized carrots in their skins: 20-25 minutes after boiling is enough. Drain the water and cool the vegetables.

We clean the cooled beets and cut them into small cubes.

Transfer to a large bowl, season with vegetable oil (4 tablespoons) and mix thoroughly. Thanks to this technique, the other ingredients of the salad will not be colored, so the beet cubes will be covered with an oil film.

Cool the boiled potatoes and carrots, peel them, and then chop them in the same way.

Three pickled (fermented) cucumbers must be cut into cubes the size of the rest of the vegetables.

Finely chop a peeled medium-sized onion with a knife.

Transfer the prepared ingredients into a bowl with the beets.

Add 200 grams of canned beans and sauerkraut. Season the salad with ground black pepper.

Stir and add more salt if necessary. If you like the most special and rich taste, you can add 1 tablespoon of 6-9% vinegar. If you plan to store the vinaigrette with beans for some time in the refrigerator, I advise you not to add the onions right away, but add them just before serving (onions quickly turn the vegetables sour).

This delicious vinaigrette with beans is a salad for any table, but it’s especially good during Lent! Cook for your health, friends, and bon appetit!

Vinaigrette with beans - a very tasty traditional recipe

When I got married, and it was many years ago, the first dish that I prepared without the help of others was vinaigrette. Perhaps it was not so tasty, but I ate it the most! How - I prepared it myself! And it was great and unforgettable!

Since then, I have been making it all the time with fresh and pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut, herring, adding butter, mayonnaise, lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. But there was no need to create with beans.

That’s why I’ve now decided to feed my family a vinaigrette with beans. Let's see if I like this dish myself? I hope you like it.

If you love vinaigrette, then you will probably be intrigued by the recipe for herring under a fur coat. On our website you can find almost all the recipes for very tasty salads, for example, roasted zucchini salad with tomatoes and garlic.

Do you understand, dear friends, where vinaigrette came from in Russia? Surely you think that this is an eternal Russian dish? No, the first time a salad with well-known ingredients was mentioned in a British cookbook was in the middle of the 18th century. There it appeared under the title Swedish Salad.

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Russians liked the salad of boiled vegetables dressed with vinegar. True, over time it acquired state features. They started adding sauerkraut, pickles, beets, and sunflower oil to it.

But according to historians, the name “vinaigrette” was given to the salad specifically in Russia. A French cook served at the court of Tsar Alexander I. At one point, he saw Russian chefs pouring vinegar into salad and exclaimed “Vinaigre?”, which meant “Vinegar?” And our cooks, not understanding the meaning of the word, nodded happily, “Yes, yes, it’s a vinaigrette!”

True, according to another version, Catherine II was at one point served a salad with cool boiled vegetables. She didn’t like the dish and exclaimed “Fi! It’s not warm!” This phrase became the prototype of our usual vinaigrette.

In general, believe these facts or not, but I couldn’t find other historical versions of this well-known dish on the Internet.

Now we will learn how to prepare a traditional version of vinaigrette with beans. For young, novice housewives, this will be a desktop control for action. Please come in, read and create. It turns out very tasty!

Traditional step-by-step recipe for making bean vinaigrette

It is not so much the vegetable part of the recipe that gives the vinaigrette its traditional features, but rather the dressing itself. It must contain 4 important components: vinegar, salt, vegetable oil and dark ground pepper. But now you will find out what vegetables and legumes I add to this salad.

Let's take for the recipe:

  • Beetroot – 3 pcs.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Potatoes – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Fresh cucumbers – 2 pcs.
  • Parsley – 1 bunch
  • Red beans – 1 cup per 250 ml
  • Not a lot of olive oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Mustard oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Apple cider vinegar – 1 tbsp.
  • Dark ground pepper – 0.5 tsp.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar – 2 tsp.

And for now, let’s draw up our small action plan to prepare a stunning vinaigrette faster and more confidently:

1. First, boil the vegetables and beans.

2. Then cut the vegetables and herbs into small pieces.

3. Season the mixture with spices and seasonings.

4. Mix the vegetable mass well, taste and adjust the taste.

First you need to tackle the beans. It takes so long to prepare that without it we would not be able to prepare our food.

All we need to do is soak the beans in boiled water the night before.

In the afternoon, salt the water and put it on fire. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to low. Let it bubble for itself. It cooks for a long time – 50 minutes. After this, salt the water and rinse again in clean water. The coloring matter is coming off quite a bit.

There's nothing terrible about it, but I prefer to use white beans. It’s just that now at home it turned out to be particularly reddish.

Well, I don’t think anyone will have any problems with cooking vegetables. Place the carrots, beets and potatoes in cool water right in their skins. Beforehand, let’s thoroughly wash away all the dirt from the fruit. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat.

The potatoes will cook the fastest - in 10-12 minutes, the carrots will cook later. The beets need to be cooked longer than others. Test the readiness of the vegetables with a fork or knife. Cooked vegetables are simply pierced with sharpened objects.

Now let’s peel all the boiled vegetables. Remove the skins from the onion. Add water to the boiled beans and place in a colander until slightly dry.

Let's start cutting vegetables. You choose the particle size according to your own taste. I don't like large or very small pieces. I cut into 1 cm cubes.

Yes, cutting vegetables is a little annoying work, but not an easy one. We also cut the peeled potatoes into cubes, slightly larger in size than carrots and beets. It is important that the pieces remain intact and not turn into mush. If you cool it well, the pieces will keep their shape. Chop the onion quite finely.

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All that remains is to chop the freshest cucumber and finely chop the parsley. I make my own vinaigrette in the summer and I have small, strong cucumbers. I don't peel the skin. They crunch very deliciously in the finished product. In winter, you may want to take pickles more. As they say, it's a matter of taste.

Now we will put all the vegetables and beans into the pan. I sent boiled beans to the bottom. Later in order - beets, carrots, potatoes, onions, parsley. Be sure to season the mixture with salt. I didn't add enough salt. When at the end we mix all the vegetables, I will definitely try the vinaigrette and, if necessary, add salt.

In addition, I like to put a little sugar in the vinaigrette - no more than 2 teaspoons. There is no sweetness, but the taste changes and becomes brighter.

You can use any kind of vegetable oil. Now I water the vegetable mixture with 2 tablespoons of olive oil.

I also bought mustard oil, so I add another tablespoon of this oil. A slight mustard smell and spiciness won't hurt. But I won’t add dark pepper, even though I prepared it for the recipe. So it will be delicious. By the way, I also like to season vinaigrette with sunflower oil. I definitely take unrefined, with the smell of seeds.

You need to completely add apple cider vinegar to the vinaigrette. Without it, it’s not a vinaigrette, just bland vegetables. You can add sourness with lemon juice. Naturally, you can use citric acid or 9% table vinegar. But when I have a choice, I prefer natural products.

Mix all the vegetables and beans. We definitely try to see if there is enough salt and brightness of taste due to sugar. Is the vinaigrette a bit dry? You shouldn't add vinegar to enhance the sourness. And, if necessary, we adjust the taste - fortunately I have all the ingredients for this.

Well, that's all, dear friends. The vinaigrette is ready. It came out super tasty. Beans are not a lot of things that add satiety to a dish, but also somehow subtly change the taste. But overall, I liked it. It will be possible to repeat the vinaigrette with snow-white beans again someday.

Friends, young housewives! Prepare this dish. Simple, delicious, never boring. It will be with you all your life. Bon appetit everyone!

Vinaigrette with beans

Vinaigrette often appears on our table. During fasting, this dish is irreplaceable, because it is rich in vitamins. But because at this time we don’t eat meat, and the body needs protein, it’s great to add beans to the vinaigrette. This dish is prepared simply and quickly. The only thing is to avoid wasting a lot of time on cooking beans, they should be soaked in filtered water in advance. It is better to create this at night (that is, in the dark) . Later, drain the water and cook without adding salt. Then the beans will cook quickly.

Ingredients for Vinaigrette with Beans:

  • Potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Beetroot (small) - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots (large) - 1 pc.
  • Beans - 200 g
  • Sauerkraut – 300 g
  • Pickled cucumber (small) – 5 pcs.
  • Reddish onion (small or 1/2 huge) - 1 pc.
  • Sunflower oil - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Greens - 1 bunch.

Production time: 30 minutes

Number of servings: 5

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
2422.3 kcal
88.8 g
94.6 g
309.1 g
484.5 kcal
17.8 g
18.9 g
61.8 g
100 g dish
102.2 kcal
3.7 g
4 g
13 g

Recipe for Vinaigrette with Beans:

Boil and peel potatoes, carrots and beets.

To prevent all the vegetables from becoming colored in the beet vinaigrette, I start preparing the salad specifically from it. I cut the beets into cubes and pour them with sunflower oil. Refined Oleina oil, which has no aroma, is perfect for this.

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Then I cut the potatoes and carrots into cubes.
I add boiled beans and sauerkraut.

I cut pickled cucumbers and onions into cubes.
I took the reddish “Yalta”, but you can use any of them. Add greens. I only had dill, which I added last. Mix everything. If necessary, add more sunflower oil, salt, and dark pepper if desired.

I am sure that not only the Easter Bunny will like this dish.
Bon appetit!

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Photo “Vinaigrette with beans” from those who prepared it (2)

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December 20, 2018 L-lka2805 #

December 20, 2018 Mari67na # (recipe creator)

March 10, 2018 mrrmyakmyak #

March 10, 2018 Mari67na # (recipe creator)

October 1, 2016 Irushenka #

September 30, 2016 Allochka-uralochka #

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Vinaigrette with beans

Recipes: 6

500 g sauerkraut
1 boiled beet
half a bunch of green onions
2-3 pickled cucumbers
1 raw carrot
1 can of canned red beans

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princess of spices

  • December 17, 2009, 11:27

boiled young beets 2 pcs
canned snow white beans 0.5 cans 150 g
arugula salad 12 bunches
fried cashew nuts - a handful
snow white grapes 10-15 berries

  • 12
  • 41


  • 21 May 2009, 13:31

canned red beans – 1 can
boiled beets – 4 medium
fresh white cabbage – 400 g
fresh carrots – 2 medium
vinegar 9%
garlic – 2-3 cloves

  • 15
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  • 04 May 2009, 15:42

500 gr.
potatoes 250 gr.
carrots 250 gr.
beets 200 gr.
sauerkraut 200 gr.
salted cucumbers tbsp. reddish beans

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  • 07 April 2009, 00:19

proportions - whatever you like, I have:
chickpeas, soaked overnight (that is, in the dark) , - 100 g
boiled beets - 3 large pieces,
boiled carrots - 2 pieces,
boiled potatoes - 2 pieces,
onions - 1 piece

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  • 04 April 2009, 20:45

6 medium boiled beets
2 boiled carrots
2 medium pickled cucumbers
4 boiled potatoes
1 can of peas
150 gr. sauerkraut

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  • 24 February 2008, 21:34

Nina and Ulyana Tarasova “And we have cookies!”

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