Ice cream sundae: step-by-step recipe with photos

Ice cream sundae: step-by-step recipe with photos

According to the strictest standards, the delicacy was prepared only from whole milk and heavy cream, fresh eggs, and natural gelatin or agar-agar served as a thickener. Replacing butter with vegetable spread was unimaginable, in general, as was adding any preservatives or chemicals, or deviating from the traditional recipe.

The era of the famous Russian ice cream ended in the nineties, and it was then that technical conditions, or specifications, came into force, according to which ice cream could contain anything. Any refrigeration plant now determined the composition itself and approved a variety of ingredients (from milk powder to cheap palm oil).

If now you are yearning for a true ice cream from your youth for 20 kopecks, then you are not in vain reading this article. Prepare the famous Russian ice cream according to our recipe, the taste is guaranteed!

So what's important

The properties and taste of ice cream depend on the properties of the goods; only the freshest cream and eggs are the key to a beautiful dessert. The thicker the cream, the softer the ice cream structure will be.

Everyone says that without an ice cream maker that churns and immediately freezes, nothing will work. It is not true. If the ice cream maker whips continuously until it is completely frozen, then the conclusion is self-evident: we need to cool the ice cream in the freezer and beat with a mixer or blender, the more often the better. Approximately once an hour.

And at the very end, stir the thick mass with a tablespoon, so that the mixer will only scatter it around our kitchen.

Now about the products that will be useful to us


Cream for ice cream requires the highest fat content, 38%.

In almost all recipes, the cream is whipped with the rest of the ingredients, but in this case the mass is not very fluffy, but if the cream is whipped separately, the ice cream will turn out to be the most fluffy and tender.

It’s important not to overbeat, otherwise you’ll end up with butter and buttermilk.


It is better to use snow-white fine-crystalline sugar or sweet powder.

Little sugar, like powder, dissolves more quickly in creams and creams.


Vanilla is the dried pod of a tropical orchid. The stick is 15–20 cm long, dark brown in color, moderately dried.

For confectionery and desserts, only the freshest eggs should be used. You, of course, understand that before using them you must wash them with soap and wipe dry.

When making ice cream, you must follow the recipe and not deviate from the proportions indicated in it: if you add more yolks, the ice cream will have a nasty taste and will not be white in color.


We use the fattest milk, 6%. It must be fresh to avoid curdling when heated.

We decided on the products. Now let's start making ice cream according to GOST.


What you need:
4 yolks
90–100 g fine crystalline sugar
1 vanilla pod
250 ml milk 6%,
350 ml heavy cream 38%
container - for cooling

How to make ice cream sundae:

Grind the yolks with sugar until white.

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Remove the seeds from the vanilla stick.

Boil milk with vanilla seeds in a saucepan.

Pour hot milk into the yolks in a narrow stream, stirring continuously.

Return the milk-yolk mixture to the heat and heat, stirring constantly, to 80–85°C. Under no circumstances should the mixture boil, otherwise you will end up with milk and egg flakes. Cool. First to room temperature, then in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Beat the chilled cream until fluffy, then carefully combine it with a cool yolk-milk consistency. Beat for almost a minute or two. The result should be a fluffy, but not thick mass (it doesn’t stick to the mixer whisk, it “slips”).

Transfer the ice cream to a container and place in the freezer for 40–60 minutes. After the designated time, remove from the freezer and beat with a mixer. Place in the freezer again for 50 minutes. Do the same thing according to the scheme given to us 3-4 times.

At last the mass will be hard and frozen, don’t be alarmed, everything is going according to plan! Carefully “break” the ice cream with a spoon, stirring vigorously.

After 30–40 minutes, take it out, stir, and put it completely in the freezer until completely frozen.

Traditional Russian ice cream is ready! It will be even easier to distribute it into bowls if the container sits for a couple of minutes at room temperature. Bon appetit!

Homemade ice cream

Cooking: 16 hours

Making homemade ice cream.

In the summer heat, you can eat kilos of ice cream. But after looking at the bright label and examining the composition of store-bought ice cream, such a desire immediately disappears. That’s why I offer you a recipe for the most delicious ice cream.

After all, homemade ice cream is not only very tasty, but also, without hesitation, very healthy. Ice cream can be varied with additives to taste. Eat berries, chocolate chips, ground nuts or dried fruits, fruit slices, various juices and syrups. Or you can serve all this with a scoop of ice cream, topped with caramel or berry topping.


I recommend making ice cream from natural cream. If you make ice cream from store-bought cream, it will be the most liquid and will not always freeze moderately.

If you have an ice cream maker, this will greatly facilitate the manufacturing process.

Ingredients for homemade ice cream

  • Milk – 400 ml
  • Powdered milk – 80 g
  • Starch – 20 g
  • Sugar – 200 g
  • Cream – 500 ml
  • Vanillin – 0.5 tsp.

Homemade ice cream recipe

Add a few tablespoons of milk to a glass with starch and mix thoroughly.

Then mix the remaining milk, milk powder, vanillin and sugar in a saucepan. Place a saucepan with milky consistency over medium heat and bring to a boil.

As the milk mixture begins to boil, pour in the diluted starch, stir and remove from heat. Cool one hundred percent.

Cool the cream and whipping utensils. Also cool the mixer beaters.

Whip the cream until thick and creamy.

Gradually fold the cooled milk mixture into the whipped cream.

At this step, it is better to stir with a spoon or spatula, using upward movements.

Place the mixture in a container with a lid and place in the freezer until completely frozen.

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Freezing time depends on the size and height of your container. The thinner the layer of ice cream, the faster it will freeze.

The finished ice cream melts very quickly outside the freezer, so roll the balls and enjoy the most delicate taste of the cold dessert.

Homemade ice cream


Cream from (30%) – 0.5 liters;

Sweet powder – 1-3 tablespoons;

Condensed milk – 0.5 cans;

Vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon;

Gelatin – 3 grams (1 teaspoon).

Innards (chocolate, raisins, etc.) – to taste.

  • 230 kcal
  • 5 minutes.
  • 5 minutes.

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Homemade ice cream is quite delicious, contains no preservatives and there are various common recipes available for this sweet treat. I offer a recipe for ice cream, very close to GOST, consisting of heavy cream, purchased condensed milk (or boiled milk with sugar without the help of others), sweet powder and gelatin. Yes, here is a simple ice cream recipe without butter and without eggs!

The main thing when making ice cream yourself, i.e. Without a special ice cream maker, it is possible to freeze the mass. To prevent the ice cream from turning into an ice lump, you just need to stir it 3-4 times during the freezing stage.

Prepare the ingredients: heavy cream suitable for whipping, sugar or powdered sugar, condensed milk and gelatin (in the photo it is in the form of plates - very comfortable). Gelatins from different manufacturers, not only different in appearance, but also in properties, so be sure to read the instructions for their use!

First prepare the gelatin according to the instructions, i.e. dissolve in a small (minimal) amount of water!

In a tall glass with a blender, beat the cream with sweet powder, condensed milk and vanilla.
The whipping time is about 2 minutes, the mass should increase and become fluffy.

Then, without stopping whipping, pour gelatin into the creamy mass in a narrow stream.
The mass will increase in volume after about a minute of beating and this is a signal that it’s enough to beat.

Pour the mixture into a container or other container in which you will freeze.

After about an hour, remove the container and stir the mixture.

After another 1-2 and then after 2-3 hours, repeat stirring again.

Homemade ice cream is ready.

The taste of homemade cream ice cream is harmonious and pleasant.

Serve homemade ice cream with syrups, nuts, chocolate or sweet spreads and sauces to taste.

Homemade ice cream recipe according to GOST

In the summer heat, the favorite treat of kids and adults is ice cream. Naturally, stores sell a myriad of types and flavors of this cool dessert. But if you want to be convinced of the quality of what you eat, prepare the ice cream at home. The recipe is so simple that it’s even embarrassing to devote an entire article to it. Just 20 minutes of your time and a few hours in the freezer, and your family will enjoy a natural, tasty, refreshing dessert.

The history of ice cream.

The name of the cool dessert “ice cream” comes from the name of the French town of Plombiere-les-Bains, where, during the era of Napoleon III, French confectioners made this dish - creamy ice cream from whole milk or high-fat cream, eggs, sugar, vanilla and other additives (almonds, chocolate, pieces and fruit jams). This type of ice cream became widespread in our country during the USSR (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia) and throughout the post-Soviet space continues to be a favorite in ice cream sales.

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It’s quite common to find homemade ice cream recipes online. Ice cream is also a very popular dessert, and each one has its own ingredients and proportions. We are now preparing a homemade ice cream recipe according to GOST. There are several such recipes on the Internet; they all have the same name for the ingredients and differ only in their quantity. Try making ice cream according to the version given to us, and you will no longer have to find a candidate!


  • Milk – 250 ml
  • Sugar – 60g
  • Egg yolk – 4 pcs.
  • Cream 33% fat – 300 ml
  • Vanilla sugar – 2 teaspoons

Manufacturing plan:

  1. Let's prepare all the ingredients to make homemade ice cream. The recipe is designed for 7-8 servings, so if you need more sweetness, it is better to increase the amount of ingredients.

Let's prepare all the ingredients for homemade ice cream.

Heat the milk until hot and dissolve sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar in it.

Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar to the yolks and mix vigorously until the mixture turns white and homogeneous.

Pour 100-150 ml of hot milk into the yolks, stirring them immediately, bringing the mass until smooth.

Add the yolk mixture to the pan with hot milk and stir with a whisk.

Heat the milk-yolk mixture until thickened.

The mass in the pan has thickened and is held on the spoon with a cap. Cool the preparation for our ice cream.

Pour the cooled cream into the blender bowl.

Beat the cream with a blender into a dense foam for 5-7 minutes.

Transfer the whipped cream into a saucepan with chilled milk and yolks.

The ice cream mixture comes out a little more watery, slightly yellow from the bright yolks and very fragrant thanks to vanillin.

Pour the mixture into molds or containers.

The dessert should remain in the freezer for at least 4 hours.

The ice cream is ready, decorate it with the freshest fruits and mint and call the kids quickly!

The usefulness of the dish.

The composition of the ice cream according to GOST at home, the recipe for which you are currently reading, contains a huge amount of milk fat, which has a beneficial effect on a person’s intellectual activity, helps prevent osteoporosis, strengthens teeth and bone tissue (the medical system of cells and intercellular substance combined common origin, structure and functions performed) . Moreover, some doctors recommend eating ice cream as a preventive measure for sore throat and other diseases of the larynx.

So we prepared the ice cream. The recipe at home with photos is simple; all you need is a blender and a little free time. And the result will be simply good!

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