Thick jelly recipe

Thick jelly recipe


Step-by-step recipe for making thick jelly with photos

Cherry jelly

cherry juice – 1 liter;
starch - 4 tablespoons.

Well, let's get cooking:

Take a clean container, pour cherry juice into it, put it on the fire and boil. If the juice is very rich, you can dilute it with water.

Next, pour cool water into the glass, add starch and dissolve it.

Pour the starch liquid into the bubbling juice, stir so that no lumps form.

Now add cinnamon and citric acid to the drink, stir again and turn off the heat. All the jelly is ready, if you really want to try this delicacy, then you won’t have to wait for the jelly to cool down!

New berry jelly

seedless berries – 125 g;
sugar – 150 gr;
water – 1 liter;
starch – 50 gr.

Now let's start cooking:

Rinse the berries thoroughly and squeeze out the juice.

Pour the remaining cake with water, add sugar and boil.

Then dilute the starch in cold water and pour the starch mass into a container with a bubbling broth.

Pour in the juice that you squeezed out.

Stir everything thoroughly, turn off the heat and wait until the jelly has cooled!

Dried berry jelly

water – 1 liter;
sweet sand – 200 gr;
sugar – 50 gr.

Well, let's get cooking:

Wash and sort the berries, place them in a container and pour in cool water.

Place the container with the contents on the fire and boil, let the berries cook until they soften.

Then strain the broth and mash the berries.

Pour sugar into the resulting mixture, add citric acid and put it back on the fire.

As the contents boil, dilute the starch in cold water and pour the starch liquid into the bubbling drink. The delicious thick jelly is ready!

Cherry jelly and reddish wine

pitted cherries – 200 g;
cinnamon – 0.5 sticks;
sugar - to your own taste;
starch - 5 tablespoons;
dry reddish wine – 200 ml;
water – 2 liters.

Let's start creating our culinary masterpiece:

Place the pitted cherries into a container, add sugar here and set the container with the contents aside for an hour, the berries should release juice.

After the specified time has passed, place the container with the cherries and juice on the fire, pour in water, add more sugar and cook the sweetness for 15 minutes over low heat.

Then pour wine into the container with juice and boil again.

Dissolve starch in cold water and pour it into a bubbling drink, stir and as the jelly thickens, turn off the heat, now you understand how thick jelly is prepared!

Video recipe Thick jelly

How to cook thick jelly

And if you read this article to the end, then you will learn another recipe for making the most delicious thick jelly!

So, in order to cook jelly according to this recipe, you will need:

sweet apples – 500 g;
potato starch – 2 tablespoons;
sweet sand – ¾ cup;
water – 2 glasses.

Well, let's get down to culinary business:

    At the initial cooking step, you should wash the apples well and cut them into thin pieces.

Remove the tails and core.

Place the apple pieces in a container and pour water into it.

Place the container with the contents on low heat and cook.

Once the apple pieces become soft, transfer them to a colander and wipe the apples.

Later, add the puree you get from the boiled apples to the broth in which they were cooked.

Add sugar here.

  • Dissolve the starch in a glass of water and pour the starch liquid into a container with a bubbling drink. Stir and that’s it, after complete cooling, the tasty and thick jelly can be served!
  • Bon appetit!

    How to cook jelly

    Olga Syutkina, a historian of Russian cuisine, reminds us how to cook jelly. She recalls the history of the glorious Russian jelly, gives a huge amount of fundamental advice on how to cook it, and gives several tried-and-tested, homemade recipes for the drink.

    Kissel. A little history

    " Milk rivers - jelly banks ." An ancient Russian dish - jelly - has long been a mandatory attribute of fairy tales and songs. But why “shores”, because we are accustomed to the fact that jelly is watery? Everything, it turns out, has the usual explanation. The fact is that old Russian cuisine is characterized by particularly thick jelly. Potato starch as a thickener came into use only in the 19th century. Previously, jelly was prepared using fermented decoctions of cereals and grains - pea, oatmeal, rye, buckwheat. This, by the way, is where the word “ jelly ” came from - the ancient method of making jelly and determined its name: the result was a thick jelly that could be cut with a knife. And in those distant times, and at the present time, all sorts of goodies were always added to the jelly - berries ( currants, cranberries, blueberries ), apples, plums, cherries, honey - to create it sweet and pleasant to the taste.

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    Before we start with our usual jelly with potato starch, just to get acquainted, I offer you a recipe for oatmeal jelly: pour oatmeal with warm water and leave to sour for a day. The next day, strain and boil, stirring with a spoon. Cool and serve with milk or on a fast day with vegetable oil. For the most detailed recipe for jelly according to Molokhovets, see here .

    Oatmeal jelly according to Molokhovets

    Which starch to take?

    Rice starch will give the jelly a cloudy, unpresentable appearance. Its most successful use is in opaque sauces and desserts. For example, in blancmange.

    Corn starch , like rice starch, does not provide the desired transparency. It is extremely suitable for sauces and making milk jelly, where transparency is not important and the texture will be very warm.

    Wheat starch is used as a thickener in the production of sausages, frankfurters, in the baking industry and in the production of Turkish delight. We won’t experiment with it, but acquiring it is a great uniqueness.

    Potato starch is an ideal product for making our state dessert. Yes, specifically a dessert, so you can make the jelly both watery and quite thick so that you can eat it like jelly and serve it with whipped cream.

    Kissel prepared with various types of starch

    What to make jelly from?

    Kissels are prepared from virtually all new berries and fruits - cranberries, currants ( reddish and dark ), raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, apples, plums, dogwoods, apricots. Perhaps the only thing I haven’t seen is pear and peach jelly.

    Jelly is made from dried fruits, fruit juices and reddish wine. Milk jelly - made from cow's and almond milk. Kissel can even be made from kvass and honey. And, in the end, a dish for those who prefer chocolate to all other joys of life - chocolate jelly, which in overseas countries is sometimes called pudding.

    Such various jelly: from berries and fruits, based on milk and even chocolate

    Watery or thick?

    Cool, thin jelly is a drink that quenches both hunger and thirst. But thick jelly is an independent dessert that can be created with berries and served with whipped cream or sour cream.

    To make thin jelly per 1 liter of water ( fruit broth, juice ) you will need 2 tbsp. spoons ( without a slide ) of potato starch and 3 ½ - 4 tbsp. spoons for thick jelly.

    Before production, potato starch is diluted in ¼ cup of cool water or fruit decoction, juice, milk, wine.

    Jelly of different thicknesses is obtained due to the amount of starch

    The laws of jelly!

    • Starch does not dissolve in water. If you dilute it in water (milk) in advance, it will settle to the bottom, so before brewing the jelly, the starch must be mixed again.
    • The starch should be poured in while continuously stirring the jelly.
    • Under no circumstances should jelly be boiled for a long time. When boiled, starch is converted into glucose - this is pure chemistry. It may seem to you that the jelly is not quite thick, and you will want to cook longer, but with every minute it will become thinner and thinner. Therefore, remember: half a minute after boiling is enough for the jelly to be ready. And immediately remove from the heat - the jelly is ready!
    • Some jelly, for example, cranberry, are not recommended to be cooked in an aluminum container - it will take on an unappetizing color.

    Recipe for dark currant jelly (can be used for cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries)

    For 800 ml of water: 150 g of berries and 125 g of sugar.

    Mash the berries with a wooden spoon and squeeze out the juice. Boil the pomace and strain ( it’s very convenient to do this in a colander ), add sugar and put on fire.

    Dilute starch in ¼ cup of cool water. Add diluted starch into the boiling broth, stirring continuously, and immediately pour in the squeezed berry juice. Bring to a boil, cook for half a minute and cool quickly.

    Currant jelly

    Cherry or plum jelly recipe

    For 800 ml of water: 250 g of berries and 125 g of sugar.

    Remove the seeds from the berries and cover them (the seeds) with hot water. Boil for 5 minutes and strain. Cover the pulp with half the sugar and let stand for 1 hour.

    Drain the resulting juice, and put the berries in a decoction of the seeds and cook for 10 minutes. Rub, add the remaining sugar, bring to a boil, pour in the starch diluted in water and the juice from the berries. Half a minute after boiling, the jelly is ready.

    Cherry jelly

    Milk jelly recipe

    For 1¼ liter of milk: 125 g sugar, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of potato or corn starch, vanilla extract.

    Boil a liter of milk, add a couple of drops of vanilla extract. Dilute the starch in ¼ cup of cool milk and brew the jelly. Serve warm or chilled.

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    Chocolate jelly recipe

    For 1 liter of milk: 200 g chocolate, 6 tbsp. spoons of potato starch, 150 g of sugar, a pinch of salt, vanilla extract.

    Grate the chocolate on a large grater. Dilute starch in ¼ cup of milk, boil the rest of the milk and add sugar, a pinch of salt, vanilla extract and chocolate. While stirring, wait until the chocolate has completely melted.

    Bring chocolate milk to a boil and pour in milk and starch. Stir vigorously and remove from heat. Chocolate jelly thickens very quickly.

    Rote Grütze dessert recipe

    200 g strawberries, 200 g raspberries, 200 g currants, 200 ml water, 50 ml reddish wine, 1 glass of sugar, 50 ml reddish wine, 4 tbsp. l. potato starch.

    Place the berries, water, wine and sugar in a saucepan and, bringing to a boil, cook for 15 minutes. Pour in the starch diluted in water and cook for half a minute. Cool and serve with sour cream or whipped cream.

    Dessert Rote Grütze

    Kissel and cold

    Kissel must be cooled quickly. When stored hot for a long time, the dessert liquefies. After cooling, a film appears on the jelly. To avoid this, sprinkle the surface with sweet sand or sweet powder. Frequent stirring causes the thick jelly to liquefy. But the main thing, remember: cooking jelly is very simple!

    How to avoid a film on jelly

    Olga Syutkina's recipes:

    Kharcho with greenish tkemali

    The season for preparing tkemali sour green plum sauce is coming. Olga Syutkina lets me cook. See further.

    Thought of the season: dovga

    Cool soups are found in almost all cuisines of the world. Russian okroshka and botvinya made from kvass, Belarusian kholodnik, Bulgarian tarator, Spanish gazpacho.. See further.

    Dumplings with cherries

    Despite the fact that Gogol’s “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” hint at the Ukrainian origin of dumplings, they were prepared everywhere in Rus'. See further.


    It is prepared from young beet leaves, spinach, sorrel, cucumbers and herbs, and generous snow-white fish is added to it for satiety. See further.

    How to cook thick cherry jelly, recipe with starch

    How to cook delicious jelly from fresh and frozen cherries, recipe with photo

    Now we will cook cherry jelly, join us. It is tender and thick, or a drink or dessert with a pleasant taste - not a bad candidate for ordinary compotes and fruit drinks. Well, it lasts longer than the freshest fruit drink. Kissel is able to immediately quench thirst and hunger. It is so filling due to starch, which at the same time is a thickener.

    {In itself} the name “Kisel” comes from the Old Slavonic “Kysel”. This word means fermented or sour, because the base of old jelly contained sourdough. This dish turned out to be very thick; it was eaten as a separate dish with the addition of broths or vegetable oils, honey or milk products. A little later, when potatoes began to grow in the vastness of our country and starch appeared, they began to cook fruit and berry jelly that is familiar to us to this day and use it as a sweet dessert drink. Kissel can be a drink, or maybe a dessert. It all depends on how much starch you add. At the same time, it tastes better with the addition of corn starch rather than potato starch.

    Kissel made from cherries and starch is a delicious sweet and sour drink. It can be made from dried, new or frozen cherries. Naturally, in the summer season, when the freshest cherries are available, the drink is prepared from it. One of the most essential ingredients of the drink is starch - this powder allows you to thicken it perfectly. Vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, mint and other spices are often added to cherry jelly as additional ingredients, but this is not for everyone. I would like to tell you a traditional recipe that will yield moderately thick cherry jelly. Whole berries are not always used to make it; they can be added to baked goods. And from cherry juice, which can only spoil baked goods, you can make a tasty drink. I cooked jelly from the remaining juice, and from the cherries in my juice I prepared the “Monastery Hut” cake, see the link for the recipe with step-by-step photos.

    Kissel is a very healthy sweet drink. It’s sad that now it’s stylish to drink lemonades and juices, but everyone has forgotten about jelly. But there are many recipes for delicious jelly, needed not only by adults, but also by children. Cherry jelly has an antiseptic effect and is a very necessary assistant in the treatment (a process for alleviating, relieving or eliminating symptoms and diseases) of inflammation (Inflammation (lat. inflammatio) is a complex, local and general pathological process that occurs in response to damage to cellular structures the body or the action of a pathogenic irritant and manifested in the reaction) of the respiratory tract. In addition, it helps solve almost all problems associated with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. So let's cook healthy for the body!

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    Production time: 20 minutes.


    • 1 kg cherries with pit;
    • 150 gr. sugar (almost a full faceted glass);
    • 8 tbsp. l. starch (without a slide);
    • 2 liters of water;
    • a few drops of vanilla extract.

    The amount of starch added varies depending on your preference. To get thick jelly, add 4 tbsp to 1 liter of water. l. starch, for the most watery - 2 tbsp. l.

    How to cook thick cherry jelly

    1. We carefully wash the berries with cold water, sort them, tear off the stalks, and remove the seeds.

    2. Cover the prepared cherries with sweet sand, mix, and let sit for a little while so that the berries release more juice. Add 1 tbsp. water. Then put on medium heat and bring to a boil.

    3. As soon as the cherries begin to boil, remove the pan from the heat. Separate the berries from the juice. You can catch the cherries with a slotted spoon or strain the juice through a sieve.

    4. Pour the juice into a saucepan.

    5. In a glass of cool water, dilute the starch.

    6. Pour another 2 liters into the pan with juice. water. Place on medium heat and bring to a boil. Skim off the foam and remove the pan from the heat until the bubbling stops.

    7. Add 3-4 drops of vanilla extract and starch diluted in water. Again, put the jelly on medium heat, let it boil and cook for another minute. If you do not want the jelly to be cloudy, it must be removed from the stove immediately after boiling. Cover the pan with a lid and leave for another 15 minutes so that the jelly infuses a little and thickens.

    Thick cherry jelly is ready! Now you understand how easy it is to cook it from fresh or frozen cherries. The jelly can be served hot or cool. Ready homemade jelly can be stored for 2-3 days. For easy storage, pour it into a jug or bottle and put it in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!

    Thick milk jelly made from potato starch

    A good idea for a savory and nutritious breakfast. Most often, jelly has a viscous consistency and is used as a drink. It’s hard to call thick jelly like that, because you can eat it with a spoon. And if you serve it with berries or any sweet additives, it will be a real dessert.

    1. Main
    2. Recipe groups
    3. Thick milk jelly made from potato starch

    Ingredients and how to cook

    ingredients for 2 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

    tea spoon 5 ml
    dessert spoon 10 ml
    tablespoon 20 ml
    cup 200 ml


    Composition weight: 100 gr
    113 kcal
    Belkov: 3 g
    Zhirov: 3 g
    Carbohydrates: 19 g
    Used: 12 / 12 / 76
    N 63 / C 0 / B 37

    Production time: 12 min

    Step-by-step production

    Step 1:

    To make thick milk jelly from potato starch you will need: milk, potato starch, sugar and vanillin.

    Step 2:

    Add starch to 100 ml of milk, mix thoroughly until lumps disappear and complete homogeneity. It is imperative to dilute starch in cool milk. If it is hot, the starch will immediately cook.

    Step 3:

    Pour the rest of the milk (400 ml) into a saucepan, put on heat and bring to a boil.

    Step 4:

    Pour sugar into the bubbling milk, stir, reduce heat to moderate.

    Step 5:

    Mix the diluted starch again and pour it into the milk in a narrow stream at the edge of the pan. At the same time, constantly stir the milk using radial movements so that the starch is distributed moderately throughout the entire volume of water and lumps do not form.

    Step 6:

    Add vanillin to give the jelly a pleasant smell. Heat the jelly over low heat, stirring constantly.

    Step 7:

    The jelly will begin to thicken noticeably. Bring the jelly over low heat almost to a boil, but do not let it boil, otherwise the jelly will become watery. Remove the pan from the heat. Serve thick milk jelly warm or cool with any sweet additives if desired. Bon appetit!

    Thick milk jelly is tasty and nutritious, with a slight vanilla scent. And preparing it is a simple matter, just a matter of minutes.

    This delicate delicacy is perfect for breakfast or as a snack throughout the day.
    Kissel is liked by both adults and children.
    You can serve it with jam, honey, condensed milk. In this version, little mischievous people will eat everything up to the last spoon. It’s very tasty if you sprinkle the jelly with grated chocolate or chopped nuts. Adding new berries also adds incredible variety to the dessert.

    If sweet additives are used when serving, then the amount of sugar when making jelly can be reduced.

    Initially in Rus', jelly was prepared from oatmeal and water.
    Such a dish could be a hot soup, a main course, or a dessert, but not a drink. The word “kisel” comes from the common Slavic “kisel”, i.e. “sour”, “fermented”. It was prepared using the fermentation method.

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