Milk jelly with fruits

Milk jelly with fruits

A delicious and wonderful dessert will always lift your spirits! Milk jelly with fruit is the perfect dessert for a hot summer day. It has a silky texture, a pleasant soft taste, and multi-colored pieces of fruit add cheerfulness and brightness. This is a delicacy for family gatherings or friendly meetings, for kids, and just if you want something tasty. In general, at least for any option!

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Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 6 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml


Composition weight: 100 gr
83 kcal
Belkov: 4 g
Zhirov: 2 g
Carbohydrates: 13 g
Used: 21 / 11 / 68
H 15 / C 0 / B 85

Production time: 2 hours

manufacturing method

Such silky and wonderful desserts, with a creamy taste and colorful fruity notes, are popular in China. The dessert is easy to prepare, and it tastes wonderful and looks unusual. A good way to amaze your family and guests!

Any fruit is suitable for dessert! But especially good are oranges and tangerines, as well as ripe mangoes, pineapple, kiwi, bananas, peaches and apricots. A dessert with melon or a very ripe pear will be very tasty. Fruits can be taken fresh, frozen or canned. In general, any are suitable - in this matter we focus on our own abilities and taste.

If the freshest fruits are selected, they must be washed, dried, and cut into small pieces in advance. Citrus slices can be discarded completely. If frozen, they need to be thawed in advance. If canned, then simply drain the juice and cut the fruit into small pieces. Citrus fruits can be thrown in whole slices.

Pour the indicated amount of water into a small saucepan and put it on the fire, bring to a boil. Pour sugar into a deep clay bowl and then add gelatin. mix. When the water boils, pour in the sugar-gelatin mixture. Mix everything until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Pour milk into the resulting mixture and add almond extract. Mix everything well again until smooth. Now pour the mixture into four bowls and leave for half an hour. The mixture will begin to harden, but will not be one hundred percent set yet. Next, we immerse the pieces of fruit in almost ready-made jelly (we leave some of the fruit for decoration of the finished dessert). Place the jelly bowls in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

We decorate the finished dessert with the fruits left for this purpose and serve it to the table.

Milk jelly

Jelly “Chrysanthemum” in 3D

This jelly is not a bad candidate for languid desserts with rich creams for any holiday. The taste is refreshing, sweet and sour. My guests thought that I had filled the artificial flower with jelly and were quite surprised when I cut the jelly into pieces. It’s easy to prepare and everyone can do it right the first time.

Chocolate jelly

Dedicated to all chocoholics and lovers of bitter dark chocolate. 5 minutes of work, million worth of pleasure)))

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You will spend exactly as much time on this beautiful dessert as it takes for the milk to boil, and the result is a delicate foamy jelly with pieces of chocolate cookies.

Yogurt dessert with kiwi jelly

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Unusual cake with strawberry jelly

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Chicken liver pate with lingonberry jelly

The most delicate pate with a mild taste. Regular production.

Buns with jelly cherry

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Jelly “Strawberry and cream marbled”

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Cake with chocolate mousse and pear jelly

I don’t even understand what can be written in the description. In my opinion, the title speaks for itself. For lovers of bitter chocolate, savory sweets and, of course, pears.

Milk jelly . Light, healthy, tender, tasty, low-calorie dessert. Low in calories, because 100 grams of this product contains only 90 kcal. It is absorbed by the body, if it is not intolerant to lactose, milk, sugar - very simply. The usefulness of the dish is that it contains gelatin or agar-agar. These are very useful products for the body. They contain amino acids, minerals, and substances that help restore body tissue and cartilage.

The sugar in the jelly can be replaced with other sweeteners, the most useful, for example, honey.

The three main ingredients of milk jelly are a gelling agent (usually gelatin), sugar (or its substitute), milk or cream diluted with water.

From time to time, a dessert recipe contains other ingredients to contrast its taste, for example, vanilla, chocolate or cocoa powder, nuts, seeds, fruits, berries, dried fruits.

You should not prepare dessert, trying to create it with less calories, from low-fat milk or skim milk. Such a dessert will not be tasty, and its color will leave much to be desired. A dessert made from skim milk will not be white, rather, it will be blue.

The best milk for making milk jelly is pasteurized. If the milk is fresh, then it should not be boiled during the process of making jelly from it. Likewise, you should not bring the gelling mixture for dessert to a boil. Otherwise, the milk jelly will not have a very pleasant taste.

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The milk in milk jelly can be replaced with watery sour cream. Then the jelly will have a similar milky taste, like a dessert made from milk, but with the appropriate sourness.

To make the finished jelly easier to remove from the molds, before putting it on a dish, you should hold the mold with the jelly in hot water for a few seconds. Then the jelly will simply be released from the mold and will not lose its beautiful appearance.

The finished milk jelly is optionally decorated with whole berries, sliced ​​fruits, sprinkled with chopped nuts, or sprinkled with sweet sauces - milk, chocolate, strawberry, vanilla.

Milk jelly with fruits

Milk jelly with fruit is one of the best options for a dietary, healthy and low-calorie snack or dessert for tea. Moreover, it is savory and moderately sweet, with a pleasant sourness of fruits and berries.


  • 0.5 l milk 2.5-3.2%
  • 200 ml cream 15%
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. gelatin
  • a pinch of vanillin

+ berries and fruits to taste

Recipe for making a dish at home

  1. Pour gelatin into a deep plate or small bowl, pour in 250 ml of milk and stir. Leave the gelatin to swell for half an hour.
  2. After the designated time, place the container in a water bath and, stirring, heat the mixture until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Do not bring to a boil, otherwise the gelatin will lose its gelling characteristics.
  3. Remove the bowl from the water bath, add sugar and vanillin, stir until the grains are completely dissolved. While stirring the gelatin milk, pour in the rest of the milk and cream at a slightly warm temperature.
  4. Wash and dry the berries, wash the fruits, and remove skins and/or seeds as necessary. Cut the fruit into small pieces.
  5. Place fruits and berries into portioned bowls and pour milk mixture over them. Place the jelly in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then mix the contents of each mold and leave the jelly for another 3-4 hours until it hardens completely.
  6. When serving, you can decorate the milk jelly with fruits, berries, chocolate or whipped cream. Bon appetit!
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FOODideas (food ideas) is a website dedicated to the art of cooking at home, which contains the best recipes for culinary dishes with photos and detailed step-by-step instructions, especially so that you can prepare any, even the most complex dish at home. You can also read our recipes in our Yandex Zen channel - Foodideas Zen

For children

5 regular milk jelly recipes

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There are a huge number of options for making jelly. For example, fruit, berry, sour cream, and even dairy. This is exactly what we will be preparing now. Both adults and children will like milk jelly, so you can confidently prepare it both for a children's party and for get-togethers with friends!

  1. Whipped milk jelly


2 tbsp. l. sweet sand


Pour gelatin with water and let it swell. Boil milk with sugar, add vanillin.

Dissolve the swollen gelatin in hot milk, cool slightly and whip into a thick foam. Fill a serving bowl with the mixture and let it harden in a cool place. Serve the jelly with berry syrup, fruit or chocolate sauce.

  1. Chocolate jelly


100 g sweet powder

25 g cocoa powder

1 packet of vanilla.


Grind the yolks until white with sweet powder. Add milk and cocoa, previously diluted with a small amount of cool milk.

Place the mixture over low heat and stir until it boils and thickens.

Remove from heat and, without ceasing to stir, add gelatin, previously soaked in cool water. When the mixture has cooled, add the whipped whites and vanilla, stir, pour into the mold and place in a cool space to harden.

  1. Milk-berry jelly


1 tbsp. l. gelatin

1/2 cup water

1.5 cups milk

4 tbsp. l. sweet sand


Pour gelatin powder with cool boiled water and soak until softened for 30 minutes.

Then boil the milk, add sweet sand (1.5 tbsp.), let it boil and, stirring, dissolve half of the soaked and squeezed gelatin. Pour the prepared jelly into a cooled mold in a layer of about 5 cm, cool very much and, when it hardens, pour a layer of semi-liquid berry jelly on it, then milk again, etc. Prepare berry jelly as follows.

Squeeze the juice from the berries, strain through a napkin or a fine sieve. Boil the mass obtained after squeezing the juice. Add sweet sand (2.5 tbsp), boil, skim off the foam. Then strain the broth, add half of the soaked and squeezed gelatin, stir, let it cool slightly and pour in the berry juice.

  1. Yogurt jelly


about 60 ml water,

50 g sugar,


Soak gelatin in cool water, pour boiling water, stir well and pour into yogurt, whipped with sugar in a steam bath.

Season with lemon zest. Pour into vases rinsed with cool water. After hardening, you can put it on plates and decorate with watery chocolate.

  1. Milk coffee jelly


2 tsp. natural coffee

1.5 glasses of water

2/3 cup milk


Brew coffee and strain it. Boil milk with sugar, add gelatin soaked in cool water and, stirring, bring to a boil.

Mix with coffee and refrigerate. Serve with whipped cream or cookies.

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