True homemade creme brulee ice cream: step-by-step recipe

True homemade creme brulee ice cream: step-by-step recipe

Everyone understands the delicious delicacy of creme brulee-flavored ice cream. This dessert is especially popular in the summer. The highlight of this dessert is the taste of caramel and cream. This ice cream can be made at home; a set of initial ingredients can simply be purchased at a regular store. There are quite a lot of recipes for making it. On our website you will find several of our favorite recipes for this delicious sweet. You can choose one of them and try making dessert at home.

What's in ice cream?

As many as 3 European countries are considered the pioneers of this ice cream: France, England and Spain. It is difficult to know which of them is essentially the discoverer.

There is a dessert of the same name “crème brûlée”, which is a dish of French cuisine. What does "fried cream" mean?

The ice cream contains toasted cream. And in general, the composition of these two delicacies is similar.

Frozen dessert creme brulee is made from:

  • cream with the highest percentage of fat content;
  • chicken eggs;
  • regular sugar.

How many calories are in this ice cream?

The recipe for this ice cream has been improved many times. This unique dessert is quite high in calories. This is 140 kilocalories per 100 grams. Those who are watching their figure can eat this delicacy once a week. If you eat homemade dessert every day, then after a month you can change your wardrobe to a larger size.

Traditional creme brulee ice cream recipe

  • granulated sugar 60 g;
  • cow's milk m.d.zh 3.2-6% - 290 ml (40 ml for caramel and 250 ml for the consistency itself);
  • milk powder 300g;
  • sweet powder 80 g;
  • corn starch 1-2 tablespoons;
  • heavy cream (33-35%) – 100 ml.
  1. We make caramel from sugar. To do this, heat 60 g of sand in a frying pan until caramel-colored over low heat. Later add 40 ml of milk and stir. Bring this mixture to a boil and then turn it off.
  2. Now is the time to make the base for the dessert. Mix dry milk (300 g) with whole milk of regular fat content 3.2-6% (250 ml) and add sweet powder (80 g). Add our caramel mixture. Mix everything. Then filter through a sieve.
  3. In the composition that came out, we put corn starch. Let's put it on fire. Stirring, bring the mixture to a boil, and then continue to cook until it becomes thick.
  4. Cool the mixture in the room, then put it in the freezer for 30 minutes.
  5. Take out the cooled mass and mix it with 35% fat cream (100g). Then mix well with a mixer and put it in the freezer for another 30 minutes.

As time passes, you will be able to get a treat and enjoy this most delicate taste of a homemade dessert.

How to make creme brulee flavored ice cream in an ice cream maker?

For this you will need:

  • 80 g snow-white sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon water;
  • half a liter of milk with 6% fat content;
  • 200 ml cream, fat content more than 30%.

At first, you may think that preparing such a dish is very difficult. But that's not true. The recipe is easy, and this delicacy can be prepared at home. With the introduction of an ice cream maker, the process of making cool sweets will be very pleasant, and the taste and appearance will be very close to the store-bought version.

  1. You need to make caramel. For this you will need sugar and water. Mix these ingredients in a frying pan or saucepan. The dishes must be enameled. Place on low heat. As the mixture begins to boil, reduce the gas and stir. Cook until caramel color and thickness.
  2. Once the caramel takes on the appropriate color and thickness, add milk. Continue cooking until the milk is incorporated into the caramel.
  3. Continue cooking the mixture for another 15 minutes. Don't forget to stir to prevent sticking.
  4. Remove the mixture from the stove and set to cool.
  5. In another bowl, beat the cream with a mixer. Until the state of dense foam. We combine them with a caramel consistency.

Next, put the resulting mass in the ice cream maker, let it stand for fifteen minutes and put it in the freezer. Dessert is ready!

Recipe for those who don't have an ice cream maker

If you don't have a special ice cream maker, don't worry. You can still make the treat at home. Our recipe will tell you how to create it. But it will take slightly longer than with the introduction of special kitchen appliances. Maybe the ice cream won’t turn out exactly the same as from the store.

  • 500 ml cream 30% fat or higher;
  • 100 g condensed milk;
  • 150 ml whole milk 3.2% fat;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 30-40 g wheat flour;
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Mix egg yolks with 2 tablespoons of condensed milk and beat. Add flour and the rest of the condensed milk. Mix until smooth.
  2. Boil the milk and cool to room temperature. Add milk to our mixture and mix.
  3. Cook the resulting mixture in a water bath. Do not forget to stir constantly; it is better to do this with a wooden spatula. With all this, a thick, homogeneous mass (custard) should emerge, in which there are no lumps. Then we cool it down.
  4. In another bowl, beat the cream until thick foam.
  5. Add them to our boiled mass, mix very carefully so as not to reduce the airiness.
  6. Then the resulting mass must be frozen. Place in the freezer for 30 minutes. Take it out and mix it. Repeat the freezing and mixing function 2 more times. This is necessary so that there are no grains of ice in the ice cream.
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Homemade ice cream “Creme Brulee” made from boiled condensed milk without eggs

  • 0.5 liters of heavy cream;
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  1. Whipping the cream well.
  2. Add boiled condensed milk and vanillin to the cream. Beat until smooth.
  3. Place it in a nice shape and put it in the freezer for 3 hours.

Ice cream is ready! Bon appetit!

Frozen dessert "Creme Brulee" with chocolate

Products for manufacturing:

  • 600 g cream 33% fat;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 12 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 20 g chocolate.
  1. Melt 3 tablespoons of sweet sand over heat in a frying pan or saucepan. After the mixture has become watery, add 100 ml of cream. Stir and cook until the mixture is homogeneous. Remove from heat.
  2. Cool the resulting mixture.
  3. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with 3 tablespoons of sugar well. Add to caramel.
  4. Beat the remaining cream with 3 tablespoons of sugar with a mixer. Add them to the main mass and mix well.
  5. We also beat the whites with 3 tablespoons of sugar. Add to the main mixture and mix.
  6. Place in the freezer for 40 minutes, then remove and stir. We repeat this function 2 times.
  7. Place the ice cream in small molds and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

You have learned how to make creme brulee ice cream at home, congratulations! Bon appetit!

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    Homemade ice cream Creme Brulee

    Recipe from: Olga P. (Mista-hasta)

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    I probably prepared ice cream according to all the recipes that can be found on the Internet - ice cream from cottage cheese, ice cream from sour cream and condensed milk, and the truest kulfi, and fruit. But this recipe is the best - the most delicious, the most frisky and the most ordinary, in my opinion. And the taste is from youth. With all this, making this creme brulee ice cream at home takes no more than 15 minutes.


    • 500 g whipping cream 33% (which contains cream and carrageenan)
    • 380 g boiled condensed milk (1 can)
    • a pinch of vanillin or cardamom
    • for serving ice cream - chicory (optional)

    Creme brulee ice cream – recipe with photo:

    1. Take the chilled cream and condensed milk out of the refrigerator.

    Instead of 33% cream, you can take country cream and dilute it with milk in a ratio of approximately 5:2, but beat very carefully so as not to beat it, otherwise the butter will separate.

    Boiled condensed milk can be purchased ready-made, but of good quality, which is essentially made from milk. Or take a can of ordinary snow-white condensed milk and boil it (without opening the can) in a saucepan with water for 3-4 hours.

    Transfer to form

    Creme brulee ice cream will taste even better if you sprinkle it with chicory!

    Bon appetit! I wish you a joyful life!

    PS And if you use natural cane gur sugar instead of condensed milk, you will get another good ice cream, similar to creme brulee.

    Olga P. (Mista-hasta) recipe creator

    Delicious recipes with step-by-step photos:

    Reviews and comments (5) for the entry “Homemade Creme Brulee Ice Cream”

    Olga, tell me, why do you need to dilute homemade cream with milk? So that the butter doesn't come out when whipping?

    Homemade cream is usually quite rich (approximately 60%), and if you beat it with condensed milk, the result will be buttercream. It's perfect for a cake, but you can't eat it so easily - it's fatty.

    Ekaterina, if the cream is not diluted, it will turn into butter when whipped. And then, based on experience, you need to whip very carefully so as not to beat it, otherwise it will separate and you will get a tasty butter cream. So it’s better to take ready-made whipping cream 33%.

    Olya, I made ice cream according to your recipe, it’s simply bomb! So delicious! It’s 1,000,000 times tastier than store-bought and you don’t need to take it out of the freezer and stir it to prevent crystals from forming. The only problem is how to resist and not eat everything so that your own people get it. Now this is the only way I’ll create it, I think you can add unboiled condensed milk to make the ice cream come out, you can have cocoa, berries, in general, a flight of fancy! And thank you for the recipe! ps But I feel like my waist is going to disappear

    Creme brulee ice cream, recipe at home

    Homemade creme brulee ice cream is a frozen delicacy with a brownish color and caramel flavor. Creme brulee is no more difficult to prepare than other types of ice cream, the only difference is that you need to make caramel and add it to the total creamy mass.

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    For homemade creme brulee ice cream, do not forget to use only heavy cream (at least 30%), the lowest fat content simply will not be whipped to the desired state, and the taste of the ice cream will be completely different.

    Recipe for homemade creme brulee ice cream with cream

    Production time: 1 hour

    Total time: 6 hours

    Servings: 4 servings


    • 4 tbsp. l. sugar for caramel
    • 150 ml cream with at least 30% fat content
    • 4 things. egg yolk
    • 100 g sugar
    • 150 ml milk

    Step-by-step recipe with photos

    How to make homemade creme brulee ice cream

    1. Transfer the yolks into a container, add sugar and grind until smooth and the sugar dissolves.

    2. Pour in 125 ml of milk and stir. Instead of milk, you can use 10% cream.

    Now let’s prepare caramel, which will give our creme brulee not only a caramel taste, but also a brown color.

    3. To do this, pour sugar into a saucepan, turn on the heat and wait until the sugar completely melts and darkens.

    Immediately put a bowl of milk on the fire and bring to a boil. We will pour milk into melted sugar. It must be very hot, otherwise, due to the difference in temperature, the mass will begin to “hiss and splash.”

    4. At the moment when the sugar melts and a dark brown mass appears, pour in the bubbling milk and stir quickly.

    5. Now pour the milk and eggs into it and, stirring constantly, cook the mixture until thickened, turn off the heat. Place the thick caramel syrup in a bowl and cool to room temperature.

    6. Pour the chilled cream into a chilled bowl and beat until fluffy.

    7. Combine caramel syrup with whipped cream, mix well with a mixer or spoon. The mixture for the creme brulee ice cream is ready, let's move on to freezing it. The bowl must be placed in the freezer for 1 hour. As in the production of all types of ice cream, the mass will need to be stirred a couple of times to avoid the formation of ice and its uniform freezing.

    8. After the time has passed, use a spoon to separate the frozen creme brulee from the walls of the bowl and beat the whole mass with a mixer until smooth.

    Let's do this one more time. After this, put the ice cream in the freezer for 4 hours for final freezing. At this time, the homemade creme brulee made from cream will completely harden and acquire a delicate structure.

    9. Take the finished homemade creme brulee ice cream out of the freezer and form balls with a special spoon. Place it in a vase, sprinkle with grated chocolate, pour over coffee or caramel topping and serve.

    How to make creme brulee ice cream at home

    In fact, it is unrealistic to literally name the country where creme brulee ice cream originated. Almost all European countries consider it their dessert. The French invented a product of the same name with the name “creme brulee”, which translates as “burnt cream”, the British are experimenting with the dessert “Trinity cream”, and the Spaniards believe that their recipe for creme catalan was spoiled by “all sorts” of foreigners. Maybe the producers of creme brulee ice cream actually got the idea from the French.

    Ingredients Quantity
    snow white sugar - 125 g
    milk - 350 ml
    cream - 450 ml
    corn starch - 20 g
    powdered milk - 40 g
    Production time: 55 minutes Calorie content per 100 g: 298 Kcal

    Unfortunately, ice cream manufacturers do not always follow GOST. If you want to prepare a delicacy according to the standard, learn how to create it without the help of others. This is not such a simple “matter”. Boil caramel syrup and combine it with other ingredients.

    How to create creme brulee ice cream at home according to established GOST standards:

      1. Pour 50 ml of milk into a small bowl, place on low heat and just heat, without boiling;
      2. Cook the syrup for creme brulee: pour 80 g of sweet sand into a small saucepan or frying pan with a thick bottom and melt it over low heat to create a beautiful brown caramel.
      3. Very slowly pour the caramel mixture into the heated milk, stirring continuously to avoid curdling of the milk product. Continue beating for some more time;
      4. Prepare the ice cream base: combine the remaining sugar with dry milk, pour 50 ml of fresh milk into this mixture, mix thoroughly. Pour the resulting milk mixture into the syrup, adding another glass of milk, be sure to stir and put on fire.
      5. Stir continuously until mixture thickens, about 3 minutes;
      6. After turning off, the mixture must be strained into another pan using clean gauze or a sieve. Place on the stove again and bring to a boil;
      7. While the future ice cream is boiling, pour the remaining fresh milk into a small container and, adding starch, stir until smooth, carefully add the starch mixture into the pan. Simmer over low heat until thickened, about 1 minute;
      8. Cover the pan with a lid or cover it with film and leave it to cool. After that, put it in the refrigerator for two hours;
      9. Whip the cream with a mixer into a fluffy and fairly dense foam, add it to the cooled base and beat everything again.
      10. Transfer the ice cream into containers and place in the freezer for one hour;
      11. After an hour, transfer the ice cream into a bowl and beat using a mixer or food processor. Return to the same container and place in the freezer for two hours.
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    Lightened creme brulee ice cream recipe

    The base of the light version of ice cream has only 4 ingredients: 35% cream, yolks, sugar and milk.

    • sugar – 190 g;
    • 35% cream – 500 ml;
    • egg yolks – 7 pieces;
    • milk – 250 ml.

    Cooking time: 45 min. + freezing. Calorie content of 100 g serving of ice cream: 299 kcal.

    1. Pour the cream and milk into a small bowl, heat over low heat until the first bubbles appear, then remove from the stove;
    2. Beat sugar (150 g) with a mixer together with egg yolks. Without stopping whipping, pour hot milk with cream in a thin stream, beat a little more;
    3. Return the milk-egg mixture to the bowl, stir, and place on the fire. Heat with continuous stirring until the mixture thickens. Quite 3 minutes;
    4. Melt the remaining sugar (40 g) in a bowl with a thick bottom. Pour a little milk-egg cream into the sugar, stir and place back into the bowl with the cream, stir, let the mixture cool;
    5. Place the creme brulee in the freezer, remove from time to time and stir well so that there are no ice crystals in the finished dessert and the mixture is moderately frozen.

    How to make a treat without eggs

    The main secret of this recipe is that we will not use ordinary condensed milk, but boiled “Caramel”. It has a thick, chewy consistency and a unique caramel flavor.

    • Condensed milk boiled with sugar “Caramel” - 1 soft package or can;
    • gelatin – 2 plates (8 g);
    • cream 33% fat – 950 ml;
    • brown sugar – 90 g;
    • ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract.

    Cooking time: 40 min. + cooling time: 1.5 hours. 100 g serving: 305 kcal.

    How to make homemade creme brulee ice cream without eggs:

    1. Soak the gelatin in a small amount of chilled water;
    2. In a deep bowl, combine condensed milk, cream, vanilla extract and brown sugar, then beat with a mixer into a fluffy mass;
    3. Blot the swollen gelatin with a cardboard towel, add to the condensed milk with cream and stir well. If lumps remain, rub the mixture through a sieve and beat everything again;
    4. Place the creme brulee into containers and place in the freezer for 1.5 hours;
    5. After this time, transfer the ice cream into the bowl of the device and beat. Place them in containers again and put them in the freezer.

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    Creme brulee ice cream in an ice cream maker

    A larger selection of modern ice cream makers allows us to prepare ice cream without leaving home. Using an ice cream maker is quite simple: you need to send the cooling container to the freezer in advance so that the refrigerant between its walls collects cold, then fill it with the prepared mixture, close the device, press the button - and go about your business.

    • 6 yolks;
    • 250 g coffee sugar;
    • 550 ml heavy cream;
    • 200 ml milk.

    Cooking time required: 45 minutes. + time for freezing. 100 g serving of ice cream: 310 kcal.

    1. Pour 400 ml of cream and 200 ml of milk into a saucepan, place on low heat, heat until the first bubbles appear, but do not boil;
    2. Pour 100 g of sugar into a frying pan and melt over low heat until a coffee-colored caramel mass comes out. Pour this caramel into the heated cream in a thin stream, stirring constantly to prevent the cream from curdling. After all the caramel mass has dissolved, continue stirring for a few more minutes;
    3. In a deep bowl with a mixer, beat the egg yolks with 150 g of sugar. Without stopping whisking, slowly pour in the creamy caramel mixture and beat slightly more;
    4. Pour the resulting mixture back into the pan, stir slightly, and put on fire. Heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Approximately 4 min. Then cool;
    5. Place the bowl of the ice cream maker in the freezer in advance so that the refrigerant located between the walls of the container is well cooled. Remove and fill it with the cooled mixture;
    6. Stir the ice cream well in the appliance. After about half an hour, transfer the finished creme brulee into containers and place in the freezer.

    On a note

    1. So that the ice cream hardens moderately and there is no ice in it after it is sent to the freezer, it must be taken out from time to time and stirred well;
    2. You can do it differently: put the ice cream in a container in the freezer for two hours, then transfer it to the bowl of a food processor and beat. Return to container, send to freeze;
    3. If you use an ice cream maker, then fill the bowl only halfway, so during the mixing process the dessert is also saturated with oxygen;
    4. Remove the prepared creme brulee from the bowl using plastic or wooden devices.

    Treat your family and friends to the resulting delicacy - let them enjoy!

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