New Year's cookies with icing

New Year's cookies with icing


Butter – 110 g

Wheat flour – 350 g

Baking powder – 1 tsp.

Salt – 2 pinches

Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.

Ground cinnamon – 0.5 tsp.

Ground ginger – 0.5 tsp.


Greenish dye - 2 pinches or 2 drops

Sweet powder – 200 g

Decor (beads) – 20 g

  • 376 kcal
  • 1 hour
  • 20 minutes.
  • 1 hour 20 minutes

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

I make New Year's cookies with icing for the New Year - they constantly spread on New Year's holidays, like hot pies. In our region, there is also an ancient good habit of sowing on New Year’s morning, in other words, sowing the house with rice or other cereals (rice is expensive today), which the neighbor’s kids always follow and wake me up on January 1 almost at 6 o’clock in the morning. In return, they receive sweets and money, which is why such cookies become very important when buying from them))))))

This recipe for gingerbread cookies is the easiest, the dessert is similar to both cookies and gingerbread, especially on the 2nd day, when it absorbs air humidity at room temperature, swells slightly and becomes fluffy and loose.

To decorate the sweets, call your own children - they make the best assistants, because any of them wants to try the prepared delicacies. Don't forget to serve cookies with fragrant tea!

So, prepare the necessary ingredients and let's start cooking!

Combine ground cinnamon, ground ginger, salt, sugar, baking powder and previously sifted wheat flour in the bowl of a food processor.

Chop the butter, warmed to room temperature, and add it to the container. Stir gently at low speed.

Pour in honey of any kind, beat in a chicken egg, but only one. You will need the second chicken egg to create the glaze, or rather just the white.

Stir everything again, forming dough crumbs - this is how it should be.

Knead it with your hands, forming a tight ball. Cover with cling film and leave for 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator, or overnight (that is, in the dark) .

Lightly sprinkle the work surface with flour, roll out some of the dough, since it is very flexible and manageable, cut it into shapes with a punch. At this time, preheat the oven to 180C.

Transfer them to parchment paper placed on a baking sheet.

Place the baking sheet with the preparations in the oven and bake the dessert for 7-10 minutes, without bringing it to a powerful blush! It's better to underbake than to overbake! Let the liver cool at room temperature for 1 hour.

At this time, form the glaze yourself: break the egg into a bowl, separating the yolk from the white - you will only need the white. Mix in a couple of pinches or a couple of drops of greenish dye and all the sweet powder, but in parts. Do not beat, but specifically mix in the powder, you will need a lot of it. Do not add any lemon juice or water! Place the finished glaze in a cooking bag and cut off a thin edge from it. Moving diagonally, decorate your cooled pieces with greenish glaze.

Before the glaze dries, quickly decorate the edges of the blanks with colorful beads (confectionery decor). Involve children in this activity - they will be happy to help you!

Allow the finished liver to dry for about 2 hours and you can taste it!

These New Year's cookies with icing in a gift box look especially festive. Happy New Year to you!

New Year's sugar cookies with icing

The recipe for gingerbread cookies painted with glaze, which I posted here back in 2009, has long been a New Year’s and Christmas hit among my readers. Now I would like to add another recipe that you will need around the New Year holidays. These are vanilla sugar cookies with the same old good icing.

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There is no honey here, no spicy-smelling spices here. Just the smell of vanilla. If you wish, you can add lemon or orange zest to the dough to give the liver an extra flavor.

Ingredients for 40-50 cookies (depending on size):



Making recipe:

Prepare the dough. Cream butter and sugar until creamy.

Add vanilla essence and egg, mix well. Evenly add flour sifted with salt and baking powder and knead into a plastic dough.

Wrap it in film and let it lie in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

Roll out the dough into a layer about 6-7 mm wide and cut out the cookies. Place on a baking sheet.

Place in a preheated room at 180 degrees and bake until golden on the edges, 12-15 minutes per batch.

Preparing the glaze. Beat the whites with lemon juice until light foam.

Add sweet powder evenly, beating at low speed. The glaze has reached the right mixture when you dip a spoon into it, lift it up, and the traces of the total glaze flowing to the surface smooth out after a few seconds.

Color the glaze as desired.

Transfer to a bag with a narrow nozzle or just a cut off tip.

Glaze the cookies. First we make an outline.

Then we fill in the middle.

Take a toothpick and spread the glaze inside the outline. Take the cookie in your hand and shake it from side to side so that the layer of glaze smoothes out.

Let the glaze dry and apply a sketch in a contrasting color. Let the glaze dry again.

Bon appetit and Happy New Year!

40 photos of New Year's cookies + 5 recipes for icing and dough

Website “Mother Can Do Anything!” I collected 40 photos of New Year's cookies for inspiration, as well as recipes for dough and glaze, so that your festive baking would be not only tasty, but also beautiful.

The spirit of the New Year holidays is already arising and there is a completely logical desire to add a little solemn mood to your own home. This can be created thanks to traditional New Year's baking: cookies with icing.

New Year's cookie recipe

As a base, you can take any kind of cookies (with all this, it is better to stock up in advance on various molds in the form of Santa Clauses, Christmas trees, snowmen, snowflakes and stars) or purchase ready-made ones, since the most important thing is decorating with icing in order to give the cookies a festive New Year’s note .

We offer an ordinary recipe for shortbread cookies. They are perfectly suitable for our given purpose.

  • Sweet powder – 63 g;
  • Flour – 200 gr;
  • Testicle - one piece;
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Salt – a small pinch.
  1. Mix together sweet powder, flour, add a little salt. Cut the butter and add to the dough. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly - you can do it by hand or using a food processor, depending on how comfortable it is for you.
  2. You need to stir the dough until a small crumb forms, and then add the egg. Start the blender and watch until your dough is combined into one piece.
  3. You need to manually gather the dough into a ball and then roll it out to a width of 3 mm.
  4. It is permissible to place a patterned napkin on the dough, and then run a rolling pin on top - thus creating patterns. The dough is transferred to the freezer and kept there for half an hour.
  5. After the dough has cooled, you can start cutting into shapes, and then place the cookies in the freezer for 15 minutes. Bake New Year's cookies for 8 minutes, temperature 180 degrees.

How to make savory glaze

After this, you can move on to a more exciting and creative process - preparing icing for decorating cookies. We offer five of the simplest glaze recipes that you can easily prepare at home.

Traditional glaze

  • Lemon – 1 piece, squeeze out juice
  • Sweet powder – 200 gr
  • White of 1st testicle.

Mix all the ingredients, beat the resulting mass with a mixer or in a food processor until the size of the mass increases several times.

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In order to get a multi-colored glaze, you need to add lemon juice with vegetable juice. Thus, if you add beet juice, the colors you get will range from light pink to dark purple (proportion 1 - 6 tsp beet juice). To get an orange color you need to add carrot juice, yellowish - a decoction or tincture of sage, greenish - broccoli or spinach juice, blue and blue - red cabbage juice. And to get a reddish color, you can drink cherry, strawberry or reddish currant juice.

Caramel glaze

  • Milk – 3 tbsp;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 package;
  • Butter – two tablespoons;
  • Sweet powder - one glass;
  • Cane sugar - half a glass.

Melt the butter in a small saucepan, add the milk, and also dissolve the cane sugar. Boil for one minute.

This sugar-butter mixture must be removed from the heat, add ½ cup of sweet powder. Beat thoroughly, cool evenly, mix vanilla sugar and the rest of the powder. Beat the mixture again until you have a thick, finished glaze.

Prof multi-colored glaze

For cooking you need to take:

  • Any food coloring;
  • Almond extract – 0.4 tsp;
  • Sweet syrup - a couple of tsp;
  • Milk – two tsp;
  • Sweet powder - one glass.

Mix milk and sweet powder together; the mixture should be a soft paste. After this, add sweet syrup to the mixture, beat very well until the glaze is smooth and shiny.

The resulting glaze must be divided into cups and the desired dye must be added to each cup. When using more dye, the color will be more striking and saturated.

Orange glaze

  • About 4 tablespoons of orange juice;
  • Sweet powder - about ¾ cup.

Place the freshly squeezed juice in a small saucepan and slowly add sweet powder to it.

Mix the powder thoroughly with orange juice, adding powder until the desired mixture is achieved. As a result, the orange glaze should be slightly liquid so that it can be easily spread on the cookies.

Traditional chocolate glaze

  • Vanillin or vanilla sugar – 1 package;
  • Butter – 1 tablespoon;
  • Cocoa – 2 tablespoons;
  • Milk - four tablespoons;
  • Sweet powder - two glasses.

Mix slightly softened butter with sweet powder, add cocoa and vanilla. Carefully grind the mass, slowly adding milk, stirring immediately to achieve a homogeneous mixture.

How to properly apply glaze to cookies

Before applying the glaze to the baked goods, you need to lightly wet the surface with water. And then take a regular or professional pastry bag or pastry syringe, very carefully trace the contours of the cookies, and then proceed to fill other areas. Place the baking sheet with the finished cookies in a hot oven for a few minutes to quickly dry the icing.

New Year's cookies with icing - step-by-step photo recipe

You can prepare delicious New Year's cookies according to the usual recipe from shortcrust pastry with sweet glaze. It is very pleasant to do this together with the children. Little assistants will probably enjoy cutting out shapes from the dough or painting the dessert with snow patterns. You can immediately memorize poems for the matinee.

Sweet glaze or icing is prepared very simply and is quite undemanding to work with. Despite the presence of raw egg white in it, it can be stored for a number of days without spoiling. It's all about the large amount of sugar, which serves as a reliable preservative.

New Year's cookies are high in calories, but very appetizing, beautiful and tasty. Try to prepare a very tasty dessert for the holiday. Afterwards you can start decorating your home. Large snowflakes and New Year's decorations can be useful for this. Well, I’ll tell you how to make cookies in more detail.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • butter – 180 g;
  • sweet sand – 3 tbsp;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 1 pinch;
  • soda – 1 tsp. without slide;
  • flour – 350 g.

Ingredients for icing:

  • egg white – 1 tbsp;
  • sweet powder – 100 g;
  • food colorings.

Recipe for cookies with icing for the New Year

For the dough, mix all dry ingredients: flour, sugar, salt and soda.

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Grate cool butter or high-quality margarine on a large grater.

Rub the oil shavings with your hands using a dry consistency so that wet crumbs come out.

Advice! To prevent the butter from melting, you need to work quickly, without warming the crumbs with your hands and without achieving perfect homogeneity.

Break two eggs into a separate cup. Separate one spoon of protein. Mix the rest and add to the dough for New Year's cookies.

Knead plastic shortbread dough. If it does not form a lump, but crumbles, you can add 1 teaspoon of ice water. Wrap the dough in film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

There is quite a lot of dough for convenience; it can be divided into 2-3 parts and kept in the refrigerator while you work with one portion. Roll out the dough between 2 sheets of parchment or cling film to about 3-4 mm wide.

Cut out shapes using special cuttings or without the help of another prepared template.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the cookies on a baking sheet at a certain distance from each other. Bake for no more than 10 minutes so that it dries but does not darken. Let cool.

Master class on how to decorate cookies with icing at home

Prepare the icing. To do this, you don’t need to use a mixer, because you just need to mix the icing, and not get a fluffy meringue foam. It is very convenient to stir with a fork. Pour half of the sweet powder into the cool egg white and mix thoroughly.

Then add the powder in small portions, achieving a mixture similar to that of pancake batter. Divide the glaze into 2-3 parts according to the number of intended colors. Using food coloring, strictly according to instructions, obtain the desired colors. This semi-liquid icing will be needed to create the background of the ornaments.

Place one spoonful of glaze of each color into separate cups and add more sweet powder to each one. It is necessary to obtain the thickest glaze, which is needed to create contours and fine lines. A properly mixed glaze will leave soft peaks.

Place all purchased types of icing into separate bags and, after releasing the air, seal tightly.

Fundamentally! When exposed to air, the glaze dries quickly. This should be kept in mind when working with it and storing it.

Cut off the very edges of the corners of the bags. A hole the size of a match head should form. By carefully squeezing out the glaze, you can first trace the surface of the cookie along the contour, and then paint over it.

After the background has dried slightly, you can apply patterns with thick glaze.

Ready-made New Year's cookies with icing must be laid out in one layer on a flat surface and left for at least 3 hours, or better yet a day, to dry completely.

You can store this treat in a dry, hermetically sealed box for a week. It is not recommended to put the cookies in the refrigerator, otherwise the glaze will soften.

Ideas for decorating New Year's cookies with icing

In fact, you can decorate a sweet dessert with icing in different ways. It all depends only on your imagination and creativity. Be sure, when starting the process, call your little helpers - your own children or grandchildren. Believe me, they will really like it, and at the same time they will be busy for several hours. And how pleased they will be when guests praise them for the beauty they have created. In this section I have collected for you various ideas for decorating New Year's cookies.

And finally, I also want to share a video recipe for making cookies with icing for the New Year. It’s not a shame to give such a dessert, but, on the contrary, it’s quite an amazing surprise.

This is the perfect dessert you can create with the whole family. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas, my dear reader!

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