Lenten Banana Coconut Cake Recipe

Lenten Banana Coconut Cake Recipe


Wheat flour (for dough) 230 g 329
Sugar (70 g for dough, 70 g for cream) 140 g. 374
Vegetable oil (for dough) 100 g. 899
Banana (1 piece for the dough, 1 piece for the layer) 2 pcs. 49
Almonds (for layering) 150 g.
Rice (cream) 240 g 326
Coconut shavings (for cream and for sprinkling) 100 g.
Potato starch (in cream) 40 g.
Vanilla sugar 2 tsp.
Salt (pinch)

Step-by-step recipe for making Lenten banana-coconut cake with photo

The delicacy is prepared like this:

    Pour shredded coconut into a glass.

Pour boiling water into this and set the container with the contents aside for two hours.

Now let's do the test. Peel the banana and mash it using a fork.

Sift the flour, mix with sugar and salt.

Add banana puree to the resulting mixture, pour in vegetable oil, and begin kneading the dough. Later, divide it into two parts, roll it out, and bake at 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

Next, let's make the cream. Boil the rice, mix with sugar and vanilla sugar.

Then grind the boiled rice groats using an immersion blender.

When the coconut flakes swell, place them in a sieve and let the liquid drain out.

Add cool coconut water, you should get 400 ml of water.

Pour 50 ml, pour starch into it, dissolve.

Add rice and coconut shavings to the rest of the liquid, stir, put the mixture on the fire, cook for two minutes. Then remove from heat, stir, add starch, put back on low heat, boil, cook for a minute, then cool the cream.

Now you need to grind the banana and almonds in a blender. Mix all.

Place the resulting mass on the first base, level it, cover with the second base, and put rice-coconut cream on top.

  • Sprinkle the dessert with shavings and refrigerate for 10 hours. That's all, when you serve the delicacy to the table, cut it using a hot knife!
  • Have fun!

    Video recipe Lenten banana-coconut cake

    Lenten Banana Coconut Cake

    • How to cook
    • Tips for the recipe
    • Similar Recipes


    • 230 gr. flour,
    • – 140 gr. sugar (70 g for dough, 70 g for cream),
    • – 100 ml. vegetable oil,
    • – 200 gr. rice
    • - 1 PC. banana,
    • – 100 gr. coconut flakes,
    • – 100 gr. blackberries (I had frozen ones, if you don’t have them, you can use another berry),
    • – 2 tbsp. semolina,
    • – 40 gr. starch,
    • – 2 tsp. vanilla sugar,
    • -powdered sugar
    • - salt.

    Step-by-step manufacturing recipe

    1. Pour coconut flakes into a 300 ml glass. Pour boiling water to the top. Leave for a couple of hours to swell.

    2. For the dough, mash the banana with a fork. Mix sifted flour, sugar and salt. Add crushed banana and vegetable oil to the consistency. Knead the dough.

    3. Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll out. Bake at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes.

    4. For the cream, boil the rice in 600 ml of water with 70 g of sugar and 2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar. Grind the boiled rice using an immersion blender.

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    Place the swollen coconut flakes in a sieve to drain. Add enough cool water to the coconut water to make 400 ml. Pour 50 ml of water and dissolve starch in it.

    Pour the rest of the water (350 ml) into the rice, add coconut flakes and stir. Place the coconut-rice mixture on the heat and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat and, stirring vigorously, pour in starch in a narrow stream. Place over low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 1 minute. Let the cream cool.

    5. For the layer, prepare semolina porridge in water and beat it in a blender with blackberries. Add sweet powder to taste.

    Place the resulting mass on the first shortbread and smooth it out. Cover with the second crust. Place coconut-rice cream on top. Garnish with coconut flakes.

    6. Place in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours. It is recommended to cut the cake with a hot knife. Bon appetit and good spring mood everyone!

    Additional information

    Lenten cake with magical shortcakes, a stunning semolina-blackberry layer and tender coconut-rice cream. The most delicious, delicate cake - it takes a little tinkering, but in the end you will get a real yummy. Treat yourself during Lent!

    Raw Coconut Banana Cake

    • Banana 5 pcs
    • Coconut oil 110 ml
    • Cardamom 1/2 tsp
    • Black pepper 1/3 tsp
    • Stevia 2 tsp

    A gourmet's dream is the least harmful sweets. This simple Raw Coconut Cake with Banana Cream recipe will be loved by kids and adults alike. Ordinary ingredients without being overloaded with unnecessary components. And even suitable for yogis! Because it does not contain cocoa beans and their derivatives. This cake is made without sugar - natural sweetness comes from the dates in the cake and stevia in the cream. Does not contain honey, which, as is clear, mixes very poorly with nuts and absolutely anything, except pollen.

    Raw coconut banana cake recipe

    1 Peel dates, soak in boiling water, wash.

    2 In an S-shaped blender (grinder/chopper), mix all the ingredients of the shortcake with the dates.

    3 Take out the contents of the blender and roll into a ball.

    4 Line a removable baking dish with cling film.

    5 Distribute the crust over the bottom of the pan.

    6 Peel the bananas.

    7 If the coconut oil is hard, melt over low heat until watery.

    8 Beat bananas, dates, spices for cream, coconut oil with a submersible blender.

    9 Pour our cream over the crust.

    10 Distribute the cream sparingly and put it in the freezer for 3 hours.

    We bake a Lenten cake. Dessert recipes for Great Lent

    There are still 6 weeks of Great Lent ahead. But I still want dessert. Obviously, lean, no eggs, milk or butter. But you can knead the dough in vegetable oil and whip coconut cream. You can eat frozen berries from the refrigerator (did you try in vain in the fall and make preparations?), You can pour syrup over everything and sprinkle with nuts or chocolate chips. So even with plant ingredients you can create good Lenten desserts and bake delicious cakes.

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    Napoleon with berries

    Recipe by Andrey Pavlov, chef of the Nikita restaurant

    • 100 ml water
    • 100 ml vegetable oil
    • 400 g flour
    • salt
    • 70 g vegetable cream 29%
    • 70 g vanilla syrup

    • 200 g almond milk
    • 70 g sugar
    • 60 g lemon
    • 50 g semolina
    • 2 g vanilla sugar
    • 30 g raspberries
    • 35 g strawberries
    • 10 g blueberries
    • 2 g mint
    • 2 g sweet powder

    Step 1. Dough: mix water and vegetable oil, add salt, flour and knead the dough. Cover with a clean towel and leave for half an hour. Bake for 8 minutes at 210 degrees. Cut the dough into portions.

    Step 2. Porridge: cook semolina porridge in almond milk, add sugar, lemon zest and vanilla sugar.

    Step 3. Cream: whip cream and mix with porridge.

    Step 4. Serving: Using a pastry bag, place the cream on a puff pastry layer, covering it with another layer on top. Decorate with berries, mint and sprinkle with powder.

    carrot cake

    Recipe by Alexandra Santalova, co-owner of the confectionery “They Don’t Bake Here”

    • 100 g walnuts
    • 70 g coconut flakes
    • 1 tbsp. l coconut oil
    • 10 pieces. dates
    • 1 tsp. cinnamon
    • 120 g carrots
    • a pinch of ground cardamom
    • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
    • 1 can coconut cream
    • 1 tbsp. l. Jerusalem artichoke syrup

    Step 2. Mix everything well until you get a very thick mass.

    Step 3. Make a ball out of the mixture and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

    Step 4. Make the cream: in a deep bowl, mix the cream and Jerusalem artichoke syrup. Beat for 5-7 minutes until a thick mass is obtained.

    Step 5. Divide the dough into 4 parts.

    Step 6. Roll out the crust layer with a rolling pin to about 8 mm wide. Cut a circle with a culinary ring (diameter 14 cm).

    Step 7. Repeat this 3 times.

    Step 8. Layer the shortcakes with cream.

    Step 9. Garnish with the freshest berries and let sit for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator.

    Chocolate mille-feuille with strawberries

    Recipe by Sergei Kondakov, chef of the Sixty restaurant

    • 50 ml vegetable cream
    • 1 g cocoa powder
    • 2 g sweet powder
    • 100 g lean puff pastry without yeast
    • 20 g sugar
    • 10 ml water
    • 30 g strawberries

    Step 1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, whip the cream.

    Step 2. Mix 25 g of whipped cream with melted chocolate, add cocoa powder, sweet powder, mix everything; add the rest of the cream.

    Step 3. Gently mix the resulting mixture with a spatula. It is important not to use a whisk, because it will liquefy the cream.

    Step 4. Mix sugar and water in a saucepan and cook until caramelized.

    Step 5. Pour the caramel onto the silicone mat and let it harden. Break the caramel into pieces and put it in a blender.

    Step 6. Roll out the puff pastry. Bake under a load in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

    Step 7. Remove the weight from the dough, sprinkle with crushed caramel, bake at 200 degrees for 5-7 minutes until the dough caramelizes.

    Step 8. Cool the dough, cut into rectangular slices.

    Step 9. Cover the dough slices with melted dark chocolate.

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    Step 10. Cut the freshest strawberries into rings.

    Step 11. Layer the dough with chocolate cream and fresh strawberries, alternating. Coat the dessert in a circle with cream, sprinkle with dough crumbs, decorate with the freshest raspberries, blackberries, blueberries.

    Step 12. Decorate the dessert with chocolate disks, decorate the plate with chocolate drops.


    Recipe by Mamiya Jojua, chef of the Kazbek restaurant

    • 1 liter of snow-white grape juice
    • 50 g grape syrup
    • 175 g corn flour
    • 50 g sugar

    Step 1. Bring the grape juice to a boil, then evaporate to half over low heat. Add grape syrup.

    Step 2. Slowly add flour and knead into a single homogeneous mass.

    Step 3. Moisten a baking sheet with the highest sides with cool water and pour the resulting mass there.

    Step 4. Without covering, let cool and leave for 12 hours.

    Coconut dessert

    Recipe by Shamsiddin Kamalov, brand chef of the Chaikhona No. 1 by Timur Lansky

    • 500 ml coconut cream
    • 750 ml almond milk
    • 15 g agar-agar
    • 2 g coconut flakes
    • 2 g vanilla
    • 100 g sugar
    • 150 ml water
    • mint for decoration
    • 200 g sea buckthorn s/m
    • 30 g sugar
    • 10 g starch
    • 150 ml water

    Step 1. Mix cream, milk, coconut, sugar and bring to a boil.

    Step 2. Stir the agar-agar in a small amount of water (100 ml) and let it swell, then melt the agar-agar slightly (up to 30 seconds) in the microwave, add it to the boiling milk mixture and cook for about 2 minutes, stirring with a whisk.

    Step 3. Remove from heat, strain and pour into approximately 100 ml molds. Leave at a temperature of 2-4 degrees until completely solidified.

    Step 4. Prepare the sauce: sort out the sea buckthorn and wash it. Place in a saucepan, add sugar, water and bring to a boil. Tighten with starch to form a sauce mixture.

    Step 5. Pour sea buckthorn sauce (approximately 30 g) into a deep plate, place panna cotta in the center and garnish with mint leaves.

    Dessert Ashure

    Recipe creator: Cihan Deniz, brand chef of the Cihan Turkish Steak and Kebab restaurant

    • 200 g crushed boiled wheat
    • 70 g boiled beans
    • 70 g boiled chickpeas
    • 40 g dried apricots
    • 40 g dried figs
    • 30 g dried mulberries
    • 30 g raisins
    • 30 g almonds
    • 10 g sweet powder
    • 1 cinnamon stick
    • 30 g pomegranate seeds
    • 700 ml water
    • 170 g sugar

    Step 2. Pour water into an empty pan, dump out the sugar and add a cinnamon stick. After the sugar has melted, mix thoroughly and cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes.

    Step 3. Add diced figs, dried apricots, mulberries and raisins. Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat until the contents thicken.

    Step 4. Mix the resulting mass with porridge from chickpeas, beans and wheat and distribute into separate serving containers. Let cool.

    Step 5. After the mixture has cooled, decorate it with dry ingredients, such as nuts, almonds, pomegranate seeds, dried figs, etc.

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