Top 7 protein shakes you can make at home

Top 7 protein shakes you can make at home

If you've ever been involved in strength training, then you probably understand the feelings of those who head home after training and feel completely exhausted. Or maybe you yourself felt weak while playing sports and didn’t understand what was causing it? Or maybe not only during classes? The thing is that a person needs a certain amount of nutritional components on any given day: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is necessary that all health characteristics be normal; by the way, read here about whether and how it is possible to increase hemoglobin. This is very important. You need to make sure that you get all of them at normal levels - yes, watch your diet. But anyone who is concerned about their weight and seeks to work on it (adding or losing it) should pay special attention to how much protein their body receives per day. To get enough of these parts, drinking a protein shake at home will help you. Let's take a look at what a protein shake is and how to make it at home.

Maybe someone was taken aback when they heard that you can simply create a protein shake at home yourself. Why? Therefore, most people associate the word “protein” with inorganic chemistry, which is taken by professional strength athletes. But for such people it was a surprise that “protein” in English means “protein”. Therefore, do not be alarmed: by making a protein shake at home, you are showing that you control the level of protein in your body, and that’s all. Before we talk about how to create a protein shake, we will mention who benefits from this very protein shake. will be needed.

Who needs a protein shake?

If, for one reason or another, you decide to limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates, then you need to make up for this with proteins so that the body has strength. A protein shake, the recipe for which will be given below, will help with this. Absolutely, the level of protein intake depends on how we are exposed to overload and stress.

Strength athletes, such as powerlifters, bodybuilders, weightlifters, and those who engage in heavy physical labor need protein most. During exercise, the muscles of our body are damaged, but within 1-2 days they are restored, at the same time becoming larger and stronger. But where does the body get building materials? Protein is a muscle builder. In fact, muscles are made of it. That’s why strength sports athletes are recommended to create a protein shake so that the body has something to build up damaged muscle fibers. So, as we see, protein is needed both by those who passionately want to lose weight and by those who increase muscle mass. Now let's talk about how you can make a protein shake at home.

How to create a protein shake at home?

Before you start mixing the ingredients, calculate how much protein you need specifically for you. How to find it? Depending on your goal and load, count from 1 to 2.5 grams per kilogram of weight. In other words, if a person weighs 100 kg and does strength sports, then he needs to create a protein shake in such a way that it contains 250 grams of protein. Drink all this not at once, of course, but throughout the day. I think this is clear.

Now the protein shake recipe: there is none! Basically, you just need to know what ingredients to use and pair with something that suits your taste. Personally, I took protein powder, combined it with milk and a raw egg. Later I added some flavoring and it was done! You can also use other products containing protein: cottage cheese, soy milk, and so on. By combining them, we get a beautiful protein shake suitable for a variety of purposes!

Recipe 1

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • cottage cheese (1 pack or 180 g)
  • milk (600 ml)
  • bananas (2 or 3)
  • nuts (50 g)
  • honey (2-3 tbsp or to taste)

Bring to a homogeneous mixture with a blender. Remember that a protein shake is an actual meal, so drink it between meals.

Recipe 2


  • milk or drink (250 ml)
  • banana (half)
  • oatmeal (2-3 spoons)
  • cinnamon.

You can also add natural yogurt and ice cream.

Grind with a blender and drink during the day. Also experiment with adding other products: cottage cheese, strawberries and other berries, kiwi, cocoa, natural yogurt, coconut flakes, vanilla and even coffee.

Recipe 3


  • drink (500 ml)
  • cottage cheese (250 or 300 g)
  • cocoa powder without additives (5 tsp)
  • water (100 ml)
  • sweetener.

Dilute cocoa and sweetener with water and bring to a boil. Cook for a minute, stirring the contents constantly, then cool. Add the chocolate mixture to the mixed mixture of cottage cheese and kefir and beat until smooth. Drink after it has cooled down.

Recipe 4


  • milk (250 ml)
  • testicle (1 pc.)
  • sugar (1 tsp)

You can beat it in a blender with a whisk attachment. As always, replace sugar with honey and milk with the drink if desired. If you want to create the most satisfying and healthy protein shake, add chopped walnuts.

Recipe 5

  • cottage cheese (200 g)
  • juice (100 ml)
  • drink (100 ml)
  • persimmon (you can also use banana)

Combine, turn into a cocktail and enjoy.

Recipe 6

  • cherry juice (100 ml)
  • cottage cheese (100 g)
  • egg white
  • sweeten to taste
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Don't forget that natural juice is always better.

Recipe 7

  • baked milk (glass)
  • cottage cheese (250 g)
  • oat bran (1 tbsp)
  • flaxseed oil (1 tbsp)

There are many recipes for protein shakes. Start with the ones we suggest, and later, knowing the ingredients, make your own!

Soon I will write an article about how you can quit smoking at home, don’t miss it. Wrote, click above.

Protein shake at home

The sports nutrition industry has become truly massive and protein occupies a key space in it. This supplement must be used regularly, because without it, muscles will not grow. Even during weight loss, protein plays a major role and becomes the basis of the diet. However, sports supplements have a worthy alternative that allows you to create a protein shake at home. This will allow you not only to save money, but also to change the taste and composition of the supplement at your own request.

What is a protein shake for?

In the sports nutrition and fitness industry, there is an incorrect stereotype that protein is a “chemical” or a supplement that is needed only for gaining large muscles. Nevertheless, every person, without exception, needs protein. The amino acids that make up it are involved in most actions occurring in the body, from the synthesis of hormones to simple physical activity.

Lack of protein leads to a huge number of pathologies, although this will primarily manifest itself as muscle atrophy.

When exercising in sports, the need for protein increases, so the average person’s norm (1.2-1.3 grams of protein per 1 kg of body) increases to 1.5-1.6 grams. As a result, a man weighing 80 kg needs to eat at least 120 grams of protein per day. Otherwise, you can forget about muscle growth, and physical abilities will slowly decrease (or remain at the same level).

To fill this protein requirement, you need to eat at least 600-700 grams of chicken breast or about 800 grams of cottage cheese per day. This amount of food can simply be divided into 2-3 regular servings, but eating such a quantity of goods every day is uncomfortable. Not only because of the constant routine in nutrition, but also because of the overload on the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) . As a result, the role of protein supplements has grown indescribably. It allows you to get processed protein with a minimum of fats and carbohydrates.

When should you drink a protein shake?

It is wrong to think that to develop muscles you need to drink protein a couple of times a day. The best ratio of protein from food and supplements is 60/40%, in other words, almost 2/3 of the norm must be consumed from ordinary food.

On days without exercise, it is enough to drink a protein shake once a day, preferably during the day (to reduce nighttime catabolism).

On days of physical overload, the cocktail is taken twice, during the day and after training.

It is not advisable to drink a shake more than twice; it will not give any beneficial effect, apart from the overload on the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) .

Also remember that the body can only absorb a small amount of protein at a time. Data from different research studies may vary, but according to the general result, the highest one-time rate should be 30-40 grams. Anything that enters the body above this norm will put an increased load on the kidneys (which remove all excess protein). The best amount of protein per serving is 25-30 g. This is the amount of protein you need to start from if you are preparing a cocktail on your own. Also, do not forget that the daily protein intake must enter the body evenly, approximately with an interval of 3 hours.

The following scheme is considered flawless:

  • Morning – breakfast (scrambled eggs or any other dish + protein shake);
  • Afternoon snack - a protein shake (only if there was no cocktail during the day. Otherwise, an ordinary snack);
  • Lunch - any dish with meat and side dish;
  • 2nd afternoon snack – snack or protein shake (if this meal comes immediately after training);
  • Dinner – ordinary protein food (fish, steak, etc.).

Pros and cons of a protein shake

Let's briefly look at the main advantages and disadvantages of a cocktail prepared at home, in comparison with a ready-made sports supplement. The benefits of the cocktail include :

  • You can select the composition at your own request and change the components at any time;
  • You can constantly use the freshest products;
  • There is no risk of encountering a fake or low-quality protein supplement;
  • Financial savings.

But this cocktail also has some drawbacks, which make it inferior to a sports supplement. The disadvantages include :

  • Unlike the powder form, you cannot take a ready-made cocktail with you to work or for a walk (a homemade cocktail must be drunk immediately, otherwise it will lose not only its taste, but also its benefits);
  • Constantly contains more carbohydrates and fats (in the production of the supplement, complex technologies and the highest degree of purification of raw materials are used; it is unrealistic to achieve the same at home);
  • It is difficult to calculate the protein norm (you need to know the exact amount of protein in any component).

Homemade Protein Shake Recipes and Methods

It is important to realize that a protein shake is not a tasty drink, a shake or a smoothie. In other words, taste will always play a secondary role. The main goal of the cocktail is to provide the muscles with protein and other useful substances. Also, the range of products in a protein shake will be much smaller than for gainers. It is important to observe the proportion of BJU and not go beyond the appropriate calorie content of the cocktail.

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The following products are almost constantly used as a base:

  • Skim milk (not more than 1%);
  • Low-fat cottage cheese (0.2-1% fat content);
  • Yogurt or drink (from 0.5 to 1% fat);
  • White of boiled eggs (raw can be used).

By using milk products with the highest fat content, you are almost guaranteed to go beyond the appropriate calorie content and the protein shake will turn into a gainer. As a result, this can have a bad effect on gaining excess fat, especially for endomorphs. Also, to improve the protein composition, hemp seeds or soybeans can be used, but they should not be the main source of protein (they contain fewer amino acids than animal proteins, so they are not suitable for real replacement).

The following are used as flavoring agents:

  • Banana;
  • Any berries;
  • Citrus;
  • Apples;
  • Kiwi;
  • Vanilla and cinnamon;
  • Various food essences.

The only acceptable sweetener is honey, but not more than 1 tbsp. per serving. To add fat to the composition, use 1 tbsp. flaxseed or sesame oil. Now let's look at the most popular recipes. All cocktails are prepared in a blender.


  • Milk – 150 ml;
  • Egg whites (boiled) – 2 pcs;
  • Banana – 1 piece;
  • Vanilla to taste.


  • Drink – 200 ml;
  • Raspberries (can be frozen in advance to thicken the neck) – 150 g;
  • Milk – 100 ml;
  • Honey – 1 tsp.

With kiwi

  • Milk – 200 ml;
  • Yogrut – 100 ml;
  • Kiwi – 1 piece;
  • Honey – 1 tsp.


  • Milk – 150 ml;
  • Drink – 100 ml;
  • Orange or tangerine – 1 pc.;
  • Flaxseed oil – 1 tbsp.


  • Milk – 150 ml;
  • Cottage cheese – 100 ml;
  • Banana – 1 piece;
  • Cup of Espresso – 1 piece (can be replaced with coffee extract);
  • Cinnamon – 1/3 tsp;
  • Honey – 1 tsp.

Apple shake

  • Milk – 200 ml;
  • Cottage cheese – 100 g;
  • Apple (peeled) – 1 piece;
  • Honey – 1 tsp;
  • Cinnamon – 1/3 tsp.

Protein shake at home. RECIPES for homemade protein shakes.

20 protein shake recipes for muscle growth at home

For the normal functioning of organs and systems, the body needs protein. The high-molecular compound is responsible for transport, enzymatic, contractile functions, and participates in chemical and biological actions. It consists of “building blocks” - 22 monomeric units recognized as alpha amino acids, involved in the formation of skeletal muscles and metabolic actions.

When lifting weights, athletes need them to grow in size, release energy, and prevent catabolism. For this purpose, they purchase concentrates with an artificially synthesized substance and prepare protein shakes for muscle building according to adapted recipes.

What's under the lid

In addition to the amino acid complex, the protein shake contains: vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) A and C - 0.3 mg/100 g each and a number of microelements. Among others:

  • 3 mg/100 g magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • silver;
  • sulfur, potassium;
  • sodium

Drinks are usually provided in fitness centers with flavored fillings. But a homemade protein drink has a natural taste and also contains the required amount of nutrients. Per 500 ml serving:

  • proteins – about 40 g;
  • carbohydrates 80g;
  • fat – 30 g.

Energy value820-840 kcal/100.

How to make your own protein shake from dry concentrates

For the base, take milk products (yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese), berries or fruits. They provide the supply of amino acids and trace elements. Honey, syrup and other sweeteners transport carbohydrates. Ingredients for protein shakes can be selected at your discretion or ready-made recipes can be used.

Some use a mixer or blender, others grind the mass with a spoon.

Recipe No. 1

To make a protein drink you need:

  • 2 servings of sports nutrition;
  • for taste - a handful of berries and a spoonful of honey;
  • 20 ml linseed oil;
  • half a liter of milk.

If the body does not absorb it, the cocktail recipe is changed by adding a drink or yogurt instead. Some people also use Grovo protein. After pasteurization, there are no pathogenic microbes left in it that are unsafe for health.

Recipe #2 from George Zangas

  • 10 g brewer's yeast;
  • Grovo protein – 70 g
  • 1 regular dose of whey product;
  • 3 ice cubes;
  • a handful of berries or slices of fruit.

Beat the ingredients until homogeneous.

Recipe No. 3. Homemade drink for muscle growth with rolled oats

  • 500 g muesli;
  • 2 l. yogurt;
  • 160 g soy isolate.

The mass is painstakingly combined, placed in a container, and a fermented milk component is added. Then pour it into 4 glasses and put it in the refrigerator. Drink during the day, during the day, before and after training.

Protein shake recipes for muscle men

Recipe No. 4

  • To create your own protein, mix a portion of sports nutrition in half a liter of milk;
  • add puree of 2 bananas and beat.

Recipe No. 5

  • 220 ml of orange juice are combined with 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and 1 cocoa, half a banana.
  • Sweetener is added to improve the taste.

Recipe No. 6

  • To make protein at home, 250 grams of curd mass are combined with 2 cups of fermented milk product;
  • add 2 bananas;
  • a spoonful of thick jam or 50 ml of syrup.

Recipe No. 7

Another protein shake option for gaining muscle mass:

  • half a liter of fresh milk and 65 g of dry milk;
  • 5 tablespoons of egg powder; 70 g of cheese mass;
  • Add berries or banana for taste.
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Protein drinks for weight gain with peanut butter

Recipe No. 8


  • 1 banana;
  • a glass of chopped spinach leaves;
  • 150 g almond milk;
  • dry extract - measured portion;
  • 2 tablespoons each of chia seeds and peanut butter.

Recipe No. 9. Homemade protein “Strawberry”

  • half a glass of yogurt and milk;
  • 5 g of any whey concentrate;
  • 2 liters of peanut consistency;
  • a glass of fresh or frozen strawberries.

The products are placed in any order and whipped into foam.

Recipes for restoring energy

Recipe No. 10. Option with peach

  • 150 isolate with vanilla;
  • 4 glasses of fruit juice;
  • 100 g peaches from a jar, cut into pieces.

Recipe No. 11. Fruit smoothie

  • 200 ml of diluted isolate;
  • 5 strawberries;
  • 15 blueberries;
  • half a liter of yogurt;
  • a couple of fruit ice cubes.

DIY protein shakes from natural products

Recipe No. 12

A protein shake after a workout will immediately restore glycogen stores:

  • half a liter of 1% kefir;
  • 180 g curd mass;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 200 ice cream;
  • 100 ml concentrated cocoa drink.

Recipe No. 13

  • A spoonful of sprouted wheat is combined with flax oil;
  • 230 cottage cheese and beat;
  • the thick mass is diluted with fermented baked milk.

Recipe No. 14

To make natural protein you will need:

  • Grovo melange – 50 ml;
  • a couple of tablespoons of powdered milk;
  • banana;
  • spoon of gelatin granules;
  • honey.

Recipe No. 15

It is important for athletes to maintain protein intake. You can create a natural drink at home using a recipe using:

  • 50 g grated walnuts;
  • 40 ml syrup;
  • 200 ml yogurt.

Recipe No. 16. Drink from Steve Reeves

  • 3 village eggs;
  • 20 g milk powder;
  • banana;
  • 12 g gelatin, maple syrup or honey.

Read also how to drink protein for muscle growth for men in this article.
What are BCAA amino acids and why are they needed?
The main differences between gainer and protein.
Is it necessary to take creatine for muscle growth? Find out here.
Individual protein intake for girls for weight loss.
The correct selection of sports nutrition for bodybuilding beginners is described at this link.

Chocolate and vanilla flavored protein shake recipes

Recipe No. 17

  • 25 g whey isolate with cocoa flavor;
  • 300 ml milk;
  • 120 g almonds, crushed into dust;
  • half a protein bar.

To properly create protein for muscle growth, the watery ingredients are first whipped, sprinkled with almonds and crumbs on top.

Protein smoothie for sculpted muscles with cocoa

Recipe No. 18


  • a regular spoonful of protein concentrate mixed with chocolate;
  • 300 ml milk;
  • 50 g "Nestvik";
  • about 160 g of cottage cheese.

Manufacturing method: the liquid is heated, combined with other products, and whipped at high speed.

Recipe No. 19

As an option: take a scoop of protein powder and vanilla-flavored casein and dilute with juice or lemonade without asparkam and combine. Taken after overload.

Recipe No. 20: How to create Mocha protein drink at home

  • a cup of dark coffee;
  • 2 l. honey;
  • chocolate flavored powder.

There is no need to add sweetness.

How to drink

You can prepare a protein shake at home any day. On days when you go to the gym, make double portions. As a result, you get about 1 liter of smoothie. Half of the norm is drunk an hour before work , the rest is taken with you and taken during the carbohydrate window . During the holidays, recipes with ice cream and large amounts of carbohydrates are not consumed. Fruit and berry smoothies are a priority.

You should not take ready-made mixtures from unknown companies. They may contain anabolic steroids and illegal substances.

Sports Meal: Homemade Protein Shakes

Protein is the building material of our body; according to scientists and doctors, an adult needs to consume at least 1.2 - 1.6 g of protein per kilogram of body weight.

An equilibrium amount of protein in the body restores almost all fundamental vital processes.

The best amount of protein in the body is responsible for:

  • feeling of hunger (reduces cravings for frequent snacks);
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • assistance in losing excess weight or gaining weight - depending on the dose and diet;
  • improving memory and functioning of the emotional organs;
  • stabilizing blood pressure and maintaining cardiovascular health.

Homemade protein shake

A protein shake is a convenient meal option: the watery protein consistency is suitable for vegetarians; you can add cinnamon, nutmeg, cocoa and fruit to taste.

Protein shakes are divided into two main groups according to their properties: for weight loss and for gaining muscle mass.

There are many recipes for making protein shakes at home, all you have to do is find the desired goal.

The main ingredient in protein shakes is protein powder. It is made from milk, eggs and legumes. It contains virtually no fats or carbohydrates, and for vegans there is a powder of plant origin, which contains only soy or pea protein. At home, protein powder can be replaced with products with the highest protein content: milk, drink, quail eggs are beautiful analogues of ready-made powders.

In addition, at home you can prepare not only healthy, but also delicious cocktails with fruits, nuts, cinnamon and other tasty additives.

Protein shakes for weight loss at home

You can prepare a protein shake for weight loss without the help of others from ordinary products. Take milk, drink, unsweetened yogurt, ice cream, oats or soy as a base.

For more effective weight loss, you need to replace only 1-2 meals with a protein shake; otherwise, health problems may arise.

In order to lose weight, a protein shake is best consumed for breakfast or after a workout.

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