Rose petal jam - 5 recipes at home

Rose petal jam - 5 recipes at home

Jam from rose petals is prepared for the winter at the time when roses bloom. And roses bloom in our garden plots almost all summer. Cut flowers and make a preparation of very healthy contents.

If you decide to prepare petals for future use, then you need to properly care for the rose buds so that the flowers are of good quality. With all this, it is best to fight diseases and pests using traditional methods.

Rose plant jam is beneficial for the human body. People use it as an adjuvant in the treatment (a process for alleviating, removing or eliminating symptoms and diseases) of acquired tonsillitis and colds in children and adults. Use the jam without a special dose, washed down with tea.

Recipe for jam from various rose petals for the winter

This recipe uses petals: tea rose, snow-white roses, reddish roses, rose hips.

  • Rose petals – 100 g
  • Sugar - 400 g
  • Water – 70 ml
  • Citric acid - 0.5 teaspoon


1. In our own garden plot, we pick off flowers from various roses and take them to the kitchen.

2. Separate the petals from the calyx of the flower into a sieve so that all sorts of small bugs can escape through the holes.

3. The petals have been separated and now need to be weighed.

4. In front of you is only 100 g of petals by weight. Let them stand for a little while so that the bugs go away.

5. Then add citric acid and half the prepared sugar.

6. At this point, we begin to squeeze the petals with our hands until the juice appears.

7. In this state, close the cup with a lid and leave it for 12 hours.

8. Pour 300 g of sugar into a saucepan and pour out the water. Place the pan on the heat, stir and bring the sweet syrup to a boil.

9. Dip the petals into the bubbling syrup. Stir and cook the rose petal jam for 15 minutes.

10. 15 minutes have passed and now the preparation for the winter is ready.

11. Pour the contents from the pan into small sterilized jars. Close with sterile, clean lids.

There is a little jam left for testing. Bon appetit !

Rosehip rose petal jam

Any variety of wild rose hips is suitable for making jam. Flowers should be double. Collect petals in the early morning hours when the air is freshest. Grasp flowers that are in bloom, but not yet withering, with your fingers.

Manufacturing method

  1. Place the petals in a jar in layers, sprinkle with sweet sand and compact with a spoon.
  2. The ratio of petals and sugar is usually taken approximately.
  3. A half-liter jar can take even 0.5 kg of sugar.
  4. When the jar is tightly filled, it must be covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator.
  5. The petals will settle and release juice over time. This fragrant juice is a medicinal amber product with beautiful taste properties.

Make a preparation and share your views.

Video on how to make jam from rose petals

At home, this wonderful preparation for the winter is done simply and quickly.

The contents of the jars come out fragrant and very beautiful.

Homemade jam from rose petals ground with sugar (without cooking)

This method differs in that nothing needs to be cooked. The petals retain their medicinal properties. Do not buy petals from flower shops because they may be grown with chemicals.

Manufacturing method

1. For any 100 g of petals you will need: 1 glass of sugar and the juice of half a lemon.

2. Our recipe contains 400 g of petals.

3. Cover the roses with sugar and squeezed lemon juice. Remember the size ratio.

4. We begin to stir the mass with our hands so that more juice comes out of the rose petals. Leave it like this for 5-6 hours.

5. Time passed, the mass decreased by half and a lot of syrup appeared. Using a blender, grind the contents into a homogeneous mass.

6. Transfer the jam (without cooking) into a jar. There is still time left to try.

7. Sprinkle sugar on top. When using, sprinkle the remaining mixture with sugar each time.

8. Close the jar with a lid. The preparation for the winter from rose petals is ready.

Video on how to make rose jam according to an ancient recipe

The workpiece comes out a pleasant pink color with a huge amount of syrup.

Trim roses along with their petals and prepare jam from rose petals. Mass procurement starts in July, so hurry up.

Rose petal jam

Rose petal jam - a recipe with an amazing smell and taste! Almost everyone loves tea rose petal jam. Read more about rose petal jam .

Sweets recipes → Jam → Rose petal jam

The tea roses have bloomed. This is a reason to make fragrant, healing jam. I cook it according to an ancient recipe - simple and delicious. Just 45 minutes and you're done.

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You'll probably need a simple recipe for rose petal jam. I recommend it for tea. A very fragrant jam.

What could be more fragrant?! We make the most delicious and healthy jam from tea rose petals. As is already clear from the name, the recipe will not take much of your time.

The best rose petal jam comes from the Kazanlak rose, but other varieties can also be used.

Roses are unusual flowers. They amuse us not only with their beauty and smell, but also with their wonderful taste. Rose petals contain the microelements we need so much: iron, calcium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, copper, zinc, magnesium. They also contain vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds with a relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) of group B, vitamin (a low molecular weight organic compound with a relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) C and vitamin C (a low molecular weight organic compound with a relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things ) K, carotene. Therefore, the wonderfully tender and fragrant jam made from rose petals is also very healthy. Rose petal jam is usually served with tea, but it also goes well with ice cream. If you want to amuse the kids with an unusual dessert, prepare rose jam, the recipe is in front of you and it is completely simple!

By eating a teaspoon of rose petal and ginger jam at breakfast, you don’t have to worry about catching a cold. In the first second of tasting, the taste of the jam is stunning with its own sharpness, but floral and citrus notes immediately appear. The overall “tone” of ginger-rose jam will be sweet and sour.

A common homemade delicacy made from tea rose petals is jam. Recipes for its production differ both in the method of production and in the type of rose petals used. Let's figure out how to make tea rose jam.

Rose jam is a wonderful delicacy with a subtle aroma, delicate taste and countless beneficial qualities. Recipes for rose petal jam differ in the method of production. We offer one of the most unique - dry rose petal jam, a homemade recipe.

Are sweets healthy? Naturally. For example, tasty and healthy jam from rose petals, without cooking - rose petals ground with sugar.

Delicate, savory, with a pleasant light sourness and an unusual subtle aroma, rose jam has always been one of the most unique and beloved among ordinary homemade jams. Rose petal jam contains a lot of essential microelements and is good for the digestive, endocrine and immune systems, and for the heart muscle. You can serve this delicacy with tea, use it to make cakes and cocktails, and serve rose jam as a syrup for ice cream. So, let's make jam from rose petals - the recipe is in front of you.

Do you like tea with pancakes in winter? Let's make a savory syrup from rose petals. This syrup can also be used for ice cream.

Almost everyone knows and appreciates the recipe for jam from rose petals. To make it, you only need sugar and the petals themselves, so this is an easy jam recipe. Jam is prepared from tea rose petals early in the summer, when the flowers have just opened.

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Rose petal jam – a selection of the best recipes

Rose petal jam (recipe with photos step by step)

1st recipe for homemade rose petal jam. The recipe uses freshly picked tea rose petals. They are small, but very beautiful. They should be collected as soon as the flowers bloom.


To make jam you will need the following ingredients:

  • tea rose petals – 100 g;
  • sugar – ½ tbsp.;
  • citric acid – 1 tsp. (no slide).

For the syrup:

  • sugar – 0.5 kg;
  • water – 1 tbsp.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Recipe for jam from rose petals step by step with photos:

The photo shows the ingredients for rose jam. We cut rose inflorescences in the morning, when the tea rose in particular emits its own subtle scent. We bring an armful of flowers home. You can imagine the fragrance in the apartment. For rose jam, measure out two portions of sugar: 0.5 kg and ½ cup. The smallest part of the sweet sand will be used for flower petals, and the largest part will be sent to syrup. Also useful for syrup is 1 tbsp. water. In the photo you can also see citric acid, which we will add to the jam at the last step of making jam.

Having brought the roses home, we will immediately process them. We will not need whole inflorescences, but only the petals, from which we will make jam. Therefore, we cut off all the petals from the prepared roses. To do this, holding the bud in your hand by the petals, cut off the sepal from it with scissors. Discard the cut sepals and place the petals in a deep bowl. This method of cutting petals from whole buds prevents hard parts of the petals from getting into the jam. Specifically, at the point where the rose petals attach to the sepals, the delicate flower petals have hard, snow-white tips that should be removed. For a half-liter jar of jam we will need 100 g of petals. Place the petals in a colander and shake off the pollen. Next, after washing the petals, pour them onto a towel. Let the excess water drain from them, stirring and shaking them a couple of times.

Then add ½ tbsp rose petals. Sahara. Grind the petals along with the sugar with a pestle in a mortar or simply with clean hands. We put the paste of rose petals and sugar aside, while we get carried away with the syrup.

We prepare the syrup from 0.5 kg of sugar and 1 tbsp. water. Let the syrup boil and skim off the foam.

Place the ground petals into the syrup, mix and cook for 10 minutes. Then add 1 tsp to the jam. (without a slide) citric acid. Cook for another 5 minutes. Remove the resulting foam.

We definitely sterilize the dishes for making jam for the winter. After transferring the finished jam from the cooking vessel into a jar, seal it hermetically with a sterilized lid. Place the jar of pink jam on the lid for half an hour, and then return it to its normal position. Store the jam in a cool, shaded place. In winter, you can simply store it in your apartment, hiding it in a hidden dark space.

The photo shows fresh, only cooked jam, but by winter it will thicken slightly in the jar.

Time: 20 min + preparation 10 min.

Yield: 0.5 l jar.

Dry petal jam

Dry jam is similar in production to marshmallow. Sweet pieces in sugar or sweet powder. The finished treat is stored in iron or cardboard boxes. It is convenient to keep jam in a glass jar.



  • petals – 400 g;
  • sugar – 2.5 tbsp.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Prepare rose petals as for jam, grind them with sugar. The result should be a homogeneous mass.

  1. Cook over low heat until sticky.
  2. Spread the mixture out in an even layer on baking parchment. If we are going to dry the jam in the oven, we use a non-stick baking sheet. Parchment for electronic dryer.
  3. Dry at 70 degrees. Leave for 30-40 minutes. The delicacy will cool slightly.
  4. Sprinkle with sugar or powder. We cut into pieces. Place in a glass jar.

Recipe for rose jam from an old book

The recipe was found in an old book, which was passed down along with other recipes. This is exactly how rose jam was prepared in the old days. The found cookbook dates back to 1989.


What products will be useful:

  • rose petals – 100 g;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • water – 2 tbsp.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Cooking stages:

  1. We cut off the whitish part of the rose petals at the base. Transfer to a cup. Sprinkle with half the sugar. Carefully rub the mass with your hands or a masher. After a few minutes, a homogeneous dough-like mass will appear in the cup. That's what we need.
  2. In a saucepan, mix water with the remaining sugar. Bring to a boil. Stir until the sweet grains dissolve faster.
  3. Transfer the ground mixture into the syrup. Mix.
  4. Cook for 10-12 minutes after boiling.
  5. When hot, place the pink jam in sterilized jars. Close the lids tightly. Keep it on the table until it cools down. Then we move the jars to cool. If we store it in the refrigerator, we use the bottom shelf.

Savory and wonderful sweets have contraindications. Due to the pollen content on the petals, allergy sufferers should not eat the jam. Also for people with sweet diabetes - due to the huge amount of sugar.

How to make rose jam “Lady's delicacy”

Rose jam is called a ladies' delicacy. Why? Yes, because the rose is a lady's flower. The most beautiful and sophisticated ladies have long been compared to roses. And previously only wealthy ladies could treat themselves to jam from rose petals. Now the recipe is in the public domain.


The following ingredients are included in the recipe:

  • rose petals – 100 g;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp;
  • water – 3 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice from half the fruit.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Manufacturing steps:

  1. We pluck the petals from newly blooming burgundy or pink roses. We cut off the lower snow-white part of each one. It tastes bitter.
  2. Place the selected petals in a saucepan. Pour in a small amount of boiling water. We wait 2 minutes. We drain the water without leaving any residue. Fill the petals with cool water. We wait 10 minutes. Drain the liquid to the last drop.
  3. Dry the petals. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix. The natural acid of lemon will improve the taste of the dessert and preserve its vibrant color. Leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Prepare the syrup. Mix water with sugar. Bring to a boil over low heat. Stir constantly until the sugar dissolves completely and moderately.
  5. Place the rose petals into the hot syrup. Cook until thick. The syrup boils down quickly, so it won’t take long.

Rose petal jam with citric acid

Do not think that jam is made only from pink or burgundy rose petals. Do you have a lot of yellowish roses growing in your dacha? They work great for the recipe. The main rule is to collect those flowers that you have not treated with any chemicals against pests. Only unstained petals are suitable for food.


What you will need for the recipe:

  • rose petals – 250 g;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. (glass size 250 ml);
  • citric acid – 1 tsp. no slide.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Manufacturing steps:

  1. Wash the rose petals. Dry. Cut off the white part of each petal.
  2. Grind the prepared petals in a bowl with half the dose of citric acid.
  3. Dissolve sugar in 3 glasses of water. Place on low heat. Stir. Cook until boiling. Add half the citric acid. Stir.
  4. Dip the petals into the syrup. Cook for 10 minutes. Pour into sterilized jars.

Pink jam made from rose petals is no more and no less a masterpiece. Perhaps this is the most unusual preparation that I have ever prepared. Except for the red onion jam with wine. 😊 As you can imagine, I love experiments. The newest recipes bring out the latest flavor notes in everyday products. All the newest and newest milestones in the culinary art of various states, peoples and times are revealed. Have a delicious life for you, dear readers. Until then, bye-bye, until we meet again.

How to make rose jam


Rose petal jam is an indescribably fragrant and delicious dessert. Thanks to its unique composition, it has bactericidal and antifungal properties. It also contains vitamin K (a low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) K and other useful substances. In this article we will show you how to properly cook rose jam at home.

How long to cook rose jam

This homemade delicacy is cooked in a saucepan for 10-15 minutes.

It will cook in a slow cooker in 30 minutes.

Secrets of making rose jam

This jam cannot be made from all types of roses. The tea rose is ideal. It is very important that the bush is not treated or fed with chemicals.

  • The flowers should be perfectly open, but not fall apart.
  • It is better not to cook rose jam in an enamel bowl, as it may burn in it. The best material is stainless steel or Teflon.
  • If you see bugs on flowers, you need to soak the petals in salt water for 10 minutes and then wash them under running water.
  • If you like a sour taste, you can make rose jam with lemon or lemon juice. Although the traditional ancient recipe contains only petals, sugar and water.
  • If you want to get the thickest dessert, you need to add pectin or agar-agar. But it’s not worth prolonging the production time; the jam will not turn out as fragrant.

Video on how to make tea rose jam

How to make jam from rose petals in a saucepan

We present for you the most common recipe for jam from tea rose petals with step-by-step pictures.

We will need 100 grams of tea rose petals, 300 grams of sugar and 200 ml of water. From this quantity of goods you will get 0.5 liters of jam.

We cut off the sepals with scissors, immediately grabbing the snow-white tips of the petals.

Wash rose petals in cool water.

Carefully take it out of the water, trying not to touch the bottom. Shake off the liquid well.

Carefully grind the petals (100 g) with sugar (100 g).

Pour 200 ml of water into a saucepan, add 200 grams of sugar and bring to a boil over low heat. Cook the syrup for 5 minutes.

Add the grated petals to the syrup.

Cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat. The jam is ready when a drop of syrup does not spill onto the plate. If you plan to close it for the winter, then 5 minutes before it’s ready, add the juice of half a lemon or 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid.

Rose jam is ready. You can eat it right away, as soon as it cools down, or you can roll it up in sterile jars for the winter.

How to make tea rose jam in a slow cooker

Making rose jam in a slow cooker is even easier than in a saucepan. Our recipe with photos will demonstrate how to do it correctly.

To work, you need to take 100 grams of rose petals, 200 grams of water and 300 grams of sugar.

Use scissors to separate the petals from the bud. We try to capture the snow-white edges of the petals.

Place the petals in cool water and wash them thoroughly.

We take the petals out of the water and let them drain well. You can lay them out in one layer on a towel.

Grind 100 grams of petals with the same amount of sugar.

Place the grated mixture into the multicooker bowl, add the remaining sugar (200 g) and water (200 g).

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