Cherry liqueur at home

Cherry liqueur at home

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The cherry liqueur that we will prepare with you now is magical in every way. It has a wonderful cherry smell, rich ruby ​​color and amazing taste of this wonderful berry. The finished dessert drink will pleasantly surprise you because there is no alcohol in it at all, although the strength of the liqueur is no weaker than Cahors wine.

The recipe for our fragrant alcoholic drink at home does not differ in complexity or precious set of necessary ingredients. However, for the cherry liqueur to be truly tasty, be sure to choose proven vodka of the highest quality. Bad vodka (especially moonshine, alcohol and the like) will not make a good liqueur!


Making a dish step by step:

The recipe for an indescribably tasty and fragrant homemade cherry liqueur includes the freshest cherries, vodka, drinking water, sweet sand and cherry leaves. If you decide to prepare such a liqueur, for example, in the winter, you can safely use frozen berries (not in the form of puree, but whole ones). For lack of cherry leaves, you can omit them.

First, we sort out the cherries, throw away the spoiled berries, and wash and dry the good ones. Take a jar of a suitable size and put the berries into it. By the way, some chefs prick each berry with a pin or toothpick, others crush the cherries - all in order to release more juice. But believe me, the berries will already give the drink all its own taste, color, smell and juice, so I don’t do anything with them. We also put beautiful cherry leaves there - they will give the finished drink an even more intense aroma.

Fill the berries with leaves with 500 milliliters of high-quality vodka.

Screw the lid on tightly, shake the jar well and leave the berries to steep in a dry black space for 5-7 days. It is best to place the jar in a kitchen cabinet.

During the designated time, once a day we take out the jar and shake the contents so that the cherries more actively give off their own smell to the vodka. I infused the berries in vodka for only 5 days, because I couldn’t wait to try the finished cherry liqueur. But if time permits, try to be patient - the longer the berries are infused, the tastier and more fragrant the drink will be. At least a month. if you can bear it.

Pour the cherry vodka into another bowl. Do you see how the berries have brightened? They gave vodka a huge part of its own taste and smell.

Cover the cherry infusion in the jar with an airtight lid and place it in the refrigerator for now.

Cover the berries with leaves with 300 grams of sweet sand.

Close the lid and shake slightly so that the berries begin to release juice and the sweet crystals melt. We put the jar back in a dry black space for another two to three days. During this time, you still need to shake the jar a couple of times so that the sugar completely melts. By the way, the more often you shake the berries, the faster the sugar will dissolve. If even after 3 days the sugar has not yet completely dissolved (this happens from time to time), simply heat the jar. To do this, you can put it in the microwave and warm it up slightly, or place the jar in a bowl of hot water.

This is what the cherry in syrup looks like after 3 days - it has given even more of its own juice, taste and smell. The cherries themselves decreased in size by 2-2.5 times and became dense.

Pour the sweet syrup into the cherry infusion.

It seems like cherries gave us everything to the maximum, and that’s not all. It's sweet from the syrup, so we'll take that sweetness away too. Fill the berries in a jar with 100 milliliters of cool drinking water. Close the lid and shake the jar well.

I couldn’t fit everything into the jar, so I continued combining the components in another container. Here I combined cherry infusion with vodka, cherry sweet syrup and water from a jar. You can eat the berries if you wish - they are quite dense, sweet and reminiscent of cherries from liqueur (if you know what I mean).

Mix everything thoroughly and pour the finished cherry liqueur into beautiful bottles. Just look at how beautiful it is: we prepared a catchy and rich drink simply and simply, although not quickly! In total, from the indicated amount of ingredients used, approximately 1.1 liters of finished cherry liqueur comes out, the strength of which does not exceed 15-17 degrees.

Try this wonderful homemade cherry liqueur or you will regret that you deprived yourself of such pleasure. A heartfelt conversation with a friend over a cup of freshly brewed coffee and a glass of liqueur. a fabulous evening guaranteed!

Cherry liqueur recipes. With a taste of summer on your lips.

We continue to find uses for the cherry harvest. As you might have guessed, we won’t make jam, but we will create the most delicious cherry liqueurs at home, as befits loyal readers of the Rum Diary. The liqueurs are fragrant, savory and beautiful, with a taste of summer on the lips.

In the last article, recipes for cherry liqueurs were described. In general, if you add sugar to them, you get something similar to liqueur. But current recipes are prepared using a different technology, and some of them also use other ingredients. So, you will learn how to prepare mint-cherry liqueur or a drink that immediately contains both vodka and cognac (something similar is found among cherry liqueurs).

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Let's return to hydrocyanic acid again. It is very unsafe for the human body and it is also contained in the cherry pit (more precisely, it contains amygdalin glycoside, which is converted into a terrible poison in the stomach). I personally recommend not removing the seeds in order to improve the taste and aromatic properties of the liqueur (right up to the almond flavor). But only you control your health, and you will have to make decisions for you without the help of others. In favor of my conclusions: the content of hydrocyanic acid in cherry pits is negligibly insufficient; according to unverified data, sugar neutralizes cyanides; from a good book, hydrocyanic acid flows into an alcoholic drink only after 6 months of aging on the pit.

Regular cherry liqueur "Vishnyak"

This recipe does not add sweet syrup, so the alcohol content will be more noticeable. Instead of cherries, you can use any fresh fruit.

  • 225 g ripe fresh cherries
  • 225 g sweet sand
  • 480 ml vodka or cognac

How to cook:

Wash the cherries and remove the cuttings. Prick each berry with a toothpick, or better yet, cut it with a knife until the seed is exposed. Pour the prepared berries into a liter jar, pour sugar on top. Do not stir or shake! Pour vodka or cognac, washing off the sugar. Close the jar with a tight lid and leave the drink to infuse on the top shelf for 3 months. During infusion, do not touch the jar at all. After 3 months, filter the liqueur through several layers of gauze and bottle it.

Recipe for cherry liqueur with alcohol

  • 1 kg ripe fresh cherries
  • 1 liter of food alcohol
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 0.5 l water

How to create:

Wash the cherries, separate them from the pits, mash them and put them in a jar. Detail the seeds (not all of them are possible) and add to the cherries. Pour in alcohol, stir, close the jar tightly and keep in a cool, dark place for 2-3 weeks. Strain through cheesecloth and add regular syrup: dilute the sugar in water and stir over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool the syrup and mix with cherry tincture. It is recommended to be patient and keep the drink for at least a couple of months for the sake of balanced taste.

Cherry Mint

  • 600 g ripe fresh cherries
  • 10 cherry pits
  • 10 new mint leaves/2 tbsp. l. dried/1 tbsp. l. extract
  • 500 ml vodka/alcohol/moonshine 40-50%
  • zest of ½ lemon
  • 120 g sugar


Wash the cherries, remove the pits, cut them in half and mash slightly. Crush a dozen seeds by placing them in a fabric bag and beating them with a hammer. Place crushed cherries and pits in a jar. Add sugar, the zest of half a lemon (without the white peel), mint leaves and vodka. Infuse the liqueur for 7 days in the sun, and then transfer it to a black, cold space for 4 weeks. Strain and filter, pour into a clean bottle. It is recommended to drink cherry liqueur according to this recipe after 2 months of aging.

Liqueur "Cherry sour"

  • 700 ml according to the size of cherries (sweet cherries)
  • 550 ml sized tart cherries (dried or wilted*)
  • 500 ml vodka/alcohol/moonshine 40-50%
  • 300-350 ml cognac (any kind of fruit brandy)
  • 250-350 ml regular sweet syrup

* - you can create slightly dried cherries that will give you the most generous taste by keeping the berries in the sun for 3-4 days or simmering them for 3-5 hours in an oven preheated to 60-80°C

Sort out the berries of cherries or sweet cherries, wash, dry and crush with sweet syrup in a suitable sized jar with a wooden spoon. Add dried or dried sour cherries, vodka and brandy, mix well. Close the jar tightly and leave it in a dark, cool place for a week. After a week, drain the finished liqueur through a sieve or several layers of gauze, filter through cotton wool or coffee filters as necessary. Pour the drink into unstained bottles and store in a dark cabinet for up to 1 year. Excerpt is welcome.

Cherry liqueur “Duet”

  • 600 g ripe fresh cherries
  • 2 tbsp. l. sweet powder
  • zest of ½ lemon
  • 480 ml cognac
  • 240 ml vodka/alcohol 40-50%
  • 120 ml sweet syrup

How to cook:

Wash the cherries and tear off the cuttings from half the berries, and cut off the others right down to the pit (cut off the stems so that the pit is exposed). Prick cherries with torn cuttings with a toothpick (4-5 holes). Pour the berries into a liter jar, sprinkle with sweet powder and let it dissolve (2-3 hours). Shake the jar, add the zest of half a lemon, cognac and vodka so that they completely cover the berries. The drink must be infused for 6 weeks in a warm place (+23-25 ​​o C). Strain and squeeze the berries well. Add cooled sweet syrup (cook 1:1 or 1:2 to taste). Mix well and let the liqueur stand. After a week you can drink it.

Cherry liqueurs are also delicious, but this is strictly in season, so don’t miss it!

You see, making cherry liqueur at home is easy, but you will have to acquire self-control and endurance. It is strictly not recommended to drink prepared liqueurs immediately after infusion or adding syrup. Every day the drink will become more delicious and balanced. We hope that our readers are patient!

Cherry dishes, Liqueurs

An excellent romantic drink, homemade cherry liqueur Cherry liqueur is affordable and easy to make.

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Drink recipes → Liqueurs

Cherry dishes

Cherry is a sweet homemade liqueur. Let's try to create this magic together. We will drink cherry in the winter and remember the generous summer.

Cherry. Old Russian, because the recipe, although very old, does not age at all.

Homemade wine “cherry” will delight you with the warmth of summer and home comfort.

The usual recipe for cherry is a sweet alcoholic drink made from vodka infused with cherries.

Cherry tincture with vodka, recipe for making at home.

An unusually tasty and fragrant cherry liqueur is prepared from new cherries.

Properly prepared cherry liqueur at home has a beautiful sweet and sour taste, a pleasant smell of cherry berries and a catchy, beautiful ruby ​​color. How to create cherry liqueur ? The process of making it is simple, and you can taste the drink just a few hours after adding the ingredients. But, to improve the consumer parameters of cherry liqueur at home , it is better to keep it for a couple more weeks.

For the cherry liqueur recipe, you will need fresh or frozen (you can even dried, but half as much as in the recipe) cherries of any variety. By the way, liqueur made from frozen cherries (as well as from dried cherries) has all the properties of a product made from new berries, but at the same time it is available for production all year round. The first, very important step in making liqueur is the painstaking preparation of the berries, the rejection of unripe, spoiled, rotten and other low-quality fruits.

A more successful alcoholic base for liqueur is vodka or ethyl alcohol, diluted to 40 degrees. Painfully purified moonshine, repeatedly distilled, is also suitable, but the properties of the liqueur will suffer slightly. It is also possible that cognac will be cheap; it will give the liqueur a slightly perceptible oak color. But still the classic is cherry liqueur with vodka . cherry liqueur on your own a recipe to suit your own taste in our selection.

There are several tips on how to create cherry liqueur :

– the proportions of water, sugar, alcohol can be varied at your own discretion, with all this the cherry liqueur will change the strength and sweetness, but compliance with the technology is imperative;

– when using frozen berries, there is no need to defrost them in advance, otherwise the taste and smell of the product will noticeably decrease;

– sugar in liqueur can be replaced with honey. To do this, it is better to use the freshest, not yet candied linden or flower honey;

– any sediment or cloudiness that appears (this almost entirely depends on the type of cherries) can be removed by filtering the drink through cotton wool or any other filter.

Cherry liqueur: 9 recipes at home

Cherry brandy is one of the most romantic drinks of all time. But the store assortment often does not meet our ideas about the price or quality of a given alcohol (and sometimes both). In this case, the only way out is to find out how to create cherry liqueur at home and immediately translate your newfound knowledge into the required number of bottles of the fragrant drink.

They also make tinctures, liqueurs, and wine from cherries.

  • 1 Homemade cherry liqueur
  • 2 Cherry liqueur with vodka and pink pepper
  • 3 Cherry liqueur with alcohol
  • 4 Cherry liqueur on moonshine
  • 5 Old World cherry liqueur with vodka and cognac
  • 6 Frisky cherry liqueur
  • 7 Cherry pit liqueur recipe
  • 8 Spiced cherry liqueur
  • 9 Cherry and fig liqueur
  • 10 What do you drink cherry liqueur with?

Homemade cherry liqueur

The recipe for this drink does not involve the use of sweet syrup, which will make it the least labor-intensive and at the same time quite savory.

List of ingredients

Fresh or frozen cherries – 225 g

Sweet sand – 225 g

Vodka or cognac brandy – 480 ml

Preparation method

Wash fresh or thawed berries, separate the cuttings and cut from the top right to the seed.

Then place them in a liter jar, cover with sweet sand and pour in alcohol (accordingly, if, for example, you decide to prepare a drink in a 3-liter jar, you should triple the amount of all the above components).

After this, the jar should be closed with a tight lid and placed in a black space for three months.

At the final step, the drink is painstakingly filtered through thick gauze and, ultimately, bottled.

Cherry liqueur with vodka and pink pepper

If you like special drinks, you can add a few peas of pink pepper to the previous recipe made with vodka just before infusion (if the proportions are designed for a three-liter container, the amount of pepper can be increased to a teaspoon).

Cherry liqueur with alcohol

According to almost all connoisseurs of the genre, high-quality food grade alcohol is a more suitable alcoholic base for cherries.

List of ingredients

Fresh or frozen cherries – 1 kg

Sweet sand – 1 kg

Preparation method

Wash the cherries, separate them from the cuttings, mash them and place them in a three-liter pitted jar.

Crush approximately half of the available cherry pits, add to the berries and pour in alcohol.

Close the container and place in a black, cold space for three weeks.

After the mentioned period, filter the contents of the jar through thick gauze and mix with cooled sweet syrup.

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The resulting liquid is bottled and returned to the black space for two to three months for final ripening.

Cherry liqueur on moonshine

In principle, other alcohol bases are also suitable for this recipe (from food alcohol to countless varieties of brandy), but according to the general opinion, homemade grain distillate gives it an unusual originality.

List of ingredients

Selected cherries – 500-600 g

Sweet sand – 1 kg

Moonshine (40-45 degrees) – 2 l

Citric acid – 0.5 tsp.

Preparation method

Wash the cherries, remove the pits and place them in a pan of water.

Boil and keep for a quarter of an hour over low heat.

Then the contents of the pan need to be cooled, the liquid filtered and sugar added to it.

Put it on the fire again and stir until the sweet sand is completely dissolved, without forgetting to remove the foam (if you prefer sweeter drinks, you can increase the amount of sugar up to 2 kg).

After this, the purchased syrup is cooled again and mixed with moonshine and citric acid.

Next, the drink is bottled and aged in a cold, black place for 3 months to 1 year (in this case, your endurance and self-control will be the decisive factor).

Old world cherry liqueur with vodka and cognac

First, we recommend preparing a test batch of this drink. We hope that you will like it.

List of ingredients

Cognac brandy – 480 ml

Sweet powder – 2 tbsp. l.

Sweet syrup – 120 ml

Zest – 1/2 lemon

Preparation method

Wash the berries and remove the cuttings. Cut half of the cherries from the top straight to the pit, prick the other half with a toothpick (5-6 punctures per berry).

Place all the cherries in a liter jar, add sweet powder there and wait for it to dissolve.

Next, shake the jar, add all the alcohol and lemon zest.

After this, keep the closed container in a dark, warm place for a month and a half.

Then filter the liquid, squeeze the cherries into it through thick cheesecloth and add cooled sweet syrup.

Carefully mix the resulting substance, pour it into bottles and send it into a cold, black space for one or two weeks.

Frisky cherry liqueur

Active tasting of this unusual version of the cherry drink can begin immediately after its production. But, if you want to get a truly delicious homemade cherry liqueur, we strongly advise you not to worry and let the drink rest for at least a few months.

List of ingredients

Selected cherries – 50 pcs.

Cherry leaves – 200 pcs.

Sweet sand – 1.5 kg

Citric acid – 1.5 tsp.

Preparation method

This drink is prepared in the same way as the moonshine version, but there are a number of differences. Firstly: the berries are boiled together with the washed leaves, secondly: citric acid is added to the substance while the sugar is dissolving.

It is also necessary to emphasize that the number of cherries indicated in the recipe can be exchanged for a kilogram of any other berry. For example, liqueur made from chokeberry with cherry leaves is very popular. Although, as we have already said, cherry leaves are a special and useful addition not only to drinks made from cherries or chokeberries themselves.

Cherry pit liqueur recipe


Cherry pits – 10 pcs.

Vanilla stick – 1/2 pcs.

Reddish dry wine – 500 ml

Snow-white dry wine – 100 ml

Preparation method

Crush the cherry pits, put them in a bottle, fill them with rum, snow-white and reddish wine.

Prepare a sweet syrup, add half a vanilla stick to it and pour everything into a bottle with the other ingredients.

Place the bottle, sealed with a rubber stopper, in a black space for 6 weeks and shake once every 2 days. Then strain and bottle.

Spiced cherry liqueur


Cloves – 6–7 buds

Vanilla sugar – 2 sachets

Cinnamon, nutmeg - to taste (start with pinches)

Fresh cherry leaves – 6 pcs.

Preparation method

Wash ripe cherries, remove stems and seeds.

Pour the peeled cherries into a wide-necked bottle or jar and cover with sugar.

Add cherry leaves, cloves, vanilla sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg to taste and shake.

Keep the bottle in the sun for 8-10 days, shaking it daily, then add strong vodka and place it in a black space.

After 4-5 weeks, strain the liqueur and bottle it.

Cherry and fig liqueur


Clove bud – 3 pcs.

Preparation method

Do not forget that the imported orange and lemon are treated with wax, so you need to scald the citrus fruits by steaming, and then carefully wipe them with a clean towel or dry wipes.

Wash the cherries and figs, pour into an eight-liter jar, add cinnamon, cloves, lemon and orange zest, sugar and chopped almonds.

Stir well and place in the sun for 1.5 months.

Then strain, mix with vodka, pour into bottles and seal.

What do you drink cherry liqueur with?

Finally, a few words about drinking the drink. Everything is very simple here. Cherry liqueur is served chilled, drunk from small liqueur glasses and is a beautiful addition to dessert: ice cream, fruit or sweet pastries. If the drink was especially successful for you, you can safely offer it in tandem with chocolate.

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