Delicious artificial honey at home

Delicious artificial honey at home

Products that are not of natural origin cause mistrust among people, but artificial honey is popular due to its beneficial properties, composition and pleasant taste.

This product has found wide application in the confectionery industry. Artificial flower, fruit and sweet honey is used because natural varieties cannot be added due to the release of acid that is unsafe for health during the heat treatment of the product. In addition, natural honey causes severe allergies in those who react to pollen. Therefore, the process of how to prepare artificial honey at home is of interest to all allergy sufferers.

  • Recipe without additives
  • Elderberry honey
  • Pumpkin honey
  • Acacia product
  • Differences between artificial honey and natural product

Recipe without additives

Artificial honey, the composition of which contains about 80% carbohydrates, up to 20% water, up to 70% sugar in the dry residue and 3% impurities that give smell and color, is quite easy to prepare even at home. There are many recipes; some housewives are experimenting with various additions to the product, for example, molasses, acids, natural honey and others.

  • 70 g sugar;
  • half a milliliter of formic acid or 1 g of citric acid;
  • 30 ml boiling water;
  • 0.8 g of baking soda to neutralize the acid.
  1. Pour boiling water over the sugar in a porcelain cup (you can replace it with a chemical glass).
  2. Stir until a syrup with high viscosity is formed.
  3. Heat to a temperature of 80 degrees in a water bath.
  4. In order for the process to proceed more quickly, a selected acid is added.
  5. Monitoring the temperature, keep the mixture on the fire for 2 hours, stirring.
  6. Artificial honey is neutralized with soda when stirred until carbon dioxide is released.
  7. Cool the light finished fructose and glucose product.

Artificial honey at home turns out to be gentle in taste and pleasant in mixture. In large industries, starch syrup is added instead of sweet sand.

Elderberry honey

If the question arises of how to create artificial honey on a flower base at home, then you can use various plants: linden, acacia, mint, dandelions, elderberry.

  • 1 liter of water;
  • About a quart jar of tightly packed elderflowers;
  • Lemon (half);
  • Sweet sand – fill 3 1 liter jars 100% full.
  1. Before compacting the flowers into a jar, you need to separate the greenish thin branches from them.
  2. Pour water into a large saucepan and add the prepared flowers. Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes, reducing heat to low.
  3. Be sure to let it sit for about half an hour.
  4. Strain.
  5. Combine with sugar and put on the stove for 3 hours (over low heat). If foam occurs during the process, it must be removed. Otherwise, artificial honey will not be transparent enough.
  6. Grind the lemon in a meat grinder or blender without peeling the zest. If you are not able to use citrus, then you can add citric acid - 1 teaspoon.
  7. After 3 hours, add the lemon mixture and leave the artificial honey for another half hour.
  8. Strain out large pieces of lemon.
  9. Pour into prepared jars. Artificial elderberry honey is ready!

This artificial honey recipe does not involve the addition of flavorings, flavor enhancers, or dyes. Artificial honey, the recipe of which involves the addition of elderberry plants, has a pleasant taste and unobtrusive smell.

In addition, the product, prepared at home, allows you to get rid of the symptoms of a cold; for example, it perfectly relieves cough.

Pumpkin honey

You can create delicious artificial honey at home using pumpkin. The product comes out very tasty and watery.

  • The pumpkin is small in size, but quite mature;
  • Sweet sand to fill the entire pumpkin.
  1. Cut off the top of the fruit and scrape out all the contents.
  2. Add sugar to the top.
  3. Cover the fruit with the cut top and leave for at least 1 week. During infusion, the sugar will dissolve in the released juice.
  4. Pour the purchased thick juice into a jar, secure it tightly with a lid and throw it here and there for another day.

The purchased artificial honey product can be boiled until it becomes very thick, but it should be borne in mind that most of the desired properties will be lost. From the remaining peel after expressing the juice, you can create incredibly tasty candied fruits at home.

If the fruit blooms during infusion, the juice is poured through a small hole made in the bottom of the pumpkin. If desired, honey can be made from melon or watermelon juice. Moreover, if you do not add sugar during production, the product is considered low-calorie.

Acacia product

Artificial honey from acacia is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and folk medicine. At home, you can also prepare the desired product, which is actually in no way inferior to the natural one. The main thing you need to know before creating artificial honey at home is that you only need acacia flowers of a snow-white color. Others – silver or yellow – are not recommended for consumption.

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 2 medium-sized lemons;
  • About 1 kg of acacia flowers;
  • 2 kg sugar.
  1. Pour the required amount of water over the flowers, add the lemon, previously cut into cubes.
  2. Place the pan with all the contents and after boiling, boil for about 20 minutes.
  3. Let it brew for about half a day, then put it away for another 12 hours in a cool space.
  4. Squeeze out the broth using gauze.
  5. Cook for 2 hours with sugar.
  6. Pour into sterilized jars.
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Artificial flower honey consists of virtually equal parts of sugary substances - glucose and fructose (40% each). These proportions allow artificial honey not to change its watery thickness over a long period of time.

Differences between artificial honey and natural product

In the question of how to distinguish natural honey from artificial one, you need to be guided by the following:

  • An artificial product is not as plastic as a natural one, and also does not cause a slight sore throat (it is easy to distinguish it by this sign):
  • The cost of a jar of artificial honey is lower;
  • A product of unnatural origin is not candied or crystallizes very slowly;
  • There is no aftertaste after artificial honey, only the base (floral, fruity) constantly dominates, while the smell of the natural product is multifaceted.

The simple and understandable composition of the product makes it no less popular and necessary in comparison with natural ones. The recommended daily intake is no more than 150 g. Artificial honey at home, the recipe of which can be supplemented with any fruit or plant, has not only a pleasant smell, but also a wonderful taste.

How to create artificial honey at home

The expression artificial product usually causes a negative attitude among people, but this does not apply to honey. Artificial honey is made by humans from natural ingredients. It is inferior to the natural product in terms of usefulness, but there are also advantages. This tasty delicacy can be consumed by people who are allergic to the product produced by bees.

Description and differences

Properly prepared artificial honey should be transparent and semi-liquid. You can't wrap it on a spoon like a real one. The thickness of the finished delicacy can be adjusted during cooking. The taste and smell of this sweetness are not as pronounced as that of bees.

Artificial honey dessert is created from almost all berries, fruits and plants. Its main advantage is the complete absence of allergic reactions. It can also be heated, unlike real honey, which releases harmful carcinogenic substances when heated. The product is a good candidate for a natural ingredient in the manufacture of confectionery products.

At home, you can distinguish real honey from unnatural honey using several methods:

  1. Rub a small amount with your fingers. The real bee product is quickly absorbed into the skin, while the artificial one rolls into lumps.
  2. Drop onto a piece of cardboard. The paper around the home-cooked product will become moist.
  3. Warm up. When heated, the artificial delicacy begins to crackle and boil.

Prepared honey cannot be used without the help of others for cosmetic and healing purposes. But it has many advantages of its own: it retains the benefits of berries and fruits, relieves lethargy and depressive mood, does not become sugary and does not leave an aftertaste.

Composition and calorie content

The composition of artificial honey depends on the ingredients. Main components:

  • sugar (about 80%),
  • water (about 17%),
  • 3% natural additives: juice or pulp of fruits and berries, dyes.

Chemical analysis identifies sucrose, glucose and fructose in the product. 100 g of artificial honey dessert contains 308 calories. It is recommended to consume no more than 150 g per day.

Manufacturing methods

Lovers of honey dessert are constantly experimenting, as a result of which a huge number of methods for making it have emerged. Recipes that explain how honey is made at home imply the addition of any fruit or plant. This is done to add a suitable flavor color. To improve the taste, a small amount of bee honey is added to the finished dessert. The color of the delicacy will be given by a decoction of saffron, green or black tea.

Elderberry honey

To make homemade flower sweets, they use linden, mint, dandelions, acacia, but most often elderberry. To make an unusual dessert, you will need elderflower flowers (a liter jar), a liter of water, three liter jars of sugar and half a lemon.

In a large saucepan, combine the flowers with water and bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. After cooking, leave the contents of the pan for 30 minutes. The strained mixture is combined with sugar and cooked over low heat for 3 hours. The foam is removed from the surface. When the mixture has boiled for the required time, add lemon chopped in a blender (along with the peel). Homemade elderberry honey is ready and can be poured into jars.

Pumpkin honey

Delicious homemade honey comes from pumpkin, which is not subjected to heat treatment. For production, a medium-sized ripe fruit is selected. The top is cut off and the contents are removed. The pumpkin is filled to the top with sugar, closed and left for a week. During this period of time, the sugar will dissolve and thick juice will be obtained. It is poured into a hermetically sealed container and stored in a cold space for a day. Purchased pumpkin syrup can be boiled for thickness, but in this case the beneficial characteristics of the product are greatly reduced.

Acacia honey

Acacia honey is usually pink-brown in color and has a pleasant aroma. For cooking, choose a wide container. To make the dessert, snow-white acacia flowers are taken; all other types are unsuitable for consumption.

One and a half kilograms of acacia plants are filled with water, to which half a teaspoon of citric acid is added. Sweet syrup is boiled from water and sugar in a ratio of 1.5 kg/1.5 l. When the syrup boils, pour the flowers into it and cook the contents over medium heat for half an hour. The finished treat is poured into a glass container and placed in a dark, cold space.

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Artificial honey is often prepared with the addition of various fruits. In this way, it is more like jam than a unique beekeeping product. But if prepared correctly, the finished dessert will retain the benefits of fruit ingredients.

To prepare the desired and tasty fruit honey product, choose ripe and fresh fruits: pears, plums, apples, cherries. The fruits are finely chopped, poured into a saucepan and filled with water (1 kg of fruit per 0.8 liters of water). Boil all this for half an hour, after which the mixture is filtered and sugar (2 kg per 1 kg of fruit) and citric acid (1 tsp) are added to it. After adding these ingredients, the mixture should be boiled again for 25 minutes, and then poured into prepared jars.

The artificial version of beekeeping products has found its niche in the food market. In addition to the necessary parameters and good taste, consumers are attracted by its low cost and ease of manufacture.

How to create artificial honey at home

Almost all users are wary of non-naturally produced products, but artificial honey will always be needed in certain circles of connoisseurs.

Ordinary users know that it is prohibited to use a natural product to make almost all sweet products. This is explained by the fact that during any type of processing, the active substances in honey can become unsafe for human health.

Another weighty argument in favor of artificial honey states that the user may have an acute intolerance to pollen and bee nectar itself, but by consuming fake honey, the person will not have an allergic reaction.

Calorie calculation of artificial honey

The nutritional properties of an unnatural product differ significantly from real honey; its calorie content is as follows:

  • A dessert spoon holds about 12 grams of product, which means its value is 41.28 kilocalories.
  • A tablespoon contains 35 grams of artificial honey, the calorie content will stop at 120.4 kcal.
  • A faceted glass will already contain 360 grams inside, which is equivalent to 1238.4 kilocalories.
  • In a medium-sized bowl - 380 grams, in calories it will be 1307.2 units.

Composition of artificial honey

Homemade honey will have a different composition, depending on what ingredients predominate in it. If we take the average option, then there is usually about 80% sugar, 20-25% water, and about 3% additives of natural origin.

It is worth seeing that these few impurities bring a specific taste, thickness and smell, so similar to honey.

In production, such a honey substitute is made not only from sugar, but also with the addition of molasses from starch.

Making sweets for honey connoisseurs can be easily done at home. With all this, it is allowed to create various flavoring additives in order to cause true surprise among tasters.

For example, watermelon flavor can not only provide excellent refreshment during the winter, but also introduce some beneficial components for the human body.


Fragrant honey products will be able to highlight the extraordinary taste of the hostess; for this, you only need to add a certain amount of fruit and herbal infusions to the sugary syrup. Almost everyone is interested in how to create artificial honey at home. To do this, it is important to prepare a base:

  1. Take 1 kilogram of peeled and cut fruits, fragrant vegetables, fill with water so that the liquid hides the raw materials. Bring to a boil and continue cooking the slices for about 20 minutes over low heat.
  2. Strain the resulting broth, add 2 kg of granulated sugar, and mix thoroughly until thick. During the period of stable stirring, do not forget to add citric acid in small quantities. One dessert spoon without a top will be enough. When the ingredients are inside, bring to an intense boil again, then reduce the heat and leave to simmer for 30 minutes.

Pumpkin honey is made from fermented sugar. To do this, take a mature pumpkin of huge size. Then, they treat it with warm water, cut off the stalk, thereby forming the lid of the future honey barrel. Carefully and painstakingly remove the seeds from the inside, place the hollow vegetable in a suitable-sized container and fill it with small granulated sugar. It needs to be filled to the brim and covered tightly with a lid.

An impeccable space for vigorous fermentation of the sweet base - dry and black, a little cold. After two weeks, artificial honey will be ready for use.

Without cutting the pumpkin fruit, ready-made honey can be obtained in the following way: you need to make a small hole in the bottom of the honey vessel and wait until the honey-like mixture flows into the vessel.

Now it is possible to transfer pumpkin honey into glass containers and take artificial honey for a month.

In another similar way, you can create artificial honey without introducing sugar in huge quantities. The basis for the formation of honey can be no matter what kind of sweet melon crop - watermelon or ripe pumpkin. The most common recipe for artificial honey will follow.

Take the pulp of a ripe watermelon or melon, remove the seeds, chop very finely. Squeeze out the freshest juice very carefully into a separate glass bowl; you should know that the more juice you get, the more aromatic the artificial honey will be. Now, the entire extraction is put on fire and the water is evaporated. The result should be a honey mixture, which should be viscous.

Artificial honey can be consumed as a dessert for tea, but fermented sugar in a natural pumpkin barrel can bring a healing touch to the body. Thus, this melon crop perfectly fights against widespread diseases of the kidneys and liver, painstakingly cleanses them of toxins and harmful accumulations.

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Carbohydrates found in pumpkin pulp and juice are used for a long time to get rid of anemia, general helplessness, and anemia.

This homemade honey product can be tried by those who have been suffering from intolerance to any natural beekeeping products for a long time. There will be no allergic reaction to this dessert, but diabetics should take it with caution. This is explained by the huge amount of sugar it contains, which is not recommended for this group of people.

If a person follows a diet low in carbohydrates, then such a product can only increase the level, so this dessert will be prohibited. A huge advantage is that the product is approved for use by pregnant, lactating women and young children, but you need to know in moderation in everything.

How to distinguish artificial honey from natural?

The main distinguishing features are:

  • Price. Artificial honey will cost several times less, since substitutes are used for its production.
  • There is no limiting viscosity. The artificial product does not have plasticity, so it is impossible to wrap it around a spoon. At this time, natural honey will simply survive this test and will last for quite some time.
  • Not a long aftertaste. A home-made product will have a pronounced taste of fruit, but with all this, it is quickly lost.
  • Natural sweetness is absent in an artificial product. Natural honey has a special sore throat when tasting.

Home-produced honey has already established itself on the sales market, which is why it is taken as a substitute for a natural product.

Homemade honey recipe

Recipes for making honey from fruits. Homemade Honey Recipes

Homemade honey recipes. Recipes for making honey at home.

Homemade honey recipe. Pear honey

In order to prepare a recipe for homemade pear honey, you need to take a basin of some kind and definitely put a stand on the bottom (a brick will do!). Fill the basin with water and place a small bowl of juice on the stand for the upcoming evaporation of the pear honey. The water in a large basin must be brought to a boil, constantly adding water to the original level. Do not forget to stir the juice until it thickens. When the pear honey is completely ready, you need to pour it into a glass container. Pasteurization is not required for all this; you just need to cover the jars with clean paper and tie them up. Ideally stored refrigerated. Pear honey is widely used in the production of various oriental sweets. It is also used as a first-class sugar substitute. This recipe for homemade honey is far from the only one.

Watermelon honey.

Recipes for making honey at home. To complete the recipe for making honey, you need to select the best watermelons and wash them.
Remove the pulp from the seeds one hundred percent. Three pieces of pulp through a thick sieve. We strain the resulting juice through several layers of gauze. Then heat and bring to a boil. After foam appears, collect it with a spoon and filter again. Then we boil the watermelon juice in an enamel pan over very low heat until the entire size is reduced by 10 times, stirring all this from time to time with a spoon. Watermelon honey, evaporated until almost completely ready, passes through the filter again when hot. When honey from watermelon juice is ready, it will acquire a pleasant brown color, have a very tasty smell and thick consistency. To store honey from watermelon juice, keep it in a closed glass, enamel or porcelain container, in a cool place. Watermelon honey is used as a sugar substitute, for the practical production of sweets, dough, and is also served with tea along with flour products. You see, this honey making recipe is very exciting and easy to follow.

Homemade honey recipes. Melon honey.

The recipe for making melon honey is very identical to watermelon honey.
To do this, you need to select the most ripe melons possible. Carefully wash them, cut them into pieces and discard the entire core. Cut the pieces as small as possible and squeeze out all the juice. Cook it over low heat. If you can’t squeeze out the juice perfectly, you can add a little water and cook in this form for about an hour.
Then squeeze out the juice, strain carefully and boil until fully cooked. It is necessary to achieve a reduction in the initial mixture by 5 to seven times. The recipe for homemade melon honey is very exciting due to its ease of execution and exceptional taste.

Recipes for making honey. Grape honey

Recipes for making honey also include raw materials such as grapes. It should be sorted, washed very well, squeezed out the juice and strain. Boil the acquired juice over low heat, stirring constantly and removing the foam from time to time, until the juice thickens to a thick syrup. Ready grape honey has a pleasant brown color and is very similar in concentration to bee honey. Cool the grape honey and pour into a glass container. Store it only in a sealed container. Grape honey is an excellent sugar substitute. It is also used to make oriental sweets (Halvoitar). And naturally, it is served for tea with various flour products (flatbread, buns, gingerbread, etc.). This is another beautiful recipe for making honey, considering how many necessary substances it carries to the human body!

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