Cookies through a meat grinder - 9 homemade savory recipes for making Cookies through a meat grinder - 9 homemade savory recipes for making Cookies through a meat grinder are one of the most common and easy...
Regular sea buckthorn jam for the winter, five-minute recipe with step-by-step photos Regular sea buckthorn jam for the winter, five-minute recipe with step-by-step photos It’s very useful to eat the freshest berries, but...
Meat pies Meat pies Meat pies can be a real feast of taste if you cook them skillfully. Almost any kind of dough will do, salty shortbread, yeast, puff pastry….
SALAD DAY SALAD DAY. Salad “January Chamomile” The savory and satisfying puff salad “January Chamomile” with beef liver looks amazing on the table. Ingredients (for 6 servings): For decoration: Everything…
Green borscht: recipes for traditional and Lenten soup Green borscht: recipes for traditional and Lenten soup In the summer, when it’s easy to find sorrel on sale, you can prepare green borscht, recipe…
Kefir pancakes stuffed with eggs, rice and onions recipe Kefir pancakes stuffed with eggs, rice and onions recipe Ingredients INGREDIENTS WEIGHT CALORIES (kcal per 100 g) Ready thin…
How to cook a cake in a frying pan and muffins in a microwave oven How to cook a cake in a frying pan and muffins in a microwave oven Some people complain that they don’t bake sweet pastries, because…
Pancakes in a multicooker Pancakes in a multicooker Ingredients Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. 218 kcal 15 min. 15 minutes. Photo of the finished dish Video recipe: Pancakes in a slow cooker Step-by-step recipe…
Chicken breast in the oven Chicken breast in the oven Chicken breast in the oven can be breathtakingly tasty if you know a few secrets of its preparation. Almost all housewives have affairs with...