Biscuit with lemonade

Biscuit with lemonade; fragrant, airy and savory Biscuit with lemonade - fragrant, airy and savory Biscuit can be prepared using a somewhat unusual method - add lemonade to the dough. So baking...

French fries in the oven recipe

French fries in the oven at home: 5 of the most delicious potato recipes French fries in the oven at home: 5 of the most delicious potato recipes Hello, dear friends! All…

Salted salmon

How to salt salmon How to salt salmon How to salt salmon at home so that it tastes amazing? The recipe is very simple, you will need the freshest reddish fish, salt and a little sugar...

Side dish for pork steak recipe

Side dish for pork steak Side dish for pork steak The main tasks of the side dish are to profitably highlight the taste of the main dish, to make the dish more appetizing in appearance. Occasionally…

Sausage strips: recipe with photos

Recipe: Sausage strips – Timeout sausage strips Recipe: Sausage strips – “Timeout” sausage strips. Now about “bad” and unhealthy food. More precisely about strips. But not from chicken...

Chicken chops in batter recipe

Chicken chops in batter Chicken chops in batter A selection of regular recipes for chicken chops in batter with step-by-step photos and instructions. We will tell you and show you how to cook tender chicken...

Parsley appetizer recipe

Parsley seasoning for the winter - step-by-step recipes for preparations at home with photos Parsley seasoning for the winter - step-by-step recipes for preparations at home with photos...

Sugar cookies

Sugar cookies Sugar cookies Recipes for sweet cookies A total of 37 recipes posted Curd cookies with ginger The most delicious baked goods are homemade baked goods. Cottage cheese baked goods upon request –…

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