Mackerel with lemon in the oven; delicious baking recipes Mackerel with lemon in the oven - delicious baking recipes Mackerel is unsurpassed for baking in the oven, and a rare recipe for making...
Baked potatoes in a slow cooker Baked potatoes in a slow cooker Surely, in childhood, almost everyone held a “Baked Potato Festival” in a vacant lot, secretly sneaking tubers from their mother’s supplies. Well, on...
Cabbage pies Cabbage pies Cabbage pies are the pride of Russian cuisine. Pies are baked with fresh and sauerkraut, and in addition to cabbage, mushrooms, fish, and smoked meats are added to the filling. Abundance...
Boiled sausage salads Boiled sausage salads Olivier with sausage sausage (boiled) – 300g; potatoes – 4 pcs. (medium size); carrots – 1 pc.; testicle – 2-3...
Soups with stewed meat Soups with stewed meat A selection of recipes for soups with stewed meat with step-by-step photos and instructions. We will tell you and show you how to cook a delicious soup with stewed meat! Organize...
Jalebi Jalebi Jalebi - sweet spirals - is one of the most beloved delicacies of Indians. Preparing jalebi is not particularly difficult. The ingredients included in its composition are at hand at…
Pancakes with banana and chocolate Pancakes with banana and chocolate If you want to transform the simplest pancakes into a true delicacy, then be sure to try making these pancakes with banana...
3 methods to cook pasta in the navy 3 methods to cook pasta in the navy With minced meat, boiled meat or stew, the dish will be tasty and fragrant. Pasta is prepared naval style with minced meat or stew...
Strawberry juice recipe Strawberry juice recipe RECIPES WITH PHOTOS >>> recipes with photos tested dishes culinary recipes dictionary definitions tips from a self-taught person weight loss recipes funny stories and drawings...
The usual recipe for a salad with beans and kirieshki The usual recipe for a salad with beans and kirieshki We like to add store-bought crackers to salads if they are needed. Right? Specifically…