Basturma at home Basturma at home Basturma is meat dried in spices, a popular delicacy of Armenian, Turkish, Azerbaijani and Central Asian cuisine. Basturma is easy to prepare at home...
Cream of broccoli soup Cream of broccoli soup I bring to your attention a recipe for making the most delicious and very tender cream of broccoli soup. Even children will seek the additive) Ingredients for “Cream soup from...
Flounder in a slow cooker Flounder Flounder is a delicious, tasty fish. It’s especially easy to cook flounder in a slow cooker. This fish is not as popular as other species due to the fact that...
5 best recipes for alcoholic punches 5 best recipes for alcoholic punches Punches are alcoholic cocktails containing fruit or fruit juice. These are all-purpose buffet drinks that perfectly complement any party. Depends...
Meatball soup; step-by-step recipes Soup with meatballs - step-by-step recipes Many different recipes for soup with meatballs. This soup is light and very filling. Adults and children like it...
Bird cherry tincture: 6 recipes at home Bird cherry tincture: 6 recipes at home Bird cherry (especially dark) gives the tincture a tart taste, enriched with pleasant sourness and…
Caesar salad with chicken and croutons Caesar salad with chicken and croutons Save I cooked Rate Print I offer an exciting version of making the popular restaurant Caesar salad. Though…
Homemade noodles Homemade noodles Sunday, September 18, 2016 The most delicious egg noodles can be prepared at home without any problems - if only you have the desire and the ingredients are on hand. If…
Kaleidoscope solemn salad - 5 step-by-step recipes Kaleidoscope solemn salad - 5 step-by-step recipes Hello, dear chefs! Ceremonial salads should not only be tasty, but also beautiful...
Celery soup Celery soup Celery soup is very tasty and healthy. Celery soup will also please those who are on a diet (Diet is a set of rules...