Kaleidoscope solemn salad - 5 step-by-step recipes

Kaleidoscope solemn salad - 5 step-by-step recipes

Hello, dear chefs! Ceremonial salads should not only be tasty, but also beautifully decorated. The Kaleidoscope salad is exactly that. We will now prepare it in several versions.

The uniqueness of this salad lies in its presentation. The ingredients are not mixed, but laid out separately from one another. For this reason it is also called “Rainbow”. In fact, it can contain any ingredients; we will look at the most common ones. The main thing is perfectly placed on a large platter.

You can safely combine sausage, meat, green peas, Korean carrots, beets, tomatoes, bell peppers, cheese and many other ingredients. There are so many methods for making this dish. It all depends on your preference and taste.

I advise you to prepare and test not just one, but with various products. Any recipe will amuse you in its own way. In this article I will present several recipes for Kaleidoscope salad with photos. You yourself can choose which composition of products appeals to you.


Mayonnaise is used to dress this salad. You can buy it or prepare it without the help of others. It will also be very tasty if you use sour cream instead of mayonnaise or prepare Caesar sauce.

Kaleidoscope salad - a festive recipe with Korean carrots

A dish made specifically with Korean carrots will turn out to be very eye-catching; it gives the dish its own special taste. Now I’ll tell you what products I combine in this recipe. In my family, not a single event takes place without this dish. I hope you enjoy it too.

For this option I use beef. But, if you don’t like this kind of meat, replace it with chicken or ham.

What ingredients will we need:

  • boiled beef meat - 200 gr.
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Korean carrots - 100 gr.
  • hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise or sour cream for dressing


1. Boil the meat in a saucepan with salted water until cooked. Let cool and cut as desired. I cut it into cubes, but you can also cut it into strips.

2. Wash the tomato and pepper, let the water drain and cut into cubes.

3. Take a large grater and grate the cheese. If desired, it can also be chopped into cubes.

4. Peel one onion and chop into narrow strips.

5. Place a glass in the center of a large plate so that there is empty space there.

6. And now, lay out all the ingredients one by one around the plate. Beef, cheese, Korean carrots, bell pepper, tomato.

7. Remove the glass from the plate and place mayonnaise in the center. I prepare homemade mayonnaise on my own in 5 minutes. The recipe is here. Sprinkle chopped green onions on top of the mayonnaise.

Our catchy salad is ready. We serve it on the table in this form. Anyone can put the ingredients they like on their plate. Guests will simply be ecstatic from such a dish!

Kaleidoscope salad recipe with chicken and vegetables

There are many different salad recipes. Every housewife literally has one, well, very beloved one. My favorite is the Kaleidoscope salad prepared with chicken and mushrooms. Its taste cannot be expressed in words, you just need to experience it and you will immediately fall in love with it. Therefore, I wish to share this recipe with you as soon as possible, so that you too can prepare and enjoy such deliciousness at any time.

Such a catchy salad will also look very festive, although all the ingredients are mixed in it. If you wish, you can arrange them separately.

What you will need:

Stages of making a dish:

1. First you need to boil the chicken fillet. Cook the fillet in salted water until tender. Cool and cut into small cubes.

If desired, the boiled fillet can be replaced with smoked chicken.

I like it better with boiled breast, it makes the salad the most tender.

2. The meat has been cut, let’s move on to the vegetables. Wash the bell pepper and cucumber and let the water drain. We also cut it into the same size as chicken fillet. Peel the onion, chop it and pour boiling water over it to remove the bitterness.

3. Take a deep bowl and pour out all the chopped ingredients. Open the canned corn and add it to the rest of the products. Salt to taste. Add mayonnaise or sour cream and mix everything.

When serving, decorate the dish with herbs. It turned out to be a colorful and decorated dish. All guests will say thank you for you.

Step-by-step recipe for Kaleidoscope salad with meat and croutons

Another method of preparing this dish. A kaleidoscope with meat and crackers will fit very well into your festive menu. It is very easy to prepare, it turns out satisfying and healthy, because it contains many different vegetables.

Choose the serving according to your own taste. For example, lay everything out separately and serve it like that. Or mix it if that suits you better.

Composition of goods:


1. I use chicken meat, but you can use whatever you like best. Boil the fillet, cool and divide into fibers.

2. The cabbage needs to be finely chopped. Then, add a little salt in a bowl and knead it with your hands to make it softer.

3. Pour the canned corn onto a sieve to drain all the liquid.

4. Wash the tomato and cucumber and cut into small cubes.

5. Let's start laying out the salad. Take a large salad bowl and evenly lay out the ingredients in a circle in small piles.

6. Add a little mayonnaise to the center of our dish. Sprinkle croutons over mayonnaise. Kaleidoscope salad with meat and croutons is ready.

I used Korean carrots from the store, but you can prepare them yourself at home.

You need to eat this dish one of the first, otherwise, later the crackers will get soggy and lose their own appropriate crunch.

Kaleidoscope or rainbow - salad with sausage and chips

That’s why I also love this dish, because it can be created with either crackers or chips. Therefore, I would like to share with you a video of how this delicious dish is prepared. You will literally love this amazing snack.

Read also:  Stuffed chicken legs in the oven recipe

In the summer, you can add more different vegetables, and in the winter, sausage, meat, and corn.

Festive salad Kaleidoscope with crab sticks

This cooking method is for seafood lovers. The dish contains crab sticks, which can be replaced with boiled squid or shrimp. They all mix well with other ingredients.

The dish is moderately satisfying even without meat. The presence of croutons in the salad makes it crispy and very tasty. Let's start cooking. I take all the ingredients in equal parts.

Products that will be useful to us:

  • canned beans
  • crab sticks
  • fresh cucumber
  • canned corn
  • crackers
  • mayonnaise
  • sprig of dill


All ingredients are ready, no need to cook anything. Therefore, cooking time will take no more than 20 minutes.

1. Open the canned beans and drain all the liquid; you can discard them on a sieve. Let's do the same with corn.

2. Crab sticks need to be cut into cubes. Sizes are at your discretion.

3. Wash the cucumber and also cut it into the same size as sticks.

4. All products are ready and can be laid out. We take a huge salad bowl. A flat plate will also work.

5. We leave an empty space in the center of the plate, and we will lay out the ingredients in a circle. As a result, you will end up with two heaps of each product. You can place them opposite each other.

6. Place a mound of mayonnaise in the center, sprinkle crackers on top.

The usual festive salad is ready. Decorate with chopped herbs and serve.

These are the magical versions of the Kaleidoscope salad that we have discussed with you. If you like them, click on the social media buttons and save them on your page!


Salad “Kaleidoscope” recipe with chicken

Now I have prepared a delicious, bright “Kaleidoscope” salad recipe with chicken - a recipe for all occasions.

This salad of fresh vegetables with chicken will decorate any formal table, diversify the menu on hot summer days, and help you lose weight or maintain your figure.

The ingredients included in the “Kaleidoscope” salad with chicken mix well and create a wonderful taste. Its unique feature is that the vegetables must be cut just before serving, and mixed on the table. And this is done so that the vegetables do not release juice, wilt and lose their initial freshness.

The “Kaleidoscope” vegetable salad is absolutely easy to make and is suitable for a picnic, relaxation at a suburban dacha, and even if it is made from your own grown vegetables. To save time, you can create the preparation earlier, cut the cheese and fry the meat.

While the kebabs or kebab on the grill are losing their amazing smell, quickly put fried chicken and cheese on a dish, cut and place the vegetables in a matter of minutes and VOILA! A delicious salad is quickly and easily ready!

How to prepare Kaleidoscope salad recipe with chicken.

Before making the salad, rinse the vegetables, dry them with a towel and preferably put them in the refrigerator.
Rinse the chicken and dry with a cardboard towel. Cut into small cubes.

Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add a piece of butter and fry the chicken until slightly golden brown. Try not to overcook, otherwise the meat will be hard.

Sprinkle with salt, pepper or chicken seasoning and aromatic herbs. Transfer to a separate bowl, cover and set aside.

Cut the cheese into small cubes and set aside.

Remove vegetables from the refrigerator. Cut the yellowish pepper into strips, then into small cubes.

Do the same with reddish pepper.

Then finely green onions.

Finally, cut the tomatoes into small cubes.

On a large flat dish, place fried chicken in the middle of the dish, and cheese and chopped vegetables around the edges, imitating a kaleidoscope.

Pour mayonnaise over chicken meat and grate carrots on top.

Salad “Kaleidoscope” is ready!

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Spring Kaleidoscope - salad with chicken and vegetables, a simple and delicious recipe

For this delicious “Spring Kaleidoscope” salad, it doesn’t matter what specific products you use, what matters is the freshness of the products and their color combination. This salad delights with its color palette, nutritional lightness (the main ingredients are vegetables and dietary chicken) and ease of preparation.

Why am I writing specifically about this salad with chicken and vegetables? And because it’s new in my “repertoire” as a housewife, I had to create it spontaneously: guests were supposed to come, and, naturally, the guests’ reviews of the salad later warmed my soul - they really liked it!

There are different recipes for making the “Kaleidoscope” salad, when the ingredients (vegetables and chicken) are laid out separately on a flat dish, as if the tenderloin is for a future salad, but, in my opinion, it tastes better when the ingredients are laid out in layers and mixed with mayonnaise, sour cream or other sauce, this is the hostess's choice.

A little bit about the sauce: the type of mayonnaise is important. It seems that the ingredients are the same, but from time to time the taste is not the same due to the brand of sauce used for the “Spring Kaleidoscope” salad. I like “Calve Light” (or traditional), but then you will have to add a little salt to the layers, but with “Maheev Smetanny” mayonnaise you won’t need to add any salt, and its taste is unsurpassed, try it, you won’t regret it.

I personally like the presence of canned peas in a salad with chicken and vegetables. Therefore, from time to time, if it is not provided for in the recipe, I decorate the salad with it on top, and the taste of my favorite ingredient is in the dish.

How to make salad with chicken and vegetables | Preliminary step

The ingredients are given for a small company; accordingly, for a larger number of guests the mass of ingredients increases, this is at the discretion of the hostess.

  • Chicken fillet – 300 g
  • Bell pepper (reddish or yellowish) – 1 pc.
  • Canned corn – 1 small can
  • Small cucumber – 1 pc.
  • Small tomato – 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise (approximately, as you like)
  • Salt to taste

Some Kaleidoscope salad recipes recommend not salting the ingredients, I tried it, the salad came out bland, everything should be in moderation, so I add salt to taste. But, if I use “MAKHEEV Smetanny” mayonnaise, then I don’t put salt between the layers.

Read also:  Meat pie with minced meat and potatoes recipe

Forming a vegetable salad with chicken

I’ll show you how to make a salad with chicken, vegetables and corn in the photo step by step.

    Wash all the listed ingredients (vegetables and chicken), place on a dish to drain, or blot with a napkin. The chicken remained behind the scenes, shy.

Boiled chicken (I take fillet, it’s boneless, but you can also use smoked chicken), cut into small cubes.

Cut the freshest cucumber into cubes.

We peel the bell pepper from the core and also chop it into small cubes.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes.

Peel the garlic and crush it in a garlic press.

Finely chop the dill.

  • We make mayonnaise sauce for the salad (add finely chopped garlic to the mayonnaise, add finely chopped dill).
  • Take a semi-deep salad bowl. First, we place the chicken on its bottom, coat it with mayonnaise sauce prepared in advance (I tried to create a mesh, the taste of mayonnaise is not felt, it’s just great, that’s all). Later, layer the freshest cucumber and coat it with mayonnaise sauce again.

    Next, add a layer of bell peppers and coat with sauce. We open a can of corn (I take a much smaller can), drain the brine from it and lay it out in a layer, then again the sauce.

    Tomatoes are the next layer. Later, more sauce. I decorate the salad with greens and canned peas on top. And the “Spring Kaleidoscope” salad with chicken and vegetables is ready. Please come to the table!


    If a salad with chicken and vegetables, as in my case, or any other dish is prepared in a good mood, then it will certainly turn out tasty and healthy for the human body. If something doesn’t work out, it means that while cooking there were thoughts (I know it myself): “Oh, it won’t work, I’m not an advanced cook” or “Yes, everything is always fine on the Internet or on TV, but you’ll start cooking according to someone else’s recipes, everything doesn’t work out that way.”

    It dawned on me why it doesn’t work like theirs “on the web”. When you cook, you need to completely turn off the thoughts that the dish will not work out, but they, these thoughts, will certainly come, drive them away. Try it, at first it is difficult, later it will be easier. Fortune for you in everything!

    If you like the recipe, write comments. See you on the blog!

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    Try it, Oleg. You should definitely like it! Thanks for your feedback.

    Prepare for your health! Bon appetit. A salad with chicken and vegetables should appeal to you. Thanks for your feedback.

    Cook for your health. Bon appetit! Thanks for your feedback.

    I think, Ruslan, that anyone who reads recipes still adjusts them to their tastes and preferences. Therefore, it’s okay if you don’t use dill in this recipe. Thanks for your feedback.

    Galina, Thank you for your feedback.

    This is at the discretion of the hostess (owner), Vyacheslav. Thanks for your feedback.

    Try it, Valery. I can imagine that you would like a salad with chicken and vegetables. Thanks for your feedback.

    I’m very glad, Yuri, that you liked my recipe for the “Spring Kaleidoscope” salad. Bon appetit!

    Recipes Kaleidoscope Salad

    Salad “Kaleidoscope”

    Corn – 1 ban.

    Greenish peas – 1 ban.

    Mayonnaise – 1 pack.

    Products for our salad.

    Cut the ham into strips.

    Cucumber into thin slices (or whatever you like).

    Add cucumber to ham.

    Salad “Kaleidoscope”

    Crab sticks – 120 g

    Chicken egg – 3 pcs.

    Garlic powder – 1/2 tsp.

    Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. l.

    Dutch cheese – 100 g

    Here is such a simple set of goods.

    Three cheese and carrots on a large grater.

    Finely chop the crab meat, egg, and cucumber.

    Salad “Kaleidoscope”

    Compressed chicken breast (you can use ham or meat)

    Dressing (mayonnaise, or yogurt or sour cream with mustard)

    Raw vegetables: carrots and beets (on a Korean carrot grater),

    Cabbage and cucumbers in strips.

    Cut the breast into strips.

    Salad “Kaleidoscope”

    Onion – 1 pc.

    Cut the semi-smoked sausage into thin long strips.

    If the beans are canned, drain and wash. Add to sausage.

    Add Korean carrots.

    Salad “Kaleidoscope”

    Corn – 1/2 ban.

    Olive oil – 5-6 tbsp. l.

    Greenish peas – 1/2 ban.

    Sesame oil – 1 tbsp. l.

    Shred the cabbage. knead it with salt with your hands to release the juice.

    Drain the juice from the corn and peas.

    Three carrots on a grater for heh.

    Season the salad with lemon juice, olive and sesame oil.

    Salad Kaleidoscope

    1 carrot, 1/2 beet, 2-3 potatoes, 200 gr. white cabbage, 1/2 can of peas, 200 gr. meat, salt, 1 bunch of dill, mayonnaise

    Everything is quite simple.

    Grate three carrots, separate beets, finely chop cabbage separately, fry potatoes, boil or fry meat.

    Salad “Kaleidoscope”

    potatoes – 300 G

    salt – – To taste

    greens – – To taste

    Read also:  Dumpling dough without eggs recipe

    mayonnaise – – To taste

    cabbage – 200 G

    vegetable oil – – To taste

    pork – 200 G (fillet)

    beets – 300 G

    pomegranate – 1 piece

    carrots – 250 G

    Cut the pork into strips, add salt and fry in vegetable oil until cooked.

    Cut the potatoes into strips and fry in oil until tender. You can add a little salt.

    Grate carrots and beets.

    Salad “Kaleidoscope”

    Pickled cucumber – 4 pcs.

    Chicken breast – 1 piece

    Corn – 100 g

    Reddish onion – 0.5 pcs.

    Bell pepper – 1 pc.

    Place the lightly pounded breast on one side of the MAGGI seasoning sheet. Cover with the other side of the paper, press down with your palm and fry the breast on both sides in a dry frying pan for 7 minutes on each side.

    Drain the liquid from the corn and place in a salad bowl. Add small diced cucumber and pepper.

    Kaleidoscope salad for the New Year! With chicken, pepper, corn

    1 bell pepper

    0.5 cans of corn

    250 g chicken fillet

    1 small onion

    Cut the onion into small cubes, marinate - sprinkle with salt, mash slightly with your hands and leave for 5 minutes.

    Cut the chicken, cucumber, and bell pepper into small cubes.

    Add corn and onion.

    Salad “Kaleidoscope”

    Prunes – 100 g

    Chinese cabbage – 200 g

    Green onion – 1 bunch.

    Lay the salad in layers on a large dish! After each layer, create a “mesh” of mayonnaise. DO NOT SALTY!

    Finely chop the cabbage; Cut balyk, cucumber, tomato, prunes (steamed in advance) and orange into thin strips. Finely chop the green onions and dill.

    1st layer: Chinese cabbage

    2nd layer: green onions

    Salad "Kaleidoscope"

    Green onion – 2 pcs.

    Quail egg – 18 pcs

    Grapes – 200 g

    Cut the smoked meat into strips.

    Cut the pickled cucumber into strips.

    Cut the petiole celery into rings.

    Salad Kaleidoscope

    pickled mushrooms – 200g.

    Chinese cabbage – 4-5 leaves

    Fresh carrots - grate on a small grater

    Fresh beets - grate on a small grater

    Chinese cabbage cut into strips

    Cut the potatoes into strips and fry in vegetable oil

    Salad "Kaleidoscope"

    Onion – 1 pc.

    Olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.

    Prepare the dressing in advance. Chop the dill into smaller pieces, add oil, add salt, pepper, any seasonings and put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour, but I make it in the morning (what is there to create? It actually doesn’t take any time!), and by the evening it has already infused perfectly.

    Cut the onion into thin half-rings, add vinegar and water, approximately 1:3 (preferably apple), leave too.

    Salad “Kaleidoscope”

    Processed cheese – 1 pc.

    Pickled cucumber – 3 pcs.

    Boiled beets (medium size) – 2 pcs.

    2 eggs + 2 tbsp. milk

    Grate the beets and cheese on a medium grater. Cut the cucumbers into cubes. Peel the grapefruit from the skin and inner films (as they are bitter). Cut each slice into triangles. Create an omelette from eggs and milk, add salt. Cut the finished omelette into medium strips.

    Layer the salad in layers:

    1 – beets, salt

    3 – processed cheese.

    Salad “Kaleidoscope”

    Sesame oil – 1 tbsp. l.

    Soy sauce – 1 tbsp. l.

    Chili pepper – 1/2 pcs.

    Bell pepper – 1 pc.

    Green onion – 50 g

    Products that we need to make salad.

    We cut our vegetables into strips, cut the green onions and chili peppers diagonally lengthwise, chop the garlic with a knife, take a piece of ginger root 2 cm in size, we won’t need more so that the ginger does not drown out the taste of the main components of the salad. If hot-spicy ginger is not to your liking, soak it in water for 10 minutes and, obs.

    Salad "Kaleidoscope" with meat and lemon seeds

    Vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons

    White cabbage – 150 g

    Grenades – 1 piece

    Potatoes – 300 g

    Spices - to taste

    Cut the meat into strips, add spices and salt to taste. Fry in vegetable oil until cooked.

    Cut the potatoes into cubes, lightly salt them and fry in vegetable oil until tender.

    Grate the carrots.

    Boil the beets and grate them.

    Finely chop the cabbage, add a little salt and pepper.

    Peel the pomegranate and separate the seeds.

    Vegetable salad “Kaleidoscope”

    Cherry tomatoes – 12 pcs

    Lettuce leaves – 10 pcs.

    Pickled cucumber – 1 piece

    White cabbage – 200 g

    Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l.

    Green onion – 1 bunch.

    1. Chop the white cabbage thinly and lightly rub it with salt to make it softer.

    2. Grate the carrots on a Korean grater.

    3. Cut the cucumber into strips

    5. Cut the tomato into slices.

    Cucumber salad Kaleidoscope

    Apple vinegar – 1/2 tbsp. l.

    parsley – 1 bunch

    unrefined vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.

    fresh carrots – 1 pc.

    fresh cucumbers – 250 g

    ground dark pepper

    Cut 3 new cucumbers into strips.

    We also cut 250 g of radishes into strips.

    Three fresh carrots on a large grater.

    Finely chop a bunch of fresh parsley.

    Salad with chicken and vegetables “Kaleidoscope”

    Corn – 1 ban.

    Mayonnaise – 4 tbsp. l.

    Bell pepper – 1 pc.

    Onion – 1 pc.

    Chicken fillet – 300 g

    1. Cut the boiled chicken into small cubes. To make this salad, it is best to take boiled chicken fillet - breast or any other part of the chicken. If you don’t have time to boil chicken meat, you can replace it with ready-made smoked meat, but with boiled chicken, in my opinion, it turns out tastier.

    2. Wash the pepper and cucumber well and cut it too.

    “Kaleidoscope” salad with chicken and vegetables.

    Onion - 1 pc.

    Mayonnaise (or sour cream) - 4 tbsp. l.

    Chicken fillet – 300 gr

    Corn - 1 ban.

    Bell pepper - 1 pc.

    1. Cut the boiled chicken into small cubes. To make this salad, it is best to take boiled chicken fillet - breast or any other part of the chicken. If you don’t have time to boil chicken meat, you can replace it with ready-made smoked meat, but in my opinion it turns out tastier with boiled chicken.

    2. Wash the pepper and cucumber well and cut it too.

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