Bird cherry tincture: 6 recipes at home

Bird cherry tincture: 6 recipes at home

Bird cherry (especially dark) gives the tincture a tart taste, enriched with pleasant sourness and almond (cherry-amorette) notes.

The alcoholic base for the drink can be medium-strength vodka or grain alcohol diluted with water to 45 degrees. But we consider the most suitable option in this case to be perfectly purified fifty-degree double-distilled moonshine.

They also make wine, liqueurs and liqueurs from bird cherry.

  • 1 Simple recipe for bird cherry
  • 2 Dark cherry tincture
  • 3 Tincture of dried dark bird cherry
  • 4 Special tincture of dried reddish bird cherry
  • 5 Bird cherry tincture with moonshine
  • 6 Bird cherry tinctures with dried berries

A simple recipe for bird cherry

Both varieties of the mentioned berries are suitable for making this tincture.

List of ingredients

Ripe bird cherry – 400 g

Strong alcohol – 500 ml

Preparation method

Sort the berries, removing putrefactive, moldy and spoiled specimens, as well as leaves and stalks, then pour them into a jar of suitable size.

Add sugar to the jar, close it tightly and shake well (you want the berry covered in sugar to release juice as a result of the acquired shake).

Then add alcohol, mix everything thoroughly and close again.

Send the container to a warm, black space for 2-3 weeks.

The finished drink is carefully filtered and bottled.

Store in a cellar or refrigerator for up to a year.

Dark cherry tincture

Due to the manufacturing features, the drink should be very fragrant.

List of ingredients

Ripe bird cherry – 1 kg

Strong alcohol – 1 l

Sugar – 200-250 g

Preparation method

Place the prepared, sorted berries in a warm, black place on a suitable piece of clean fabric (the structure of the tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) (an ancient sheet or bedspread will do).

After several days, transfer the dried fruits and starting to release juice into a jar, cover with sugar and pour in alcohol.

Keep the tightly closed container in a dark room at room temperature for 15-20 days, remembering to repeatedly shake the container (once per 3 days is enough).

Pass the result through a thick gauze filter, pour into bottles and seal them hermetically.

Store in a cool, dark place.

Dried dark cherry tincture

The berries for this drink must be whole with intact seeds. In retail powders, the seeds are ground, which can add unnecessary bitterness to the tincture. The amount of sugar and alcohol can be varied based on your own preferences.

List of ingredients

Dried dark bird cherry – 150 g

Strong alcohol – 1-2 l

Preparation method

Place the berries in a jar and add sugar, then fill the container to the top with alcohol.

Send the tightly closed vessel to a dry, warm space for a month, vigorously shaking it every 3-4 days.

Filter the finished drink, lightly squeeze the cake into it and bottle it.

Before use, it is better to let the tincture rest for a week in the basement or refrigerator, where it will be stored in the future.

A special tincture of dried reddish bird cherry

Reddish bird cherry (especially dried), like reddish currants, does not have a pronounced odor. Therefore, the tincture prepared from it requires an additional component.

List of ingredients

Dried reddish bird cherry – 150 g

Strong alcohol – 1 l

Sugar – 100-120 g

Cinnamon (optional) – 1/2 or 3/4 sticks

Cloves (optional) – 5 pcs.

Ginger (optional) – 3-5 g

Preparation method

Pour warm boiled water over the bird cherry and leave for a couple of hours.

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Drain the berries in a small colander, then transfer them to a jar.

Add sugar, chopped cinnamon and other spices as desired. Pour alcohol over it all and close tightly.

Send the container to a dry, warm space for 2 weeks.

The result is carefully strained, bottled, hermetically sealed and sent to the cellar for storage.

Bird cherry tincture with moonshine

The tincture for this recipe resembles its cherry counterpart. It has moderate sweetness and a fairly high strength, which is inherent in this group of drinks.


Dark bird cherry berry – 1.5 l

High-quality moonshine – 2 l

Preparation method

First we need to dry the bird cherry. To do this: lay out clean berries, separated from cuttings and all other debris, on a piece of fabric (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) or newspapers, and dry for about 4-6 days in a dry, warm place (for example, in the attic).

As the bird cherry begins to wrinkle and secrete sticky juice, transfer it to a glass jar, add sweet sand and fill it with moonshine without a strong aroma.

After thorough mixing, we send the container to the black space for 14 days to infuse. In order for the sugar to completely dissolve, the jar needs to be shaken every 2-3 days.

When the tincture is saturated with a catchy color and enriched with the smell of wild berries, it needs to be filtered.

Then we take a sample and, if necessary, add a little sweet syrup.

We bottle the finished drink and keep it in the refrigerator for a couple of days and only then begin tasting.

Cherry tinctures with dried berries

For this recipe, it is important to use only whole black dried berries. And as an alcohol base, double-distilled homemade moonshine or regular vodka are perfect.


Dark dried bird cherry – 150 g

Granulated sugar – 3 tbsp. l.

Preparation method

Pour the berries into a 3-liter jar and fill with prepared alcohol.

Let it sit for 3-4 weeks in a warm place without exposure to daylight.

The finished infusion needs to be filtered, sweet sand added, thoroughly mixed, and then passed through a filter purchased or made from the products on hand.

Pour the bird cherry tincture into glass bottles and leave it in a cool place for 7 days, and then you can start tasting the drink.

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Homemade cherry tincture

Bird cherry has long been known for its beneficial qualities. Drinks based on it enrich the body with useful substances, tone up, lift your spirits and restore strength. If you have a sufficient number of berries, I advise you to create a tincture of vodka (moonshine) with bird cherry at home according to the usual proven recipes.

The most mature bird cherry is suitable for tinctures (liqueurs). It must first be sorted out, removing leaves, stalks, small and spoiled fruits. The larger the berries, the better the drink. Then the berries can be dried, making a tincture later, for example, in the winter (2nd recipe), or you can immediately move on to making drinks from new fruits according to the first and third recipes.

Bird cherry tinctures are made with any alcohol base: vodka, highly purified moonshine, alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees and even wine (preferably fortified). The best option is store-bought vodka of medium quality.

Bird cherry tincture from new berries

The most common recipe. A uniformly sweet, fragrant drink with an appropriate taste comes out.


  • vodka (moonshine) – 0.5 liters;
  • sugar – 100 gr.
  • bird cherry – 400 gr.


1. Place peeled ripe bird cherry into a jar.

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2. Add sugar, close the lid and shake until the berries release juice.

3. Add vodka, mix thoroughly and close the jar with a lid.

4. Infuse in a black, warm place for 15-20 days.

5. Filter the drink through a cotton-gauze filter and pour into bottles. It can be stored in the refrigerator for more than one year.

Dry bird cherry tincture recipe

Thanks to this recipe, you can create a delicious tincture at any time of the year.


  • dried bird cherry berries - 10 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 8 tablespoons;
  • vodka (moonshine) – 1 liter.


1. Add bird cherry and sugar to the jar.

2. Pour in vodka, close the lid tightly and shake vigorously a couple of times.

3. Place the jar in a warm, black space for 10-14 days.

4. Filter the finished homemade tincture through several layers of gauze and cotton wool, pour into bottles and cap tightly.

Cherry liqueur

An ancient recipe that is often used by residents of Siberia.


  • freshest bird cherry berries – 500 g;
  • vodka (moonshine) – 2 liters;
  • sugar – 300 gr.


1. Add bird cherry and sugar to a three-liter jar, pouring them in layers.

2. Fill the contents of the jar to the top with vodka, moonshine or diluted alcohol.

3. Close the jar with a lid and place it in a black space with a temperature of 18-26°C for 30-40 days.

4. Drain the liqueur from the sediment and filter through a filter made of cotton wool and gauze.

5. Pour into bottles (jars), tightly closing the lids.

Bird cherry liqueur can be stored in the basement or refrigerator for 9-12 months.

2 common recipes for bird cherry tincture

In our country, great-great-great-grandmothers began preparing bird cherry tinctures. You can’t eat the berry itself in large quantities, but it’s a pleasure to try different drinks made from it.

  • 1. Traditional recipe for bird cherry tincture
  • 2. Recipe for reddish bird cherry tincture
  • 3. Useful characteristics of the tincture
  • 3. Contraindications
  • 4. Conclusion

In this article we will tell you 2 common recipes for bird cherry tincture. If you have these berries in stock, quickly read the recipe and run to cook! We assure you that the extraordinary taste and pleasant tart smell of the tincture given to us will win the hearts of relatives and everyone who tastes it.

For tincture, select the ripest berries - they release more juice, which has a positive effect on the properties of the tincture.

Traditional recipe for bird cherry tincture


  • dark bird cherry berries – 0.5 kg;
  • alcohol (vodka/alcohol of the highest purity) – 0.5 l;
  • sugar – 150 g.

Manufacturing development:

  1. Wash and peel the berries well. Place in a large glass container.
  2. Add sugar to the jar and close the lid.
  3. Shake well until the berries release juice.
  4. Add alcohol and shake thoroughly again.
  5. Leave the drink to infuse in a warm, dark place for 20 days.
  6. Strain and bottle. You can store it for no more than 1 year in a dark, cool place - a refrigerator or in a cellar.

Recipe for reddish bird cherry tincture


  • reddish bird cherry berries – 0.5 kg;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • alcohol (vodka/alcohol of the highest purity) – 1 l;
  • 5 carnations;
  • half a stick of cinnamon.

Manufacturing development:

  1. Wash and peel the berries well. Place in a large glass container and add warm water to allow the bird cherry to swell.
  2. Add spices and sugar to the jar and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add alcohol, stir, close the lid and leave to infuse for 2-3 weeks.
  4. Strain and bottle. Store the drink for no more than 1 year in a dark, cool place - a refrigerator or in a cellar.
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Useful characteristics of the tincture

Bird cherry contains a huge amount of necessary substances: proper use of the tincture will help:

  • in the fight against viruses and microbes: drink a few drops three times a day;
  • in the treatment (process for alleviating, relieving or eliminating symptoms and diseases) of joint diseases, radiculitis and osteochondrosis: it is necessary to rub into the lumbar region and the affected area two to three times a day;
  • for upset stomach and intestinal tract;
  • for headaches.


The drink can also cause harm. You should not drink the drink:

  • for acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for dilemmas with the gallbladder;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • for dilemmas with the liver and kidneys.

Making a tincture of bird cherry is a completely simple matter. The main thing is to choose good raw materials and approach the matter with brains. Then this drink will turn out to be very tasty and fragrant, which will amuse all your loved ones.

Bird cherry is fragrant. Bird cherry tinctures at home

In our latitudes, bird cherry tincture has been made since ancient times. Bird cherry is slightly similar to cherry, but its smell is subtler, its taste is more tart and sour, and the smell and taste of almonds is very pronounced.

Bird cherry is an unfairly forgotten berry. The British even disgustingly call it “bird-cherry”, “bird cherry” - they say, it is not suitable as food for people, only for swallows and sparrows. We have been making a tincture of bird cherry on moonshine since forever, it’s not a bad thing that the berry itself is tasteless and goes well with alcohol, just like, for example, rowan. Bird cherry is slightly similar to cherry - so if you didn’t have time to alcoholize cherries during the season, all is not lost. But its smell is subtler, its taste is more tart and sour, and the smell and taste of almonds is very pronounced, which is why the uninformed people sometimes call the bird cherry tincture “homemade Amaretto.”

Choosing bird cherry for homemade tincture

To begin with, as usual, the materiel is insignificant. Common bird cherry (aka, by the way, “Bird cherry”) is a common plant for our latitudes; it is found from Moldova to the extreme North, both in wild and cultivated forms. Its dark, small berries, somewhat similar to elderberry, are used occasionally in cooking due to their low sugar content and typical taste. All sorts of simple sweets and compote - that’s the entire range of implementation.

True, we also have another type of berry given to us - reddish, also known as Virginia bird cherry. This is actually a product of selection of bird cherry and cherry, its fruits are sweeter, smell weaker and their color, accordingly, is from red to brown. The tincture of reddish bird cherry with vodka is the sweetest, but not pronounced, and the corresponding “amarette” note is practically not felt in it. Of course, for fruit infusions it is always better to use wild fruits so that there is more flavor. Sweets can be added later, using syrup or fructose. The reddish variety is perfect for liqueurs, which we will talk about in a subsequent article, or for the very rare bird cherry wine.

And another product for tinctures is dried bird cherry. It is sold both in the form of whole berries and in powder form. For homemade alcohol, whole is better - the powder can make the drink very sharp, especially since it contains crushed seeds, the smell of which is absorbed by alcohol more quickly than the smell of pulp.

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